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June 24, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-06-24

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morning xceit Monday,
city Summer Session by
trol of Student Publica-

interest in archaeological lore is con- it is the state universities of the mid-I
cerned, to any of the older Eastern dle west and the west that have been
universities, who claim almost a mon- the leaders in finding room for the
opoly on cultural interests. women.
This University is as cultural in
every way, with the possible excep-
tion of culture that is bound to ac-
crue with age and tradition, as are
our sister uniersiti 1's of the Atlantic
coast. And as far as age is concern- ROW'S YOUR
ed, there are few universities in that OLD
section of the country older than Mich- STRAW RAT?
Professor Kelsey has shown the "Fine. How's your mother fixed for
world that this is not a business col-
"Rotten. She drank herself to
lege, but a real cultural university.


sociated Press is exclusively en-
te use for republication of all news
credited to it or not otherwise
this paper and the local news pub-
at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
s second class matter.
ion by carrier, $1.5o; by mail,
Press Building, Maynard Street,
, Michigan.
cations, if signed as evidence of
will be published in The Summer
he discretion of the Editor. Un-
uinunications will receive no con-
Th inturema be oittedi




n if desired1by the writer. the
Daily does not necessarily endorse ' 11TU)ENTS ANDivtAeUATcg
ments expressed in the communmca- 'A(ew NDr TiAmeATE
______________________(New:v York im nes)
EDITORIAL STAFF To supply something like a founda-
Telephone 4925 tion for the ever-fascinating inquiry
into national progress or decline, the
MANAGING EDITOR sociologists may yet find it necessary
NORMAN R. THAL so construct an index of civilization
litor.............Robert S. Mansfieldlt osrc nine fcvhain
tor............Manning Houseworth on the model of the familiar index of
n of the.Editorial Board...........prices. By selecting a sufficiently
......lrederick K. S p arrow, Jr.
ditor...... I.........arion t cad large number of commodities, such as
h l!.dito.........Leslie S. Iennetts
ditor.............Willard B. Crosby wages, rents, pubh health, homicide
ditor..........W. CalvMn Patterson prices, anti-evolution laws, vacation
T. Barbour Marion Me expenditure, church attendance, an-
DuBois Catherine Miller tomobile buying, book consumption,
einstervald Robert E. Minnier radio, symphonic orchestras and polar
e Lardner Kecnneth B;. sith
ehtiner Nance Solomon expeditions, we should be able to at-
E. Lehtiner Marion Welles
Marcuse Mary L. Zang tam at least a rough estimate of
whither we are drifting and approxi-
BIUStNESS STAFF mately how fast. In such an index
Telephone 21214 of civilization the school and college
BUSINESS MANAGER statistics would naturally enter. And
JOHN W. CONLIN unquestionably this one item would
ng................Thomas Olmstead heavily incline the index in the di-
.harles Daugherty ection of optimism.
,o..... ... ..Kernmit K. " Klein4
on................Frank Schoenfeld In the summer of 1900 our colleges
bestowed just a trifle over 14,000 bac-
calaureate degrees. Ten years later
the number of young men and women
EDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1925 to whom commencement orators ad-
dressed words of admI1niion and hope
Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR. had risen to 22,687, or an increase-
during the decade of 55 per cent. In
DOESN'T TALI--HE ACTS 1920 ther were conferred 3d,, 2 de-
rating his former statements grees, an increase of 73 per cent.
Two years later the number was
*rnmeontale eonomv., and mak- I-


, ni
r a

umber of others that directly 47,854. Twenty-five years ago the col-
the way, to more efficient use ;leges sent forth one bachelor of arts,
is finds, President Coolidge science or the professions for every
c fnnouneds teosidentblidgeo5,400 of the population of the United
States.Within the next two decades
ediate reduction in income the ratio had risen to 1 in 4,000 and
more than $300,000,000 on
in 1 to 3,000, respectively. The ratio
Sfurther reduction in the cost was still rising in 1922, though it may
furtherredction inmake cos- be that in the last three years there
nment which will make pos has been a slackening in that fever-
Ps1 further tax lowering. ish rush to the colleges which set in
President's announcement, after the war. The extent of the in-
ith the facts and figures that vasion is still more evident in the total
ght to the attention of the na- figures of colleges attendance. From
positive evidence that at least 110,000, in the yoEar 1f100 it rose to
in government office has done 1000 h er10 trs o
ian goverkmentboffiermsdoned183,000 ten years later, and to 430,000,
ian talk about reforms and approximately, in 1920. In that flood
es he expects to effect. And witas apparent that a certain amount
lidge didn't mtake nearly as of poor college material wvas swept
s .d along. Thus, while college attend-
yrs, ance increased by 85 per cent from
y after Colidge took. ofie, 1910 to 1920, the number of graduates
try hearnthatead tarter rose only 73 per cent. Some of the
the governmental machineryI weaker brothers and sisters fell by
economy" administration, but 4tewyie
the wayside.
7, ra. aan nan4'A k- d

