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June 14, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-14

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ished, every morning except Monday
the summer session
iber of the Associated Press. The As
#d Press is exclusively entitled to th
iv republication. of all news dispatches
d to it or not otherwise credited in
sper and the local news published here
ered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor
N asecond by carrier or mail, $1.50.
::es: Ann Arbor Press Building.
unnications, if signed as evidence o
faith, will be published in The Summe
at the discretion of the Iditor. Un
communications will receive no con
jon. The signature may be omitted i
ation if desired by the writer. Th
er Daily does not necessarily endors
ntiments expressed in the communica
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Eitor...........Robert S. Mansfiel
nan of the Editorial Board......
..... ..Andrew E. Prppe
Editor.. ...............Verena ora
Editor.........John W. Conra
Editor.: ...Frederick K. Sparrow
aph. Editor..........Leslie G. Bennet
ns' Editor..... ..Gwendolyn Dew
ret Wrentmoile Francis O'Melia
Barley Marion Walker
a S aulding Leonard A. Keller
ia Bales Saul Hertz
Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 960
tisng Manager.........Hiel Rockwel
iring Manager.......Wil. Weis
ising Manager.........Byron Parke
its Manager..........Laurence Haigh
3ATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1924
road is fascinating because one
seldom tell where it will lead
miles it stretches on and on in
r ending monotony, ceaselessl
iug on to some definite end. Th
nation lies in wondering what i
me at the end. Its beauty lies in
nexpectedness. -
en after it has led on and on with
ading directness, the long whit
n of the dutsy road turns, an
raveller reaches the bend In th
uninformed of what lies aroun
little apprehensive for the fut
He reaches the turn, and invar
he will see one of three things
e him, as behind him, the sam
will go on in all its monotonou
tness, never changing, 'neve
ng, never bending. Another view
appear to the traveller. The roa
be rough, and rocky, the wa
And then often a still differen
opens up to the traveller wh(
s at the bend of the road an
about. There may open up t
a.lhigh way or opportunity with
hing roadways leading even far
and to broader fields than th
road, and the main roadi
th, and easy to travel.
lay, the graduate stands at the
of the road, and the new way
)pens before him is the road tha
he by paths and the easy way
lies aroundthe bend of the road
he graduate has, been travelling
te past four yeats, is a vista of
3r opportunity, greater develop-
and greater service.
ering upon life at a time when
vorld is torn with hate, begin-
the new and great adventure of
iving in a period when leaders,

hinkers are a paramount neces-
he opportunity that opens to the
ate is a splendid one,. and the
hat falls upon him a heavy one.
world looks to its educated peo-
r leadership, and the world to-
s crying for a leader, a prophet,
ker, who can direct his people
promised land. Greater obliga-
than ever before evolve upon
tizens of the world, and more
ularly upon the educated. Be-
ermanent and just peace can be
ished, hate that is eating at the
of the world, must be abolish-
d public opinion, formed by the
es of the educated people of the
is the only agency for such a
versal peace is only one of the
ms that will fall upon the grad-
f today. For him, the task will
lead the world through its per-
transition to the great inter-
al brotherhood and fraternity
men. If the ideals of American
ion are to be realized in their
sense then only the greatest ef-
the educated peoples, and lead-
wards a universal spirit of in-
ional oneness will in some de-
ay the debt we owe to the fath-
edicated this country to ideals,
.eas of liberty and justice, and

