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July 23, 1925 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-23

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OL. XVI. No. 29



Requires Creation of Commission and,
Fixing of Responsibility
For Bloodshed
(By The Associated Press)
Washington D. C., July 22.-Defi-
nite proposals for settlement of pend-
ing questions growing out of the re-
cent anti-foreign outbreak in China
are expected to-be transmitted to the,
Chinese provisional government by
the Pekin diplomats in the near fu-"
ture. The basis of the proposals has
been worked out in numerous diplo-
matic exchanges at the various cap-
tols and the powerstare now virtual-
ly in accord although certain aspects
remain to be cleared up.
While details are lacking, it now
seems certain that the settlement for-
mula to be presented by the Pekin
diplomats will embrace two distinctive
elements. They are: Convocation of1
the Chinese customs revision confer-I
ence with a minimum of delay and;
creation of a commission to inquiret
into extra territorial matters at a date
to be fixed.
Reference of the question of re-1
sponsibility for blood-shed in the re--
cent Shanghai disturbance to a Judi-
c0al inquiry with the Chinese govern-
ment participating and all govern-
ments bound to abide by the find-
Coaching School
To End August 1
The University coaching school willt
finish its six weeks summer courset
on August 1. Over a undred coaches1
entered the school this summer,t
which is more than in past years, de-1
spite the fact that coaching schools
were much more numerous this year.
Its students were drawn from 25
states, which"is a significant fact in
its value, since football tactics of the
different sections of the country
were represented by ,coaches here,
thus enabling an exchange of valuable
Wire Flashes
Warsaw, July 22.-Foreign Minister
Tchitchern of Russia has accepted
the Polish government's proposal for'
a mixed commission to investigate
recent clashes between Russian 'and
Polish patrols along the border of
the two countries.
Berlin, July 22. - Fertilized trout
eggs, matches, barbed wire, linoleum,
fabrics, tobacco and telegraph poles
now are included in -the variegated
catalog of commodities that Germany;
is supplying her creditors under the
Dawes plan.
Honolulu, July 22.-Judge Walins
in the United States District court
yesterday dismissed the petition for
a writ of habeas corpus filed on be-
half of Paul Crouch ,convicted by

court marshal of Communists activ-
Lisbon, July 22.-Premier Antonio
da Silva presented his resignation
again yesterday and President Gaza
accepted it.
5:00-Prof. P. E. James lectures on
"Geographic Observations-in Trini-
dad," in Natural Science auditor-
8:00-Dr. Guy Kiefer lectures on
"How to Keep Well," in Natural
Science auditorium.
5:00-Prof. A. E. Boak lectures on
"The University of Michigan Arche-
- - - - -ti ; Z 'f-l' V

Members Of Varsity Football
Squad Hold Variety Of Jobs
Members of the 1925 football squad tending summer' school at present,
went out and looked up the hardest but expects to mix cement when it's
jobs they could find for the summer. over.
A canvass shows that possible Var- Jim Miller, fullback, and two others
sity men are farmers, street pavers, admit they are working in a bank,
concrete mixers, lumberjacks, ditch but protest that they get a good work-
diggers, roustabouts, sailors, truck out after hours. Ben Friedman, back,
drivers and structural steel workers is getting in condition in a Wisconsin
for the summer. camp.
A surprising number, five, are work- Sid Dewey is steering a freighter
ing at the job Red Grange made fam- around the Great Lakes, McIntyre
ous.. Seven are in boys' camps or is "bolting up" in the Detroit ship
city recreational work. Captain "Bob" yards, and Cowell is cutting lumber
Brown is helping to run the summer for the freighter in a northern camp.
camp of Coach Matt Mann of the Charlie Johnson, star freshman line-
swimming team. Weber of the fresh- man, is getting the material for thel
man team last fall, who is hauling bolts out of an Ironwood iron mine.
ice in Mt. Clemens, is not copying Victor Domhoff and Carl Stammanl
Red Grange, for -he has had the job are doing recreational work in De-
four years. troit, Puckelwartz is washing win-
Bill Flora, Varsity end, and Bennie dows, and Power is hauling beef in
Oosterbaan of the freshman team are the Chicago stockyards. Some men
life guards in Muskegon. Another are filling cars with gasoline.