Tamam, Dear Sir:
De profundis clamavi ad te. Last
semester I survived a course in the
Topography and Monuments of ancient
Rome wit hthe grade of A, and last
night I went to the Arc. and saw a
nice representation of the Roman for-
um said to have been taken from the
front of Nero's palace which must
have been snapped from the Basillica
Aemilia. At least it was looking
slightly south of west;, and Nero's
"Golden House" was located on the
Palatine Hill's southern side over-
looking the end of the Circus Max-
imus and without a possible view of
the western end of the Forum.
If there had been a sign at the be-
ginning of the show saying "Educa-
tion Pictures" I would have forgiv-
en them, but this was meant to be ac-
curate. Oh, well-but you will look
into it wont you?
-Peat Bog.
Daily Disserhation
Golf, greater national pastime claims
our undivided attention today. It
was on a balmy June day that we
were setting out to play a mean lit-
tle game when a gent says: "Hey,
how's for taking us along, hey?" an
we says "yes" in a non-committal
tone of voice and he goes along and
we get set and then he says: "Hey,
how do you hold one of these here
clubs anyway, hey?" and we brains
him and they're going to hang us, but
we don't give a damn all of which
brings us to what we was going to say
Golf is a great game. See you to-
morrow as Maetinee would say which
is plagiarism but we don't care any-
way.-And so's your old man.
Olaf the Great's Sleepytime Story
Now that your alarm clocks have
rung and you are ready to go to
sleep, Uncle Olaf will tell you all
a sweet little story about a man.
Just tuck your little tootsies close
and shove cotton in your ears and
were all ready.
Out in the land where men are
men and every dog is a police dog
there lived a little boy named Knute.
His last name was Swelgison, and
that was his papa's name and I guess
his mama's too. In a little shack
which made a sardine can look like
a ball room, he was raised with his
thirty brothers and sisters. He was
he smallest of the little family, being
only six feet three and two thirds in
his unmentionable feet. Well, anyway,
he grew up, which is enough to ex-
pect of any child, and went to the city
to earn his daily bread-
ie lDeveloped a Hobby
Having .a soc klike holeproof (adv.)
he soon entered the pugilistic ring,
but also developed a hobby (now stop
and gaze upon figure 888888) which
rocked him like Gibraltar (not an
adv.) Thus hobby was cracking safes
(see figure 987654321). Once he made
one too many wise cracks and now
he 's cracking "big ones" in a nice
big stone foundry.








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e wer never Con1rWOe Dy any ae-I
nite announcement from the Presi-j
ent that he was going to do thus and
. He didn't make any promises,--
e gave orders, and he saw that those
rders were enforced. And then, out
fan almost unsuspected calm, comes
e official announcement that the peo-
le of the United States have been
wed three hundred million dollars
y the active program of economy
irried on by their President. That
all, except that we heard that
resident Coolidge has issued new and
ren more stringent orders for admin-
trative care in the expenditure of
he money of the people of the nation,
Other presidents have conducted
ars, made peace treaties, proposed
iternational agreements; President
oolidge has done something tangible,
>mething corporeal, something that,
e was not forced into, but chose to
o for the common good of the peo-
le of the nation he is sworn to pro-
st and uphold. Andrew Jackson, -as
'resident, earned a. reputation as a
tisguided and corrupted politician.
'resident Coolidge will probably go
own in history as the nation's great-
st. proponent of economy.
It would be foolish for us to praise
[r. Coolidge; his actions and deeds
re really beyond our amateurish
:ope. But we can, and do, thank him
or having done what the people have
xpected their public officers to do
nce time immemorial,- enforce a
rogram of economy.
The return of Professor Kelsey
'om the Near East, and the announce-
.ent of the discoveries made by the
niversity expedition in that portion
' the globe, deserves more than pass.
g notice. It exhibits to the world
.at this University has more than
passing interest in culture, and that
e are in no way inferior, as far as

It is the sisters who play the more
striking part in this surge to the acad-
emic shades. Between 1900 and 1910
they held their own. During this de-
cade the women students increased
by 66 per cent, as against 65 per cent
for the men. In 1910 they drew down
33 per cent of the total number of
baccalaureate degrees, as against 32
per cent in 1900. But in 1920 the wo-
men graduates were 40 per cent of the
total Still more striking was the rise
in women students. The enrollment
for men in 1922 represented a gain of
125 per cent over 1910; but for the
women the gain was 160 per cent.
Thus, if in our proposed index of
civilzation we include woman's pro-
I gross as a commodity, we strengthen
the argument for optimism. The
whole nation is going to college more
frequently, and women are, relative-
ly, going more frequently than men.
Where do the women go after they
leave college? Presumably into mar-
riage, ito school teaching and into
business. That would be a fair infer-
ence from the fact that while the wo-
Thien college graduates in 1920 consti-
tuted 40 per cent of the total, the
number of women who obtained pro-
fessional degrees in the following year
was a little more than 5,000, as
against 70,000 men. The teachers'
colleges aid normal schools are not
included in the "professional" schools.
It would thus seem that the women
of America come much closer to at-
taining the ideal set forth by the col-
lege presidents, of an education that
prepares for life rather than for a
living. A second assumption that
would seem to be Justified is that the
middle west and the west are send-
ing their daughters to college more
frequently than the east. Our endow-
ed women's colleges in the east could
never have accommodated the in.
crease in women students from 28,000
in 1900 to 160,000 twenty years later.


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Caught in the Act

Moral: Beware o fwise cracks.
Now g'wan do your sleeping in
classes. Uncle Olaf wants to go shoot
pool at the League building.
-Olaf the Great.
* * *
And don't think you're not.
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