Published every morning except Monday
during the University Suimmer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
made into a laboratory for those jour-
nalism students who are really in
earnest about following it as a profes-y
sion, and it appears that if the prop-
er organization were effected, both
the journalism department and the1
bureau would benefit thereby. If plac-
"These 'Bobbed Hosies' I hear them
talking about must have been invent-
ed by the 'Save The Silk association.'
If that's the case, I'm going to join
them to help forward the good
* * *
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not other wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
intered at ' the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as evince of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed, communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessaray endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
News Editor.............Robert S. Mansfield
City Editor...........Manning llouseworti.
Women's Editor...............Marion Mead
Night Editor............LeRoy L. Osborn
Night Editor.. ......W. Calvin l'atte-on
Night Editor...........Chandler H. Whipple
William T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen
Vivian Boron Marion Meyer
Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson
Dorothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck
Katherine Lardner Nance Solomon
Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
Circulation................Kermit K. Kline
Publication................rank Schoen feld
Dfyra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland
ed under the charge of an experienced
full-time journalist, an organization
that would train students in actual
journalism could doubtless be effect-
ed, and the news bureau could be
built into a service of real value to
the newspapers of the state and to
the University.
It is very apparent that. the Uni-
versity is not making as complete use
of the availbale facilities as could be
be made under some new system,-
both the journalism department and
the news bureau need strengthening.
By a combination, both can be help-
ed. There is nothing to be lost, and
a great deal to be gained. It is surely
worth a year's trial.
We wonder if the faculty is aware
of the demoralizing effect their vaca-
tion advertising has upon we poor,
struggling summer school students.
It seems as though even Ann Ar-
bor is making a bid for the limeligit,
creating its own news in regard to
scandal, graft, and water supply.
Mr. Bryan seems to think that that
stuff about Jonah and the Whale is no
fish story. Well, we have our own
Daily Dissertation IW
Today's Topic: Iove thy neighbor.
Personally we think that we have
picked altogether too sermon-like a
topic, but, having picked it, we shall
do our devoir to the best of our mean
ability (we mean that 'mean' in the
archaic sense).
Neighbors to us have always form-
ed aapart of that category which in- cu
cludes relatives other than those of
the immediate family. They are given
to having cats or children,. either of -
which are capable of raising a welk-
in-rending sound at night, and to
borrowing automobile tools with
which to fix their fiiv. They also bor-
row lawnmowers and eggs and sim-
ilar hardware, but the principle of
returning borrowed goods is simply
unknown among neighbors. It is thus
that we have always regarded neigh-
It could not have been longer ago
than three days when we were read-
ing in our Bible, and found the dope
about loving thy neighbor. We cast
about us for a neighbor, but found
that the only residence flanking us
was vacant. We despaired.
Imagine our joy, then, when we dis-
covered day before yesterday that we
had a new neighbor. We watched the
moving-in process with interest, and
wondered just how well we could
learn to love that neighbor. That
! night we were sitting on the front
porch pondering on the best time to
go over and get acquainted when be-
hind us, or rather from one side same
a sweet and clear voice.
Turning we saw the most amazing-
ly appealing bit of the opposite sex
which has greeted our eyes in some
time. We sighed our approval audi-
,"I am your new neighbor," says she
winningly, "and I just came over to
ask where the best grocery store in
the vicinity was."
We spoke of grocery stores for per-
haps an hour, and then the moon
came up.
"Isn't the moon lovely tonight?"
says she leaning her head on our!
We looked at the Bible, and swore
under our breath to do our stuff ac-
cordingly. Say, boy, try it some time
Night Editor-C. H. WHIPPLE
With the resumption of school in
the fall, there will be several prob-
lems in regard to journalism before
the administrative officers of the Un-
iversity. And since there are prob-
lems of vital importance, journalism
being the gateway to public opinion
it is well to take these problems un-
der consideration now.
Problems of journalism, as they
come directly under the control of the
University, center around the journ-
alism department. The functions of
this department should be twofold: it
should train students in the admin-
istrative duties connected with news-
papers, in order that they may some
day raise the standards of the press-
which standards the press itself is only
too willing to admit should be raised;
and it should give students training
in the fundamentals of newspaper ed-
iting and composition in order that
they may reach positions where they
may be able to exert a beneficial in-
fluence. In order to fulfill these two
functions, it is practically necessary
that the department have access to a
laboratory, and experimental field
where the students may get practical
During the past year, the Michigan
Journalist was established in an effort
to fulfill that need for a laboratory.
But, despite enthusiastic reports from
persons connected with it, that pub-
lication aid little toward accomplish,
ing the purpose for which it was
founded. Made up almost entirely of
editorials and feature stories, which
were contributed, for the most part,
by the students in two of the journ-
alism courses, the Journalist offer-
ed no opportunity for handling the
most important type of news, timely,
or "spot" news. And the circum-
stances under which it was published
gave the students no experience in
the mechanical side of newspaper
work. Considered as a whole, it
seems as though the only actual re-
sult that the Journalist had was to
create a feeling of antagonism toward
the journalism department.
