U Oi ~umer
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not other wise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Communications, if signed as evience of
good faith, will b~ published in The Summer
Daily at the disoretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by theswriter.The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
News Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
City Editor..........Manning Houseworti.
Women's Editor........... .Marion Mead
Night Editor..-------LeRoy L. Osborn
Night Editor..... ....W. Calvin Patterson
Night Editor.........Chandler H. Whipple
William T. Barbour George E. Lebtinen
Vivian Boron Marion Meyer
Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B.Nelson
Dorothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck
Katherine Lardner Nance Solomon
Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
Circulation.................Kermit K. Kline
Publication......-.. ..Frank Schoenfeld
Myra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland-
Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON
Yesterday we had a discussion with
a friend on the end of the world. To-.
day we believe that that event must
be on the verge of happening. And
we, and no doubt a large part of the
citizens of the United States, feel that:
way because we are about to see
political leaders not only keep their
political promises, but better them.
In the national political campaign
of last summer there was the usual
speeches about inaugurating economy
in government if elected, and the pub-
lic disregarded these speeches as they
have learned to disregard all such
post-election promises.
But then, a few months ago, it was
rumored that that economy was ac-
tually being carried out and that
there would probably be drastic tax
(The Detroit Free Press)
In his final article of a series de.-
scribing the activities of the Amer-
ican army throughout the prevalent
summer months, General Pershing
makes a special plea for adequate na-
tional preparedness, remarking sig-
nificantly that there is a great differ-
ence between a nation that believes
in preparedness and a nation that is
actually prepared.
This difference is fully demonstra-
ted by the situation in the United1
States today. Despite the prevalence
of a few pacifists, there is not the
slightest doubt that America under-
stands the need for adequate means of
defense, and fully subscribes to the
declaration by George Washington
that "to be prepared for war, is one of
the most effective means of preserving
peace." That declaration indeed is
impossible of contradiction by any
person with eyes in his head. It is
axiomatic. It has been repeated in
words more or less similar by hun-
dreds, both before and since the time
of Flavius Renatus Vegetius who gave
it the classic phrasing, "Let him who
desires peace, prepare for war."
But General- Pershing is strictly
within the truth when he says:
"There never has been adequate
preparedness in this country. We
have come out of all wars with the
best of intentions and high resolves
henceforth to be prepared to pre-
serve our peace and liberty. But
these resolutions like those made
by so many each New Year have
always been broken. After each
war, we have lapsed into our habit
of neglect. Temporary expediency
has always tempted us to keep whit-
tling down our military establish-
ment. Always to our great sur-
prise, war, with all its confusion
and cost in lives has come to us,
largely because of our weakness."
The record shows that General Per-
shing is right. Time after time we.
have been penny wise and pound
foolish and have extricated ourselves
from the result of our folly only at
great cost both in lives and money.
As Pershing puts it, "It is not econ-
omy to save thirty million dollars a
year on national defense, and then
I spend thirty millions in two ' years
during war."
It is true, of course, that the re-
lapse into a fool's paradise has been
less violent in the United States since
the World war than it was on other
occasions. The demoralizing efforts
of the professional pacifists have to
quite an extent been neutralized, and
there is more general interest in pre-
It's been so long since we've seen
the above in the front page ear of
The Daily that we hereby reprint it
just to satisfy our own ocular sense.
If you don't like it, we're sorry, but
there she is-dam'fshe ain't.
* * *
Summer Excursions No. 223844
Local Typography and Streams
This excursion, while not to be mis-
taken for one of the University plan-
ned trips, was nevertheless one of the
most interesting of the season.
Having just received a new fly rod,
we called up Bill, our consistent com-
panion of the woods and waters, and
put out for a creek we had heard
about. Arriving, we parked the car
and made our way to a likely looking
pool. We, bends on a gray hackle,
while Bill tries a coachman and mag-
inty. (Them is technical terms, you
aren't expected to understand them,
we're just showing off).
Bill hauls off and whips his twin
flies through the air with a pleasing
whistling sound. Suddenly the
whistling stops.
"Whazamatter?" sezzwe through
our teeth as we munched the end of
the hackle's leader.
"I'm fast," says Bill, and peers
around to see where he's hooked.
"You have the seat of your britch-
es," says we happily.
"Hell," says Bill, "I should have
used a seth green."
By that time we were ready'- and
promptly cast the hackle to a likely
looking puddle under the nether bank.
A fish resented the intrusion, swal-
lowed the hackle and started chewing
his way up the leader.
"Whoopty Doopty!" says we, "we
have Leviathan."
At which instant our catch rolled
into view. It turned out to be a shin-
er of prodigious proportions.
"Haw haw;" says Bill.
ust then it started to. rain. Two
hours later we started fishing again.
This time Bill hooked the first one.
It was a rock bass which measured
9 inches:
So saying, as the saying is, we yo
hoved the fly into midstream and
awaited developments. They did, and
we lost our balance and sat down
suddenly. That was one of the fish
that got away.
And there were many more ......
* * *
Olaf the Great Communicates
Dear Tamam:
Har we are vay oop nort' by cda har
now L4ake Louise. Aye haf many
times though uf you vay back by Ann's
Harbor and uf all dose sweet little
fellows to which Ave was used to tell
sleepytime stories. I wan you should
tell all. uf dem shust vait 'till Uncle
Olaf she's get back by Ann's Harbor
and oh my, what a stories Aye skal
tell them. Shust you vait, little fel-
lers, Aye coom back.
