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August 06, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-08-06

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.. ..
f E

hed every morning except Monday
the University Summer Session by
trd in Control of Student Publica-
Associated Press is exclusively en-{
the use for republication of all news
s credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and the localnews pub-
:d, at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
eas second class matter.
iption by carrier, $ s.5o; by mail,
: Press Building, Maynard Street,
>or, Michigan.
unications, if signed as eviaence of
th, will be published in The Summer
tthe discretion of the Editor. -Jn-
ommunications will receive no con-
n. The signature may be omitted in
on if desired by the writer. The
Daily does not necessarily endorse
iments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 492-
ditor...........Robert S. Mansfield
ditor............Manning Houseworth
s Editor.............Marion Nxead
.ditor..............LeRoy L. Osborn
Editor....,.....W. Calvin Patterson
ditor.........Chandler H. Whipple
T. Barbour George E. Iehtinen
Boron MarionBMeyer
ith Brown Ralph B. Nelson
Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck
ne Lardner Wendall Vreeland
:n Lehtinen
Telephone 21214
on.................Kermit K. Kline
:ion ...............Frank Schoenfeld
Finsterwald Nance Solomon -
urey Thos. E. Sunderland
it Editor-W. C. PATTERSON

The suggestion has been made in
the British parliament that a beer tax
be laid to pay the subsidy which Pre-
mier Baldwin recently promised' to
the coal 'miners. Even the idea is
Most of the beer in every country
-that does not have prohibition-is
consumed by the lower classes, the,
working men. Miners are usually
considered ; as unusually larger con-'
sumers of this commodity. And it
wouldsundoubtedly be the mriners and
their fellow workmen in other indus-
tries who would be paying the miner's
salaries if this tax should be approved.
Of course the tax will not be ap-
proved by parliament, but the mere
fact that it was suggested sufficiently'
points out the fact that Premier Bald-
win's settlement, , which looked all
right at first, is not really allthat
first appearances warranted it to be.
Quite the most unfortunate indivi-
dual this side of New Jersey is the air
mail pilot who was unlucky enough
to draw the Arctic rural free delivery
"Spain gives talk on administra-
tion."-O. 0. D. headline. That great
country has finally begun to speak for
"Golf runs in Chicago family."-O.
0. D. headline. We'll wager the fath-
er of that family would take the "in"
out of that sentence and add an "i"
In "runs."
Auonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
ants will, however, be regarded as
cenfidenrtial uon request.,

Just that-try to be funny. If we
are in a humorous vein, we're a flock
of pet muskalonge or some such con-
founded animal-or was it a fish?
* * *
We have discovered a sleep produ-
cer. No matter how' harrassed your
nerves, no matter how you contem-
plate suicide-no matter if you have
been cruelly wronged -no matter
anything-just try driving a fast car
better than fifty miles an hour for a
hundred miles or so. We personally
guarantee that you will encounter no
difficulty in dropping right off to sleep
when you finish the drive-that is, if
you ever finish it. But that isn't fun-
ny, either.
* * *
This guy Beelzebub, while .he isn't
exactly accurate in filling the col, is
getting to be a pretty bright gent, at
that. How well-how more than apt-
ly he filled our place yesterday. And
that reminds us that Vee '63 has yet
to reply to the stinging challenge is-
sued by Olaf the Great a few days ago.
At least that should be funny.
* * *


L. C. Smith, Underwood, Remington,
Royal, Corona and the Portables



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(The Detroit Free Press)

President Coolidge has announced1
that his administration will strive to
accomplish three objectives during
the coming year,-the solution of the
transportation }problem, the formula-
tion of an agricultural ,polcy, and tax
reduction.. Of the latter, definite in-
formation has already been released,
concerning the former, the President
lias just made.known his ideas.
President Coolidge believes that the
best and only permanent' way in which
the transportation problem can be
settled, and thee railroad rate struc-
ture reorgaitized so as to satisfy agri-
culture, industry and commerce, and
the carriers themselves is by con-
solidation into a few great systems.
He believes that under the present
system, the weakroads become weaker,
and the strong become stronger, and
the country as . whole suffers as a
conseqWence. Surely, under the pres-
ent order, competition, is hardly. a
stimulus to better and more econom-
ical transportation, rather it merely
forces the nation to support lines
that it could well do without, or use as
subsidiary lines, at less expense.
By consolidation, and by keeping
the railroads under strict government
surveillance, to prevent their taking
advantage of the new order of things,
the roads could become specialized
carriers as to certain sections of the
c ountry. Instead of two roads run-
ning between two points, carrying half
loads and giving poor service, there
would be one road carrying all the
commerce between the two points, and
giving the shippers served the best
service possible in relation to the ton-
nage of the region.
A more or less complete govern-
ment control, to prevent the carriers
from taking advantage of this monop-
oly, would, of course, be necessary,
but considering the fact that the roads
are under considerable control now,
exercised thirugh the interstate
Commerce commission, this step would
not involve a great deal.
That our transportation system
needs revising is certain, and this plan
sounds as good as any other, if not
better. Doubtless the President will
not promote such an action until the
advice of experts clearly advises it,
and he no doubt has access to all the
plans of solving our transportation
problem that have been forwarded iii
recent years. He and his aides can
be expected to know the ground thor-
oughly before they take action of any
Mr. Coolidge has done wonders with'
his program of tax reduction. If h
can approach that success in his so-
lution of the transportation p'uzzle,
the nation will be satisfied.
. "More than 22,000,000 sheep annual-
ly supply the materials for cat-gut
used in musical instruments, etc."
We'rel quite positive that all the "Baa"
has not been removed from, many of

