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June 24, 1925 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-06-24

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As King's e. Camp Davis Starts Season
With Enrollment Of Over Fifty
Camp Davis, the University camp Among recent improvements at the
for civil engineers opened last week camp are included a comylete kitchen
with an enrollment of over 50 stu- outfit including three buildings and
__ dents. Eight members of the geodesy

PRICE Wili0 m

Duke's Visit Here E | l
Profits Tenants lTC u |mm T
~ '816 ENROLLM



iealth, Geology, Government,
'sics, Subjects of Other
Talks This Week
umbers, a talk ilulustrated by
ictures and a concert by the
f Music, are on the Summer
lecture course- program fora
Vt. 5 o'clock in the Natural
uditorium Prof. R, H. Curtiss
w "Solar Eclipses' in Motion

and surveying department, including
Prof. Clarence T. Johnston, the head
of the department, are instructingI
the students and supervising the
Surveying, which has always been
a required course for civil engineers,
is an elective for the first time this
year and for this reason enrollment
has been considerably depleted, ac-
cording to George M. Bleekman, in-
structor in surveying. Those who are
attending the camp live in steel
shacks ,and enjoy comforts which
compare well with urban accommoda-
tions. Camp Davis is situated on
Douglas Lake, near Cheboygan, and I
has been since its first year, 1874, the
largest camp- of its knid in the coun-

an ice house, electric lights, water un-
der pressure, a completely modern
sanitary system, a large club house,
an up-to-date harbor, two office build-
ings, a work shop and residence for
the keeper. The University maintains
an automobile which is used for trans-
porting students in case of sickness,
injury or any other emergency. To
make the camp completely modern a
radio set was obtained the last year.
The camp supports a paper, the
Black Fly. The officers of the camp
are selected when the students reach
Douglas Lake. Although the camp is
necessarily professional in nature,
swimming, boating and plenty of ex-
ercise make the long trips through
the surrounding country more pleas-,

The School of Music is
g the first of a series of
y night concerts at 8 o'clock
uditorium. Mrs. George B.
cal pianist, will appear,
h Mr. Barre Hill, baritone,
in the music school and
mber of "Tickled to Death."
ogram for the rest of the

John Ludwig Mowinckel, prime min-
ister of Norway, is the personal rep-
resent,tive of the king at the Norse-
American centennial celebration in
St. Paul in June.



uides two excursions and
,res. Thursday afternoon
in F. Wells, director of ex-
will conduct a trip around
is and city. At 5 o'clock
R. Smith of DePauw uni-
11 give an illustrated lec-
Niagara Falls." This will
. the Natural Science audi
will all lectures unless oth-
aounced.- Dr. W. A. Evans,
for of the Chicago Tribune
g on "The Future of the
kith Worker" at 8 o'clock.'
ay at 5 o'clock Prof. T. H.
talk on "The Government
politan Communities," In
ecture room of the Physics
t 8 o'clock Prof. D. L. Rich
: on "The Measurement and
n of Noise, witn Experi--
monstrations.' '
"s excursion to the Ford
.pany, conducted by Mr.
1 end this week's program.
ill start at 8 a. m. and in-
Ford plant at Highland
cheon at the Highland Park
1, and an inspection of the
blic library.


, r
Ne~w Men on School of Education
Faculty Will Address
An assembly of all students In ed-

"Every American man, woman and
child believes in the Red Cross. It

ucation and membefs of the faculty of
the School of Education will be held
at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the au-
ditorium of the University high school.
IDean Allen S, Whitney of the School
of Education will be the principal
speaker on the program, and will
welcome the new students. As has
been the custom in former educational
meetings of this kind, every new pro-
fessor on the education faculty will
be called upon for a short talk.
A large number of prominent men
in the educational field have been se-
sured to teach on the summer faculty
of that school and these men are ex-
pected to have something of interest
to say to students. Among the men
who are teaching educational subjects1
here this summer for the first time;
are Professors Willett, of Illinois,a
Irion, Natt, Schorling of the Univer-N
sity high school and Carr of the Latin]
Tomorrow evening the Men's Edu-
cational club will hold its first meet-
ing of the summer at the Union. This
club has been in the past one of the
strongest organizations in the School
of Educatiozf, the attendance last sum-]
mer at the weekly meetings being
more than 125 each time.
Friday a mixer will be held in thes
gymnasium of the University hight
school for all educational studentsl
and members of the faculty.l

