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July 19, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-19

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VOL. XV. No. 25



Will Formally Launch Campaign At
Clarksburg, W. Va., On
Night of August 11
New York, July 18.-(By AP)-Clan,
L. Shaver of West Virginia will man-
age the campaign of John W. Davis,
democratic presidential candidate,
which will be formally launched at
Clarksburg, W. Va. on the night of.
August 11 with the official notifica-
tion of Mr. Davis of his nomination.
This announcement was made late
today by Mr. Davis before he depart-
ed for Ilesboro, Maine, where he will
spend ten days with his time divided
between resting and the mapping out1
in his own mind of the form and sub-
stance of his address of acceptance.r
Announcement of the seelection of
Mr. Shaver as chairman of the demo-;
cratic committee and of the fixing of;
the notification date, was containedt
In an official statement, the first to be
issued by the candidate.
The selection of Mr. Shaver had<
been determined upon some days ago,
but the official announcement had
been held until Mr. Davis could com-
plete a series of confeernces with par-
ty leaders. The last of these was held
today at the home of Frank L. Polk,
those present including Thos. Taggart,
of Indiana, Geo. E. Brennan of Illin-
ois and Norman H. Davis of New
Mr. Shavler himself made public
Mr. Davis' statement and supplement-
ed it with the announcement that
plans for the campaign still were in
the making and nothing could be said
at this time regarding the personel of]
the organization which is to be set up
and which is to cover the entire coun-
try. -
Dr. Michael Davis, who is lecturing
here for the Public Health School isI
secretary of the Committee on Dis-
pensary Development of New York,
which is supported by the Rockefeller.
Foundation. He states that theI
clinics of that state have grown so
fast that they have developed no stan-
dards and the committee of which hef
is a member is trying to work outt
standards for the clinics.
The people in this Public Health
School are doctors for the most part
although there are also others inter-
ested in public health, and they want
to know what is being done in other
places. Dr. Davis is able to give them
a comparative view because of his
widespread experience.
The death rate has gone down in
tuberculosis and that of babies under
a year old has decreased also as a re-
sult of the work done by the clinics.
There are two reasons why the deathl
rate has gone down-first, the cause7
of the death is discovered and-sec-

ond, the people are told how to rem-
edy the condition. Children exposed
to tuberculosis are given a diet by
the clinic to build them up. Public
Dispensaries are doing a great deal+
toward educating mothers to take
proper care of small babies.
Tokio, July 18.-Japan shortly will
elevate her legation in Pekin to the
status of an embassy, it is stated in;
authoritative quarters.

r . C. A. Camp For City Boys
PARTY NO MI NATION Prof. F.N. Menefee, chairman of the j eau." The camp is situated 25 iles TODY IS VS


