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July 17, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-17

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Sir Maurice Hankey Made Secretary
Of Body; Appoint Three Con-
inittees On Agenda
London, July 16.-The inter-allied
conference for the purpose of making
effective the.Dawes plan on German
reparations assembled at 11 o'clock
yesterday at the foreign office. Am-
erican Ambassador Kellogg and Col.
James A. Logan, the American obser-
ver -with the reparation commission
were present with four advisers and
a number of secretaries.
Formally welcoming the delegates
to the conference Prime Minister Mac-
Donald made especial reference to the
presnce of the Americans. He noted
they were not present as full dele.
gates but he took their presence as
indicating the good-will and co-oper-
ation of the United States in the effort
to make the Dawes plan effective.
Opening the formal proceedings of
the conference, Premier MacDonald
briefly surveyed the reparation prob-
lem, urging the importance of putting
the Dawes report into effect as a
whole, without change of details.
Responding to the British prime
minister's welcome, Premier Herriot
of France thanked his colleague for
his "noble words." He recognized
the apparent difficulties before the
conference, but he thought everybody
was "imbued alike with love of coun-
try and love of peace."
Therefore he believed the interests
of the various peoples concerned could
be conclated M. Herriot proposed
Premier MacDonald as chairman of
the confernce, after which the busi.
ness of organization was begun. Sir'
Maurice Hankey was named secretary
general and three committees were
appointed to work out the agenda
along the lines of the Herriot-Mac-
Donald communique issued from
Paris, July 9.
The conference then adjourned until
Prof. Henry E. Riggs of the Civil
Engineering Department will lecture
on the "Development in American
Transportation", in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium at 5 o'clock today.
Professor Riggs, treating the sub-
pect from an historical viewpoint,
will trace American transportation
from its beginning years of stage
coaches and covered wagons, through
the time of canals and the first ex-
periments with steam engines, and fin-
ally will discuss the elaborate railway
system of today, the interior water
ways, and the automobiles. In his
discussion of the railways and high-,
ways,- Profesor Riggs will endeavor
to show the magnitude of the present
day transportation problem.
The lecture will be illustrated by

slides, some of them contrasting the
old methods of transportation with
the modern.
Prof. John S. Worley of the Engin-
eering school and Mrs. Worley are
spending the summer in New York
City. They left Ann Arbor in the lat-
ter part of June to be gone until Sept-
ember. Their daughter is at a camp
in Massachusetts.

