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July 13, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-13

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SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1924

Published every morning except Mondayd
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to thev
ase for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-C
gntered at the postonticeAnn Arbor,t
Michiga, as econd class matter.
Snbsription by carrier or mail, $1.50.
Of pa: Ann Arbor Press Building. ]
Coqmnuuications, if signed as evidence of
goodit, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sderation. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the comzxunica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board... e
........Andrew E. Propper
City Editor.................Verena Moran
Night Editor ......... Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor..........Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor ...........Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Keller-
Virgiia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 960
Advertising Manager.....Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager....N.Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager ...... C. Wells Christie
Account Manager..............Byron Parker
SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1924
"A man's ignorance some
times is not only useful, but
beautiful-while his knowledge,I
so-called, is oftentimes useless,
besides being ugly. Which is
the best man to deal with-he
who knows nothing about a sub-
Ject, and, what is extremely
rare, knows that he knows noth-
Ing, or he who really knows
something about it, but thinks
that he knows it all?
My desire for knowledge is
intermittent; but my desire to
bathe my head in atmosphere
unknown to my feet is perennial
and constant. The highest that
we can attain tois not knowl-
edge, but sympathy with intell-
I do not know that this high-
er knowledge amounts to any-
thing more definite than a novel
and grand surprise or a sud-
den revelation of the insfficiency
of all we called knowledge be-
fore-a discovery that there are
more things in heaven than are
dreamed of in our philosophy.
It is the lighting up of the mist
by the sun.
Man cannot KNOW in any
higher sense than this, any more
than he can look serenely and
with impunity in the face of the
No. II-The Movie Fan
There was a certain student, a fine
fellow, who was wont to spend his
evenings.at the movies. He hated the

"sob stuff'; and when some gray-hair-
ed mother placed a light in a window
or some child lay dying for want of
a mother's love, or the villian repent-
ed in the last act, he writhed in
agony and his criticism fairly siz-
zled. All this old hokum gave him
a pain.
;e did not enjoy comedies, pie
throwing, slap-stick stuff; and he hat-
ed the Wild West as portrayed by the
heroes of movieland. He claimed that
strict censorship was necessary for
the great American nation was in im-
minent danger of having its sense of
the aesthetic and the humorous per-
verted by this foul trash. Nothing,
he said again and again, was so dang-
erous to the national art as this sort
of rough-neck cinema.
But when the movie advertisement
and the title promised fine costumes
and bed-room scene and enough sex
stuff to afford a thrill he could not
have been tied at home with a dog
chain. Many times he was disappoint-
ed for the censors had clipped the
thrill from many a naughty bit of
reel, and on such occasions he cursed
all the censors in the world and
howled for intellectual freedom.
The cotillion, once popular in this
aoun y, ISbaeing revived in England.

Italy In Retrospect
By X. K. W.
Count Tolstoy, in his War and
Peace, written a few decades ago, pre-
dicted a great universal conflict, at
the close of which some new Napoleon
was to dominate Europe from Arch-
angel to Madrid. Instead of a great
continental dictator, however, we find
a petty dictator in almost every na-
tion on the European continent.
Of all these Soldiers of Fortune,
perhaps the greatest is the Italian,
Mussolini, leader of the Facisti, or
Young Italy, movement. As usual, we
find that the man is made by the
lircumstancss. A m'an +of humble
birth, he educated himself and be-
came editor of one of Italy's leading
liberal periodicals; with the rise of
dissatisfaction, this puppet of fate was
literally swept into the position of
what in Italy stands for all law.
After the war, the Communistic
wing of the Socialist party came into
great power, and openly announced
their intention of introducing into
Italy a government similar to the
Russian Soviet. Drunk 'on success,
they seized enormous estates of land-
ed noblemen, made raids anywhere
and on any occasion they saw fit,
making the fatal mistake of attack-
ing the Church, and hence losing the
support of the Italian people at large.
Suddenly, a strange movement took
place, which resembled to a great ex-
tent the action of the Ku Klux Klan
in our Southern states immediately
after the Civil War: armed bands of
young men, conveyed to the scene of
action by motor lorries, prevented ef-
fectually every attempt of the Com-
inunists. These men identified them-
selves with the virtues of the old Ro-
man Republic, taking their name for
the fasces, or Roman badge of author-
ity. Mussolini, a man of great influ-
ence among them, seized the leader-
ship. With an army that has been said
to number 500,000 (beyond doubt an
exaggeration), he moved on Rome, and
demanded the immediate dissoultion of
the Cabinet.
The Cabinet members were furious,
and petitioned Victor Emanuel to de-
clare Martial law, to call out the army,
and to put a stop to the revolution-
ary attempts of this youthful horde.
The king with foresight unusual among
crowned heads, perceived that much
popular agitation must have brought
about a movement so p'ronounced, and
refused to comply with the demands
of the frightened and indignant Cab-
inet. The Cabinet there upon could
do nothing but resign, and Mussolini
was granted an interview with the
Mussolini, attired in full-dress
trousers, spats, a high silk hat, and
a black flannel shirt, arrived with
picturesque gusto. He stated his
claims fully and clearly and the re-
sult was his apopintment as absolute
dictator to the great acclamation of
the masses. The parliament was dis-
solved, and Mussolini began to work
marvels in Italy. The railroads,
which had been losing business, were
sold to private corporations, taxes
were reduced, and countless reforms
were at once effected.
Last November, a popular election
was held, and Mussolini was returned
as Prime Minister. Things ran fairly
smoothly until June, 1924, when Mat-
teotti, a powerful member of the op-
position was kidnapped, and appar-
ently murdered. The crime, while