Fresh Air camp conducted by the Stu-
1dent Christian association of the

Montana Senator May Run On LaFoll-
ette Ticket As Vice-President.
ial Candidate
Washington, July 18.-(By AP)-
Senator Arthur K. Wheeler, democrat,
Montana, can have the vice presidenti-
al nomination of the LaFoffette ticket
if he wants it.
Senator LaFollette himself urged
Mr. Wheeler today to become his run-
ning mate, and endorsement was
offered the Montana senator on be-
helf of the confernce for progressive
political action, which approved Le-
Follette's independent candidacy for
the presidency convention at Cleve-
Senator Wheeler said he would an-
nounce his decision within 24 hours.
Some of those who consutled with him
during the day declared they were
confident he would be a candidate al-
though he announced two days ago
that he would decline the nomination
if it were offered to him.
Efforts to get Senator Wheeler to
change his mind were renewed as a
group of LaFollette supperters in-
structed by the Cleveland convention
to indorse a vice-presidential candi-
date acceptable to the Wisconsin
Senator met here today to make a
Final plans are being made for the
accommodation here next week of out-'
of-town students enrolled in the In-
stitute of Politics by the Ann Arbor
organization of the eLague of Women
Voters. Mrs. George W. Patterson,
as president of the local branch, has
had charge of detailed arrangemnts,
and has been assisted in her work by
Miss Helen C. Bullock, '25, and Miss
Helen C. Bishop, acting dean of wo-
Guests attending the meeting will be
placed at the Union, in guest rooms
at the various dormitories, and in a
few league houses. Luncheons on the
Union porch every noon during the
week will bring the women together
at other than study hours. Mrs. L.
M. Warfield has been in charge of the
luncheon plans.
First registration will be at Bar-
bour Gymnasium from 11 to 12 on
Monday; students arriving later will
register at the Union desk w'here
hours will be from 9:30 to 10 and
from 1:30 to 2 daily. It is expected
that most of the guests will come in
on Sunday and Monday.
At the informal reception to be giv-
en at Mrs. Patterson's home at 2101
Hill on Monday between 4 and 5:30,
all members and prospective members
of the League will be received. Stu-
dents attending the summer session
and not connected with the organiz-
ation are invited to attend.
Deans Leave On Vacation
Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter-
ary college, and Dean Alfred H.
Lloyd, of the Graduate school, and
his family left by motor today for
Lake Pieco in New York state,
where they will spend the remainder
of the summer. The two families have
gone to this lake, which is located in
the south-western part of the Adiron-
dacks, for several seasons.
Mrs. Effinger and her son will join
Dean Effinger at the close of summer
school, while Margaret Effinger will
come from a camp in New Hampshire

where she is a councillor. The Lloyds
and Effingers will return some time in

University, says that the camp is for
the purpose of giving the under-priv-
ileged boy a country vacation. "The
type of boy we get," said Professor
Menefee, "is the boy of the streets.
Quite often the boys come from the
detention homes, and the Mothers'
Pension bureau. More than 100 of
the boys who have been out there
already this year are from this bur-
Reparations Agent

northwest of Ann Arbor.
Judges of the probate courts in
Jackson, Flint, Detroit, and Ham-
tramck hold this camp out as a place
for city boys who are wayward
through lack of proper social condi-
tions. The boys in Hamtramck, who
are on parole, report to the judge
each week in the year. And about
the only question they ever ask is,
"What's my chances.of going to camp
this year?" It is the real, energetic
type who is always getting into
trouble, said Professor Menefee. And
what the camp tries to do is turn this
energy into the proper channels.
The success of the camp is demon-
strated partly by the fact that last
Tuesday, two boys started to walk to
Ann Arbor from Deroit, on their way
to camp. They arrived in Ann Ar-
bor late Tuesday evening. And they
would have walked the other 25 miles
to camp if they had had to in order
to reach their destination.
They have a swimming instructor
in camp, also a medical and engineer-
ing officer. All three of these men
are Michigan students. Bonetus, an
Indian chief, whose home is in the
Upper Peninsula, is teaching the boys
the art of handling a canoe, basket-
weaving, and Indiancraft.
The boys are busy from reveille in




the morning at 6:30 until taps at 9:30j
in the evening. There are setting-up
exercises, tent, inspection, and swim-
ming in the morning. Following
lunch, the boys go through the Boy
Owen D. Young Scout tests, then have baseball games,
Or eans phikes and instruction in birdlore. In
Future reparations payments madem- the evening there are camp fire talks4
by Germany will be handed to ans agent given by men from the different cit-
era, Owe D.Youngtwos agenmies of the state. These speakers are
general of the reparations commis-mewohaegonupfmtel
sion under the Dawes plan will head
the transfer commission and deposit street type of boy and have made
the payments to the credit of the al- good.
lies. Young is chairman of the board .Professor Menefee said that there
of General Electric comany.s a keen rivalry among the boys to
___GeneralEectriccompany. ___have the best record while in camp.
The two boys who have the best all
Iv Cub around record are permitted to stay
over for the next camp. each sec-
Finds Senator 1Lion lasts ten days, and there are four
cU kamps during the summer.
Names U Lnknown Local business men of Ann Arbor
are donating tools, and the boys, un-
der the direction of the camp engi-i
Who actually knows more about neer, are keeping the roads near the1
politics-man or woman? On ques- camp in repair.
tioning people here and there it is The business men about the state
surprising to note the ignorance of are donating camp accessories. The
both men and women. Listening to camp kitchii wis donated by Mrs.
the replies to questions about the sen- W. A. Foote of Jackson. Dr. how-
ators and representatives for one's in- ard Cummings, of Ann Arbor, has pre'-
dividual state would astonish one. sented an outboard motor to the
The students are on the whole better camp, The boys ar taken to camp
informed than the men and women by the Rotary, Kiwanis, the Cham-
on the campus. ber of Commerce, and Exch:nge clubs
The first student in a very matter of their respective cities.
of fact way answered the question put Professor Menefee said, "I confid-
to him-the second student, a girl- ently look forward to the time that
was not quite so sure of herself, but manyof these boys through their per-
gate the correct answer. One poor sonal contact with university men,

