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August 05, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-08-05

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1105 F AVORE

Cldim Quarantine
Is Best, Way To
Check Corn Borer
The state-patrolled quarantine of1
the townships in the three eastern
tiers of .Washtenaw county due to the
presence of the corn borer has turn-
ished considerable attention toward
the borer itself. The corn borer is ofj
European origin, according to govern-
ment bulletin, probably having gain-,
ed entrance in the northeastern Unit-

.: ..PRICJ

Airplanes Speed Mails Over Arctic Snows



isolidaLdon Would MIake
e Rates More Fair
To All Roads
'he Associated Press)
t, Mass., Aug. 4. - So-
transportation problem,
olidge believes, would be
itated by voluntary con-
agricultural situation,
mind is linked with the
question and is one of
domestic issues confront-
nistration, he intends to'
advice from the agricul-
ssion before formulating
idations to Congress.
of the President, is that
flieves legislation prob-
ssary for the benefit of
shippers, and the public,
opinion that the main
le is consolidation.
tage gained thereby, as
viewsrit, it would then
Io fix freight rates at a
vould bring a fair return
s entire operation, and
i end to one road's tre-
it while another line,
ier the same tariffs, suf-

ed States and in Ontario in 1909 an<
1910 in broom corn imported fron
Hungary or Italy.
The Department of Agriculture has
issued a bulletin on the Europear
corn borer and its control. The bul-
letin explains the most injurious stage
of the borer as being that of the
young, or caterpillar stage. And the
pest is of prime importance in that
it not only attacks corn but also a
large variety of useful and ornament-
al plants as well as grasses and
weeds. This naturally increases its
destructiveness and adds greatly to
the difficulty of controlling it and re-
stricting its spread.
Among the plants commonly at-
tacked, especially in the New EnglandI
states, are: The aster, barley, beans,
beets, celery, the chrysanthemum,
cotton, the cowpea, the dahlia, glad-
ioli, hops, millet, peppers, potatoes,
rlubarb, sunflower, and the sorghums.
In the corn the most serious injury
caused by the borer is through the
work of the larvae in the ears and
the stalks. The larvae bore into the
stalk, cutting off nutrition from the
ear, and into the ear itself when the.
ear has had time to develop, totally
despoiling it.
The most effective means of con-
trolling* the spread of the European
corn borer seems to be strictly en-
forced federal quarantine. In des-
troying the borer in the infected areas
arsenical poisons have been found in-
efficient. Some of the more effective
methods are: Regulating time of
planting, early crops appearing to
suffer worst; trap crops, early crops
which attract and are remitted to
gather the moths from the overwint-
ering borers and which are destroyed
at the proper time; and plowing un-
der of the infested corn stubble and
weeds in the fall. The only really
effective measures of control involve
the destruction of infested material.

Tells of Ex

- ---------------.'---~--.-.--- - .
A photographer "mushed" 1,500 miles to get this and other pictures showing the government's Alaskan
air mail service in operation. It - was taken at McGrath, on the Kuskokwin river, northern terminal of the
air mail service, from which dog teams carry the letter-pouches into and from the Arctic circle. The planes
cover in a day a distance that requires from three to six weeks by dog team.

rdens" will be the sub-
llustrated lecture given
oday in Natural Science
y Prof. Aubrey Tealdi.
ape design department.
Tealdi is a graduate of
chnical Institute of Liv-
He came to the Univer-
gan in 1909 from O. S.
pany, landscape garden-
go; Due to his efforts,
epartment was organized
lly nothing at all. Pro-
is also director of the
today will be illustrated
f beautiful and pictures-
1 Martha Cook girls
e parlors of Betsy Bar-
tory for tea.
L. Spain lectures on
Phases of Supervision"
um of University High
ubrey Tealdi lectures on
rdens," in Natural Sci-
irvey Fletcher lectures
Sciepce auditorium on
1 Martha Cook alumnae
e parlors of Betsy Bar-
tory for tea.
Leo Sharfman lectures
Present Economic Order
ng?" in Natural Science
ruby's 'Loyalties" will
d by the Class in play
in the auditorium of
ty, N. J., Aug. 4.-The
ge scale negotiations
off at 6:30 o'clock to-

