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MI. No. 27
W. J. Bryan, Jr.
by- Judge For Contempt
Court; Apology Later
(By The Associated Press)
Dayton, Tenn., July 20.-Summon-
ing Wm. Jennings Bryan as a witness
for the defense in the "Scopes' trial"
late today marked the climax of, a
day in which one unexpected event
followed another in bewildering suc-
cession. Mr. Bryan was questioned
at length by Clarence Darrow as to
what the witness -believed about
teaching the Bible and the literal-truth
of statements made therein. In his
answers the members of the prosecu-
tion counsel found a staunch defend-
er of the Bible and all that is contain-
ed in it.
The first demonstration of the day
came when Judge Raulston cited Clar-
ence Darrow for contempt of court as
a result of remarks made by the Chi-
cago lawyer Fri Jay. He was ordered
to appear before the court to answer
tomorrow morning.
However, at the opening of the aft-
ernoon session, Mr. Darrow gained the
floor and extended an apology for his
remarks. The overture from the visit-
ing attorney was accepted and the
judge and lawyer shook hands.
Statments of eight scientists and
two clergymen were placed in the rec-
ord of the case by the defense during
the day. These set forth what testi-
mny would be given if scientific and'
expert testimony had not been omitted
in the case.
The jury was not admitted to the
court room nor were the members
permitted to occupy the seats arrang-
ed for them on the open air platform.
The examination of Mr. Bryan by Mr.
Darrow was on the same basis as the
scientific testimony excluded from the
hearing of the jury.
Mr. Bryan was on the witness stand
when the court adjourned and it was
not known tonight whether he would
again testify tomorrow.
Advance To Third
Round In Tourney
Two second round matches were
unreported yesterday afternoon in the
campus tennis tournament. These
matches had to be in last night.
Epstein, Tseng, Bergman, Moore,
Fernandez, Smith and Whitener have
advanced to the third rund by victor-
les. In recent games Fernandez' de-
feated McIntosh 6-1, 6-4, Whitener
beat Heinz, and Smith won by de-
fault. The third round play will start
Three teams, Fernandez and Ros,
ales, Chapman and Ford, and Logan
and Whitener reached the semi-finals
of the doubles. The other team,
which has not played its match yet
of the preceding round, will probably
lose by default. Fernandez and Ros-
ales advanved to the finals Saturday
by eliminating Chapman and Ford
6-0, 7-9, 6-.
5:00-Prof. L H. Wenley lectures
on "Huxley'sCentennial," in Natur-
al Science auditorium..
8:00-Mr. Lionel Curtis lectures on
"Civitas Del," in Natural Science
William Jennings Bryan, Jr., is us-
urping some of the spotlight glaring
upon his father in Dayton, Tenn. The
younger Bryan, a Los Angeles lawyer,
is aiding in the Scopes prosecution.
"Huxley's Centennial" is Subject
Lecture .to be Given at a
Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the phil-
osophy department will lecture at 5
o'clock tonight in Natural Science au-
ditorium on "Huxley's Centennial."
Prof. Wenley received his A.M. from
the University of Glasgow in 1884, and
his Ph.D. in 1895. He was assistant
professor of logic there from 1886 to
1994, in charge of the philososphy de--
partment at Queen Margaret college,
University of Glasgow,'from 1888 to
1895, and has been professor of phil-
osophy at the University of Mich-
igan since 1896. He' is a member of
the Aristotelian society, and was
Baldwin lecturer in 1908 and 1909.
He has written a number of books
on philosophy, among them "So-
crates and Christ," published in 1889,
"Contemporary Theology and Theism,"
in 1897, "Modern Thought and the
Crisis in Belief," (Baldwin lectures),
in 1909, "The Anarchist Ideal," in
1913, and "Stoicism and Its Influence,"
in 1923.
Meeting Held By
Educational Club
The meeting of the Women's Edu-
cational club, held at 7:15 o'clock last
night at the Phi Beta Phi house, was
attended by a number of members and
Miss Jennie Clow, after giving a full
secretarial report, also outlined the
main topics of the executive report
which Miss-,Lilo Reynolds, president
of the club, later discussed in more
detail. Together with the Women s
League, the club is planning to give
an all campus ice cream social for
the benefit of the I4eague building.
Plans for next year's schedule of theI
club's talks and conferences werel
also considered.
