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July 24, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-24

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Fair and moderately cool.


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Dr. Solve Discuss New Tendencies In'
Teaching Of English Classef In
Lecture Today
"Parents are not as interested or in
favor of extra-class activities as they
should be," declared Prof. Joseph
Roemer in his lecture on "Extra-
Class Activities" delivered in the au-
ditorium of the University high school
yesterday afternoon.
"For this reason we cannot give
these things the importance in our
school systems that they should have.'
The faculty members of most institu-
tions are also not in favor of allowing
the students an opportunity for out-
side activities, considering that these
things detract from their regular
school work. Whether this is the case
or not," he went on, "it has become
an accepted fact with most school-
men that these extra-class activities
are a necessary and important part of
our \high school curricula."
Shows Development
Professor Roemer demonstrated the!
way this importance has been brought
about by tracing the history of the
activities from the time of the Greeks.
I-e stated that the history was to be
divided into three periods. The ear-'
liest was the period in which no at-!
tention was paid to student doings
outside of the academic line. This
continued until fairly receit times,
when a distinct attempt was made on
the part of school authorities to do
away with these things, keeping the
student's whole attention on his class
This constituted the second period.
It soon became apparent, however,
that the activities of the students out-
side of regular school hours could not
be centered absolutely on study.
"Then came the third stage, the one
that we are just entering now," the

Shelby B. Schurtz, '14L, of Grand the use of the correct date, August 26,
Rapids, has just published a pamp- 1817, in all seals, diplomas, catalogues
let enti'tled "A Brief in Support of Au- and other literature issixed by the Uni-}
I III J AI1 TALK gust 26, 1817, as the Foundation Date versity or its authority -."
of the University of Michigan." This At present the date 1837 is gaining
has been distributed to members of credence as the date of the founding,
ENt' "'TES FOUR STANDARDS the Board of Regents, members of the and the alumni believe that this is
01" JUD1GMENT USED IN Alumni Committee on University His- ignoring twenty years of Michigan's
SCULPTOR'S ART tory and Traditions, and others at the history.
request of the; Alumni Committee. In supporting the contention that
ELEMENT OF BEAUTY FIRST At the triennial held in Chicago in, the University was founded in 1817,
May, 1928, the following resolution Mr. Schurtz quotes the following from
Dicusses Organized And Controlled was adopted: the Supreme Court decision in Re-
Novement In The Paintings "Resolved, by the alumni of the gents v._Board of Education, 4 Mich.
Of Michaelangelo University of Michigan in convention 213, decided in 1856.-"The first act
assembled, that we protest the use for ithe establishment of the Univer-
"Sculpture is often popularly of any date as purporting to be the sity of Michigan was made and
judged by its power to tell a story, date of the founding of the University adopted by the governors and judges
its accuracy of portraiture, its his- other than the correct date-August of the territory on August 26, 1817,
torical significance, or its success in 26, 1817; and and was entitled 'An act to establish
arousing patriotic, religious, or sen- Resolved, that we do respectfully the catholepistemiad, or University of
timental emotion, but there are also and urgently request the Regents of Michigan.'"
esthetic standards by which primarily the University of Michigan to -requireJ Other items of proof given in the
the true value of sculpture must be --__-- ----- ___-brief are "The First Annual Report of
appraised, declared Prof. W. fR. Agard 1rthe University of" Michigania" of No-
of the University of Wisconsin ex- vember 16, 1818; an act of August 26,
perinmental college in his illustrated 1817, appropriating $181.25 for the an-
lecture on "Standards in Ancient and Tnual salary of the president and vice-
Modern Sculpture yesterday afternoon d d t f 1821 in which
in Natural Scee aditorrsium.anac
cience audorium. $2155 was appropriated for the salary
"a t. _ t _ ,. _. _ .


Royal S. Copeland
United States Senator from New
York and former mayor of Ann Arbor,
who will be the principal speaker at
a dinner and meeting o Washtenaw
county Democrats at the Masonic
temple Friday night.

