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August 04, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-08-04

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it i




- _ U.


Speech and



bing "How People Talk,"
Fletcher of the Bell Tele-
mny delivered the first of a
re lectures on this and re-
cts yesterday afternoon in
lence auditorium.
scribing the organs of
lungs from which comes
ply, the vocal cords which
currents into vibration,
oat, tongue, lips and teeth
ify these sounds - Dr.
:planed that to. modifica-
undamental tone were due
teristics of the various
ds. Consonants, on the
are the sounds produced
is are started or stopped
r ways.
how the vocal cords were
for the pitch of the fund-
ie, and the upper parts of
assages for the character-
ant and vowel sounds Dr.
monstrated an artificial
instrument developed by
h to those whose larnyx
removed by operation.
through the larynx from
Dr. Fletcher used his lips
;s uniform tone into var-
omplicated are the air
iman speech are shown by
- of oscillograms of com-
These records show that
tion the vowel sounds are
changing their pitch over
nge, while in singing the
eld constant. This Is In
ifference between words
words sung.
mplex air waves carry
power. In fact, if five
talked at once the sound
d would be just enough
n oldinry incandescent
.power of an individual's
ise to about 100 times its
tue. This is why a shout
d to such great distances.
lso quite a variation be-
amount of power ordinar-
o certain vowel sounds;
voices the vowels in the
" "tap," and "talk" are
43, and 37 respectively.
lecture by Dr. Fletcher
vered on "Distorted Speech
terpretation" at 8 o'clock
Natural. Science auditor-
~L.: Spain Iil lecture on
ministration of Supervis-
he aduitorium of the Ui-
[igh school.
al banquet of the Educa
ibs of the School of Ed-
n the Michigan Union.
Harvey Fletcher lectures
*rted Speech and Its Inter-
in Natural Science aut-
;r i

Club Membership
Includes Heads
Of Many Schools
Schools in Michigan towns are well
represented this summer in the Men's
Educational club with 69 of their su-
perintendents and principals includ-
ed in its membership of 172.
Among the school heads coming
from the larger towns are H. R. At-
kinson, principal of the Battle Creel
high school; John E. Erickson, super-
intendent from Houghton; T. J.
Knapp, Highland Park superinten-
dent; O. F. Norwalk, superintendent
of South Junior high school, Flint; L.
F. Meade, principal of the Port Huron
high school; Charles S. Poor, super-
intendent from Traverse City; and L.
W. Huff, sperintendent of Warren dis-
trict five school, Detroit.
More distant areas are represented
fairly well with the membership of
I. R. Appleman, superintendent of
schools from Delca, Idaho; L. V.
Burge, superintendent from Liver-
more, K.; Guy Fox, principal of ele-
mentary schools in Colorado Springs;
C. C. Miller, superintendent from
Winner, S. D.; and Wayne G. Smith,
prinlpal of the Addison Junior high
school Cleveland, Oh.
Muyskens Asserts Study of Language
May be Done in Future by Use
of Natural Sciences"
,"Language study in the past has
been studied through the biological
and metaphysical methods," said Mr.
John Muyskens of the French depart-
ment in a lecture entitled "Speech
Analysis" at 5 o'clock yesterday in
the Natural Science auditorium. "At
present the psychological method of
study is emphasized. And we hope
the natural ;science method will, be
used in the near future."
Mr. Muyskens spoke of the history
of language study from Aristotle
through the various schools down to
the present day, stating some of the
theories for the origin of language.
One was that "God implanted lang-
uage in man so that 'He could talk
with man." Another that "philosoph-
ers developed language through their
study of nature." However that may
be, 'said the speaker, comparative
philology shows that at some time
language has had one common source.
Speaking of the teaching of lang-
uages the speaker explained the dif-
ficulty of such teaching through the
teaching' of grammar, since the at-
tention of the student is forced upon
the endings or other changing parts
of words rather than upon the natural
rythmic accentuations of the words.
"Unless one has learned the rythmic-
al 'muscle movement,' he will be tot-
ally unable to speak eorrectly.
The three eastern tiers of Wash-
tenaw county have been placed in
quarantine because of the corn borer
prevalent there. The pest has been
working very fast during the last

year and doing a good deal of damage
to the corn crops. Federal "scouts"
are at work in the other townships of
the county in search of the borer.
There are men stationed on tle
roads leading out of the quarantine
area to stop all vehicles and to search
them for corn or other likely stuff
carrying the borer. People desiring
to drive through without being stop-
ped may get A card from IAansing to
paste on their windshields.
Phi Delta Kappa, honorary educa-
tional fraternity, is holding its annual
beef steak and watermellon roast Sat-
urday at Whitmore Lake.