Miss Cleo Murtland, of the voca-
tional 'education department, led a dis-
cussion on the "professional spirit";
whether this spirt consists of the im-
pression we make on people or
whether it is our reaction. Tangible
evidence of the professional spirit, in
relation to the number of educational
organizations to which we contribute,
was discussed, as well as the present
attitude toward married women who
seek employment.
Mrs. M. C. Lewis, placement officer
for civilian rehabilitation, explained
the work which is being done in De-
troit and throughout the state.
Noted Physicist at Breau of Stand-
arls Gives First Lecture of
"There has been more progress in
spectroscopy in the last two years
than there has been in the last cen-
tury-that is in complicated spectro-
scopy," said Dr. Paul D. Foote, phys-
icist at the. Bureau of Standards at
Washington, D. C., in the first lecture
of his lecture series here on Atomic
Structure at 4 o'clock yesterday in
Room 1041 in the New Physics build-
ing. The lecture was the first on the
topic of "Complex Structure of Series
Dr. Foote's lecture require as a
basis a fundamental knowledge of
spectroscopy and some general knowl-
edge concerning spectrual structure
and the relations of spectral lines. His
lectures which will continue through
the week, daily except Saturday at 4,
also Friday at 9, take up the various
spectral systems of elements,
Yesterday's lecture dealt with the sin-
glet, doublet, and triplet systems of
spectral lines and their, principal and
diffuse line series, explaining briefily
the intensity rules for spectral lines,
the selection principles for simple-and
azimuthal quantrum numbers, and the
determination of spectral line com-
binations. The lecture today will give
further explanation of intensity rules
and will be illustrated with lantern
slides of spectra under discussion.
Other subjects in the lecture series
by Dr. Foote are "The Breakdown of
Selection Principles," "Excited At-
oms," "Polarization of Resonance
Radiation," "Needle Quanta," "The
Stern-Gerlach Experiments," "Stoner's
System of Quantum Numbers," "Qaun-
tization of the Nucleus~" upon which
there will be one lecture each, and
"The Relatively Doubiet Dilemma,"'
two lectures.
Annual Excursion
To Put-In-Bay To
Leave Saturday
The annual excursion to Put-in-Bay
will leave by special cars from the
corner of State and Packard Streets
at 6:30 Saturday morning, July 25.1
The steamer "Put-in-Bay," leaves the
dock at the foot of First street In
Detroit at 9 o'clock in the morning
and arrives at Put-in-Bay at 12:15
o'clock. On the return trip the boat
leaves the Island at 4:45, arriving at
the First street dock at 7:30, where
special cars will meet the party for
Ann Arbor.
The features of the trip are the
beautiful boat ride down the Detroit
river and through the islands, dancing
on the boat, and the caves and shore
features of general and geologic in-
terest on Put-in-Bay Island.
The members of the Summer ses-
sion 'faculty of the geology -depart-
ment will be in charge of the ex-
cursion as in the case of the Niagara
Falls excursion. All who are planning
on the trip must leave their names at
the office of Prof. E. R. Smith, Room
G 323, Natural Science building be-
fore noon, Thursday, July 23. A bul-
letin board is provided there where
all necessary information may be ob-
tained regarding the trip.
Reduced prices have been obtained
so that the total cost of the excursion
not including meals will be $2.65.
Where small groups desire to carry
picnic lunches, there are tables and
benches provided and lunch stands
where coffee and the like may be pur-
League Discusses
Philippine Peonagfe
Geneva. July 20.-Peonage in the
Philippine Islands and in central
American countries was the subject
of discussion by the League of Na-
tions temporary commission on slav.
try today.
The discussion tended toward the
conclusion that the system of labor
existing in some parts of the coun-
try under discussion amounts to forced
World, Book Company Has
'f New School Books
Tappan Hall
Humphreys Declares Evolution ii 0N L CU-T
And Christianity In Harmony L U-
By Dean W. R. Humphreys of the
Literary College
It should be understood that neither
evolution nor the Bible is on trial in
Tennessee. The present trial, and its
sequel, are to determine (not for the
first time, and not for all time) the
extent to which politics may exercise
control over the search for truth.
That main question is not discussed
The Old Testament was written in
the Hebrew language. To state this
fact is to imply another: namely, that
in all the Old Testament there is to
be found no scientific theory. For the
Hebrew language contained no terms
for the expression of scientific ideas.