SHAKESPEARE GROUP Hayden And Shull Discuss
Terms Of Immigration Bill
Opinions on the Johnson Immigra- Professor Shull said that it is wide-
tion Bill, which has recently been Iy believed that the people from south
passed by Congress and signed by eastern Europe have been discrimin-
PresidentLCoolidge, have been obtain- ated against by the new bill because
-ed from two members of the faculty,Ithey are an inferior people. He said
EUGENE O'NEILL'S "BEYOND THE Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, of the politic- that the figures which were present-
HORIZON" SCHEDULED FOR al science department, and Prof. ed to the committee on immigration
[PRESENTATION Franklin A. Shull, of the zoology de- of the House of Representatives by
partment. H. H. Laughlin, superintendent of the
U. HALL STAGE TO BE, Professor Hayden expressed the be- Eugenics Record office of the Car-
USED FOR PERFORMANCE lief that the law is an improvement negie Institute of Washington defin-
over the old law from the administra- itely disproved that the people of
Players Here Under Auspices of tive point of view. He said that the south-eastern Europe are inferior.
PlaersHee UderAuTicso Eng. ,tendency to select the immigrants The figures were complations of the
lisp Department; Two Previous on the other side of the ocean instead records of custodial institutions of
Visits Popular of a Ellis Island is. a decided step the country and these showed that the
forward. north-western Europeans in custod-
"Beyond the Horizon", by Eugene The two per cent quota was based ial institutions were practically as
O'Neill, is the play which will open on the 1890 census because that was numerous as south-eastern Europeans
the series of performances that Frank a far more proportionate basis than were.
McEnett and his company of Shakes-afamoepprtnte1aithiwr.
peare Playhouse playersofNewYkthe censuses of a later date are. By Professor Shull said that is would
to be given this evening at 8:15 o'- proportionate is meant that each coun- be better to put selection of immi-
clock in University hall. Tickets for try's quota under the new law will be grants on a family basis. This means
the performances are on sale at more nearly proportionate to the num- that prospective immigrants would
Wahr's bookstore. The price of ad- ber of people from that country who have to apply for admission at spe-
mission to a single performance is already are in the United States at cial bureaus on the other side before
75 cents. Four shows with reserved the present time. The 1890 census was they leave for the United States. His
seats may be seen for $2.50. the fairest basis to use. family connectiopns would then be
"Beyond the Horizon" is a story of Professor Hayden characterized the studied before he was allowed to
a young man who has a vision of the Jap exclusion feature of the bill as leave. Family qualities are a much
world beyond the horizon, but fate "unfortunate." He said that it was safer basis on which to judge immi-
compels him to remain on the bleak wholly unnecessary because it cuts grants than individual qualities are.
farm, tied down to a girl he thinks he off only a few hundred Japs and that In this way real selection of immi-
loves. His brother, without appreci- it was an affront to a friendly nation. grants could be made.
ation of the world other than his
home life, takes the opportunity that
is offered to his imaginative brother
who cannot because of his marriageADVERTISERS HEAR TO SELL TAGS FOR
and tours the world with eyes that do
not see the beauties about him. A
combination of circumstances force CAMP
the characters down until the last
when a life beyond the horizon is of- Vice-President of Guaranty Trust of S. C. A. Will Raise $300 For Support
fered to the man who desires it. New York Talks to London of Camp; Provides Vacation1
The play gives opportunity for pow- Meetin For 500 Boys
erful acting and the delineation of
characters opens chances for stirring -
the critics this company is entirely FOR ALL LIFE'S LUXURIES GIFT OF BUSINSS MEN4
capable of successfully presenting this
play. Press reports are very favor- "Advertising has brought to men A tag day for the rpote of raising
mony fr he upprtof heMichigan
able. The Milwaukee Journal says of the luxury of the safety razor, and Fresh Air camp will be held next
the players, "An extraordinary cap- the patent garter, while to the homes Tuesday. Tags will be sold at fifty1
able cast." "Gone of the most charm-
ing and artistic entertainments which it has brought the phonograph, the cents or anyihing more that the buy-1
has been provided Princeton's lovers vacuum cleaner, the electric iron, and er is willing to give.
of the drama during the recnt years," the fireless cooker," said Francis H. The tag day for the Fresh Air
has blenn .9c . n nnniua ictitnic onl


Toronto Crew Qualifies to Meet Yale
3 And British Club in Finals
On Seine Course
Olympic Swimming Pool, Les Tour-
elles, France, July 16.-(By A.P.)-
Johnny Weismuller, Chicago; Lester
Smith, San Francisco; and Ralph
Breyer, Northwestern University, the
three Americans entered for the 400
meter Olympic swim, free style, to-
day qualified for the semi-final event,
while Pete Desjardens of Miami, Fla.,
Clarence Tiskston, San Francisco; and
Albert C. White, Leland Stanford Un-
iversity, are finalers in the fancy high
diving contest. All six of these Am-
ericans won their respective contests]
in the elimination trials today.
Warren Kealoha, Hawaii, and Paul
Wyhet, Uniontown, Pa., are amonga
those who will fight it out for the 100
meter breast stroke championshi.c
Henry Luning, Hawaii, although he
finished first in his heat today, was<
disqualified on a charge that he "beat
the gun" at the start of the race.u
The long awaited duel between1
Weismuller and Andrew Charlton, the
young Australian phenomenon, failed
to materialize when they met todayt
in the 400 meter free style race in
qualifying for the semi-final. Both
the American and Australian kept G
themselves well in hand as thoug I
saving their strength for the finals.1
Weismuller, who is the pt of the
French public and received1 loudert
cheering than any of the French en-
trants, finished today's race ahead of
the Australian, but it was evident1
that neither be nor Charlton was ex1
erting himself.
It was a bad day for the American
women swimmers, Agnes Gerhehty be-{
ing ihe only one of them to qualift
in the 200 breast stroke. Both Elean-
or Coleman of Milwaukee and Matilda
Shurich of New York were eliminated.
Argenteuil, France, July 1.-(Byi
A. P.)-The Toronto University crew,
carrying the Maple Leaf of Canada,
today won te final eight oar eimina-1
tion trial of the Olympic regatta, and
earnedcthe right to meet the famous
American Yale crew, and the Thaie
club of Great Britain in the blue rib-'
bon event. Seven championships will
be contested over the picturesque'
Seine river course.
Colby Presents
New Ideas Of
Matter, Energy
Presenting and explaining a number
of scientific ideas in a non-technical