Ex-Crown Prince Present At
Potsdam Military Ceremony

Whitney Predicts
Discovery Of New
Element In Future
Los Angeles, Calif., Aug. 3.-There
are probably three more elements to
be discovered, was the prediction
ventured by Dr. Willis R. Whitney, of
the General Electric company, Sche-
nectady, N. Y., in an address before
the American Chemical Society to-
night. Discussing "Matter-Is There
Anything In It?" he said science now
has reached a stage where a physical
picture of the structure of atoms is
more intricate than any eartly model,
and more perfect geometrically than
any known celestial system.
Making new generalizations from
the work of J. J. Thomson and R. A.
Millikan, Dr. Whitney said:
"Matter is at least not merely dry3
and hard, nor yet soft and wet. It
is electronic and celestial, whatever
that may mean, and the most we know'
about it is that it is almost entirely
space. It is as empty as the sky. ItE
is almost as empty as a perfect vac-
uum, although it usually contains a.
lot of energy.
All the elements "from the smallestt
to the largest, the speaker declared,
can be constructed by orderly as-A
semblies of positive and negative
electrons. Of the atom, he said its 7
actual smallness is impossible to real-
ize, but so much seems known of its
dimensions that we must accept it1
and try to apply it.
I . f
Says Office of Supervisor Came Toof
Suddenly to be Properlyl
"School instruction supervisorst
were rus ed on the field too hurried-
ly to properly substitute for the of-1
fice of principal when it suddenly be-
came cluttered with business and1

Operating Department to Com
Functioning Within Ten
"Out-patients" under the care
regular out-patients' clinic o:
University hospital will be ad
into the new University hospita
Monday according to a report
out yesterday by Dr. Harley A.
es, director of the- new Univ
"Within two weeks the entire
ily of patients now being taken
of at the old University hospita
be removed into the new buil
said Dr. Haynes. If present ex
tions are realized the operatli
partment will be installed an
into operation within ten days
The final work on the build
being rapidly completed, a m
difference in the appearance c
interior being very noticable.
of the particularly noteworthy
that have been recently finishe
the painting of the hall floors al
al cleaning of the same, the g
cleaning of all windows and a
part of the rooms, as well as t
talishment of the interns in
elaorate quarters on the third
of the Admisitration uilding c
Orders were received last we
the Buildings and Grounds d
ment that all screens for' the
hospital, which are being mad
tirely in the University constr
shops must be finished by Aug.
an effort to carry out these or
large part of the regular we
crew at the University shops
kept on duty all of Saturday
noon at which time 200 screen
With the admission of patient
Monday comes the practical cc
tion of the hospital which has
under construction for the las
years at a cost of $3,800,000,
supplied with the most mode
hospital equipment.


It seemed like the "good old days" to Potsdam when the monument
to the memory of soldiers of the Potsdam military school was dedicated,
with high officers of the former imperial ,army present in all the glittering
trappings of the monarchy. Frederick Wilhelm, former crown prince, was
present with his medals, as you see.

" LoyaltieS"
TO. Be Given
On Thursday
On Thursday evening the class in
play production will present Gals-
worthy's "I oyalities" in University

Reading Class
Gives Recital
The class in Interpretive Reading,
directed this summer by Prof. W. P.
Sandford of Ohio State university,
gave ia recital last night in University

As one of the characters says: . Hall.

mechanical duties," stated Dr. Charles
L. Spain deputy superintendent of the
Detroit public schools, in his lecture
on "The Philosophy of Supervision"
given at 4 o'clock yesterday at the
University hight school
Powers and functions have been
taken away automatically from the
principal, and 'have not been regulat-
ed yet to secure the most efficient
results, for the supervisors.
In an attempt to improve the pres-
sent methods ofdschooldsupervision
Dr. Spain. has discovered the three
functions he considers most neces-
The first of the supervisor's func-
tions is research work; to seek the
best practices in the system of teach-
ing and spread them about so that all
schools may receive the benefit.
The supervisor should also train
the teacher in service, train her to
adapt herself to the requirements of
the school, and to be able to lead
discussions in facultymeetings.,,
Finally the supervisor should per-
sonally visit the class rooms and
keep informed on the progress be-
ing made, but always keeping in mind
that the principal is still responsi-
ble, and that he should act accord-