Trying To Avert
British Mine War,

squad member, Smit, is doing Car-
negie work also. Bud Heath is at-
Large Audience
In Attendance At
Faculty Concert
The summer faculty concerts are
proving exceptionally popular, far
more so than those of the regular
session judging from the larger at-
tendance. The fifth of the series, a
well selected, delightful program,
presented last night in Hill Auditor-
ium by Max Ewing, pianist, of New
York city, was attended by an aud-
ience of some two thousand.
A group of three delightful, appeal-
ing compositions, Fantasia (C min-
or), a jointcomposition by Bach and
Sileti; Melodie, from "Orphee", by
Gluck-Sgambati; and a sonata in A
major of Mozarts', opened the pro-
gram. These were followed by a
group of heavier music. Rhapsodie,
Opus 119, No. 4 of Brahms', Gavotte,
Opus 49, No. 3 of Glazounow's and.
Fantaisie, Opus 49, F minor, by
Chopin. Then came Pagodes by De-
bussy, Trois Mouvement Perpetuels
of Poulenc's, a particularly pretty,
well received selection, Gnossiene by
Satie, and Times Square from Whit-
horne's "New York Days and Nights."
And concluding the program a pre-
lude, and Gavotta of Prokofieff's, Ber-
ceuse, from "L'Oiseau de Feu" of
Stravinsky-Roepper, Danse Russe,
from 'Petrouchka" by Stranvinsky
and an encore.
Max Ewing is a former student of
the University School of Music, and
a graduate of the University of Mich-
igan, and has attracted attention as
a pianist of unusual ability both here
and in the East.
Yost Will Teach
Wisconsin School
Director Fielding H. Yost will ac-
company George Little ,athletic di-
rector of the University of Wiscon-
sin, who is spending a week in Ann
Arbor, to Madison next week to ap-
pear on the coaching school program
Wisconsin conducts a two week
coaching course, and it is to these
classes, the coaching staff and physic-
al education students that Mr. Yost
wi 11 talk.
Foreign Students
Will Hold Social
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, of the rhet-
oric department and Mrs. Cowden are
giving a social from 8 until 10 o'clock
Saturday at their home, 1015 Olivia
avenue, for all members of the Cosmo-
politan club and foreign students at-
tending the Summer session.
The social is given as a part of
the regular Cosmopolitan club pro-
gram, which aims to acquaint foreign
students with American home life.
All those who expect to attend are
asked to call Miss Wightman, dial
"Observations in Trinidad" will be
the subject of an illustrated lecture
by Assistant Professor P. E. James
of the history department in Natural
Science auditorium at 5:00 o'clock this

Bill Herrnstein is working in a
grain elevator in Ohio, and Fred
Parker, his running mate, is at the
R. 0. T. C. camp at Camp Cuter. Meeo
Baker is paving streets. Several oth-
ers claim to be wielding the pick and
From the figures sent in by some of
the men as to what they are earning,
It is found that they average approxi-
mately $29 a week.
University High School Instructors
Show Theory and Practice by
Demonstration courses in high
school work offered by the University
High school are attracting a large at-~
tendance of principals and teachers7
in the Summer session.-
Classes of the regular high schoola
children are conducted by the exper-c
fenced instructors of the regular Un-
iversity High teaching staff. Student-
teachers in summer school attend
these cgsses, made as nearly ideal asi
possible, and' observe the proper1
methods of conducting class room in-1
The main objects of the courses aret
to link theory and practice definitelyI
together in the mind of the teacher,t
and to show the necessity of the
teachers' applying psychology of spe-
cial subjects to the situations produc-
ed in the everyday class room.
In this way, not only the children
receive the finest type of instruction,
but the teachers observing receive in-
struction in teaching of the greatest
benefit to them. An average of more
than 160 visitors a day observe these'
junior high classes.
Principals and superintendents In
summer school who are concerned
with improvements in their curricula
may consult with authorities, well in-
formed on what progressive groups
are doing, who are eager to discuss
such matters with them.
Canoe Apparently
Losing Popularity
Canoeing is losing its popularity,
it would 'seem, as the number of
canoes that have been rented this
summer is considerably less than the
number taken out during the spring
and latter part of the regular school
year. This decrease in the number
of canoes rented can not be attrib-
uted to any exceptional bad weather
as the weather so far has been ideal
for canoeing, nor may it be attribu-
ted to the fact that there are a num-
ber of canoes owned by students, for
there was a large number of such
privately owned canoes before this
The great decrease in the number
of canoes which are being rented this
summer is believed to be due more
to the marked increase of cars on the
campus, and to the fact that more and
more students are coming to enjoy
automobile riding more than canoeing.
Dance at Union Friday rite.