never fully solved, was traced to lead-
ing men in the Facist party. Signoi
Alberti, a leader of the Popular and
Constitutional Democratic parties
made a direct attack on Mussolini and
the Facisti; but Mussolini very clever-
ly avoided this by openly promising
to see that justice was administered
ly there muffled rumbling of agita
Mussolini's popularity and power i
hard to establish, but while outwardl
his political sea is unrippled, inward
ly there muffled rumblinbs of agita
tion are to be detected.
Mussolini is a player to the grand-
stands, a crafty diplomat, and an ex-
cellent mixer. Americans have de-
scribed him as very willing to en-
gage in conversation on almost any
topic, democratic in action, and im-
pressive. He is enormously popula:
with the lower classes. His policy
however, is decidedly imperialistic
greatly resembling that advocated b:
Machiavelli and Von Treitzche. HE
has certainly accompished marvels i:
replacing Italy on the road to prosper
ity, but how long his structure o
power will stand is hard to determ
History, however, has shown it
power for repitition. Once again it
the name of freedom there has rises
into power an absolute dictator.



Today we were barging merrily
across the campus as is our wont at
times, lightly whistling the Aria from
somedamnthingorother when a gent
stopped us with a cheery greeting.

Text Books and Supplies


_ Both Stores


_ . _...


Read The Daily "Classified" Columns






Barging inerrily across tile eanipus
"'1o, Tam, sezze, "Skwup to th'
"Awright, sezzwe, "Skwup."
"Why don't you run something about
there here now Olympics ?" sezze.
"We shall, and that right hoon,"
sezzwe. "Many remerciements for
tha tip."
* * *
Arriving at our palatial offices, we
found a letter from our correspondent
at Colombes Stadium, enclosing a few
photographs, and containing great
succulent gobs of dope on the games.
The games, he says, will be won by
the team having the most powerful I
athletes, the best training, and the
most luck. This came as a revela-
tion to us, and we heartily reprint it
that you also, dear reader, may have
the benefit of his wisdom.
Our correspondent has been in Paris
for some time proceeding the games
and he states that the great influx
of English speaking and reading peo-
ple for the great carnival of sport
has resulted in the use of English on
signs in many of the parks of that
city. He sent us a picture showing the
terrible result of this practice when
a Frenchman, not able to read Eng..
lish, passed up a sign. We reprint
the photo below.
* * *
After a long and diligent seach,
our correspondent found a suitable!
lodging house, so he writes. He sent
us a snap shot of it, alon; with the
rest, and states, as usual, that the X
marks the room which he occupies..
The H. in the lower left hand cor-
ner is a National highway sign.
In order to prove to us that he has
attended the games a little, he sent
a snap of Paddock making the fatal
error of looking around at the end of
the 200-meter run. He lost the race
to Scholz, U. S., in case you haven't
been reading the Daily since our last
appearance..- ad business, this look-$
ing backward.
- a
The flowers in the left foreground
are the fleur de lis, national flower of
the country. In this case, the H is not
a highway sign, but represents the in-
itial letter of Paddock's remark at
this point.
That's all on the Olympics. We still
have four or five inches to fill.

Madison, Wis., Papers Please Copy
Dear Tam:
I was vainly attempting to make
textbooks and thoughts of my him go
together yesterday afternoon when up
f the stairs my landylady called: "The
postman's got a postage due letter
for you."
With visions of weighty legal docu-
* ments announcing my falling heir to
. an estate, I scrambled merrily down
(Continued on Page Three)


Thru special arrangements with Lournay, 4 Rue de la Paix, Paris,
we are permitted to offer a regular full sized jar of Lournay's Creme
au Citron (Lemon Cream) for 49c.
Creme au Citron is a mild safe bleach. Creme au Citron is an
ideal cleanser. It will remove every bit of dust, powder, rouge, etc.,
leaving the skin smooth and velvety. It has a mild astringent quality;
keeps the skin firm, and helps to efface wrinkles.
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.
324 S. State, corner East and South University
Aves., corner South State and
Packard Streets.


In such happy guise you
need an introduction to
discover them and their
method of helping you to
happiness and comfort.
Bath Salts






Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
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