"Prejudices, or are they loyalties, I
don't know-criss-cross-we cut each
others throats from the best of mo-j
tives." The theme. of the play might
be expressed in that one quotation.
"Loyalties" is the story of a young
British cavalry officer, who has been'
accused of stealing a large sum of
money from another guest in a coun-l
try house, Ferdinand DeLevfs, a Jew
popular in fashionable society, and
ambitious to obtain n embership in
an exclusive London club. The young+
officer, Captain Dancy, is shielded by
his friends and the Jew, Mr. DeLevis,
is made to feel that he is 'injuring
Dancy's reputation rather than being
himself the injured party. The con-
flict is between Dancy and DeLevis.
DeLevis is sure that he is right,
while Dancy, though suspected by his
friends is given their complete sup-
port. After a public accusation of
Dancy in a London club, the club;
members insist that Dancy take ac-
tion in the court against DeLevis for;
slander. Dancy is reluctant to do so,
but seeing no way out of it places the
case in the hands of old Jacob Twis-
den, a solicitor of the old school.
Twisden, towards the close of the
trial, gets information which shows
clearly that Dancy is guilty, and his
loyalty to his profession must be put
ahead of loyalty to his friend .or
client. How Dancy sacrifices the loy-
alty which he feels he has no right in
asking, the avowed loyalty of his wife
towards him,, to his own loyalty to
himself comes in the climax of the
The play illustrates the thesis that

The program was divided into three
groups. The first group, of which
Ora Boville was the chairman, in-
cluded the readings of "The Congo" '
(Lindsay) by Mary Hall, "The High-
wayman" (Noyes) by Dorothy Kehoe,
"Ballad of Francois Villon" (Anony-
mous) by Raymond Chapman, andi
"Carcassonne"' (Nadaud) by Con-
stance Gaskin.
In the second group, of which the
chairman was Leroy Jones, readings
of "The Bachante to Her Babe" (Tiet-:
jens) by Mary Crowe, "The Man with
the Hoe" (Markham) by Gladys Daw-
son, a scene from "Rip van Winkle"'
(Irving) by Evria Tefft, and the "Sor-
rows of'a Summer Guest" (Leacock)
by I4ouis Shackson, were rendered.
The last group consisted of "Bal-
lade of Dave Lilly" (Kilmer) by Gay-
lord Wilson, "Patterns" (Amy Low-
ell) by Louise Tuers, "The Imaginery
Invalid" (Jerome) by Mrs. Jessie
Myers, and "The Bell Buoy" (Kip-
ling) by Leo Huff Maradia Clark was
chairman of this group.
ern social life, where loyalties must
conflict, the smaller, the weaker loy-
alty inevitably gives away to the'
larger, more compelling loyalty. The
play has no hero; our sympathies are
first with DeLevis, then with Dancy.
Both are ruined in the warring of the
loyalties involved.
Berlin, Aug. 3.-Priority in the can-
cer discoveries of Dr. William Gye
and Dr. 3. E. Bernard, the English
physicians, is claimed by Prof. Frank


Boulogne, France, Aug. 3.-
water has compelled Miss G
Ederie, the American swimi
postpone her attempt to swi
English channel.
Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 3.-Sig
ployes of -the color shop at th
works of the Pacific Mills str
day in projest against a 10 p
wage reduction.
Camp Devens, Mass., Aug. 3
Coolidge, son of President Cc
yesterday was made acting c
of his squad, the second in C
C, 3rd battalion.
Melbourne, Aug. 3.-Admira
Coontz, commander of the
States fleet, held a farewell re
to the residents of Melbourne
Langsford, Pa., Aug. 3.-Eig
dred men employed at the Gri
liery of the Lehigh Coal and
tion company, struck Saturda
Berlin, Aug. 3.-For the fir
in hundreds of years stude
Heidelberg have been arres

Wire Flas

The main object of all schools
should be to place the principal in a
position where he may permanently
retain his responsibility over 'instruc-



Spain lectures on
es of Supervision"
of University High
y Tealdi lectures on
.s," in Natural Sci-
r Fletcher lectures.
ence auditorium on

Graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents in the Men's and Women's Edu-
cational clubs will attend their annual
banquet at 6:30 o'clock tonight in the
main dining room of the Union. The
banquet is given every year to con-
clude the summer program.
Prof. George, E. Meyers of the
School of Education will act as toast-
master. On the program of speeches,
arranged particularly to suit the oc-
casion, will be a talk by Miss Lila

St. Lour
New Yor


Botoga, Colombia, Aug. 3.-
dent Gomez of Venezula, last

of the'

old dictators, is freeing many politic-I


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