There is still -another journalistic
organization under the control of the
University-the Michigan News bur-
eau, a bureau devoted to sending out
news stories concerning the Univer-
sity, and which is, essentially, the
University's advertising agency. Dur-
ing the past year, that bureau was
conducted entirely by one man, who
wrote and sent out a weekly n'*
letter to the smaller papers through-
out the state. The value of a week-
ly service is doubtful; it can be used
only by weekly papers, and news, or
even feature stories, can hardly be
published after a two-week interim.
That the service nas been inadequate
is certain. But disregarding this, the
University and her students had no
possible opportunity to benefit by it
other than through its mere advertis-
Ing value.
There seems to be no great reason
why this news bureau could not be
(Ohio State Lantern)
Ohio State should give a degree
caled Bachelor of Culture.
For this degree it should establish
a Coliege of Cultural Education, with
a dean but no faculty. This college,
you see, is to be parasitic on the
When the university bulletin comes
out, it should say about this new
college: "Fixed requirements: None.
For all information see the dean. Stu-
dents will be allowed to browse
around in all the departments of the
university, taking any course it shall
be their fancy to elect."
The dean of this new college should
have all the qualifications of a college
president. He should be able to fer-
ret out students' inclinations.
On entering as a freshman, the stu-
dent in this college inquires of his
dean and his comrades those courses
he desires to take. He takes them.
The- advice of the dean waits to be
given but does not necessarily need
be followed.
If the student makes anything of
balance of his curricula, it should be
of his own volition. If he makes a
success of his four years in college,
it will be because he is qualified tc
be successful.
In those courses commonly called
hard will be only those students with
ability and desire to learn. In "pipe''
courses will be many students, to
whom "pipe" professors can be given.
"Come and take what you want and
take as long as you want" would be
the motto hanging on the dean's wall.
There's one trouble with this: They
would have to eliminate some of the
other colleges for lack of students,
which would never, never do.
(The Detroit Free Press)
A certain natural reluctance to see
the commonwealth of Australia come
to the United States in order to float
a loan is tempered somewhat in Great
Britain by the knowledge that the
dominion has turned in this direction
only after finding that money was not
available in London. In a way, this
may be poor comfort because it em-
phasizes the transfer of the financial
sceptre from the islands to America.
But it does convey a reassurance re-
garding the loyalty of the antipodes,
and so it ought to be measureably
It is quite certain, too, that London
would much rather see Australia
come to' this country for funds than
go anywhere else-assuming that a
loan could be floated elsewhere, which
is rather doubtful.
There is no danger that the United
States ever will try to wean a Brit-
ish dominion away from its allegi-
ance. The relationship between this
country and Canada is a guarantee of
that; nor is here the slightest danger
that the United States will ever at-
tempt to exploit any financial obliga-
tion a British dominion may incur.
Any loan arrangements made be-
tween Australia and American finan-
cial houses will be "strictly business,"
and that will be the beginning and
end of the matter, except that the
United States is deeply interested in
the prosperity of the British empire,
and all its component parts.
j More or Less Scholarly
There is a Totta hot air bein' let
loose as to whether Wm. Shakespeare
really wrote his own vaudeville acts
or had Will Rogers do it. I'll say
right here that I'm not the kind of
a guy which knocks a man behind his
back or when he is pushing up dais-
ies, but goldarnit, it yoost irritates
me Irish temper to see somebody get
credit for which they ain't done. It's
a long story, having been handed
down from generation to generation,
but it aughta clear up this fuss.
Now this here hombre, Shakes-
peare,'when he is a young blood, has
a kinda crush on one of my female
ancestors and it looks for a while
like they is gonna be wedding bells
and I'm gonna be an antecedent or
descendant from one of the greatest
showmen that ever booked the Keith
circuit, bar none.
Well, as I say, Bill was kinda bash-
ful and just couldn't think of the
right way how to propose, and there
being no correspondence schools,
couldn't get any info on the subject.
Besides, proposin' in that time, and
mebbe no, I don't know, bein' single
(adv.) was one of the grate things a
girl looked forward to on account of
the large amount of bull and mush
which hadda be pulled at the time
the crime was committeed. Well, any-
how, Bill takes a shot of
and asks his lady-love to take a walk
with him that evening. Bill steers
her to the park, and they sit on the
bench for ten or thirty minutes. That
being before Volstead, the moon was-
n't out, so they hadda sit in the dark.
Finally Bill is on his knees saying the
fatal words and handing out a line
when some boob in a Fierce Sparrow
Twelve speeds down the driveway
and shoots his spotlight on the pair.
My ancestor jumps up, turns around
and pipes up: "Out, 'damned spot,
out, I say!"
Now I'll leave it to anybody if Bill
wrote "Macbeth" all by himself.
* * * -Vee,t8O3.
Clarence Darrow apologized. Oh,
well, he got his say in, anyhow.