S - -

W. C. Bridgeman, first lord of the
admiralty, named by the government
as a mediator in the threatened na-
tion-wide British coal strike, is hav-
ing little success in his efforts to
bring the warring factions together.
Prof. Ermine C. Case, of the geology
department has just returned with
his party from a trip to Utah and
Texas. - The plan was to do some
work in the fossil beds of Utah, which
are believed to contain fossilized din-
osaur remains. Due to a cave-inI
which occurred, the party was not
able to accomplish anything here as
planned and so went on to Texas
where they were able to collect some
interesting specimens. The last of the
five weeks was spent in New Zion
Park, Utah.
Professor Case is now planning a
trip to South Amrerica in which he will
represent the Carnegie Institute and
the University of Michigan.
First round matches in the women's
summer tennis tournament have
nearly all been played off, and second
round matches are now under way.
The schedule for the second round
is as follows: Beginners: Mary Crowe
vs. Elsie Braun; A. Klemech vs. R.
Smegles; Ruth Whelan vs Ruth
Brown; Grace Beckham vs. Gertrude
Kenney. Advanced: Helen McIntyrel
vs. Charlotte Quinn; Ethel Sawin vs.
Mary McNulty; Myra Finsterwald vs.
Estella Pracht; Nita Kelley vs. Kath-
arine Daniels.I
Those women who have not yetI
played off their first games must dol
"so at once.

Excursion Will |O COY I.
Leave Saturday , Lt'
For Put-In-Bay T SEAK0
The seventh University excursion
will leave for Put-In-Bay at 6:45 o'-
clock Saturday morning July 25, un-
der the direction of Prof. Ernest R.Si . slt[AoLa
Smith. This is to be one of the an-
nual trips made since 1905 which VETERAN DETROI
have become more and more popular AND ALUMNUSĀ°
every year. SCIENCE AUDI
The excursion offers many oppor-
tunities for sig t-seeing and the mak, HAS MANY.
ing of visits to many places of his-
torical and geological interest. As it
passes down the Detroit river along Graduated From Lite
the banks of which are located many IS7 and M
large industrial plants and through School in
the Livingston Channel so constructed
as to facilitate navigation, the boat Dr. Guy L. Kiefer
goes between nunerous islands, give a lecture at 8 o
among which arc Grose Isle and Natural ;science audi
Boblo Island. to Keep Well."
Besides the historic points of inter- Dr. Kiefer received
est in Put-In-Bay, such as Perry's Dhe ier rece
monument erected in memory of the Mnversity of Micn
Commodore Perry's naval victory his A.M. and M.D. in
over the English in the War of 1812, practice in 1893, andv
there are many caves and caverns. sician in Wayne cou
Perry cave with its unique type of 1896, city physician i
formations, Daussa's cave with its in- and 1898, and United
teresting stalactites, and Paradise examiner from 1898
cave with its beautiful crystals of been chief of staff at
celstite are among the more import- hospital, and consulti
ant and interesting caverns open to contagious diseases at
the public visitation. Woman's hospital an
Children's Free and
nDetroit. In 1924 he
rector of the Michiga
BILL R H company.
Dr. Kiefer is a fell
ican College of Physi
of the American Me
the American Acade
Evolution Question Made Issue In thn an Public
Washington By Employee tion, and the astye
Of Gvernentassociation. Last ye
Of Government dent of the Michigar
- council on health.
(By The Associated Press) UNIVERSITYPot
Washington, D. C., July 22.-An ac-
tion which may throw thewhole evo- II
lution question into the federal IILLWI I J
courts for judicial determination as
to whether the teaching of this sci- Coal for the coming
entific theory inculcates disrespect for placed in at the powe
the Holy Bible was begun here today ington street, from w
by Loren H. Wittner, a government heat which is used i
I employee. - University buildings
The vehicle is a rider to the 1925 According to IrvingI
District of Columbia appropriation the Building and Q
bill which provides that "no part of ment, 35,000 tons of
this sum (for the public schools) shall in the next fiscal ye
be available for the salary of any 1925 to July 1, 1926.
superintendent who permits the teach- been contracted for a
ing of or any teacher who teachesfin every day.
disrespect for the Holy Bible. "Other work under
The action is in the nature of an of the Buildings andE
injunction proceedings directed at the ment Is the laying ao
auditor and disbursing officer of the which will drain the
District of Columbia and White, treas- tion of the campus
urer of the United States, to prohibit into the main sewer
them from making further payments diagonally across ti
of salaries to Frank W. Dallou, super- 'Watrnyasih
intendent of schools, and W. T. Hay. Wamoran gymnash
head of the department of biology and cemorial hall. The
chemistry in the Washington high inches in diameter a
school. - the drainages from th
Immediately after the filing of the
proceedings, Justice Siddons of the SIGNS OFW[A
District of Columbia Supreme court,
Issued a rule on the two district of-
ficials, Daniel J. Donnovan and James
R. Lusby and Mr. White, directing 1tpUWJy8 BYh
them to appear JuVy 28 to show
cause why an injunction should not' Fez, Morocco, July
be issued against them. offensive in Morocco
days have had a d
the morale of the1
there are signs of w
el-Krim's adherents.
OUhTfLOOK FOR [ADMII grilda fragment toda
UVrLUU UIVLu mit to the' rule of

