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July 15, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-15

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TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1924

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Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
%se for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news publishedthere-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $.5o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Conmunications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor........... Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board....
................. Andrew E. Propper
City Editor................. Verena Moran
Night Editor...........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegaph Editor.........Ieslie S. Benetts
Women' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marian Kolb
Rosalea Spauldng Wenley B. Krouser
Marion Walker Albert Laansma
Dwight Coursey Miarion Meyer
Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller
Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld
Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall
Maryland E. Hartloff
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.....Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie
Account Manager.............Byron Parker
Florence E. Morse Florence McComb
Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown
TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1924
Night Editor-FRED K. SPARROW
Wise men learn more from
fools than fools from wise men.
The wise man is wise in vain
cannot be wise to his own ad-
vantages. -Cicero.
It is easier to be wise for
others than for ourselves.
-La Rochefoucauld.
Whoever is not wise is wise.
Be wisely worldly, but not
worldly wise. -Quarles.
Nor is he the wisest man who
never proved himself a fool.
No man was ever wise byI
chance. -Seneca. I
Only a fool can always smile at
his failures. But think of what the
Emperor Galerius told a soldier who
had missed the target many times in
"Allow me to offer my congratula-
tions on the truly admirable skill you
have shown in keeping clear of the
iark. Not to have hit once in so
many trials,argues the most splendid
talents for missing."
The talent of the Department of
Immigration for missing the mark
seems to exceed the skill of the un-
fortunate soldier for missing the tar-
get. The Department of Immigration
did not create the laws and it has a
hard time enforcing it; and never did

any public department make more
blunders, or get into more trouble.
At the present time, the bureau is
seriously concerned over the case of
700 Italian immigrants who settled
some years ago in this country and
who revisited Italy in order to bring
back with them their families or rela-
tives. Before booking their passages
from the United States they had ap-
plied to the courts to deliver a judg-
ment on their demand and the Court
of the State of New York decided that
they were entitled to return with
their families. Acting on this permis-
sion they sailed for Italy.
Unufortunately on reaching Naples
these men found a wireless message
awaiting them which said that the
sentence of the New York State
Court had been quashed in appeal.
The effect of this news may be easily
imagined. Without loss of time they
wired to President Coolidge, Signor
Mussolini and the Italian Ambassador,
Prince Gelasio Caetani, denouncing
the court's decision as a "flagrant in-
justice," pointing out the heavy ex-
penses they had incurred in the hope
of returning to the United States with
their families. Accordingly represent-
ations have been made at Washington
through the usual diplomatic chan-
nels without, however, any definite

Here then is another example of
a blunder, which is generally attri-
buted to the Immigration Department
at Ellis Island. Yet in this case the
blame does not seem to lie with that
department. It is a poor day for the
editor of the daily newspaper, how-
ever, when at least one heart-rending
immigration story does not come from
Ellis Island, and every one of these;
pathetic stories of poor and misjudged
immigrants are- followed by a deluge
of indignant letters from well-mean-
ing citizens which fills the mail bag
of the Commissioner General of Im-
migration unto overflowing.
The joke of the whole thing is that
all of these immigrant stories are
highly colored, the fact garbled and
exaggerated, and in many cases they
are absolutely without foundation.
But the number of people who re-
spond to the sob stories with indigant
letters reveals the fact that there are
a great many who have notyet learned
to take their daily news with a grain
of salt.
At least one political party has serv-
ed notice of the fact that it is aware
that the Klan exists. The Republicans
had long ago made up their minds to
ignore it. The Democrats by a nar-
row margin of five votes finally decid-
ed, to follow suit; but the National
Convention of the Socialist Party
seems to have encountered none of
the difficulties experienced by some
others in recalling the name of a cer-
tain masked and hooded organization
whose deeds called for condemnation.
The Socialists deserve credit for,
the courageous and straight-
forward manner in which they ex-
pressed their opinion:
"We emphatically condemn the
Ku Klux Klan and every other ef-
fort to divide the workers on racial
or religious lines, and to effect pol-
itical purposes by secret or terror-
istic methods."
Thus in round words a party has
the courage to brand a practice for
which it has no sympathy-votes or
no votes.
No one will deny that women rule
the world after all. No sooner do they
bob their hair than the Chinese are
forced to visit their barbers and have
their queues removed! The poor
Chinamen who have prided themselv-
es these many years on doing exactly
what their grandfathers did, must fol-
low the lead of our American women.
They are given only two months'
time to get rid of their appendages
voluntarily, according to latest re-
ports from China; after that, it is
said queue-cutting parties will be
staged by the police. That is not all,
they are to be fined one dollar if they
do not obey the order within the al-
lotted time.
Now men ought to be able to ap-
preciate why women bob their hair,
even if they are kept waiting hours
at the barber shops themselves. A
New Yorker who sympathizes with the
Pennsylvania group of men who have
formed a shaved-headed club says: "I
want to recommend temporary sum-
mer baldness. Any one who once has
the courage to get a close crop and
who experiences the delightful sense
of cleanliness and coolness it brings
will never again be bothered with a
troublesome thatch during the sum-
mer months".
When is a citizen not a citizen?
Answer: When there are no facil-