The Williamstown institute of poli- l
tics, now in annual session, is hap-r
pily something more-or should one t
have said less?-than a rostrum for
merely academic deliberation. TheI
problems discussed there, while not I
sensationally explosive, dohat mo-
ments kindle passions that seem
quite human. - A stirring little man-<
ifestation along this line occurredt
between Senator Antonio Cippico ofa
Italy and'Professor Edward M. East,1
specialist in plant morphology at Har-.1
vard. ]
Senator Cippico had told an audi-
ence ot 200 scientists, political econ-
omists 'and' statesmen that Italy's
most ominous potential problem ' is
over-population. The Mussolini gov-
ernment, he said, being himself a
supporter of that regime), would like
to avoid the "cruel necessity of war,'"
but to escape that harsh alternative
Italy must be given room for "pacific
expansion." Briefly, Italy must be al-
lowed to send her surplus population
to America or build a larger colonial
empire than she controls at present.
In the course of his lecture Signor
Cippico indignantly rejected the sug-
gestion of birth - rate control. He
branded as infamous the whole Mal-
thus doctrine. He asserted he and his
countrymen are proud of their highly
civilized humanity. They would re-
tuse to listen to "apostles of infanti-
cide," whose preachings he denounced
as contrary to all human dignity.
Dr. East, a lecturer at the institute
on "Agriculture and Population In-
crease," came back at the Italian with
unkind words. While conceding that
Italy may have been tricked out of
adequate territorial acquisitions at
the peace donference, he denied that
new clonies would help a poor na-
tion stricken with a "reproduction
talent."And the Harvard savant em-
phatically declared America-or any
other civilized country-couldn't be
expected to receive the surplus dregs
of Italy's population. The half mil-
lion undesirables that Italy produces
for export each year should, thinks
Dr. East, be altogether eliminated by,
a process of enforced neo-Malthusian-
The proud Italian refused to reply
to Dr. East. It would have meant low-
ering himself to do so,- he said. But
silence, alas, won't help clear up the
problem. Italy's grim dilemma, from
Signor Cippico's ' point of view, lies
Ibetween the cruel necessity of' war
and colonial expansion. We haven't
seen, however, that the vast territory
of Tripoli, so close at hand, has as
much as begun absorbing any of
Italy's population surplus. Is it not
possible for the Mussolini dictatorship
to direct some of the country's swarm-
ing millions toward the Tripolitan
coast before casting about for further
colonial plums?
If Dr. East is right, on the other
hand, Italy's choice would seem to be
between war and Malthus, and when
the Italian: senator shuddered with
horror at birth control he seemed to
close his eyes to the possibility that
the clooded Mnnalthritan renmdv

You May Kiss Our Foot-Heh, Heh.
'amie, m'deah:
Egad, old chappie, have you noticed
how rawther elevated chapeau they
are becoming over in the "Ed" col-
litch? Why, it's .fiabergasting almost'
beyond words or comprehension as
the case may be or what have you.
We respect our worthies, the seniors.
I hope anyway, in our college. And
it is thus in all colleges, save perhaps
the law school. But, ach sapristi, to
think things should evolute to the
present trend. Great day in the after-
noon! Did you see it? Right in the
most wonderful news conveyor of
higher educational institutions. You
see it was similar to the following: I
picked up the alleged G. C. D. and
perused it after my usual fashion,
leapingover attypo here and there and
disregarding the murdered standards
of diction when lo! high and interme-
diate, right on page four of issue 39
my eyes stumbled and precipitated on
the Daily Official Bulletin. Great au-
thor of Ivanhoe! Something seemed
lacking as I read two certain captions
which are the causes of this elongated
promulgation. They were announce-
ments, to be certain, but where were
the glorious costumes, the pages, the
trumpets and the waiting throngs? 1
did not see the emperor's messenger
step forth to read the kingly bull, but
here it was, printed in cold crude
lead, and just as Claude had set it
among a group of ads and other neces-
sary but vulgar newspaper impedi-
ments. What the captions said, tc
make a lengthy narrative brief, wat
ma . . . . etc." Well, anyway, tha
was the essence of it. Why be sc

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From May Edginton'sSatturday Eveoffng Post Story"

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formal for a small matter like that?
But Tamie, I may have been wrong
all the time. I had another thought
'honest I did, Tamie), so I went and
looked up "august," thinking there
might be another meaning. I wat
thinking of the word at meaning mag-
-Aiicent, imposing, etc., ar a it does
meau that, but some of tho synonyms
also were: solemn, venei ble, and
awful. I got to think.ug it over and
wondered in which sense the lady who
p-ut in the notice meant the word.
Which do you suppose, Tamte?
Suidk Knim.
** *
It is veryfortunate that Sudohad
the good grac' to conceal his name,
,or we might feel inclined to kiss him.
When the thoughts won't flow, there
is nothing like a good long contribuA
tion to ease the nerves.
Bright Sayings, etc.
We aren't. given to considering
bright sayings of the children much,
but sometimes they do say bright
things. Not that we've ever heard
them say anything bright, but. we've
heard that they do. That accounts
for the appearance of this department
in the col-but that isn't the best
reason-if you don't know what that
reason is, try guessing-three guesses,
and the first six or eight don't count.
* * *
Deserted- Olaf feels that he must
study some more. Peat Bog has been
cut by a young lady and has commit-
ted suicide. Vee '63 must have been
.withered by Olaf's blast, and if we
were quick enough on our feet we'd
get away from ourselves.
Now laugh, damn it.
may after all be somewhat less grue-
some than the admittedly cruel neces-
siv nf whnleales laughter in war.


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