-Olaf the Great,
* * *
The following letter has just reach-
ed us on copy paper and out of an en-
velope. We aren't sure who Wilhelm-
Ina is, but we have our own opinion.
It is one of the office shieks who is
just jealous of our handsome fea-
tures and scintillating wit and who
wants to get nasty. We are printing
it Just to show that shiek that we fear
no sarcasm that we are firm in our
stand that humor is for the humor-
ous and that might makes right or
vice versa as the case may be and that
many are called but few are chosen or
however it goes---oh well anyway that
we are firm in our stand. Here is no
head bowed down.
Dear Mr. Tamam:
I have been reading your beautiful
column with much glee and must admit
that it is quite the cleverest piece
of work I have ever read. I don't
see how you can think of all those
dreadfully funny things to say every
day and the girls in my house think
the same about it. I imagine that
you must be wonderfully handsome
and clever though the girls in my
house don't think that way about that.
Do you suppose Mr. Tamam, that it
would ever be possible for me to meet
you, I'd love to be able to say that
I know a real humorist ,and if we
met I might even be able to say that
I went out with one. Don't you thinr
I might. Please tell me what you
think of my handwriting, and should
I wear my hair in a boyish bob or
_ * * *
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reductions next year, possibly even paredness among the rank and file of
to the amount of $200,000,000. Still, the citizenship of America than ever
the public was doubtful, and remain- before. The success of the summer
ed doubtful when it was said that that training camps and of the R. O. T. C.
figure might even mount to the $300,- movement has been large, and if in-
000,000 mark. terest can be maintained, the result
And now, though it is still hard to will be a comfortable presage forl
Wal Pen and Eversharp are
obtainable in matched
An unqualified garanteestands
back of every Wahl
believe, we cannot help being con-
vinced that there was, in-fact, some
substantial, foundation for those
stories, and that instead of being a
gross over-estimate, the original $200,-
000,000 was a very conservative un-
der-estimate of the reductions that
will probably be made. In fact, it is
understood that Senator., Charles Cur-
tis, Kansas, Republican whip and one
of the greatest.powers in the Senate,
is now at. the summer White House
working out the schedule of tax re-
ductions that congress will be asked
to make next winter. And indications
are that those reductions may amount
to $500,000,000. At any rate, Senator
Curtis has indicated.that the maxim-
um income surtax rate, which is now
40 percent, will not be higher than
25 percent.
Perhaps we are entering a new era,
an era in which political promises are
to be fulfilled, but for a few minutes;
we were almost afraid that the world
was coming to an end.
With Clarence Darrow bucking the
State of Tennessee and expecting to
close his career with a brilliant vic-
tory, we wonder if a past affair
wouldn't have been a more certain
Considering all the advertising he
has received for a mere hundred dol-
lars, we don't see how we can help
but admit that John Thomas Scopes!
Is the greatest advertising genius of
the day. .
Its rather horrible to imagine build-
ing an electric chair onluy to acci-
dently electrocute one's self. Yet that
is the penalty that the inventor stands
ever ready to pay.
Scopes has been found guilty. How
wonderful; Mr. W. J. Bryan deserves
our heartiest congratulations.
continuing peace, or at least of a
preparedness which will carry us
through a wadfat considerably less
cost and suffering than otherwise.
But is also is true that the precau-
tions which are being taken are far
from adequate. That is indicated by
the circumstance that General Per-
shing still finds it necessary to plead
for a regular army establishment of
at least thirteen thousand officers and
one hundred and fifty thousand men
as a first line of defense and as in-
structors of civilian soldiers. All the
experts agree that this should be a
minimum, but congress pays no atten-
tion to the recommendations and
(The Daily Illini)
The New York Herald Tribune says
that on the assumption that if the
State of Tennessee can bring about a
solution of the age-old problem of
evolution it can also aid materially
in the international use of the metric
system, the Metric Association, in the
closing hours of its -spring meeting
at Lake Placid club, adopted the fol-
lowing resolution:
"Resolved, that this confrence re-
spectfully petitions the Legislature
of Tennessee to pass a law prohibit-
ing the teaching of the metric sys-
tem since we believe that such a law
would materially aid our efforts to
secure for this country the great ad-
vantages of the international metric
a weights and measures now used by
fifty-five of the leading countries of
the world."
The resolution was passed without
a dissenting vote.
In more serious vein the associa-
tiov passed a resolution addressed to
the President calling upon him to in-
corporate the use of the metric sys-
tem in this country as a part-of his
announced economy plan.
;, .:,:
Complete Writing Equipment
Side by side in your pocket, Eversharp and Wahl
Pen are ever ready to serve your thoughts.
Durability and dependability are common qualities
of these economical, practical writing companions.
The non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, and
complete interchangeability of parts are among the
six new features which make the perfected Eversharp.
And the Wahl all-metal Pen is at par with Ever-
sharp in giving thorough satisfaction. Light in
weight, perfect in balance, resistant to wear, and
beautiful in design--it is the ideal pen.
Eversharp, $1 to $45. Wahl Pen, $5 to $55.
Made intheU.S.A. byTHEWAHL COMPANY, Chicago
Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
Manufaaurers of the Wahl Eversharp and the WahlAll-MetalFounbain.Pen
Have it cut close just below the
chin, Willy. A meat axe is consider-
ed good.