(The Chicago Tribune) GA
The Republican national platformR
is the declaration of a functioning Cowles has felt, that is, technically
government of the most prosperous he has left, as a matter of act, he is
large nation of the world. Its state- right here in Ann Arbor, and won't
write the col because his pay has
ments of fact are, in our opinion, stopped, so we, Taman, have conde-
in the main r true. Such disagree- scended to tear out a few inches un-
ments as The Tribune could main- holpen, and with no malice afore-
tain against some of the purposes and thought.
, policies of the men who are ruling
the party anthe government can As we think over the methods em-
pgployed by our great predecessor, we
- be reconciled to the major fact that
nI recall that he used to use poetry of
e the rule is sound, stable and for the( sorts to fill up space. We are no
most part considerate. poet, but we must fill up space.
To radical opinion that is a hol-
low statement, but it is true and gen-Co enmntia l
Commencement is a timely tune
erally unpreceived that the average To sing about today.
American has the best lot ,on earth. The seniors toddle 'round about
dWe are not addicts of the theory that E'r home they make their way.
fthis is the best of all possible times (hot, not?)
in the best of all.possible countries It is an awful frost to try
d in the best of all possible worlds. To write about commencement
s But this country is not in a morass of And so I'll cease and turn my
ills and suffering and ills and suffer- thoughts
ing are not promoted by its govern- To other things of lighter bent.
The critics of this platform will not It is quite patent that we were nev-
find it inspired. It isn't. They may er cut out to be a poet, nor a colI
think it weak. It isn't. It is an audit con either. The notice below, it is
and a prospectus which if accepted implored, will be observed.
as the one and followed as the other IE1 lLP
would tend to keelt the country pro-ASSiS'A'CE
eeeding about in its normal fashion SUCCOR
r and in its accustomed comfort. AIW
To people who believe that the na- * * *
tion is organically deranged the pat- We are meant to be at a house
form will be weak tea served luke- party right now, and our him is here
warm, but they will have a hard time in the office waiting patiently for us
reconciling their theories with the to take her to the ball game. We
conditions or observations of their are not going to take her to the ball
daily life. We accept the limitations game at all, but she doesn't know that
of .politics in its relation to human yet. We shall take her to the Maj
life. It can be a curse, but it cannot and regale her on Jerry's sterling pre-
. be a miracle, and it seems to us that sentation. These here now house
p the Republican platform recognizes parties are the bewwies.
this. * * *
There is a very active opinion in The Daily Dissertation
e the United States believing that a We, Taman, feel it our duty to dis-
c remedy for every dicouragement or sert occasionally, and we are going
a failure which any ghoup or section to call this our Daily Dissertation, de-
encounters can be found in the en- spite the fact that this is the first,
h actment and enforcement of a federal and may be the last, if Gaylord, our
statute. We fear the consequences of jovial M. Ek, sees it.
e such legislattive madness. If govern- This campus needs a Women's Lea-
d ment does not make evils it has done gue building. We have always heart-
e fifty per cent of its function and we ily opposed this venture, but the oth-
d do not yearn for one which devotes er night the womn's Editor drag-
- one hundred per cent of its activities ged us aside and persuaded us that
- to affairs outside its province and its it is a worthy cuse, and that all the
3. owers. That's a story doctrine which bims should have a place to loaf and
e comes straight from Mr. Jefferson, smoke and conduct themselves like
s whatever the Democrats or the rad- gentlemen. We heartily endorse the
r icals may think of it. entire program, and hope they get
Some people may think tlit the Re- their million bucks and build a great
d publican party doesnot show repent- big bouncing building and just have
y ance for its sins. We believe that the more durn fun.
t personnel of government is a big ques- * * *
o tion in the United States. The Hard- l' rorn a teleological viewpoint, we
d ing administration was unfortunate in feel it to be high time to stop. We
o that respect. Wel do not condone never were clever, and n ever will be.
1 maladministration in departments, Cheer up, however, as we expect that
- but the citizen who thinks that/ per- a regular col con will be here this
e sonal character goes by party lines summer, and you can regale yourselv-
s may be willing to vote Oor Mr. Me- es each morring with juicy hunks of
Adoo as a rebuke to J ,fr. Fat, toasted rolls, or whatever else the
The party regrets that its coed- new gent or him may choose to call
ence was betrayed by men it trusted, them
t but it does not believe that the core
of administration is rotten because Thanking you for your kind assist-
I bf that betrayal. If the guilty or neg- ance, attention tnd for your applause,
ligent men were aseking continuance .aj'tea!I.
in power it would be different.
Generally we can support the plat- come out of the immigration law and
form and the candidates. Repuilicans it did not. Political expediency may
t will find nothing wholly obnoxious in have, been against that, but the oppor-
eitlwr. tunity qs there. We believe that the
We shall have to confess a fore- immigration lw is to the United

boding in regard to world court. Pres- States what the ba t'e of Hastings was
ident Coolidge has made the Harding- to England, the end of t,, great in-
Hughes proposal his own. The party vasions which couid resrlit ;n further
follows him. It may be politically ex- modification of nationality. From
pedient. It may indicate the Presi- 1607 to 1924 was one period. Now
dent's personal conviction. The Tr- w . enter another. Our European
bane believes in conciliation and ar- debts are ols of diplomacy, The Re-
bitration, but the. world court to us publican party plgdges itself not to
seems to be the hallway to vol-fusion. cancel. That is realistic :,isdom. We
The elements in American society may never collect directly from sume
which advocate it most actively are of fip nations and may never want to;
those articulate factors which also but theye is the ace in the hole.
advocate complete disormament, the The platfom igres prohibition in
abolition of the army, abd the de- its debatable sense, aiccepls it as an
Jjinquesence of the navy unquestioned principle and is con-
Some day this may be the condition cerA1 'only with the method of en-
of the world. At present the United forceenti.. That again is politically
States is several miles nearer to it wise. Prohibltio;, is an issue in the
than any other large nation and we thoughts of the citizens, it it will
might well wait for a sign that the not be a political issue until a great
others are catching up. We have in party it es a stand against the Vol-
the Hague tribunal a safe and avail- stead act. We 0do not know when
able body for international adjudkca- that will be, but we doubt that it will
Lion. The.only trouble with it is that he soon. It may be nevert. No stand
it was in existence before the war is taken against the nullification of the
and many of our people believe that fourteenth and fifteenth amendments.
some new mechanism is required by sometimes nature tales "ber course,
that disastrous episode, a sign of con- although it may be heresy 1.0 say so.
trition and a manual of repentance. The declaration of the party regard-
Other elements in our foreign re- ing prohibition is that the field agents
lations are represented by the re- ought to be under civil service. There
striction or exclusion of immigra- probably would be corruption even
tion and the financial relations of 'then; but enforcement would not be
Europe to us, The platform might i the hands of men who deliberately
have had a moment of inspiration :eek political appointment because
with the new America which will }graft is in the job,


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