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June 14, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-14

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XV. No. 2



Senior Girls Give Picturesque
Drama Of French Middle Ages

Festivities Will Begin at 7:20
Morning With Bugle Call and
Hoisting of t ag


Glenn Frank, who since 1921 has
been editor of the Century magazine
will deliver the commencement ad-
dress Monday morning at Ferry field
when the classes of 1924 will receive
their diplomas. The subject of his
address is not yet known.
Mr. Frank is an educator and edit-
or of considerable note. From 1912
to 1916 he was assistant to the pres-
ident of Northwestern university and
for three years following this time
was associated with Edward E. Fil-
ene in Boston engaged in research and
organization work. From 1919 until
his appointment as editor in chief,
he was as associate editor of the Cen-
tury magazine. Mr. Frank has been a
lecturer in the United States and
Canada since 1912, and was a member
of the group headed by Chief Justice
Taft which formulated.a draft of the
League of Nations cbvenant which
was considered by the peace confer-
ence at Paris in 1918.
Commencement day, which is sched-
pled for Monday will begin at 7:30
o'clock in the morning with the bugle
call and the ceremony of hoisting the
flag on the campus. At 7:45 o'clock
the procession will form, preparatory
to marching down to Ferry field.
fraduates will assemble at their re-
spective stations under the direction
of. the class presidents. The proces-
sion is under the direction of Chief
Marshal Prof. L. M. Gram, and Assist-
ant Marshal Prof. James IH. Cissel.
Regents, ex-regents, deans, and candi-
dates for the honorary degrees will
meet in room B3 o' Alumni Memorial
hall at 7:45 in th morning. Other
members of the faculties will assem-
ble in the west gallery, on the second
floor of Alumni Memorial hall at the
same time. The procession will march
down State street and the blaring of
the bugles, the fluttering flags, the
bright colors of the academic hoods,
the somber black of the graduates
costumes all lend an air of dignity
and of pageantry as the procession
enters Ferry field for the commence-
ment exercises.
A stand has been built on Ferry
field, facing the south stand, and has
been provided with amplifiers to mag-
nify the voice of the speaker. The
University has taken the precaution
to insure the day against rain. An in-
murance policy of $2,000 has been tak-
on out to insure against any upsetting
of plars in oase of rain.
At Ferry field, the exercises will in-
dlude the address of the speaker, the
presentation of each class by their re-
spective deans, the giving out of the
diplomas as each class marches across
the stand and receives the sheepskin
from the hand of Dr. Burton, and the
granting of the honorary degrees.
Dublin, June 3- --Prof. Timothy A.
Siiddy, of 'Cork, has been appointed
minister plenipotentiary of the Irish
re tate at Washington.

By I. B. Henderson
We have all seen Professor Brumm's
productions- "A Thousand Years
Ago," "The Romancers,' "Pantaloon,"
"Every girl," not to mention the re-
cent litle rodent, "The Gray Mouse,"-
and each successive performance moreI
puzzling defies analysis: either the1
crowd is a pack of dyspeptic grumb-
lers or the director is without a sense
of shame.
To begin with, "If I Were King," is
entirely too ambitious a spectacle forf
amateurs to even consider, much less'
an all-girl's organization. The play,
in itself is little more than a frank
plagarism from "Cyrano de Berger-
ac" and a very feeble one at that, re-
quir ng.a large cast costumed with all
the reputed glory of the Moyen Age
and settings ranging from a tavern to'
a court garden on to a gibbet.
The point Is that the play is thor-
oitghly artificial and in absolute need
of the brawling vigor such as only a
Hampden or a Southern can give tol
make it less than a ridiculous fan-
tasia. Picture, therefore, the presentl
result of pretty or neo-beautiful girls
vainly attempting to swagger through
stagey beer-fests and braggadocio
court-duels. With the most candid,
fairness, an audience really can hard-
ly be satisfied with such obviously
mistaken ideals: particularly, and it
should be repeated again and again,

when the seats are placed at profes-
sional prices.
The intermissions between each of
the four acts were so long, that any
chance atmosphere quickly trickled
away in the lobby. In this connection
the fault. may possibly lie with the
scene-designer, C. O. Davis, who
should have known enough to copy
Claude Bragdon's permanent setting*
for Walter 1[ampden's production of
"Cyrano de Bergerac," especially since
the scenes are so nearly identical. In-
cidently, Mr. Davis' design for the
Garden scene was simply-and you
can say it with the coolest conscience
-simply pathetic. In these latter days
of artists like Gordon Craig and Nor-
man Bel-Geddes such antedated exhi-
bitions of painted perspective are in-
The production did, however, con-
tain one outstanding performance in
the characterization of Dorothy Rock-
well as Huguette, as beautiful and'
moving as I personally have ever seen
on the amateur stage, and, if it were
not that one would be accussed of
ridiculous exaggeration, one might
drop the word amateur unqualifiedly.
In any case she. completely accomp-
lished what we all strive so seriously
for: she perfectly submerged her per-
sonality into the flesh of her vivid
role; she was striking at nearly every
(point, and in her final death scene she
was very trgly inspired.