Hayden, Kalaw, Aiton to Conduct
Course In International Rel-
ations; Reed On Staff
The Institute of Government and
Politics which will be conducted by
the department of eficiency in gov-
ernment and the fourth region of the
national League of Women voters in
cooperation with the University will
open Monday and continue through
to July 26.
Six courses will be given in the
Political school during the session by
prominent faculty members of the
University and men from the Detroit
bureau of governmental research. The
courses include: State and County ad-
ministration which will be given in
six lectures and one round table dis-
cussion. Political parties and nomin-
ating methods which will be compos-
ed of three lectures by Prof. T. H.
Reed, of the Political science depart-
ment, and one round table discussion.
Law making bodies consisting of two
lectures. Legislation and Social Pro-
gress which will consist of three lec-
tures by Prof. A. E. Wood, of the
sociology department. His. subject
will deal with the basis and aims of
social legislation, legislation regard-
ing wage and hours of labor for wo-
men and legislation affecting child
The course in International rela-
tions will be made up of three lec-
tares, one roulihd table discussion and
one evening meeting. Prof. J. R.
Hayden, of the political science de-
partment, and Dean Maximo M. Kalaw
of the University of the Philippines,
and Prof. A. S. Aiton, of the history
department, will conduct this course.
A course in popular methods of teach-
ing government will be given in the
form of two hours of lecture and dis-
cussion by Prof. T: H. Reed and Mrs.
May Wood-Simons, of Northwestern
Registration in the Institute will be-
gin at 11 o'clock Monday in the par-
lours of Barbour gymnasium. The
fee for the entire course will be $8.
Mrs. George Patterson, president of
the Ann Arbor League of Women vot-
ers, will open her home at 2101 Hill
street, at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon
for an inormal reception to students
of the Institute.

T e most successful Niagara Falls
excursion since the institution of that
trip as a regular feature of the Sum-
mer session, according to reports of
students who made the excursion, was
made last week-end under the direc-
tion of Prof. William H. Hobbs, of
the geology department.
The party made the trip from De-
troit by boat to Buffalo and by rail
to the falls. Seventy-five took the
trip, the largest number in its his-
tory. The gorge trip was made,
stops being included for the study of
geologic formations and the scenery.
The night illumination of the falls
was observed from Goat Island, and
many of the party took the ride on
the Maid of the Mist past the foot of
the falls. The accuracy with which
the trip was planned and carried out
lent much to the pleasure of those
who made it.
Is telling who you are, where you
are and what you have to offer -
if nobody knows who you are or
what you do - there is no busi-
ness and you are the loser.
Tell the world through the Daily
Classified Column.
Come in and
Press Bldg. Maynard St.

