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July 24, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-24

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TUESDAY, JULY .24, 1928.


Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches -c redited to -it or not otherwise
credited ei this paper and the local news
published .herein.
Entered -at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $x.5o; by mail, $175.
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors........George E. Simons
Martin Mol
City Editor. ....LIawrence R. Klein
Feature Editor..............Eleanor Scribner
Miuic and Drama Editor.......tratton Buck
Books Editors...........Kenneth G. Patrick
Kathryn Sayre

great amount of enthusiasm in favor
of the Republican nominee. In this A
situation it is felt that the appointment )IMu ic CAl
of West to a cabinet post will tend to
add strength to the support being ren- "THE I
dered the party's standard bearers,
Hoover and Curtis. It is a known The second an
fact that one of the surest ways to of Henrik Ibsen's
bring about support of a party in the companied by T
city of ,Chicago is through patrdnage. the Clavilux and
Although this might not have been the the Frieze Meni
intention cf the president in appoint- given this evenin
ing West, the selection will undoubt- Hill auditorium.
edly have its effect, which is sure to are uniting mus
favor the Republican party in that one stage for th
y history of the the
city and state. s The production
Aside from the political aspects of success last night
the appointment, the qualifications to Ypsilanti for2
and adaptation of Mr. West for the auditorium there
office to which he is called are above Thomas Wilfred1
reproach. He has been for many years ing the entire pe
keenly interested in nationals affairs. designed the very
He has followed the administration are being used.9
activities of the past six or seven night's production
presidents in. a way that has brought night is probably
him much political instruction. As a ty that Ann Arbo.
lawyer he has the legal qualifications offered for many
which are considered -a great asset in performance of th
view of the growing importance of
this position. He has maturity and THE CIVI
sound judgment, and has on different The Civic Thea
occasions, one being his work as sec- it's initial perforn
rotary of the national Republican cooperating with1
committee, shown his marked ability ony Orchestra in
as an administrator and advisor. Al- Shakespeare's "A
though the end of President Coolidge's a Dream," on Belle
administration, is not far away, the mance marks the
entrance of Roy O. West in his cab- era in the theatr
inet insures the continuation of con- city, and perhaps
structive activity which has been car as a whole. It, is
ried on under the able leadershiip of the completion Of
;Dr. Work. of $200;000 for th
thr !'iv T n f r,

nd Drama
d final performance
"The Vikings," ac-
homas Wilfred and
Earl V. Moore on
orial organ will be
g at 8:15o'clock in
Rockford Players
Ic, light, drama on
e first time in the
was carried off with
t and will be taken
a showing in Pease
tomorrow. Mr.
is personally direct-
rformance, and has
y striking sets that
The standard of last
was high, and to-
rthe last opportuni-
r audiences will be
years tc' witness a.
is nature.
* *
ter of Detroit gave
mance last evening,
the Detroit Symph-
the presentation of
Midsummer Night's
Isle. This perfor-
opening of a new
ical history of the
in that of America
made possible by
a drive for a fund
ie establishment of-

;I I111 11 lII1i1 li11 11 ####11!1 1111#1111 !1,:
Pay Summer Expenses
Have Liberal Surplus Taking
Orders from Housewives
The New Self-wrN
Wringer Mop with eWome
the Broadmendous Labor Say-
Steel Plate ingulisan
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for 50 to 100 wekly-that
means a nice sum Fu: you
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education. This mop ends
stooping, backaches, muscle'
strain and all the worries of
scrubbing. Bans soiled floor.
torn hands - avoids han-
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and It Will Wring Out Dollars
Acbild's tiny fingers can wring this Mop drier than
man's strong hands can wring the common mop.
PRice is low, demand enormous. Ft's the best va-
cation work you can find. Work at Home, in you
Collee Town or Travel. You can take orders
ANYWHERE. Tour the country, if that's your
ideal, making expenses and a big surplus besides.
We supply complete selling outfit-no capital re-
quired, as you simply take orders.
KLEANEZY MOP CO., Dept. 3518, Delphos, 0.
Send me immediately, full details of your plan for
taking orders for KLEANEZY Mops. I want to
make vacation and school °xpenses easily during
coming vacaion.
Address ......... ....