iembers of Class of 1924 to Proma.
enade on Lantern Lighted
inlpis '
Members of the class of 1924, their
relatives and friends, and alumni will
all be guests of the University and
the faculty at the annual senior re-
ception and promenade and senate re-
ception that will take place at 8:30
o'clock tonight on the campus. The
reception will be held in the Presi-
dent's home, and in adjacent por-
tions of the campus marked out for
the occasion.
The senior promenade which always
attends the annual affair will begin
at 8 o'clock. Classes will fora at
that time in front of the Library at
the same places as are provided for
commencement, and following the
lead of the presidents, they will march
to the President's house where they
will be received by President and Mrs.
Burton. The line of march will be
from the Library to State street on
the walk between the new literary
buildi'g and the law building, on
State street to Pouth University aye-
nue, to the President's house. After
passing through the house, they will,
be received by the various faculties
in the adjacent portions of the cam-1
pus. In case of rain, the receptio*
will be held in Alumni Memorial hall.
On the campus, the trees in the
Burton yard, the elms back o. th l
Library, and the trees that line South
University avenue and State street will
be hung with colored Japanese lan-'
ters. More than 1;000 lanterns will
be used to light the reception. The
University band will give a cotern
the stand' near Uni ty4r '

Set June, 19%i, as Date for Interna-
tional 3eeting to be Held in
At the annual meeting of the board
of direstors of the Alumni association
,of the University of Michigan held
here yesterday morning in Alumni
memorial hall a new plan for next
year's reunion and convention was
proposed and agreed upon. .In June,
1925, probably at Commencement time
although a definite date has nost been
set, a four day meeting of all the
associated clubs of. alunmni of the.
University of Michigan will be. 1egun
in Detroit. The c.onvention will re-
main in Detroit for two days and then
the alumzi will come,in a bpoy to Annt
Arbor for the remaining two, days qt
the reunion.
The, pr.oposed plan is Ansal tr
that it will include in the reunion
alunipi lubs from all over the world.
It is probably the first of its kind
ever attemped and will be held once
every, three years, RepresentativesI
from alumni clubs in every countr3 in
Europe are expected to be present and
the whole reunion will be on a scale
that has never before been attempted.
Cambridge, Mass., Juno i 1 -- The,
pick of America' 41tilic. talent, ii-
clu ling a4ofs f champions, gather-
e4 tiday for. the prelninnary testsfor
the. Anal , ympi tyack and field try-
94ts to dtermine the make-up of the
team that departs next Monday in
earch of international conquest.
The battle for broad jumping places
got off' to a brilliant start when De-;
Hart Hubbard, sensationalMien
athlete, leaped 25 feet F i e , g hi.
first trial. Th. \vas. close to the
world's ma Y ,t 2 feet i inches, held
1). tI ourdin, who competed today
despite a tendon pulled in the penta-
thlon tryout at New York several l
ago. .

Graduating Students and Faculty Will
Wear Caps and Gowns In
Sunday's event of the day in the
round of Commencement formalities
for seniors and alumni and guests will
be the baccalaureate address to be de-
livered in Hill Auditorium in 11 o'clock
by William Lowe Bryan, President of
Indiana University. It is planned that
the graduating classes of all the col-
leges and schools will assemble sep-
arately, and formed in column of twos,
will march to the terrace in front of
the auditorium, arrivingrthere a few
minutes before the hour. Caps and
kowns will be worn by theg raduating
students and by members of the fac-
ulty who are also to be present at
the ceremony. I
President Bryan, whose arrival in
Ann Arbor is expected today, is wide-
ly recognized as al able speaker, and
whatever he may choose to speak
about on Sunday morning, his audi-
ence is assured of much worth while
thought from him.
For a number of years now Dr. Bry-
an has held his present office in 'the
Indiana University in Bloomington
from which school he was himself
graduated in 1884. Later he travelled
in Europe and studied first in Berlin
and then at Paris and Wurzberg. He
obtained his Ph. D. in 1892 from
Clark University, and went soon after
to Indiana University asinstructor In
Greek. Later he held the chair of
philosophy there and in 1902 was
made president.
President Bryan is the h;ooor of
several honorary degrees, the latest
having been grante4 in 1918 by the
University lg Michigan.
While he is here, President Bryan
will he the guest of the 1n7ierei'ty.
Should the weather make it im-
possible to carry out plans for thej
senior 1're across the campus, they
*ill assemble irectly in Hill Auditor-
iuam where further arrangements will
be. made for seattag them according to'
1 7
"Honesty and integrity are abs-
lutely essential to sueess 1i the field
of law," decla>Kd, eareg@ M. Clark,
justice ofi ihii ga supreme court,
to sei yiavw students of the Univer-
sity at their annual class day exer-
cises Thursday. "The law," acco:
ing to the jurist, "is the most ono-
able of professions i spj, of the
fact that it is of criticised and us-
underst c a d in. orde. tQ, obtain
suwc; in, this field a ms'-i honesty
must be, uqiwestteQ1
Two, pitfalla for young lawyers wers
pointedo ut by the speaker, the prac-
tioe of falling into debt, and careless-
ness in handling collections. I lis