Sisson, vice-president of the Guaranty
Trust company of New York, to the
convention of the Associated Adver-
tising club now being held in London,
Mr. Sission was one of the men
scheduled to speak to the men as-
sembled foi' the conventioji, while
another message was given by Her-
bert S. Houston, publisher of "Our
World," who gave the convention the
message from President Holland.
The day was then devoted to talks
about advertising agencies, and the
work that they have done in the Unit-
ed States.
The convention also gave recogni-
tion to Henry Walker, who in 1647 in-
troduced the first advertisements in
the little weekly news books of that
time. He little knew that he was re-

leasing a powerful influence that
day is having such a hold on


W1 e~cU aaul LEUuun
the campus. Money raised by this
sale goes to the support of the Fresh
Air camp which is conducted by the
Students' Christian Association for
the benefit of the poor boys of De-
troit and boys in the juvenile courts
who have no other opportunity for
an outing. A site of 170 acres at
Patterson Lake was given by busi-
ness men, friends of tiea novement,
and provides an unusual vacation for
the city boys. Over five hundred
every yearfare taken there, each for
a period of two weeks. Thme third
unit of 130 boys left yesterday morn-
The University Fresh Air camp is
now in its fourth year, thcugh this
is only the second year at its pres-
ent site. It has always been support-
ed by the students of the Univerity.
"Send a kid to camp" is the slogan
during the campaigns and authorities
in charge of the work of the camp are
desirous of a ready support on the
campus this summer. Last year,
$264 was raised in the one day drive.
It will be necessary to raise $300
this year if the work of the camp is
to continue.
The camp is under the supervision
of University men who give up their
summers to lead the boys. An under,
taking of the Students Christian As-
sociation, it has grown to be one of
the outstanding services of the Uni-
versity to the people of the state.
New York, July 16.-Harry F. Sin-
clair has put up a $5,000 bond to in-
sufe his appearance for trial for al-
leged conspiracy.
Eight eggs contain two ounces of
protein, or as much as in a pound of


Classes in the fundamentals of
journalism and in news editing under
E. G. Burrows, of the journalism de-
partment, will make a trip through
the offices of the Detroit News this
afternoon. The trip is conducted as
part of the work in these classes.
The classes will assemble at 3 o'-
clock in front of the News building
in Detroit. The various processes in
the printing of a metropolitan daily
will be observed.

manner, Prof. W. F. Colby, of the
physics department, yesterday after-
noon lectured to an interested audi-
ence on "The Theory of Quanta."
In the course of developing his
topic, Professor Colby brought out
the difference between. the average be-
haviour of a large number of people
or objects and the behaviour of any
scientific individual. He stressed the
point that while a generalization of
behaviour may hold good when ap-
plied to a large enough group, n.o in-
dividual part of the group necessar-
ily acts in accordance with this gen-
An example of this is the averagel

"expectation of life" predicted and
used by insurance companies. No
one person lives precisely this pre-
dicted length of time, but when the
duration of life for a number are av-
eraged, it is exactly the predicted
Professor Colby then showed that
it was quite possible that the same
idea applied to some of the so-called
fundamental laws of science, that they
are only generalizations of the be-
haviour of the immense number of
small parts, or quanta, that seem to
make up a visible body of matter. He
said that these same theories could be
applied to energy also, although this
is a more difficult conception.
Summing up, the speaker said that
this idea of quanta had tremendous
possibilities-that perhaps space, time,
and events do not take place contin-
uously, but in a series of disconnect-
ed steps. He said, "These ideas
are certainly going to be disconcert-
ing to'our old established theories of
1 energy and motion."

ii - Ii

Thursday Night,
"Beyond the H
Friday Night, Jul
"If I Were Ki
Reserved seats, 75

Shakespeare Playhouse presents in University Hall, at popular prices:
July 17th, 8:15 o'clock, Eugene O'Neill's Saturday Afternoon, July 19th, 3:00 o'clock, Shakespeare's
orizon." "Hamlet."
y 18th, 8:15 o'clock, Justine McCarthy's Saturday Night, July 19th, 8:15 o'clock, Ibsen's
ng." "A Doll's House."
cents. Reserved seats for four performances, $2.50. Advance seat sale at Wahr's State Street book store, beginning Monday morning, July 14th.


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