is the one beautiful weak spot in us
all, as we cannot see human suffering
without being moved to action," said
Miss Elba Morse, field representative
of the American Red Cross in a lec-
ture yesterday afternoon in Natural
Science. auditorium. Miss Morse as-
serted that to relieve the suffering
and bring aid to the sufferers is the
aim of the organization.
"President Coolidge has said that
the Red Cross is the. only force which
actually seeks out trouble with rem-
edial efforts," said the speaker. The
Murphysboro disaster in Illinois was
used by Miss Morse as an illustration
of the Red Cross relief work. "There
were two periods to the disaster from.
our standpoint," she said. "One was
the emergency period which lasted
from two days to several weeks, and
the other, the re-habilitation period
which lasts two months or more."
The, Red Cross has an arrangement
with newspapers and the Western Un
ion for immediate notification of any
disaster. Three main stations are at
Washington, D. C., St. Louis, Mo., and
San Francisco, Calif. As soon as a re-
port is sent to any one of these sta-
tions a relief train is sent out. At
2:30 in the afternoon, late in Feb-
ruary, the Murphysboro disaster oc-
curred. By 3 o'clock the first notice
had been received at St. Louis, and a
Red Cross train was sent out.
At the end of 24 hours 15 em-
ergency hispitals had been filled, 400
nurses had responded, and the relief
work was well started. Withib two
days a well established canteen was
placed in the center of the town to
feed the injured, 17 Pullman cars had
been sent down to take care of the
suffers who could not be accommo-
dated at the hospitals, Red Cross tents
had been set up to shelter the home-
less, clothing had been provided, and
transportation accommodations ar-
ranged for those who wanted to leave
the city.
"A better appreciation of what the
Red Cross is doing is necessary to
further their work. The Red Cross
is there to serve but it is also up to
the public to respond at the time of
an emergency," said Miss Morse in3

Many advanced students are enroll-
. ed at the University School of Music
Summer session coming from prac-
tically every state in the Union.
This year special emphasis has been
placed upon the Summer session by
the authorities of the school and com-
prehensive courses in all branches of
music have been provided. A faculty
of distinction has been retained for
l he summer monthsk Theodore Har-
rison, head of the voice department,
has attracted many professional mus-
icians, directors, heads of department
and teachers who are assembled for
special study. A similar situation ex-
ists in the piano, organ, and violin
departments, under Mrs. George B.
Rhead, Palmer Christian, and Anthony
J. Whitmire. Of special interest is
the work in public school music where
two nationally known authorities are
in charge, Joseph E. Maddy, recogniz-
ed throughout the land in the field
of instrumental methods, and Mr. T.,.
P. Gidding, supervisor of music in the
schools of Minneapolis, who is recog
nized as a similar authority in the
field of vocal and piano methods. Ar-
rangements have also been made for
the needs of the regular student who
desire to continue study during the
summer months.
A special feature will be the annual
series of summer concerts by the
School of Music faculty in Hill audi-
torium. The program on Wednes-
day of this week will be given by
Mrs. George ,B. Rhead, pianist, and
Barre Hill, baritone, an especially
talented student of Theodore Harri-
son, who has won considerable dis-
tinction throughout the state. He also
participated in one of the minor roles
in the May Festival where he also at-
tracted great attention. The general
public is invited to attend these con-


The Spanish Duke of Alba, direct
descendant of Christopher Columbus
has ordered two of his enormous es-
tates cut up and sold to 400 tenants
on a deferred payment plan. The move
is a result of democratic spirit he ac-
quired on his recent American visit,
it is said.
Camp Operated Under Auspices of
S. C. A., Starts Fifth Season
of Work,