Smith, Johnson, on Program at -An.
nua1 Meeting of Women's and
Men's Clubs
Principle on the program of speak-
'ers at the Educational clubs' annual
banquet, held at 6:30 o'clock last
night at the Union, were Thomas E.
Johnson, superintendent of public in-
struction in Michigan, Charles L.
Spain, deputy superintendent of De-
troit public schools, and Charles Mc-
Kenny, president of the State Normal;
Mr. Johnson discussed the high
spots in the legislative program of the
state, and Dr. Spain, who has been
giving a series of lectures here this
week on supervision spoke last night
on "The Present Tendencies in Ele-
mentary Instruction." .
Ira M. Smith, who recently has as-
sumed his new position as Registrar
of the University, was formally intro-
duced last night at the banquet. Reg-
istrar Smith' chose as his topic of
discussion, the opportune one of "Co-C
Other speakers were L. L. Tyler,.,
superintendent in Muskegon Heights,'
and Miss Lila Reynolds, president of
the Women's Educational club.,

The Summer Michigan Daily.
will suspend publication for the
remainder of the summer with
the issue of Sunday, August 9.
Persons having news items,
want ads, or advertising copy
for publication in this paper are,
requested to see that it reaches
The Daily offices before Satur-
day noon.
Second Lecture on School Supervision
Given By Detroit
Principals of schools should be re-
lieved from the burden of actually ar-
ranging and developing the plans of
administration, according to Dr.
Charles L. Spain, deputy superinten-
dent of the Detroit public schools,
who spoke on the."Adiminstration of
Supervision" at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon in'.theUniversity high
school. In the ideal system of ,ad-,
ministration the principal should have
the full responsibility of carrying out
those plans which the supervisors
have previously developed and per-
To better instruction and to pro-
mote a more scientific attitude in
principals and teachers is an import-
ant objective which may be realized
if supervisors are directly responsible
to superintendents, and work in co-
operation with the principal, he said.
Dr. Spain will conclude his series
of lectures on supervision at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in the University high
school. His subject today will be
"The Practical Phases of Supervis-

Lower Floors Will Accomodate "Out"
Patients Numbering X0,000
Every Year
August 10 is set as the date of the
official opening of the new University
hospital when the "out" patient serv-
ice will be moved from the old build-
ings into the "out" patient service
located on the lower floors of the
building, with 22 examination rooms
on the first floor, and 12 others in the
surgical wing. Eleven of those on the
first floor are devoted to the depart-
ment of internal medicine. Nine of
I the others will be used by the gen-
eral surgical department while three
will be devoted to dentistry.
The new building is capable of ac-
conimodating 12,000 "in" patients and,
50,000 "out" patients each year. Dur-
ing the last month some 35 crippled.
boys have been taken care'of in the'
fifth floor wards, as an emergency
measure. ,R was believed at first that
the hospital would be ready for occu
pation sooner than it was, but owing
to conditions which! have been impos-
sible to foresee there has been a
slight delay. Even after the formal
opening and the establishment of the
patients there will still remain cer-
tain small jobs which will remflain
Displaying models of purely arch-E
itectural iyork, an exhibition in Al-f
umni Memorial hall will remain on,
display until Saturday Aug. 8. Somel
of the notable features are the Booth
Fellowship competition drawings
made in the design classes. Among
the models is one by John E. Dinwid-
die showing a civic center and harbor
approach to San Francisco; one by
Dorothy Eggert.for an American col-
ony; and one by Wing Gee Dhan for
a hospital .at Canton, China. These as,

In the second lectiWe of th
on speech, Dr. Harvey Fletche
on the subject of "Distorted
and Its Interpretation" last
Natural Science auditorium.
Dr. Fletcher exilained that
tion is any change in the air;-
trical waves which makes the r
sound different from ;tlat or
received under mst favorable
tions . Distortion does not 0<
free air, but can be found un
most any other conditions .
occurs in the human ear itsel
the sounds ,are too loud. On th
hand, when the speech sounds
faint some of their characterist
not received because they are
the ear's ability to sense them.
In order to find ,out just wI
effect of distortion might be
tell igibility, a large number
'eriments were performed in t
Telephone Laboratories. 'A ver
plicated telephone circuit w'as
which in its normal state gave
tically perfect production of
thing spoken into its trans
Then, various kinds of distortio
introduced in measured quantit
one end the speaker called off
list of meaningless syllables w
the other end a recorder wrote
what he heard.
A great many interesting
were-discovered during the cou
these tests. It Was found, f
stance, that when only the lo
of the received speech was tan
with, very good interpretations
obtained as the loudness varie
,a range in intensity of 100,000,00
Some of Dr. Fletcher's4
showed that as the loudness w
creased, the consonants began
unintelligible first.
Explainingnthat human speech
use of a range of tones;from
100 waves per second up to
5,000 waves per second, Dr. FI
then described what happens wh
upper and lower parts of this
are cut off.. These experimen'
made possible by the ingenious
called an "electrical wave filt
network of coils and condenser
though cutting off either end
scale effects the intelligibility,
interesting lo note that the ,
suffered more from eliminatirl
higher range than the lower.
instance, cutting off all below
waves per second reduced the k
j gibility 'about 15 percent, whil
ting off all above 1000 reduc
intelligibility by 60 percent.
A practical demonstration of
experiments was given by Dr. r
er through the use of high q
phonograph' reproducing app
the records having been made w
electrical recording system in
inserted various wave filters.
The next lecture by Dr. Fl
will. be delivered on the subject
We Hear" at 8 o'clock tonight i:
ura Science auditorium. ;