Dean Maximo 3F. Kalaw of Philippine
University Gives Ilustra-
ted Lecture
Dean Maximo M. Kalaw of the Uni-
versity of the Philippines lectured
yesterday afternoon in Natural. Sci-
ence auditorium on "The Present Day
Philippines". The lecture was illus-
The speaker began by giving a few
general points of interest in regard
to the islands. There are over 7000
islands in the group, although but
comparatively few of them are inhab-
ited. He discussed the probable for-
mation of the archipeligo, suggesting
the theory that it was probably once
part of the continent of Asia which
had become detached from the main-
land through geologic disturbances.
He stated that though much the avail-
able land is under cultivation there is
still enough good agricultural land to
make the islands capable of support-
ing 17,000,000 people. Most of the
population are Christian, though there
is a small percentage divided among
a number of other minor religions.
Dean Kalaw next showed a number
of slides showing scenes in various
places on the islands. He said that
contrary to the popular notion Spain
early established an educational sys-
tem on the islands during her occu-
pation of them. At the present time,
he said, there are over 1,000,000 stu-
dents in the primary schools of the
islands and the higher educational
system is also being rapidly built
up. Baseball and other American
sports are very popular in the island
according to Dean Kalaw. A large
number of other different scenes of
roads, churches, and natural scenery.
were shown in addition.
8:00-Excursion No. 8-First Naon.
al Bank building (25 stories, fin-
ished in 1922) including roof view
andi sub- basement burglar- proof
vaults. Luncheon in the Bank's
dining room. Bob-Lo Island and
the Detroit River (p.m.) Leave
Bob-Lo at 5:30.
3::30-Shakespeare's "Hamlet" - the
Shakespcsve Playhouse comuany of
New York City. Auditorium of Uni-I
versity hall. Admisson- will be'
8:00-Ibsen's "A Doll's House,"- the
Shakespeare Playhouse company of
New York City. Auditorium of Uni-
versity hall. Admission will be
11:00-Institute of Government and
Politics, under the auspices of the
National League of Women Voters.
Registration in Barbour gymnas-
ium. Morning and afteroon ses-
sions, auditorium of Uuiversity High
School. See special irs am.
3:00 - All graduate uurses takin !
courses at the University Summer
session are invited to attend a meet-
ing at the Island.
4:00-Epidemiology and Sanitary Con-
trol of Preventable Diseases. Dr. L.
L. Lumsden of the U. S. Public
Health service. Natural Science au-
5:00-The Proposed South African Ob-
servatory of the University. (Il-
lustrated). Prof. W. J. Hussey. Na-
tural Science auditorium.
8:00-The Progress and Opportunities

of Civil Service Reform. Mr. H. W.
Marsh, secretary of the National Civ-
il Service Reform League. Natur-
al Science auditorium.