And the reason is simple. The an-
cient Hebrews lacked scientific cur-
iosity; they had not developed the
habit of scientific thought. If they
had, they would have developed also
a vocab'ulary of scientific terms, foi
men do not think long or seriously
on any subject without at length find-
ing words with which to express
their thoughts.
Those who argue' that the Old
Testament disproves the modern.
theories of evolution, and those who
argue that it proves them, are off to-
gether on the wrong scent. To the
Old Testament writers the world was
a realm of experience, not qf specula,
tion, and they dealt with it in the
terms of experience. So ordinarily
do we, even in what we were calling,
not long ago, our Age of Science. Al-I
though science has taught some o1
us that the sun does not revolve about
the earth, we continue to talk as if i
did. And since the rising and the
setting sun are as much as ever facts
of human experience, our references
to them are not errors, but true rec-
ords of our common life. Scientific
error, or scientific treuth, enters only
with the attempt to base upon our
observations of concrete fact a system
of abstract theory. Such an attempt
the Old Testament writers never
thought of making; they were content
to take the external world as it ap
peared to them. They can not there-
fore properly be quoted either In sup-
port of any scientific theory, or in
opposition to it.
But it may properly be asked
whether belief in evolution is in har-
mony with the geni.us of Judaism, and
of Christianity. For although in early
ages people did not arrive at idea
by scientific methods, they did not
lack ideas. They had profound con-
victions about life, and they expressed
these convictions in stories, songs,
proverbs, and prophetic rhapsodies.
The primitive Greeks, for example,
told the story of the Golden Age, a
time of perfect happiness and inno-
cence. Chiefly because they believed
that this Golden Age was lost in the
pest, and in spite of many admirable
elements in their eviilization, we are
justified in calling their religion
The Hebrews too had their story of
a lost Golden Age, but they did not
cherish it. Apparently, they forgot
it; for after the third chapter of Gene-
sis there is no reference to the story
of the Garden of Eden in all the Old
'Testament, and only one or two in-
direct allusions to it in the New Test-
ament. It was out of harmony with
the deepest convictions of these peo-
ple. They believed in the Golden Age,
but for them the Golden Age lay not
in the past but in the future. It was
not a lost ideal-it was an ideal ye
to be attained. As their prophets told
them, the great Day of the Lord was
to come.
It is this outlook upon the future,
this belief that life is a growing and
not a shrunken thing, that disting-
uishes Judaism and Christianity most
clearly from the pagan religions. And
it is this that makes them, in spite
Of the obstinacy of certain theologies,
incline naturally to belief in evolu-
Paris, July 20.-Four per cent
gross coupon loans through which the
French government hoped to refund
its floating debt and pave the way for
general financial equilibrium and set-
tlement of the war debt got a good
start today. The notices of the new
issue hardly had ben posted on the
walls in public places when lines
formed in front of the loan windows
of the banks and postoffices.
It was a busy day in all the institu-
tions. - While clerks were registering
subscriptions from the holders of na-
tional defense bonds other clerks
Of interest and value to principals
and teachers attending the Summer
session is the new display of the
World Book company, New York, now;
being held in Tappan hall.
The important feature of the display
is the large selection of elementary1
texts ranging from Courtis-Smith's
Picture-Story Reading series for kin-
dergarten and first grade up to texts
in civil government and mathematics
for junior high.
Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the1
School of Education, and John R.-
Clark of Columbia university, have
written the series of Modern Mathe-,
matics,-arithemetic texts for the
seventh and eighth grades and an al-
gebra for the ninth.
To promote the study of astronomy
in the grades Edwin S. Mosely -has3
published a text of sciences, a com-
bination of the simpler theories of as-
tronomy and other nature subjects,
written in an elementary form to gain
the interest of the younger mind.
Of great primary importance as a
foundation for later intelligence is
the New World Health series in prim-
ers in hygiene, sanitation, and physi-
ology for the grade school children.
Among the books on display com-
bining pleasure with instruction are
the Pioneer Life series, which relate
geography and history in a story
form. There is also a group of Na-
ture books illustrated in colors for the
small children.