Completion of the paving of East
Ann street last week has ;wade possi-
ble the moving in of the furnishings'
for the Nurses' home which has been
ready for occupancy for some time
except for the 'furnishings. Inasmuch
as no one has donated the $70,000
which is necessary to buy new equip-
ment for the home the old equipment
that has been scattered in the various
nurses- homes will be used, although
it is not in keping with the building
itself, which is constructed with all
of the most modern appliances.
It tis expected that 165 nurses will
be moved in by the end of the week,
some being well established already.
Washington, D. ., Aug. 4.-Sale
of the 200 vessels' for scraping was
awarded to Henry Ford today by the
shipping board. His bid was one mil-
lion, seven hundred and six thousand
Mr. Ford's intention, as understood
in shipping board circles, is to con-,
vert a few of the ships to Diesel en-
gine compulsion for use in transport-
ing his own products, and to retain
some of the engines and other equip-
ment of the vessels to be scraped for
us in his manufacturing plants.
Summer students who wish to en-
roll with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments or bring their records up to
date' may do so today from 8 to 12
and from 1:30 until 5 o'clock today
in the office of the Bureau, Room 102
Tappan hall.

Chattan'ooga, Tenn., Aug. 4.- The
battle against the anti-evolution law
dissolved here today into a simple
determination of the constitutional
question involved.
The filing of a petition in the south-
ern division of the eastern district of
Tennessee federal court, seeking a
temporary order against further en-
forcement of the anti-evolution law,
marked the first step. John T.
Scopes was named as plaintiff. '
Another bill already has been
drawn for injunction from Robert T.
Wilson, another tax payer of Rhea
The bill filed by Dr. John R. Neal,
chief of defense counsel for Scopes,
convicted at Dayton of violation of
the statute under attack, named as
defendant Governor Austion Peay. At-
torney General Frank Thompsonand
Solicitor General A. T. Stewart of
Rhea county circuit.
It asks that fhe statute be adjudged
unconstitutional and in violation of
the federal' constitution.
Singapore, Aug. 4. - Traffic cops
here have wings. "Stop" and "Go"
semaphores exteind out from their.
shoulders, thus leaving their hands
free to keep traffic moving.
London, Aug. 4.-An engineer on
the Northeastern railway figures he
has driven his engine 1,460,000 miles
in 40 years. He never has had an ac-

M. R. Bergman and H. B. Gill won well as others are fine conceptions
the doubles finals of the campus ten- and are beautifully developed with
nis tournament by defeating VFern- models and drawings.

andez and Rosales in hard-fought
sets, 9-7, 7-5, and 6-4.
Other matches in the singles have TEUY N0 UC IT USICK U USTI LL G
been delayed by the inclement weath-
er, but J. B. Whitener has advancedDSENATOR
to the finals. Whitener's opponent in I
the semi-finals was S. A. Fernandaz The new catalogue of the College of Washington, D C.,
of the Philippine Islands, whom he Literature, Science, and the Arts, is of 259 votes for Dat
vanquished 6Z2, 6-3. . now ready for distribution at the Reg- Demacritac contestan
Tseng and Goldsmith have yet to istrar's office. This is the 'first time tonight by the Brool
play the other semi-finals match, that the announcement has been com- in the 29 counties th
Tournament officials have not been piled in time for the students of the in the recount by a
able to locate Goldsmith, and the Summer session to obtain copies be- sub-committee of th
match may be forfeited. fore leaving for home. election returns.
__ __ __Containing 372 pages, the catalogue An unofficial calcu
Arica, Chile, Aug. 4.-Gen. John J.I gives detailed descriptions of all the lier in the day disclos
Pershing, president of the Tacna-Ar- courses which will be offered in the mittee had found in
ica Plebescite commission, arrived1 literary college during the school ballots from the cot
here Sunday. year, 1925-26. In most cases the votes than had beenr:
hour, the rnnm numhernd the in- 1ra + , tatomf in+


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