saking the prophet
Washington, D. C., July 22.-Agri- taken to lead them
culture is "safely convalescent," See- land Fez. French re
i retary Jardine declared today in a arriving in ever inc
review of the situation as seen from and are being equip

rary College


of Detroit will
'clock tonight in
torium on "How
I his A.B. from
igan in 1887 and
1891. He began
was county phy-
nty in 1895 and
n Detroit in 1897
1 States pension
to 1901. He has
Herman Kiefer
ing physician on
Harper hospital,
d Infant's Home,
Grac hospitals,
was medical di-
n Bell Telephone
ow of the Amer-
cians, a member
dical association,
my of Medicine,
Health Associa-
an State 'Medical
ar he was presi-
State Advisory
g winter is being
r house on Wash-
which all of the
n the heating of
is distributed.
W. Treuttner of
hrounds depart-
oal will be used
ar from July 1,
All of this has
and is being put
the supervision
Grounds depart-
f a larger sewer
south west see-
and will empty
line which runs
e campus from
um to Alumni
'main line is 15
nd takes care of
e whole campus.
22.-The French
in the past few
lecided effect on
Riff troops, and
eakening by Abd-
The Beni Mes-
y offered to sub-
the Sultan, for-
who has under-
to the promised
inforcements are
reasing numbers
ped without de-
dieve the tired
t. Preparations
stress what Pre-
ermed a "smash-
eace negotiations
The Daily Graph-
italists have just
ry plans for giv-
gest underground
he world, involy-
000,000 pounds.
ton, dean of wo-
for her vacation.

ee weeks in New
parents, Mr. and
milton, and from
o Mt. Desert, Me.


Titcomb To Join
Faculty In



.._his eight weeks western tour.
William Caldwell Titcomb will re- Farmers are getting out of the
turn to the University next year to "shadow of bankruptcy," he asserted,
join the staff of the architectural col- and there is a return of confidence. In
lege. Professor Titcomb is a grad- short, he added, agriculture appears
uate in architecture at Harvard uni- to be "gradually getting its house in
versity, where he also served on the order again" after the post war dis-
architectural faculty from 1907 to ruption.
1913. Since then he has been a pro- Declaring the farmers themselves
fessor in architecture at the Univer- were competent to work out their
sity of Illinois. He was in France own problems, he said that if he got
during two years of the war period, the right impression there will not
and was a member of the teaching be any great demand for farm legis-
staff with the school of art and arch- lation.
itecture at Bellevue, which was con-
ducted for American architectural Rome, July 22.-Premier Mussolini
and art sudents during the period be- and the Hungarian minister here have
tween the armistice and their return signed a provisional commercial
to this country. Professor Titcomb agreement providing reciprocal most
will teach architectural design.- favored nation treatment.

lay. They will re
troops at the fron
are under way tos
mier Painleve has t
ing blow", should p
London, July 22.-1
ic says American cap
completed prelimina
ing Londonfthe bigg
railway system in ti
ing an outlay of 25,
Dean Jean Hamill
men, left Monday f
She will spend thre
ork city visiting her
- Mrs. Francis E. Ha:
there she will go t

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