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August 05, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-08-05

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I treat its dependency accordingly.
Surely France has seen enough of
systems of colonial government to be
able to distinguish the good from the

sion by

or 5tua

ted Press is exclusively en-
:e for republication of all news
lited to it or not othe. wise
paper and the local news pub
the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
cond class matter.
by carrier, $i.so; by mail,
ss Building, Maynard Street,

munications, if signed as evioence of
aith, will be published in The Summer
at the discretion of the Editor. Jn-
communications will receive no con-
ti The signature may be omitted in
tion if desired by the writer. The
er. Daily does not necessarily endorse
ntiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
Editor..........Manning Houseworth
n's Editor..............Marion Mead
Editor.. . ..LeRoy L. Osborn
XEditor.......W. Calvin Patt-con
Editor.........Chandler H1. Whipple
m T. Barbour George M Lehtine,
k Boron Marion Myer
1uth Brown Ralph B.S rNelson
Py urs Miriam Schlotterbeck
rne Lardner Wendall Vreeland
lien Lehtinen
Telephone 2114
tion.. KlKermit K. el
ation ....... ...... . ..Frank Schoenfeld
C. Finsterwads Nancee Solomon
Furey Thos. E. Sunderland
;ht Editor-C. H. WHIPPLE
th the opening of the new Uni-
ty Hospital and of the Couzens
es hdme next week, and with the
letion and equiping of the new
cal building before the end of
non'th, the Medical school defin-
takes a place as one of the fore-
undergraduate schools in the
ry. And with the best equip-
available, and a faculty that is
iwn for its excellence, the Med-
school undoubtedly is one of the
important and most progressive
of the University.
e Medical school has always held
steem of the medical world, some
he nations' foremost physicians
ag received their training at this
tution. The University Hospital
s patients from all over the state
from many points outside the
Probably no similar hospital
ves as high a percentage of un-
I ca'es, the exceptional cases
ug up by far the great majority
e cases treated, since, being lo-
. in a comparatively small town,
>ercentage of local cases is very
and the outside caes being al-
entirely those that are beyond
cope andexperience of the local
rs. And because this is tr-ue,
have been some who have found
is fact a weakness in the Medical
>, a weakness in that the stu-
doctors and nurses, though they
into unusual contact with the
tilonal case, do not get the de-
experience with the more coma
cases,-the type that fill the
a of most city hospitals.
course, this super-abundance of
4tional cases may be a weakness,
rom another standpoint, it is, an
i advantage. The majority of
students serve an internship in
rerage city hospital, where they
sufficient opportunity to work
the average case, and his exper-
with the exceptional case makes
better fitted than the average
nigh there may be minor weak-
s, as there are bound to be in
organization, the Medical
1 is now at a stage where it is
ically as fine an -organization as
be desired.

nce is now faced with the ne-
y of either carrying on a posi-
ampaign in Morocco, or suffer-
disastrous conditions and the
of great massacres," according
emier Painleve. He also declar-,
at the abandonment of Morocco
. end the economic independence
ance and end the great.-prestige
influence of France the world

bad, and it can hardly be believed
that the French statesmen thought
that they could hold the Moroccans in
a wholly inferior position indefinitely.
At any rate, France must realize that
fact now, and it may not be too late
now to .effect a sensible system of
governing that and the other French
Undoubtedly t h e tremendous
French army, if concentrated on
Northern Africa, could easily over-
whelm Abd-el-Krim and all other op-
position. But such a victory could
not be long-lived unless the people
were immediately given a satisfac-
tory government. All peoples desire
self-goverment at least to a certain
extent. England's coloiial success
has been based primarily on her lib-
eral government on the outlying parts
of the empire, and if France expects
to remain a great empire, she must
adopt some such plan of government.
This trouble in Morocco should
bring home to the French people the
fact that might does not make right.
France may have the greatest stand-
ing army in the world, but that does
not prevent her outlying subjects
from having ideas of their own, and
from continuing to hold and believe
in those ideas. A small nation is
laughing at the greatest army in the
world; does not such a people deserve
some consideration?
Yesterdays front page carried the
picture of an ex-crown prince dress-
ed like a king. Where's that chap
who said clothes makes the man?
What a whale of a difference that
little word "ex'' makes; again "Dan-
nie" Webster steamsto the front.
For all we know that Californian
might have use for his radio here-
after, but what's puzzling us is where
is he gong to have his battery re-
Now that the new hospital has been
completed, what are we going. to do
fdr news? We certainly appreciate.
long drawn-out completions.
Aren't we fortunate that the Sum-
mer session is over before those
dreadful football players return for
early practice?
Arponyn oa communizations will be
disregaed. The nanes of commun-
.- nts I, however, be regarded a
ecnidentialuzon requet
If'you are- one of the people who
vi'sualizes a baby Jack Dempsey or
the strong man in the circus when
you think of the physical education
student, you are the very person that
I wish would read this article.
Today I discovered a freshman girl
who had not fully decided what
course of study she wished to pursue.
When. I suggested majoring in phsical
education, this is the answer that I
received: "Well, that's what I'd like
to take, but I was talking with my
instructor the other day, and he said
that I ought to develop my mind and
not turn myself into a mere musclar
machine." I
This is only one example of the
many experiences that occur fre-
quently. It seems only fair to in-
form the faculty and student body of
the University in regard to this course
in order that they may speak intel-
ligently on the subject.
The course gies only three hours
credit, for the practical work, on