ities for voting. Citizenship has been
'granted 125,000 Indians after a long
fight and now that they have it, what
are they going to do with it? The
necessary machinery for these thous-
ands of Indians to vote will have to
be set up as a result of the Act pass-
ed at the recent session of Congress.
Senator La Follette's trumpeters
affect to oe over-joyed at the nomina-,
tion of Mr. Davis. It is just what
they wanted, they claim. It will drive
"progressive" Democrats into the La
Folletian flock.

To the Editor:
Five years after the Franco-Pruss-
ian War, there appeared in Germany
a growing spirit of extreme national-
ism, which was fostered to a great ex-
tent by three men: Bismarck, Van
Treitzche, and Neitzche. Of all these,
Von Treitzche enjoyed by far the most
popular appeal.
Van Treitzche was by birth a Saxon,
by ancestory, Polish. He was not an
original thinker, but was a remark-
able publicist. His works are char-
acterized by two strong elements:
Sacrifice of the interests of the indi-
vidual for the group and an intense
hatred of England.
In his youth, Van Treitzche was a
Liberal, but he later recognised the
point of view of Bismarck, whom he
admired but hated. Perceiving the
necessity of Prussian dominance in
German affairs, he became inflamed
with his idea of the "Super-State,"
and began his famous lectures at the
University of Berlin.
According to Von Treitzche, the
principles of the French Revolution
were philosophical balderdash. A
state must be aristocratic; the masses
must always be the masses . . . thous-
ands must toil at the carpenters'
bench so that a few may be students."
Equality is not a right; the right to
vote is not a human right, but a civic
duty, and who shall vote must be de-
cided by the state. War is excusable
and highly desirable, as only through
war do states become great. In war,
heroic deeds performed for the fath-
erland mould heroic character. The
individual is trifling, in proportion to
the importance of the state, and
should be compelled to sacrific all for
He continues, the state is subject
to no power-if it loses independence,
it is no longer a state. Treaties and
International Laws are binding only
so long as desirable; the highest duty
of the state is self preservation.
"Where once was England, is now
a void of nations. .. . England is the
Colossos with feet of clay."
With such sentiment as this seizing
the minds of those very Germans who
had once been pictured by all Europe
as a people prone to good-nature,
beer-drinking, pipe-smoking, and bril-
liant philosophy, can we wonder that
Germany of 1914 was so different from
Germany of 1850? Can we wonder how
a treaty came to regarded as a "scrap
of paper;" how Germany stopped at
no device in her attempt to master
the world, and came dangerously near
to succeeding
M. W., '25.

aspect to every pair of eyes, and that
when the mists have cleared away, no
one knows just what will be revealed
in the way of a dumping ground for
unwanted rags and tatters of gov-
ernment and obnoxious fads of ex-
Neither the educators nor the wom-
en generally want a federal depart-
ment of education and welfare, or
education and relief-the change of
name having been accomplished by
the Republican Party platform with-
out having effected any change of
substance. Therefore, the effect of
the plank is to block the progress of
the federal department of education.
* The question well may be asked,

Mt. Clemens, Mich., July 14.-The
Pontchartrain-on-the-Lake, one of the
largest roadhouses in this part of
the country burned to the ground
early today with a loss between $150,-C
000 and $200,000.
No Fourth of July is complete with-
out somebody calling our flag The
colors that never run.
Try Classified ads for big Results.

