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July 16, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-16

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-- -- --- t

Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
g ntered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $c.5o.
Oficea: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the E~ditor. Un-
igned communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily doesenot necessarilyeendorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board.....
.............Andrew E. Propper
City Editor................. Verena Moran
Night Editor....... ....Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor..........Leslie S. Bennetts
Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marian Kolb
Rosalea Spaulding Wenley B. Krouser
Marion Walker J. AlbertBLaansma
Dwight Coursey Marion Meyer
Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller
Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld
Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall
Maryland E. Hartloff
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........ C. Wells Christie
Account Manager.............Byron Parker
Florence E. Morse Florence McComb
Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown
Night Editor-ROBT. G. RAMSAY

in years to come, stand out as the
first buildings of the Univeristy.
Tradition, insofar as it involves
buildings, is in its infancy here. The
Union, the libraries, the new Law
club, and the Women's League; these
will be the centers of Michigan tradi-
tion in the future. Imagine for a
moment the tap-room of the Union
after a hundred years, the library
shelves ater a century or so. If you
can visualize these it will not be
hardto see wherein our future love
of the past shall lie.


- I
We reiterate, we don't like it! It
may be unethical to mention it here,
when we have to contend with peo-
ple who just will interrupt the pro-
fessor in the middle of a really in-
teresting lecture to ask some dumb
question entirely irrelevant to the
topic under discussion, we just can't
stand it. The. dear Prof. was exas-
perated, the class was pained, and we
were boiling. This sorta thing has
gotta stop.


Text Books and Supplies


Both Stores

"To those who are desirous
of knowing what gives them
pleasure but do not quite know
how to set about it I have no
better advice to give them than
that they must take the same
pains about acquiring this diffi-
cult art as about any other, and
must acquire it in the same way
-this by attending to one thing
at a time and not being in too
great a hurry."
"Proficiency is not to be ob-
tained here, any more than else-
where, by short cuts or by get-
ting other people to do work
that no other than oneself can
do. Above all things it is ne-
cessary here, as in all other
branches of "study, not to think
we know a thing before we do
know it-to make sure of our
ground and be quite certain that
we really do like a thing before
we say we do."
"Sometime you will feel you
have done right. Anyway ere
long you will know more about
it. But there must have been a
secret treaty with yourself to
the effect that the decision was
provisional only."


"It seems to me," remarked the oldp
gentleman, "that the young people ofv
this generation are afraid of them-g
selves." The present generation has
been charged with everything ranging
from corruption to insanity, but here
was a new one-we are afraid of our-s
The philosopher continued, "You
can easily notice that the man ort
woman of the present hates solitude.s
They all seek crowds, They are afraid
to be alone with themslves for even1
a minute."t
Perhaps there is some truth in thel
accusation. Solitude for the average
intelligent man or woman brings witha
it self-communion and induces a rath-c
er critical self-examination. We are9
living in a fast age. Look at the frontN
page of the morning paper; what at
feverish panorama it unfolds! Inter-
national complications, political meet-1
ings, and a dozen calamities in a
single day are reported in the pagest
of the press. Yet the seething crowd
keeps on in heedless hurry without
a single moment of deliberate thought.f
A valuable habit to acquire is thet
setting aside of an hour a day for
tranquility and mediation. An hour in
which a man can retire to some sec-
ret place and there take stock of hisI
resources, revise his aims, relocate
his goal and gather new vision onf
men and events.p
Conceit is like love or hunger, iti
attacks all men. An aeroplane jumpst
across a continent between dawn andr
dusk; a ship as big as a small cityi
crosses an immense tract of water1
with speed and safety; a bell ringst
and a voice thousands of miles awaye
is heard clearly and distinctly; a dy-t
namo does the work of a hundred men,t
a train laden with the produce of a(
nation rushes over the country to
feed the teeming cities. Small wonder1
that man is conceited. Through his,
intelligence and inventive research lie
has made many marvelou,s things,
and some of his creations are little
short of miraculous.
Take, for example, the most intri
cate product of human mafacture,
a battleship. Hundreds of tons of
steel and other materials have been
fabcated into a Thon ter of unbeliev-
able complexity. It has huge bulk and
great speed. It is capable of combat-
ting the elements, and its vitals are
protected by, heavy armor. It is equip-
ped with guns that respond likethe
thunder of the Olypians and deal
death and destruction; and it seems
almost animate.
But this marvel of human manufac-
ture is after all a mere mechanism.
Compared with the simplest of na-
ture's children. It is simplicity it-
self. Sooner or later this human
made monster will reach the end of its
utility and nothing will be left of it
but a mass of dull, inanimate wreck-
age. While even the smallest crea-
tures that crawl or swim or fly pos-
sess the power of procreation and
can pass on their life and character-
istics to their children. There is a
gulf between the battleship and the
insect that the human brain will nev-
er bridge.
What we know is but a thin film
of oil on the ocean of knowledge.
That should reduce conceit by a notch
or two.
Apparently some students believe
that there are too few cement walks
on the campus. They are always tak-
ing short cuts.

The privilege of the University
Health service will be extended
to all students of the University
Summer session. The Health
service is located at the corners
of Washtenaw and Volland ave-
nues and will be open from 9 to
12 o'clock daily except Sundays
and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur-
days and Sundays excepted. All
students who care to take ad-
vantage of it are given free med-
ical service.
Physicians are available at all
times by calling the Health ser-
vice infirmary, University 186-M.