Graduate School Shows Greatest Gi
Three Professional Schools
Record Losses
Reports on the registration for
Summer session as given out by D
Edward H. Kraus of the Summer s
sion showed an increase of 250 enr
ments in all the schools and colle
yesterday. At the present time 2,
students have registered, which is
increase of 40 over the total. at t
time last year.
t It is expected that at least 300 m
, students will enroll for Summer a
. sion, making a total enrollment
approximately 3,200. Enrollment
last year's Summer session was 3,1
The largest increase over last su
mer's enrollment was shown inrt.
Graduate school, 635 having enroll
in this school at the present tin
which is an increase of 68 over la
year's figures. A gain over last yea
figures was also indicated in the re
istration reports of the literary c
lege, the pharmacy college, and t
educational school.
At the close of the registrati
period yesterday 1,102 had enrolled
the literary college, which is a gal
of 59; 25 had registered in the pharn
acy college, which is an increase
11; and in the educational school, 4
had enrolled, while reports from t
same time last year show an enrol
ment of 382, making a gain of 36
this school.
Losses were recorded in enrollme
figures of the engineering college, th
Medical school, and the Law schoc
Yesterday only 324 had registered
the engineering college, whereas la
year at this time 403 had signed t
for the summer engineering course
Two hundred nineteen had registere
yesterday in the Medical school, whic
is 58 less than last year, and 143 ha
enrolled in the Law school, which -
a loss of 7. At the present time
eight have registered in the Summe
session of the business administratic
school. This is the first time that th
school has offered a summer curricu


Fresh Air camp, operated by the
Student Christian association of the
University of Michigan at Lake Pat-

i is not understood chemic-
the only way in which it
xpressed is in terms of what
was the manner in which
B. Lewis of the Medical
iaracterized this recent de-
t in the field of medicine in!
'e on "Insulin" at the Na-j
nce auditorium last night.
i has been discovered for
e but it has taken a great
determine its principle of
that it can be used in effect
" Professor Lewis explian-
to the failure of certain
function, there sometimes is
uous amount of gulcose in{
It is in such cases that in-
sed. "This subtance can not
he added, "but must be in-
or Lewis explained in detail
is for the lack of informa-
rning insulin long after its
This was due in part to
lty in extracting the neces-
ds from animals while they
functioning enough to be
d while they had no foreign
gton, June 23. - Approxi-
00 civilian rifle clubs affili-
the National Rifle associa-
pen their ranges to the pub-
as a measure of co-oper-
he defense test muster.


London, Eng., June 23.-(By A.P.)-
Col. E. M. House, who wos one of the
first presidential political advisers of
the late President Wilson, denied em-
phatically to the Associated Press to-
day, that he is on any sort of an of-
ficial mission in Europe. He saidhe
was traveling as a private person and
not engaged in political affairs as
has been ;asserted by some European
Colonel House met Premier Sta jey
Baldwin, and Foreign Secretary Au -
tin Chamberlain, at the House of Com-
mons yesterday. Today, the Daily
Mail declared Colonel House, upon his
return to America, would repeat the
result of his interviews in various
European countries to President
Paris, June 23.-Finance Minister
Caillaux declines to confirm or deny
reports from London that negotiations
are under way with a British banking
group for a loan of 20,000,000 to sup-
port French exchange.


. I

Railroads Expect
Increased Traffic


Railroad freight traffic in 1925
probably will pass all previous rec-
ords, according to a report made at
the recent meeting of the American
Railway association at Chicago. Car
loadings for this year are estimated
at 50,494,570 cars, an increase of 682,-
450 cars over the previous record, set
in 1923.
Business for January and February
showed an increase over the same
periods in 1923 and 1924, and it is
expected that there will be heavy
loading in September and October.
By photograhping the stars from
time to time a machine known as the
"Zenith Tube" is said to indicate the
distance the land slips each year.