Fligt Being Made Under The Joint
Auspices f Naval And Com-
merce Repartments
(By Associated Press
Azores, July 23.-The French sea-
plane, La Fregate, (the Frigate-Bird),
arrived here this morning from Brest,
France, completing the first leg of its
trans-Atlantiic flight to New York by
way of the Azores and Bermuda.
With Naval Lieutenant Paulin Paris
in command, the plane\came down on
the, unruffled surface of the harbor
at 7:20 a. m. (2.20 a. m. Eastern
Standard time). It was a bright sunny
morning and there was no wind.
Lieut. Paris and his two compan-
ions, Relief Marrot and Wireless Oper-
ator Cadou, completed the flight of
some 1,600 miles in 15 hours and 15
They alighted beside a French
cruiser carrying a supply of petrol for
the next leg of their flight. They plan
to head for Bermuda, stopping there
to refuel if necessary before continu-
ing to New -York.
Capt. Frank T. Courtney, British
airman who was turned bacl by
bad weather when attempting to fly
to America from Horta, was on the
breakwater when the Frenchmfen arm
I rived.
Lieut. Paris is making his flight un-
der the' joint auspices of the French
naval and commerce depaitments.
May Make Return Flight

The first of these esthetic bases
of judgment is the beauty of the ma-
terial used by the artist and his mas-
tery of it. The medium has its own
validity, is beautiful just as the 'beauty
of velvet forms part of the beauty of
a velvet dress. Partan marble, for
example, the favorite medium of the
Greeks is toned down by the weather

to a glowing color like that of strain-
Maud Okkelberg, pianist, and Phil- e oe.Txueadsnuu p
ip F. LaRowe, organist, will be theedhnyTxtran nsusa-
peal through subtlety of modeling are
soloists in the third Summer Faculty othrelgn s bety of m dg -
concert at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow M in beauty of medi-
night in Hill auditorium. The con-
cert will be complimentary to the Contour Is Second Standard
general public. " 'he second esthetic standard is
Mrs. Okkelberg is a well-known use of line and contour. Certain lines
performer both with orchestra and in 1appeal directly to our emotions in
recital. She is'a member of the piano the same, way that music does-line
faculty of the University School of can somehow be charged with emo-
Music. tion by the sculptor in the same way
Mr. LaRowe is a former member that a composer fills his iaste'rpiece
of the or'n faculty here who is now with feeling. The Greeks are unsur-
located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is passed in linear' design, but beau-
here doing special work during the tiful contours are also found in Chi-
Summer Session. nese and Italian Renaissance sculp-
Tomorrow night's program is as ture, and the work of' Maillol andl
follows: Bernard in France and Paul Manship
Tambourin Rameau-Godowsky in America is distinguished for thin
qagieRame~u-Codowsky uality
Fugue in A Minor Bach "The third standard is effective two-
(Maud Okkelberg) dimensional pattern-intellectual sat-
Preludio(adSar)kkndar(from Suite isfaction resulting from the recogni-
tion of unity together with balance,
n F) Corellim

Adherents Urge Democratic Nominee
To Delay Campaign Until Eight
Weeks Before Election
(By Associated Press)
ALBANY, N. Y., July 23.-Gov. Al-
fred E. Smith is being urged by some
of his political advisers to pack the
punch of his presidential campaign
into the eight weeks preceding the
election. In this way, they figure, he
can best build up to a climax just be-
fore voting early in November.
The Democratic nominee himself
has reched no 'decision as to when
lhe should take to the road, where 'he
should go or how many speeches he
should deliver. He is revolving in his
mind the varieid bits of advice that

of the president for

VIENNA, July 23-Throughout the,
six days of ceremonies in honor of
the noted composer, Franz Schubert,
one of the most dominant notes has
been the expressions of sentiment in
favor of Austria's reunion with Ger-
many, a hope wthich the peace treat-
ies dissipated..
The memory of the great musician
became, sopnewhat secondary in the
face of repeated outbursts in favor
of Germanic affiliation, not only on
the nart of thou~sands of Germans.

