_______ ______ ______THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Published every morning except ,Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The. Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to- it or not othe wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $L.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
r Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as evience of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Dairy atAl discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication ifL desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
News Editor.............Robert S. Mansfield
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor...............Marion Mead
Night Editor. ............. LeRoy L. Osborn
Night Editor...........W. Calvin Patte'son
Night Editor..........,Chandler H. Whipple
William T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen
Vivian Boron Marion Meyer
Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson
Dorothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck
Katherine Lardner Nance Solomon
Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
Circulation................Kermit K. Kline
Publication.................Frank Schoenfeld
Myra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland
Night Editor-ROB'T. S. MANSFIELD
Today is Bargain Day. Practically
every Ann Arbor store is offering ex-
ceptional bargains. And that they
really are bargains, in the true mean-
Ing of the word, is evidenced by the
fact that several merchants have re-
ceived notices from manufacturers
and wholesalers from whom they buy
their merchandise to the effect that
special discounts will be allowed the
stores on all goods of certain types
that are sold today.
In some quarters the idea prevails
that these so-called bargain days are
really "unloading" days, days on
which merchants take out old stock
that is unsaleable and attempt to sell
it at "bargains." But in this day of
thriving competition, no merchant can
afford to do this. These men find in
Bargain Day an opportunity to ac-
quaint more people with their stores
merchandise and policies. To sell
these possible new customers any-
thing but the best would defeat the
very object of the day.
Bargain Day was originated in Ann
Arbor with the sole purpose of inter-
esting more people in Ann Arbor
stores, especially those people who
live outside of this city, but who are
in the habit of doing their shopping
here or in other nearby towns.
Keeping away from the stores on
Bargain Day for fear of being fooled
- by unscrupulous merchants is as fool-
ish as stepping on your own feet in a.
race,-but you hurt none but your-
self. Sensible people will do a great
deal of their summer, fall, and wint-
er shopping today.
According to announcements that
were made yesterday, further and
more definite steps have been takenj
by scientists toward the ultimate con-1
trol and cure of cancer, and there=
are now prospects of an actual cure
for cancer being perfected within the1
near future.
Coming, as it does, at a time when
the great majority of the news stories
are concerned with destructive elem-
ents, it is certainly refreshing to hear
that there are some men who, with-
out hope of material reward, are will-
ing to devote their lives to a better
humanity. While the nations are
squabbling over debts and treaties,
an interests within those nations are
eagerly attempting to gain one end
or another for their own private good,
constructive work on the part of al
small group of men, scattered through-I
out the world, breaks through this
cloud of railroad strikes and evolu-
tion trials like a bright sun after1
a rain.1
The people of the world praise men
who are'seeking individual gain, be-
cause they see the actual material
accomplishments. They do not stop
to understand that such men as thesel
scientists give their lives to the studyt
of things that bear no material re--
ward-their only possible reward be-
ing that which comes with the satis-t
faction of a task well done.
(The New York Times)
Newspaper folk will not be inclined
to deny Mr. John Cotton Dana's as-
sertion, made before the American
Library association, that the daily
press is "the greatest and most pot-
ent of all educational influences that
this country enjoys." Yet a doubt
arises when he adds that the output of
bound books is as "a tiny rivulet of
print" in comparison with "the incre-
dibly potent flood" from the newspa-
per press; that a convention of li-
brarians which ignores newspape
'education is attempting to present the
play of "Hamlet" without the Prince.
Clearly, hi analysis is merely
quantitative. In education worthy of
the name quality is of equal import-
ance. It is quite true that, thanks to
the newspapers, the Scopes trial "will
teach 'the man of the street' more
about evolution than he has learned
in the whole 70 years since Darwin
wrote." But if the flood of discussion
is thus "incredibly potent," what Is
to be said of that "tiny rivulet" that
flowed through the pages of "The Or-
igin of Species," and "The Descent of
The educational power of the news-
paper arises from the fact that what
it deals in is news. Very few peo-
ple have curiosity of the intellect,
the faculty{ of becoming absorbed in
the quest of truth for its own in-
trinsic interest. But all minds are el-
ectrified by an actual happening, as
the most unseeing eye is instantly
caught by a body in sudden motion,
Through generations Egyptology was
a byword for dullness; on the stage
a spectacled old man had only tc
mumble the names of cigarettes and
fumble with scarabs and mummy
wrapping to delight the popular sense
of superiority. One day a scholar oi
this ilk discovered the tomb of an un-
known and quite unimportant Egypt-
ian king. Instantly the press of the
world teemed with Egyptology. Sho:
girls took to wearing gowns decorat-
ed with the figure of Tut-ankh-Amen
Quantitatively the educational effec
was "incredibly potent." Never again
in this generation can an Egyptologist
serve as the butt of comedy. But,
barring some sensational discovery
that throws the order of Iepidoptera
into the news, we shall continue to
laugh at the spectacled youth who
chases imaginary insects about the
stage with a butterfly net. In eco-
nomics and politics the newspaper
education strikes more deeply into
the intelligence of the masses. There
a personal interest, a pressing vital
need, is a constant spur to curiosity.
Many a man who scamped his Bryce
and his Mill in college eagerly gleans
the equivalent in his daily paper, as
do workmen and executives of all
sorts. Economists and historians
themselves rely upon the press to
keep them in touch with their subject.