Responsible in Large Measure F
Government of India Act of
Mr. Lionel Curtis of Oxford, En
who will lecture at 8 o'clock toni
on "Civitas Del," is in this count
this summer as the British represex
ative at the Political Science confe
ence at Williamstown. He was he
three years ago in the same capacil
succeeding James Bryce who was t
first to be give nthat honor.
Mr. Curtis has exercised great i
fluence in gringing together the bett
factions in South Africa. As a rest
of this influence, the South Afri
Union was formed. Later he and ot
ers planned the Government of Ind
Act of 1919, and Mr. Curtis himse
devised the "dyarchy" feature whi
;s the heart of the whole scheme.
As secretary in the Colonial offic
he helped establish the present rel
tions between Ireland and England.
Mr. Curtis is a Fellow of All Sou
at Oxford, was a lecturer in New Cc
lege of Colonial history, and was
one time Assistant Colonial Secreta
of the Transvaal, and a member of t
Transvaal Legislative Council. HeI
the author of several books and
the leading spirit of the Round Tabi
Amateurst Pease
In Presentations
Of Shakespear
A rather large audience attend
the Recital presented -last night b
the class in Shakespearean reading
an audience larger than could be e:
pected for a presentation as amateu
ish as this was bound to be. Thei
was no scenery, no stage propertie
and no costumes used, hence t
characters could not naturally act a
realistically as one would desire. C
the whole, however, the class did we
in their interpretations of the vario
characters of these scenes of t
-Merchant of Venice.
In this presentation, the cast
chara~cters was changed in the vario
scenes, thus offering each .member
the class, an opportunity to interpr
several different characters. The
were for example, five Portias, a
three Shylocks. There were in t:
cast several people who have had co
siderable experience in amateur dr
matics. Richard Johnson, who play
Shylockvery effectively in the fli
scene, and Tubal, in another, has be
doing considerable coaching in d
matics in intermediate schools inD
troit. Miss Lillian Bronson, who
terpreted the part of a servant in o
scene, and who was an impressi
and attractive Portia in the court tr
scene, has appeared in Comedy Cl
productions. Miss Celestine Mena
the Portia of an earlier. scene, :i
been with Sothern and Marldwe, f
some time.
Tickets for Visitors' Night at the -w seingntilI eiensebds to
Observatory, which will take place those who, attracted by the guarantee
July 29, 30, and 31, may be obtained feature of the new loan, wanted to
at the office of the Summer session qualify for subscriptions thereto, only
from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morning holders of such- bonds being permitted
and 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. to subscribe.
The tickets, which are very limited,
are intended for the students of the[
S m e s e s o w h w i l p e e tMYth e i r t r e a s u r e r ' s r e c e i p t w h n a p p l y-in f o t h mH OI C OOL I D E M Y S M M O
Summer session who will present UUIU
Those students securing tickets will
be taken through the Obesrvatory on
the nights scheduled and will be Swampscott, Mass., July 20.-Hav-
allowed to look at the stars and plan- ing discussed with Secretary Davis'
ets through the apparatus. All per- the possibility of a tie-up in the an-
sons wishing to go to the Observatory' thracite coal industry, due to a dead-
must secure tickets as soon as possi- lock over a new wage scale, President
ble. Coolidge went ahead today with plans
for conferences here with other cabi-
Rome, July 20.-The Albanian gov- net officials.
ernment has granted a large conces- It is regarded as certain that Sec-
sion to the Standard Oil company.I retary Hoover will be summoned to
The concession still requires ratifica-1 White Court if the the anthracite sit-
tion by Parliament. uation becomes more threatening.-
Lloyd Leaves For
Summer Vacati<
Acting-President Alfred H. LI
left for his vacation Sunday. He
gone to his summer home at Ca
Canyanga, Piseco, N. Y., and
probably return to the University
Sept. 10.
Baseball Scores
Detroit 9, New York 5.
Washington 9, Cleveland 1.
Chicago 3, 7, Boston 1, 10.
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 3.
New York 6, Cincinnati 5.
Brooklyn 4, St. Louiq 3 (10 inni
Philadelphia 6, Pittsburg 3.
e will be no lecture in Na-'
ence auditorium.-
Iax Ewing will give a con-
ill auditorium under the
of the University School ofa
Milan, Italy, July 20.- The police
have discovered a large counterfeting
plant in the printing house of Ernesto
and Giacomo Piemontese. Several
million lire of false bank notes were
seized. ' s