Podunk Papers Please Copy
We notice that the WGSCD ran a
story yesterday which told all about
Dean Kraus visiting the "biological
Station" in Kentucky. For the edifica-
tion of them as don't know it, we may
state that the aforementioned station
is located in or near Cheboygan,
Mich., and that the Dean hasn't been
to Kentucky this summer that we
know of at this writing.
What we started to say was that
after the error appeared in The Daily,
our esteemed contemporary, the AA
TN, ran the same story last night
without changing it. Journalistic mot-
to: "Confirm your news."
That or Poison St.
Here's to you, Taman:
I have a sorrowful tale to unfold
to you. It is all about a friend of
mine. At least he was afraid-but
ah! how little we know for what
friendship will stand. We went out
to the lake-the Michigan Summer
Dummy wasn't there-he was afraid
I would accuse him of his office again
-and we went in one of the collegiate
It didn't have a back light, the
front fenders were gone, the left
hind one was tied on-there wasn't
a top-the transmission rod was loose,
and the differential was cracked. We
ran out of gas because the gasoline
tank leaked, and the water all boiled
out of the radiator every 3-4 of a
mile. We ran into a ditch because
tlJe lights went out-and I broke
three ribs and one neck in going over
a slight elevation called a bump. It
took us three hours and 45 minutes
to come in from Whitmore. When I
disembarked I remarked to him that
as a friendly tip I advised him to trade
his Ford for a dog, and shoot the dog.
And I haven't seen him since!
Li' Gennie
It seems
As though we
Can't fill up space
Izatso? Well, this
Sort of thing
Works wonders.
* * *
Gaylord's Putting Out the Sheet
Isn't that nice? These rolls are
three quarters of an hour late, and
-he'sroring around cussing us out in
general. We like that, it makes us
feel so humorous. We've never been
in a worse mood to put out rolls this
year. Aside from our rage at the in-
terrupted lecture, we have a tooth-
ache. Address all letters of sympathy
to Taman, Michigan Daily, City.
Last Sunday we went fishing. We
fished all day and caught a nice
string of fish and a sunburned neck.
We set out in a boat and watched
the motor boats go by and drive the
fish away, and cussed and had a won-
derful time. As a matter of fact,
we haven't had so much fun since
Gaylord slipped on the stairs and lost
his dignity. Our genial host ana
hostess showed us a regular time and
we had a big fish dinner to cap it all
off with.
* * *
The other day we got a letter from
somebody who volunteered the infor-
mation that we needed a philosopher
for the col and offered to take the
job at least temporarily. We has mis-
laid the letter, so we can't publish it,
and ;we Ajisl4 to apologize to the
writer thereof and ask him or her to
send in some more some time soon.
* * *
Today's Helpful Hint: When in
doubt, park.

Small bricks of a chemical sub-
stance that will burn; even under
water have been put on the market
in Germany.
Now that we have a lot of new
buildings are we going to get a new
set of students?
It's a long lane that has no turn-
ing. It's a long Summer that has
no end.
And it's an unusual semester that
has no blue-books.

Chiropodist and
707 N. University. Phone 2652


- rr.Ar 6etter irnaeJons
711 N. University Ave.
Across from the Campus


Phone 150
338 Maynard St. South of Maj
- -I



Read The Daily

"Classified" Columns



Greenwood &
The Mans Shop
State Street Over
Calkins & Fletcher

Trim Linen Frocks
Will sell Thursday, Vargain Day
Trim enough for campus and class wear-straight
of line and youthful in air and delightfully cool
and appropriate for summer are the linen frocks
in white, green, yellow, pink, rose, blue and or-
chid included in the Bargain Day sale tomorrow at
this unusual price-$4.95.
(Mack's, second floor)








Smythe has often wondered wheth-
er Michigan knows what tradition in
the broadest sense really means. The
strongest ties between the present
and the past in all institutions of
learning comes through the struc-
tures which house the activities of
generation after generation of stu-
Here we have nothing which re-
vives memories of the pioneer insti-
tution of the '40's and little which
even arouses thoughts of the latter
portion of our first half century of
existence. Too true, we had our Uni-
versity Hall with its wings, long out
of date. They were landmarks of a
former period, yet they mean nothing
to us. They were cold, ugly struc-
tures devoid of any sentimental at-
tachment of the past-except age and
Then Smythe asks himself wny it is
that there are no appealing evid-
ences of the past here at a school
almost a hundred years old. He finds
the answer in the fact that Mich-
igan is just building her campus for
the first time, that it has never been
really built.
Permanence and beauty have only
been among the motivating. influences
of planning the University for the
past fifteen years. Alumni Memorial
Hall was the first structure to em-
body the qualities which will some
day mark it as a landmark of "old
Michigan." The buildings which are
going up so rapidly on the campus
,Will weather the strains of time and


To Be Successful You Must SAVE!
How many men do you know who are piti-
fully trying to cover up the dependency of their
declining years with the shabby remnants of
their better days. It is a sad commentary.on
present day life that so many men are deprived,
in their age, of the fruits of the toil of their youth.
Two things are responsible. One the re-
markable prevalence of get rich quick schemes
and the sale of worthless securities. The other
is the lack of appreciation by the individual of the
necessity for saving a part of his income.
Both of these insiduous evils the banks are
constantly combating, but without your cooper-
ation they are helpless.
You can provide for yourself and incident-
ally aid in the good work the banks are doing by
each week laying aside a portion of your income
in some responsible financial institution. The
habit is easily formed. You'll enjoy watching
your balance grow. There is no other way you
can assure your success in the measure in which
the world measures success.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Two Offices: Cor, Main and Huron Sts., .07 N. Univeraity



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