$40 toW5 SIT,
Many of Them
Less Than Cost
Any Suit in the Store

Alex Bochnow
Robert Docke
Howard shout
Margaret Zahn
Isabel -Charles

Night Editors
ray G
t Cla

Martin Mol
George Simons
trence Edelson
Robert O'Brien



Telephone 1.214
Advertising...............Lawrence Walkley
Advertising.......... . ......Jeannette Dale
Accounts............. ... Whitney Manning
Circulation............Bessie V. Egelano
Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky
Janet Logie
TUESDAY, JULY 24; 1928
Night Editor-A. A. BOCHNOWSKI

By special arrangement with the Adler Co. we are able to
offer these unusual values. We must make room for incom
ing fall merchandise,
$8.00 to $10 Trousers' and Knickers . $5.85
$6.50 Linen Knickers . . $3.85
Shirts in green, tan, blue and white
broadcloth . .$1.69
Straw Hats .. 95c
$1.0and 75c Silk Sox . 55c
tRead The Classi fieds

With the passing of Dame Terr
beloved British actress, the final cur
tam yhas descended upon one of th
world's finest actresses. Known t
playgoers the world over, the deat
of the great actress was an occasio
of sadness-and to many it stirred u
pleasant memories of plays in whic
she has starred.
Always as keenly interested in tb
theater as the theater was in he
Dame Ellen had continued to folo'
the affalls of the stage since her r
tirement three years ago at the ag
of 77. She played her last Shak
sperian part as Portia in the tri
scene from "The Merchant of Venice
in 1921, and her last stage part wa
that of the ghost of the kindly mothe
in Walter De La Mare's "Crossing,
three years ago.
Just a few days ago, with the end a:
proaching, Dame Ellen said: "Giv
my love to America, and tell my dea
friends there that I am thinking a
them as I rest here in my quiet Eng
lish countryside. My heart is warn
with the memories of my friend
across the sea."
/ It is safe to say that Dame Elle
may rest assured that she will not b
forgotten by her .friends across th
President Coolidge's' appointment o
Roy 0. West as the successor of Hubert
Work, who resigned his position of sec-
retary of the interior to devote his full
time..to the managing of the Repub.
lican campaign, will be well received
Although there were many conflicting
expressions regarding just who would
receive the interior post, the presi-
dent, in a manner that is decidedly
characteristic of him, came to the de-
cision and, being convinced of , his
rightness in the matter, anounced his
selection of West.
Although Mr. West is a personal
friend of President Coolidge, and has
been for a number of years, his ap-
pointment can not be looked upon on-
tirely as a personal one. Mr. West
comfrands a great deal of respect in
the city of Chicago where he has es.
tablished himself as an able lawyer.
Having devated his time since he was
first admitted to the bar, then only 22
years of..age, in Chicago and Illinois
politics, he has grown to be one of the
powers in Republican politics in Chi-
cago and throughout th state. His
recent selection as chairman of the
Illiniois delegation to the Kansas City
convention is an indication of -the re-
spect that his fellow political workers
have for him.
Just how critical the situation in
Illinois as affecting the Republican
presidential campaign is a matter on
which all of the political leaders can
not agree. With Illinois having lost
its chance to have a Republican nom-
inee from that state in the defeat of
Lowden for the Republican nomina-
tioni and this followed by the removal
from important party committees of
several. prominent Illinois politicians,