Will Offer "Hamlet" And "A Doll's
House" This Afternoon
And Evening
If I Were King" was presented last
night by Frank McEntee and company
from the Shakespeare playhouse of
New York. The play is a fantastical
romance dealing with the reign of
Louis XI, and the war with the Bur-
gundians. The limitations of num-
bers in the company made it a rath-
er difficult play to present satisfact-
orily, especially in the last scene
when the group was supposed to rep-
resent the large group of the pop-
ulace of Paris.
Elsie Hedron Kearns as Katherine
de Vaucelles gave a delightful inter-
pretation of the character. Her voice
is excellent, and herarticulation far
surpasses that of the other players.
It was very difficult at times to under-
stand the players. This is probably
due to the acoustics of University
hall. The place is not adapted to the
giving of plays and it must be diffi-
cult for the players to overcomethis.
The dramatic climaxes were given
with more skill and more force than
the rest of the performance.
As in the performance of "Beyond
the Horizon" the minor characters
stood out in their interpretations.
Thibaut d'Aussigny, Noel le Jolys, and
Guy Tabario, gave characterizations
of their small parts that were very
The setting, which were furnished
by silk curtains with a few pieces of
properties, were well chosen and the
necessity for further elaboration of
scenery was not apparent. The cos-
tumes were nicely picked and their
colors showed up well in the lights
that were used. This play is the sec-
ond of the plays given by the com-
pany. Hamlet will probably be the.
best of the series, as this is a play in
*hich Frank McEntee is especially
"Hamlet", to be played this after-
noon and "A Doll's House", by Ibsen
this evening, will complete the pro-
gram that the Shakespeare Playhouse
company under the direction of Frank
McEntee, have been giving. The plays
are given under the auspices of the
English department.
Mr. Frank McEntee was for many
years an actor with the original Ben
Greet players, taking part in no less
than 75 different Shakespearian roles
during his association with that com-
pany. Mr. McEntee has produced
special Shakespearian performances
with all-star casts attthe Fulton, Ply-
mouth,and Cort Theaters in New York
City. The New York Telegram said
of this performance "Hamlethwas a
remarkable performance for the his-
trionicrability shown by Frank Mc
Entee." "Frank McEntee, as Hamlet,
honored all the promises of his high
ability in Shakespearian roles,"ac-
cording to the Pittsburg Dispatch.
Ibsen's most popular play, "A
Doll's House" will be given in the

evening. The play permits of many
dramatic situations, and the story is
one of interest. This is the last of the
play to be presnted by the company
from the Shakespeare Playhouse.
This is the third year that these play-
ers have presented their talent to Ann
Arbor audiences, and that their work
is appreciated has been shown by the
large audiences which have gathered
to view the two performances which
were given Thursday and Friday even-

girl was frightened into giving a name will come to college, though they have
and it is certain she was wrong, but to work their way through."
no matter-a man near by was not -_
sure of the congressman but he didi
know the senators. The astonishing DIDPTOD
thing is that the teachers questioned [
knew less about such matters than the
students. The women connected with STUDYREPTILE LIFE
University who are actually expected
to vote know nothing about politics-
most of them think it is a "dirty hole" Dr. A. G. Riutheven, director of the
and consider it a matter to leave sev- Zoological Museum, has left for Utah
erely alone. where he will make a study of the
The person who knew the most reptile life of that part of the coun-
about the affairs he was voting on try. The professor is especially in-
was discovered very unexpectedly. terested in the life of frogs, snakes
When I asked him who his senator and lizards.
was he said that the people from He will study particularly the way
Michigan were not represented. He these reptiles respond to different
said that the senators did not repre- tltitudes in the mountains. And why
sent the people and that the congress- certain reptiles can live in higher al-
man from this district promised the titudes than others.
Legion to loot the United States' Dr. Rutheven's headquarters while
treasury for the bonus-he did it and in Utah, is Salt Lake City. He ex-



will do it again.

The man felt thatI

such a person should not have an of-
fice. -

pects to return to Michigan to re-
sume his duties about the middle
of September.

i I


Saturday Afternoon, July 19th, 3:00 o'clock, Shakespeare's "Hamlet."
Saturday Night, July 19th, 8:15 o'clock, Ibsen's "A Doll's House."


Reserved Seats, 75 Cents

Reserved Seats, 76 Cents



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