Thomas Jefferson said in a moment
of enthusiasm that If he had to choose
between government without newspa-
pers and newspapers without govern-
ment he would not hesitate. Today
more than ever the daily press is the
fountainhead and the 'safeguard of
republican institutions. But Jeffer-
son founded a university and amply
stocked its library. The scholar, the
researcher, was still Prince.
Eventually the newspapers pass in-
to his domain. They are documets
of prodigious range and detail, inval-
uable to future historians bent upon
understanding our life. Yet within a
few decades the wood pulp on which
they are printed will crumble. But
few files will be intact, and only those
that have been subjected to some pre-
servative treatment. Among these
will be that of The Times, which in
the New York Library is encased page
sue. If the "play" of our life is to
by page in transparent Japanese tis-
remain and not merely the bookish
Prince, a way must be found of print-
ing some few copies of leading papers
in all cities upon durable "rag" pa-
(The Detroit News)
Mrs. Elizabeth MacDonald has start-
ed a course in Boston university the
purpose of which is to teach young
women to become good wives.
"Home making," says Mrs. Mac-
Donald, "must be established on a
basis equally attractive with other
professions from the standpoint of
dignity, of hours of employment, and
of compensation."
The course will attempt to teach its
students how and what to buy and
how to utilize labor saving devices so
that the housewife will have leisure
for--other interests.
Such knowledge and training cer-
tainly art very important, but the
course should also include training in
* SIX -
--SIX -
No, gentle reader, the crumbs have
nothing to do with you today. They
are a strictly private message to a
person who will understand (and that
person is not a bootlegger as you may
have believed).
* * *
Nature Study 147s-Lecture No. 4
The Parrot
We wish to call your attention this
morning, ladies and gentlemen, this
little domestic bird called the parrot.
The H in the lower right hand corner
is not a copyright sign, but is the
initial letter of the word being spok-
en by this phenomenal creature. The
word is probably "home," as the par-
rot is primarily a home loving crea-
But as for the parrot. This bird is
popular in some homes in this coun-
try. We have yet to find one of those
homes, but "they" say there are such.
The parrot is quite talkative, and the
reason for a certain amount of dis-
like for the bird in some homes is that
wives hate competition. Below we re-
print an instantaneous photograph of
a man who has just been playing with
his parrot. You see, his wife went to
the country, and the parrot tried to
cheer him up by talking like her,
and we think the result is a dirty
shame-dont you?
A Klaxon to the Rescue
You _may well picture the woe of
Klaxon when he returned to his lair
and discovered that the fair Lady
Mannering had disappeared.
Where was she? Cautiously Klaxon
sniffed the air, his delicate nostrils
quivering as did Biboo's, the anteater,
when she was hunting in the velde
for-Peewee, the black ant. Klaxon
was trying to get his bearings.
To us, steeped in the luxury of a
luxury mad age, Klaxon would ap-
pear to be getting no where. But not
so. Every breeze, every broken twig
and every footpath in the ground,
were to Klaxon very catalogues. Not
for nothing had been his early train-
ing under Mugwump, the apess.
Suddenly Klaxon's hair bristled. So
that's what it is, mused he to him-
self. Scoflaw, the cannibal king, with
his cunning tribe of scoflaws had been
on the scene.
In an instant Klaxon had made up
his mind. He grasped the nearby
branch and commenced the queerest
flight through the jungle that you
have ever laid eyes on. From branch
to branch swung Klaxon, far above
the head of Zisboom, the elephant,
who looked at him in amazement, you
may be sure.
Soon, he came to the fortress of
Scoflaw. There below him, he could
see the Lady Mannering with the
cruel scoflaws salting her wellin or-
der to render her more palatable to
their taste. Klaxon turned away in
disgust. Even his hardy stomach
was turned, but this terrible thing.
The question was, how was he to
rescue her? He would have to hurry
for already, the wives of Scoflaw
were throwing onions and things into
the big black pot boiling merrily over
the fire. What was he to do?
He thought, and with Klaxon, to
think was to act.
He yelled, "Fire!"
While the astonished natives were
running towards the spot from which
came that mysterious voice, Klaxon
circled and tore into the camp from
the opposite side.
In the twinkling of an eye Klaxon
lifted the surprised Lady Mannering
to his glistening white shoulders,
sped into the jungle.
Safe at last, the immensely grateful
Lady Mannering looked archly up in-
to Klaxon's face.
"Klaxon," she said.
Printed crepes, flat crepes, crepe de chine, Kasha and
flannel, that's the kind of dresses you will find in this
one group which we are offering for Bargain Day.
Fourteen dollars and seventy-five cents is a ridiculously
low price for dresses of this quality.
Just fifty of these fine dresses for Bargain Day. Crepe
de chine flat crepes and printed crepes. All sizes. All
of the fifty taken from our regular stock. No job lots.
Dressy Coats. Coats for sports wear. A collection of coats at $14.75
that is remarkable! You'll find coats of kasha, velour, twill cord, suede.
Beautiful colors of tan, navy, gray and some mixtures. Here's a coat
opportunity that you shouldn't miss. Come in Thursday and see them.
love and sympathy, devotion to others,
patience and forbearance, these like-
wise to be taught the proposed hus-
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