Students registered'{ in the
C Summer Session of the Univer-
sity who wish to work on the
Summer Michigan Daily editorial r
staff are asked to call Ramsay at I
2040 or Mansfield at 396, or to
come to the Press Building on
Maynard Street

{ i

Who wants it?
(The Columbia Missourian)
Get on a railroad train and cross
the country with an eye turned oc-
casionally to the landscape, if you
need to be convinced that our natu-
ral timber supply is being rapidly
depleted. What is more, such a trip
will move you to such action as you
can take.
Reforestation of timberland has
been a subject of study and of some
action for centuries, mostly else-
where than in the United States,
however. Our abundance of native
timber has always withheld farreach-
ing effort.
Yet the country is gradually
awakening to realize that something
must be done. Because some of our
officials did not take sufficient care
of our natural oil preserves, they
have been ousted from office, which
indicates the sentiment of the peo-
ple. Polticial parties write into
their platforms such statements as
"Our disapearing natural resources
of timber call for a national policy of
Still there is something else that
must come about before much will
be done along this line. Individual-
ly and collectively we must have a
"timber consciousness." We must
make this matter of tree protection
and tree planting a personal matter.
Those who own land and trees must
refrain from cutting down a tree
without planting another ih its
place. The rest of us must refrain
from defeating the efforts of those
who would protect and improve our
Forests; we must g£v pur moral E
port and active co-operation wherever
and whenever we can. If we will do
that, we need not worry amout thr
policies, our state and national gov-
ernments will adopt and follow.
"Progressive" is a highly elastic
word. Some day it will be stretched
until it breaks.
Watch Page Three for real values.

Electric Fans give you
comfort while
They're $1 to $35
No matter how high the temperature
mounts, you will be completely com-
fortable in the cool, invigorating breeze
an electric fan sends out. 8 to 16 .
inch sizes. Rigid and oscillating types.
Finest makes.
The Detroit Edison


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Energine Odorless
Dry Cleaning
The more a suit is soiled the more
we may be of service to you; It's
just the kind we're looking for in
making clothing good as new.


(The Christian Science Monitor)
It is difficult to understand what in-
terest the Republican Party seeks to
serve in its plank for a federal de-
partment of education and relief, ad-
vocated by President Coolidge before
the closing session of the National Ed-
ucation Association. If the pronounce-
ment was designed to please the ed-
ucators, it has signally failed in its
purpose. President Coolidge was ad-
dressing the association on behalf of
such an entangling alliance as the ed-
ucators several times have repudiated.
Both the National Education Asso-
ciation and its department of superin-
tendence has passed resolutions in-
dorsing a federal department in which
education shall be not only dominant
but alone. Their purpose is to signify
education through isolation. If oth-
er governmental agencies are to be
coupled with education in a federal
department, education will be no bet-
ter off than it is at present as a
bureau in the Department of the In-
terior, say the educators. Several
leaders in the National Education As-
sociatior even have gone so far as to
declare that they will fight to keep the
present bureau of education, rather
than to accept any combination.
If the purpose of the Republican
Party and its spokesman, President
Coolidge, was to capture the women
voters of the Nation, they have failed
at the outset. There has been a gen-
eral assumption that women are inter-
ested in welfare, but that assumption
has overlooked the fact that women
are too practical to enlist in support
of a mirage. Most of the large nation-
al organizations of women have in-
dorsed a federal department of educa-
tion. Only one avowedly has been
working for a federal department of
welfare. Leaders in women's or-
ganizations have made public state-
ments to the effect that they oppose
a federal department of welfare on
the ground that is has a different

That is a question that means much
socially. It means a deal more in
business and finance. This bank
offprs you bank connections that
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ness world.
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The privilege of the University
Health service will be extended
to all students of the University
Summer session. The Health
service is located at the corners
of Washtenaw and Volland ave-
nues and wil' be open from 9 to
12 o'clock daily except Sundays
and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur-
days and Sundays excepted. All
students who care to take ad-
vantage of it are given free med-
ical service.
Physicians are available at all
times by calling the Health ser-
vice infirmary, University 186-M.


_Whata difference)
just -aJ'ew cntnia1

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