which it is necessary to spend about
12 hours a week. Among other sub-
jects the course includes a year of
rhetoric a semester each of chemis-
try, zoology, psychology, sociology,
anatomy, physiology, bacteriology,
kinesiology, applied physiology, and.
several education courses. 'Besides
these this course includes eight hours
of electives the first year, four the
second, .eight the third, and 12 the
last, thus allowing 32 hours 'for the
so-called cultural work in the liter-
I ary college. Surely scuh a curriculum
would have a tendency to affect the
students' brains, (might even develop
them a bit), and it gives them an op-
portunity to secure a fairly broad
Examinations must be passed to'
enter the course. A person must have
at least an average mentality and
be in quite good health. The training
is vigorous and the courses difficult.
The purpose of physical education
is to teach people how to live, what
kind and amount of daily exercise to1
take, and to make them realize how 1

There are some very fine things in
store for the young man who wants
to be "a la mode,' 'this autumn.
Iate fall showings are very nice.
Dark blue serge with the character-
istic recherche pockets will be born
by the young man de la elagance and
also by those whb want something
quiet and refined for general evening
wear. A beautiful piece of the so
popular tweed shetland, so much the
go last season, it seems will be with
us again for the winter. Adois!
Men's underclothings will be not so
evident this season as in the past,
the demand for that sort of thing, as
such things will, having become
slightly parfait. The inimitable plus-
fours, ;however, will be much in evi-
We can scare forbear mentioning
a stunning ensemble we noted the last
morning. It was so very chic, smart!
The young man was naturally dark
complectted, the dark motif being in-
estimable enchanced by a pair of
black pantings, surmounted by a flow-
ing black scarf. A shirt and shoes
with now and then a glimpse of trim
ankles sheathed in red stockings top-
ped off the whole thing. Just a touch
of that new popular shade of rouge,
applied to the cheek (but, Oh, so
lightly!), set the whole thing off.
* *
Once upon a time there lived a man
by -the name of Henry Jones. In the
same town there lived a man by the
name of Tom Jones-.
Although the names were so simil-
ar, I assure you the two men were of
radically different character. Henry
was a man of the town, with all the
name implies.: He was unscrupulous
as the day is long. He would cheat
everyone he could, and look around
for more when he was through. All
]is life was spent getting ahead of
the other fellow.
Flow different a man was Tom!
Tom was just the opposite. He was
always going around trying to find
out how much good he could do some
one else. Everyone loved Tom, good
old Tom, they used to call him. The
little children used to follow old Tom
about the streets, trying to get him to
tell them fairy stories, afid very often
he would oblige them.
Well, one day the men were walk-
ing along together out in the country
Iwhen what should happen but a
lightning storm. Both the men were
struck by a bolt from the blue and
instantly killed.
They walked up to St. Peter,- who
as you may be sure knew all about
Henry Jones and w-hat kind of a
character he was on earth.
He called an archangel over to the
bar and told him to despatch Jones to
Unhappily, the wily Henry hid be-
hind the jury box at this instant and'
left Tom Jnes standing alone, which
not being noticed resulted in the un-
fortunate Tom being consigned to
Moral: It's a long road that gath-
ers no moss.
* * *
Social Note
Cliff's got raided
. * * *
Ode to Summer School
Oh Summer school, dear summer

A little work and a little study
I never knew you were like this ,
And a lot of fun I would not miss.
Four years I spent a-working here
And trying hard to graduate
The profs made up my mind for me
And kept me here to fill my pate.
In winter time I studied hard
And worked like sin for Cs
And now I smoke my pipe and dream
Of golden As and Ba
The thing is this-I was a fool
Foz# earlier shunning summer school.
. -Xpaw.
Only seven days more till examin-
.* * *
Roses are red and violets are blue,
Adios, Farewell, goodbye, toodleWoo!
On the first of August snowflakes
fell for six hours in EL Paso, Texas.
All together boys--.
Moscow, Aug. 4.-Three judges of
Nizhni-Novgorod have been sentenced
to death and 30 others, making up
almost the entire judiciary of the city,
have been sentenced to solitary con-

E4tablished 1904

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It is easy for you to purchase one of our
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Dance at Union Friday Night.,

Dance at Union Friday

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Tuesday aRnd -'Wednesday Only!
DRESSES-Ninety extra fine silk dresses, which have sold up to $49.50,
all to go in our final clearance Tuesday and Wednesday. All the newest
and much wanted shades are to be found in this group as well as charming
black dresses. Splendidly styled garments of typical Jacobson - quality.
Radically reduced to-



E xtra



Flannel ensemble suits and coats for sports
wear are greatly reduced in price during
this final clearance. Remarkable values
that will please you, for the styles are

Flannel dresses, fine printed crepes,
silks and figured chiffon. Dresses that -
sold up to $29.75 are offered now at' $9
Smartly styled dresses in a variety of r
ular shades. This low clearance price
two days only


essed the
ion, Mor-j
is really}


better fitted

are for an

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