1818, 1819, and

lecturer stated. "In this stage it is 'mSymphony from "Saul"
accepted that extra-class activties are aaHandel-Guilmant
to b. rcognzedandcontolld a Sonatina from Cantata "Gottes Zeitt
to be re ognized and controlled as sdialrbseZt"Bc1
mus a isposi eislt die allerbeste Zeit" Bach
muth as is possible." (Philip F. LaRowe)
Outlines Work Completed In the Night Schumann
The remainder of the discussion was The Valley of Chimes . Ravel
taken up with an outline of the work Etude Strawinsky
that has already been done in this Capriccio, op. 28 Iiohnonyi
particular field in high schools and '(Mrs. Okkelberg)
colleges, and a sketch of what the Choral in A Minor Franck
future developments are likely to be. By the Brook Boisdeffre
"The attitude of Pres. Little is dis- Concert Variations Bonnet
tinctly that of the third stage," Pro- (Mr. LaRowe)
fessor Roemer said. "He recognizes-
and encourages all forms of campu4 MeXican
activity that the students participate Police Seek
in, but attempts to keep them controll- Former Labor Head
ed and organiized."1
"Progressive Tendencies in the
Teaching of English" will be the sub- MEXICO CITY, July 23--Luis M11or-
Teacingof nglsh" illbe he ub-ones, .political foe of General Alvaro
ject of a lecture to be given by Dr. on po fesfGneral Alvsry
Obregon who resigned the Ministry
Norma D. Solve at 4:05 P. M. today of Labor at the behest of the Agrarian
in the auditorium of the University element was today the object of a
high school. This will be the first search by the police.
of three lectures this week dealing
with methods teaching in the senior ROCKFO RD PLAY
high school.
BAY WORLD FLIERS A Review, By Robert Ramsey
(By Associated Prow.) The production of Ibsen's Vikings
NEW YORK, July 23.-John Henry in recognition of the centenary of his
Mears, theatrical producer and writer birth, may be taken as a memorial to
and Capt. C. B. D. Collyer, flyer, to- Dame Ellen Terry, so recently dead.
day held the record for a circle of the It is just twenty-five years since Ellen
globe--23 days 15 hours, 21 minutes Terry, together with her famous son
and 3 seconds. They broke the old Gordon Craig, produced the Ibsen
record by 4 days and 23 hours. play in London.
The Vikings may well be ttken as
BASEBALL SCORES the beginning of that marvellous
series of plays of his later period. It
(By Associated Press) is his last attempt to mold his imag-
BAssciateaPressination into the conventional form of
St. Louis1rClevelathe French theater; it is his first at-
Boston 8, New York 3. tempt at psychological drama, and if
Washington 5, Philadelphia 0. the psychology is immature and un-
Detroit and Chicago not scheduled. convincing, still the play forecasts
the grandeur of Hedda Gabler and the
National League Master Builder. There are strong
Pittsburgh 2, Brooklyn '1. traces if the early remanticism which
Only games scheduled. characterizes the first works of the

opposing elements resolving into har-
mony. Bourdelle in France is the
acknowledged modern master of de-

comes from lieutenants, including ' Me )a1 If uonUhSUIarrivalin New York h
i viitig o reidig i Autri , u I upon his arrival in New York he
those who think he should take the visiting or residg Austria, bu thinks a return flight is feasiblehe
f among legions of Austrians who de-thnsarunflgtIfeibee
stump by Labor day at the latest and aogAusgi'so r A trna ional-has been instructed to fly back by
it probably will be a month or more spair of Austrias poor international y of Newfoundland
bfore his sPeych-magIng plans are The most eloquent champion of this The Frenchmen covered the first
disclosed. movement has been Paul Loebe, pres- leg of their flight with clocklike regu-
The governor has told friends, how- (ident of the German reichstagr, who larity. At 1 a. m. today, Greenwich
ever, that he does not intend to make represented the German people and mean time, they were about 370 miles
more than one speech a day and he ! government at the Schubert festivities, from the Azores.
is considering the advisability of not "Two million Viennese today pro- A radio message picked up from the
even doing that. A limited number claimed spontaneously the wish for plane at. that hour read:
of addresses, all to be broadcast by' annexation of Germany," Dr. Loebe "We are at 41 north latitude, 22
radio in strategic centers, is a.pro- declared. "This is a warning to for- }west longitude. We put on speed
gram to which he is giving serious eigners and opponents of reunion who again and are now flying 95 knots.,
thought. must know that if Austria and Ger- Everything continues to, work very
Amany are two" separate stated it is well. The regularity of our prog"
(By Associated Press) due to their opposition. ress is perfect."
PALO ALTO, Calif., July 23.- Re- The flight of La Fregate is more a
suming his conferences with Repub- Iost Geologists Are scientific than a sporting affair. It
lican political leaders of Caliifornia, is the first French effort to crossthe
Herbert'Hoover today had invited Being Sought in Iowa north Atlantic by seaplane and pre-
parations for it have been going on
Hord univesit camps fo luncheon (By Associated Press) -'for more than a year.
ord university campus for luncheoKUK, Iowa July 23.-Conflicting The plane is built to stand rough


"Finally, the fourth standard is
three-dimersional mass and volume-
suggesting movement finely organized
and controlled. #Like a football punt,
this standard requires complete co-
ordination and gives an effect of pow-
er, amplitude, and vigor. Meunier's
"Stevedore" is an example of this.
Michelangelo introduced a restless
transverse rhythm and a dynamic con-
trast more violent and suggestive than
the Greelt and his technique ha's
been followed by Ivan Mestrovic, the
modern Jugo-Slav.



