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July 02, 1925 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-07-02

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The Stadium-Court Room

1110 |~1



ration to

be Ifeld AI l

a I

f patients were transfer-
ew hospital, which has
completed, yesterday
e wiard opened was one
children, who up to this
en staying in boarding
portion of the work is
a few small jobs re-
ieoleum is being laid, I
r floors are still being
general clean up workG


Saw'urday, July Fourth


C. Christensen, purchasing
the University, announced
that the hospital will be
opened as soon as all the
has been received and in-
v hospital kitchens are not
I for the small number of
tere. Food is being brought
old hospital.
g work is also being done
w Medical building. Al-
.e building itself is com-
i[ment has to be installed.
pected that the new Nurses'
be' ready for occupancy in
ee weeks. The final clean-
now being done. Windows,
made for this building in the
and Grounds shops.
Auto Deaths
!ported In June
ton, D. C., July 1.- The
t of commerce announces
its of automobile fatalities
received from 77 cities of
pulation or more. Thirty-.
hese cities show more fat-,
he four week period ending
han in the previous four
rer, Lynn, Somerville, and
how no fatalities for the
weeks, while Fort Worth
ill show none for the last
s. New Bedford, with one
1 holds the record for 1925.
cities with an aggregate
of 27 million, 2,093 deaths
rted in the period from Jan-
June 20, 20 per cent of
rring in the last four week
ztion Club
o Meet Tonight
s Educational club will
cond meeting of the sum-
'clock tonight in room 318,
oach Fielding H. Yost, di-
Intercollegiate Athletics,
on "The Objectives of

The fairgrounds at Dayton, Tenn., where the Scopes evolution trial will be held. It wos decided to hold
the trial here when it was seen that the county court room would only accommodate a small percentage of the
anticipated crowds.

With the approaching holi-
day in mind one's interest
turns inevitably to a new
frock that will enhance the
gaiety of the occasion.
These new models combine
attractive styles and superior
fabrics with unusually low


University Of Chicago Makes:
S ervie Professorship Award
At .the one hundred thirty-seventh to obtain special funds in sums of
convocation of the University of Chi- $200,00, the income from which could
cago, held in Hutchinson Court on be applied to the salaries of scholars
June 16, Prof. Albert A. Michelson of high ranks; either already members
was appointed to the first of the fdis- of the faculty of the University of Chi-
tinguished service professorships, es- cago, or men called from other insti-
tablished as a result of the present tutions. This would establish, virt.
$17,500,000 program of development. ually, on a ten-thousand-dollar-a-
In raising the new endowment oi year salary basis, such distinguished
$6,000,000, thr university has sought service professorships, and would con-

fer a special. distinction upon those
appointed, in addition to the.increased
sum. The plan is considered also to be
a recognition of scholarship which
will encourage young men to enter
the teaching profession.
The presentation of this honor to
Professor Michelson, head of the de-
partment of physics and winner of
the Nobel prize, the Copley Medal,
and other distinctions, comes on the
eve of his departure for California
where he will continue his remarkable
investigations of the velocity of light.
Oslo, Norway, July 1.--The Amund-
sen party is eXpected here Sunday.
ARR7 h Perfor ace
Q 'R1,K Eies. - 50c to $2.50
Wed. Mat. 50c to $1.50
9th Big Week Sat. Mat. S c to $2.O
The )iracle Play of America
"Able'sS'A Irish 1Rose"
e" +. You Will Eventually
For This and Ne t Week.



- $39,75


Lovely New
Frocks of Tub





Many new and ,delightful
versions of the daytime frock
make up this interesting
group. Fashioned of, wash
silks and novelty cotton fab-
rics, each frock is individual,
smart and an exceptional
r Vcu +

e T4,v'.~~ -

At the New L aKe mouse ravinon




Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
A large, cool pavilion
with real music and a wonderful flow,


4, .

11. I,

the Summer Daily.

Cross-section of a tooth, showing
Acid Decay at The Danger Line.
You can't scour.
away the acids
in the mouth
which cause decay. You
can neutralize them
safely and effectively-
With Squibb's Dental


W Pen andE-ersbarp are
obtainable in matehd
hM An unqualified gaaranteesk
back of every WF
J' produt



ew l r
,, '
' .


r-room on lst floor, street
entrance, bath adjoining.
for lady employed during
ply 1233 Washtenaw.

[rucking and Deliv-
times weekly be-
Jackson and inter-
Phone 4718.


m, made with

Squibb's Milk of Mag-

-Young and healthy men,
g about 150 lbs. or more as
mors at University Hospital.
o office of House Physician.
- Students desiring profit-
ployment for summer month''
s Clapper Thursday, 10:00 to
m., office Dean of Students.
-A capable male typist to
Dr a half-hour every night.
:o Managing Editor, The
his afternoon.
r Laundry Done. Phone
the Want Ads


At druggists.

Complete Writing Equipment
Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl
Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts.
Durability and dependability are common qualities
of these economical, practical writing companions.
The non-clogging.riled tip, quickreloading, and
complete interchangeability of parts are among the
six new features which make the perfected Eversharpi
. And the Wahl all-metalPen is at par with Ever-
sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in
weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and
beautiful in, design-it is the ideal pen.
Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl .Pen, $5 to $55.
Madeinthe U.S.A.byTHEWAHL COMPANY, Chicag
SCanadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd4Toronto
Manufaaurers of the Wahl Eversharp and the Wahfl l-.MetalFoutain Pen
rheNP FE R F E-C T F D
& TAI/f P1W

Made with Squibbs Milk offagnesia
E. Ri. SQUIBB & SONS, Chemists to the Medical Professom since 1858
Send for free, booklet regarding the $25,000.00 Squibb
Educational Contest. Contest Editor, E. R. Squibb & Sons,
P. O. Box 1132, City Hal Station, New York City.
0 1925

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