Notices to appear in this column
must be left in the box at The Daily
office provided for that purpose Ie.
fore 4 o'clock preceding the day of
4:00-Assembly of the students and
faculty of the School of Education,
University high school auditorium.
5 t0--Prof. IR. Curtis lectures on;
"Solar Eclipses in Motion Pictures,"
in Natural Science auditorium.
7:00-Women interested in teaching
profession invited to home of Prof.
Cleo Murtland, 836 Tappan road.
8:00-Mrs. George B. Rhead, pianist,
and Barre Hill, baritone, give con-
cert at Hill auditorium.
2:30-First excursion for Summer ses.
sion students starts from steps of
Univ'ersity Library.
5:00-Prof. E. H. Smith lectures on
Niagara Falls.
7:00-Men's Educational club meets in
the Union.
8:00-Dr. W. A. Evans lectures on,
"The Future of the Public Health

terson, is now well under way and
taking care of about 120 boys during
the first pe'riod, according to informa-
tion given out by H. H. Grafton, busi-
ness manager of the camp.
Forty boys from Ann Arbor and 15
boys from Jackson entered the camp
June 17, while on June 22, 55 young-
sters from the city of Flint filled all
the tents to capacity. Each camping
period is to be 10 days, Mr. Grafton
said, but every five days half of the
boys will return home and another
allotment from other cities will ar-
Egbert Isbell, grad., who has been
interested in S. C. A. work for the
past four years, is to take the place
of Rensis Likert, '26E, as camp su-
perintendent. Leaders of the camp
will be University of Michigan men,
who havd been associated with the S.
C. A. The list of leaders is as fol-
lows: Douglas Whittemore, '27, Lar-
ry Gould, instructor in geology; Alex-
ander Maslow, instructor in mathe-
matics; Joseph A. Barkovitch, '25E;
Elmon L. Vernier, '26; Theodore R.
Hornberger, '27; John S. Congo,
'26E; Frank Bailey, graduate of Mich-
igan and director of the camp in
1923; Hugh Bailey, grad.; Perry Bail-
ey, grad.. JamesaBibbins, '26; Ralpn
Patterson, '26; and Jack Schwartz,
I'25E. The camp doctor will be Dr.
Morris Wild of the Delray hospital,
The camp now has a permanent
dining hall, Mr. Grafton announced.
In previous years it was necessary to
use a large tent for the dining hall,
but a week ago a pavilion, 28 feet
by 42 feet was completed. This pavil-
ion can' accommodate about 150 peo-
ple. A new dock and a new wharf has
also been constructed. Lockwood Ash
company of Jackson has constructed
a new motor for the power boat.
In about two weeks a tag day for
the purpose of raising about $400 from
the summer school students will be
started. With about $1,600 already
raised from the students. of the reg-
ular session, S. C.-A. officials hope
that the total of the two sessions will
reach about $2,000.
Sweden has newly-patented tele-
phone booths with lattice work at the
base to permit circulation of fresh
air inside.
Poetry made in Russia is said to be
unionized under the Soviet regime.



Washington, D. C., June 23.-The
first definite step, looking to a tax
reduction of three hundred million
dollars by the next Congress, was tak-
en today at a conference between
Chairman Green of the House ways
and means committee, and Secretary.
Mellon and Under Secretary Winston,
of the treasury.
Mr. Green and the treasury officials
were understood to have . been in
agreement as to the general principles
of an administration program. The
committee chairman maintained his
opposition to the repeal of the state
taxes, favored by the administration,
but was said to have little other
ground for differences of the propos-
al to lighten the burden'of the peo-
ple, by the cut of about the same pro-
portions as was involved in the last
tax revision.
Baseball Scores
Washington 8, New York 1.
Philadelphia 3, Boston 2.
No other games scheduled.
Chicago 6, Cincinnati 5.
Philadelphia 7, 9, Boston 3, 7.
Brooklyn 8, 5, New York 5, 8.
No other games scheduled.
Torrential rains, the heaviest 'in 30
years, did so much damage to rail-
roads in Peru that fruit or vegetables
could not be shipped to Lima and that
city has had a shortage of these foods.

ersons are employ-
es of South Africa.

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