Thomas Wilfred will deliver a I
I lecture in Hill auditorium on
stage lighting, at 10 o'clock. The
public is invited.

and a discussion of the general situa-
tion afterwards.
While Senator Johnson long has
been identified with the so-called
progressive wing of the party and has
stood four-square against some of the
issues which the Republican presi-
dential nominee has supported in the
past, it is said that he and his fol-
lowers are united with the more con-
servative elements in theiir support
of a Californian for the presidency.

reports of the whereabouts and phy-
sical condition of the four geologists
reported lost in Reindeer Lake region
of northern . Saskatchewan, drifted
back to this portion of Iowa today.
While letters, written early this
month by members of the party to
their relatives, indicated they were in
good physical condition and that their
equipment was good, dispatches from
Regina, Saskatchewan, carried news
of an opposite nature.




playwright. Indeed, Ibsen cannot
escape the charge that he sentamen-
talized the Norse Sagas in the same
way that Tennyson ruined the
Arthurian legend.
Ibsen of the later period could never
have resorted to so artificial a heart
wringer as the ultimate, separation of
Hiordis and Sigurd. 1Ior could. he
have so far lost himself as he did "in
the awful asides of Gunnar and
Dagny in the final act. The play it-
self, aside from the cheapness of its
emotional affects has two serious
flaws. There is the unreasonableness
of the action-for who can imagine a
Sigurd weakly surrendering the wom-
an he loves simply because her ad-
vances were not plain te him and the
crudity of his character development.
Having reduced the heroes of the
North to human size, he xorgot to re-

duce the primitive passions which
actuated them, and Hiordis who is ob-
viously patterned on Brynhilde is not
the Norse Goddess of heroic propor-
tions. Ibsen was still uncurious about
the half tones of character, and forl
that reason his figures are drawn with
bold unvarying strokes. Sigurd is al-
ways magnanimous and noble; Gun-
nar, always inefficient; Hiordis " a
woman whose demoniac utterances
are not the words of a woman, but
the furious ravings of a devil. Hiordis
in the play is one who knows nothing
of love; whose actions are not mo-
tivated by any passion for either Gun-
nar or Sigurd. She would as soon have
been embraced by the bear as either
of the heroes. Yet, as Miss Kelly
read the 'part last night, Hiordis ap-
pears as a woman, in whom animal
desire is the dominant passion, it is

true, but a woman of many sided com-
plexity of character. She acted Hedda
Gabler-not Hiordis.
Aside from my inability to agree
with Mis% Kelly's interpretation of the
role, within the interpretation which
she saw, her ating was excellent.
And the whole production one of the
most interesting and valuable I have
seen. The set as designed and exe-
cuted by Thomas -Wilfred demon-
strated the practicability of the Clavi-
lux as a medium for dramatic art.
The fire in the second and third acts
rising and falling with the pulsation
of the drama to a screaming light at
the climax when Dagny revals the be-
trayal of Hiordis was tremendously
effective. In the last scene, when only
those who are distinctly of the earth
mortal,/ are left on the stage, the play
as produced, reached its high point.

weather not only in the sky but on
the surface of the ocean. It is equip-
ped with two 480 horsepower Gnome-
Rhone-Jupiter motors set in tandem
fashion directly atop the big biplane.
All students and the faculty of the
Summer Session are invited to attend
a party which, will be held from 8:30
to 12. o'clock, Friday evening, at Bar
bo,ur Gymnasium. An orchestra has
been engaged to, provid music for
dancing and bridge tables and cards
will be provided for those that do not
care to dance. Refreshments will be
Patron and jpatronesses will be
Dean Edward H. Krause of the Sum-
mer Session and Mrs. Krause, Miss
Beatrice Johnson, advisor of women,
and Miss Ethel McCormick of the
women's physical education depart-
ment. The party is under the aus-
pices of the Women's league.
Word has been received here that
Prof. William H. Hobbs, director of
the University's geological expedition
to Greenland, and his party have ar-
rived at the port of Holtensborg, oa
the west coast, on July 4.

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