-ei C v'iheater under the direction
THE EYES HAVE ITT of Jessie Bonstelle.
Detroit i's the first city in the coun-
Babe Ruth, apparentlyonthepathtry to possess a theater of this na-
to another home run record, made a ture owned and supported by the peo-
estatement of intrs the other day. pe. Through this organization and
Seekng o exlai hispheomenl lunder Miss Bonstelle's direction, it
ability to sock home runs, the Babe will now be possible to presentthe
said: It's probably my eyes. I think best of classical and modern drama
1I can seethe ball coming better than "at reduced prices. It is a step toward
P most people." making the theater a public and muni-I
a That is a simple statement, but it cipal institution rather than a purelyI
is not as simple as it sounds. Babe commercial enterprise, It is to be
Ruth is not a topnotcher merely be- hoped that a chain of such organiza-
cause he has a little better eyesight tions will be established in the larg-
than some of the other players in the er cities across the country.
r majors; no doubt they help consider- But' the idea has greater possibili-
ably. It is the result of using his head ties than this. It seems indeed to
as well as his eyes; the home run forecast that the day i-s approaching
King knows his business, concentrates wihen America will, adopt the Euro-
on it, goes about it quietly, and with pean idea of municipal theaters, sup-
the help of a good pair of eyes, con- ported by taxes, and once this point
tinues to burn up the paths, has been reached, it will be a short
step to the foundation of a national
theater- atWashington. The conse-
I Editorial Comment quent revival of interest and under-.
' ,standing of drama is obvious.
GRADUATES TAKE THE COUNT Detroit is to he congratulated upon
These "modern the step she has taken, and more
Soryoung people score than the city, is Miss Bonstelle en-
a moral victory. titled to ;gratitude for her part in mak-
In high school and in college and ing the Civic Theater a reality. It
at home the young people hear this. was she who conceived and developed
adwascshe whoaconcived and :e"elo'e
advice over and over again: "Don't' the dIream, and it is fitting that her
put off. Get your studies as you theater, the Bonstele Playhouse,
go along." should be the first home of the new
Young folks, pull your coat sleeve -nstitution.
away from your wrist and slip a nice "A Midsummer Night's Dream" will
little laugh into it. be given two more performances, to-
Of the 4,000 students taking exams night and tomorrow evenings.
this week, a large per cent are theIg a o w v s
very ones that have been giving this
advice to you all year. DETRIT THEATERS
Fifteen graduate students were pick- No new productions opened on'the
ed at random and questioned as to city stages this week, the only 'change
how they were taking examinations. being closing of the Lafayette where
Of the fiften, three were working for Pauline Frederick has been playing
a doctor's degree and twelve for 'a "Madame X", for two week's. "The
master's;; four were high school sup- Desert Song" continues at the Cass,
erintendents; three were high school "The Pearl of Great Price" at the
principals and the rest were teachers. IShubert, arid Gene Buck's new show,
Eight 9f them were also parents. "Ringside at the Garrick
Twelve =of these wise folks testified Only one change of Bill has been
that they had slighted studying and announced for next week, when "Sun- I
were now "burning the candle at both ny Days" a musical comedy madelled
ends" by studying late at night and after the French farce, "A Kiss In
drinking coffee during the day to The Taxi" will stop at the Shubert on
keep awake in a desperate attempt to I its way from Chicago to Boston. The
get crammed for exams. show has just finished a four season's
One could here begin a tirade of in- run at the Four Cohan's Theater in
vective aimed at persons who do not Chicago.
practice what they preach, but what's The producers promise that the
the use. Young folks never did attack amusing racy lines of the French
the older, wiser generation seriously. comely have mostly been retained,
They are more tolerant and can get and a. number-of lively jazz tunes by
satisfactiion by merely sipping a nice Jean Schwartz added. A large danc-
little laugh up their sleeves. I ing chorus will be offered to the in-
spection of the connaisseurs of fem-
-Daily Iowan. iine Plhiue
o I pulchritude
Many well knoVin musical comedy
One sure way for both political are featured in the at, among
parties to have made a hit, would them Billy B. Van, Jeanette Mac)on-
have been to, announce the abolition ad, late start of "Yes, Yes Yvette,"
of all detours. Carl Randall of Ziegfield Follies and
-o - --Winter Garden fame; Douglas Leavitt
It is reported that Boy Scouts are aind Jack Sheehan.
campaigning against the smoking of
cigarettes by women. Mothers caught Folir septuagenarians recently ranj
smoking behind the barn are in imme- two miles through the Bois de St.
diate danger. Cloud at Pari' in a race for the an-
nual "Methusalem" cup.
While music is supposed only to o
sooth the savage beast, some of it that Joseph Leiter, Chicago multimillion-
comes over the radio probably acts aire, has published a cook book giv-
as a complete anaesthetic. ing hi's favorite recipes.
0 0
Headline: "Cradle Snatching Ta- A New York jeweler has been
boo." Just a good headline, folks, an- awarded $1,200 damages against the
nouncing the fact that teachers in a Hotel Astor for injuries to his teeth
certain Ohio town can no longer have when he. bit on a nail in a piece o#
latn Rwith c,+Antm deh trrv n.aSa+ M . .


1Yl.IJ, 1YSI'JYJtII1Jt.+ . JJ~:rs% .iJ.1lll.I"lll.IJI.I: A .; ,. . °.,. . . .. ,r°.e ,. °. ,r ,.r.+ . . . r . :.I"l1~,/.r r3 , ,



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