connection he advised all yong blw-
yers, no matter what i i ppsiosi,
to pay all bill m'hen, d e. and to
watch care fy. 41coll ti ca coming
into qi r, hang,
D-eyOtioi , enthusiasm and industry
are AO ssary if a man is to be suc-
jessful at the bar,' he asserted, "bril-.
lance is not enough, for the sgEpas-
ful lawyer must know b4 ease thor-
oughly and ltjhia eqA be accomplished,
oiRl 0r opshiudustay.",
qloyton F. Jennigs of Lansing, pres-
idnt of the. clusa, presided at the ex-
ercises this xorniag. The class rpem-
oriA, a contribution to the Bates por-
trait fwd which was started by the
class of 1923 for a portrait of Dean
Bates to be hung in the Michigan Un-
ion, was presented by Alvin F.
Weichel, the acceptance being made
by Judge Victor H. Lane.
Following Justice Clark's address,F
Dean Bates gave a short talk to the
departing students,

Glenn Frank
The brilliant young editor of Cen-
tury magazine has been chosen to
deliver the commencement address to
the classes of 1924. Since his appear-
ance on the Oratorical program here
two years ago, Mr. Frank has not
been heard in Ann Arbor.
Commencement Activities Furnish En-
Tertainment For Visiting
Alumni activities for all the classes'
assembled here in reunion for the'
commencement week have been going
on, and will continue throughout today
and tomorrow and Commencement day.'
Alum , registration continues
thrptghout today with headquarters
designated for all of the classes froml
1874 to 1922.
Former members of the varsity band
are registertug at Alumni Memorialt
hall.. Their headquarters will be an-'
nounced at the registration table. t
Annual Mass Meeting
Senior nurses will hold their finall
breakfast in the nurses' dormitory at
3:30 this morning while the dental
alumni recepton, which continues
throughout the day, will begin at the
dental building at 9 o'clock. At 10
o'clock 'all alumni will meet for a gen-
eral assembly in Hill auditorium, af-
ter which there will be a complimen-
tary' luncheon for them at Barbour'
gymnasium. given by the university.
Members of the "M" club will gatherE
for luncheon at the Michigan Union.
The annual alitni mass meeting
will be hed ia Hill aditorium at
1:30, ;k w ,ieh time each of the re-
tad classes will pr'esent a stunt,
the. );ass with the best entertain-'
ment being awarded a cup for is per-
Reunions Plaaned
Various alumnae reunions are plan-r
ned for Saturday- afternoon, alumnae
of the Adlja Cheever house meeting
at 2 4edeck; Alumnae house, at 4
oelwk;- Helen Newberry residence,
at 4 o'clock; and those of the Martha
Cook building the same time,. At 6
o'clock alumni of the college of arch-
itecture will meet at the Marbruck
Tea room for the third annual dinner.
Elect' AImnae Officers
Final statstes presented at the an-
nual meettg of the Uniersi'cy of
Mtolklgan Alumnae association yester-
day morning showed a total of $535,-
912 donated thus far towas's the pro-
posed Women's League bo1'ding. This
amount has been obtained mostly
through small donations from more'
than 3,000 alumnae and alumni, the
largest single gift beiig $15,000 from"
RoscQoe W. Jackson of .Detroit of the
eglneering class of 1902.
Officers and directors for the com-
ing year were elected: Chair-
man of alumnae council, Mrs. Shirley'
W. Smith, Ann Arbor; vice chairman,
Mrs. Arthur Vandenburg, Grand Rap-'
ids; secretary, Miss Sara Whedon,
Ann Arbor; treasurer, Mrs. Homer
Heath, Ann Arbor; directors: Mrs.
Frank Moore, Benton Harbor; Miss
Lucy Elliott, Detroit: Miss Louise
McKenzie, Chicago; Mrs. C. L. Bennett
Kalamazoo; Mrs. J. Robert Crouse,
The afternoon session was devoted
to a discussion of the next step' of the
drive for the raising of the additional
money needed for th'e construction of;

the building.

By Carl E. Ohlmacher
By virtue of superior work at bat
and in the field, Michigan's Varsity
baseball nine snowed under the team
representing Meiji university, Tkio,
Japan, by a score of 16-1 yesterday
afternoon at Ferry Field.
The visiting aggregation put up a
stiff battle until the sixth Inning, hold-
ing the Wolverines to a 3-1 lead, but
the Michigan team started hitting
heavily in the sixth and scored 13
runs in the next three frames. Yasuda,
who started the game for the Jap nine
was driven to cover in the sixth, and
his successor, Vakamuda, was batted
'hard. The hitting of the winners
was accompanied with some rather
loose fielding on the part of the
Meii infield.
Led After Fourth
The Michigan team got away to a
one run lead in the first inning. Giles
and DeView were both thrown outby
Hayashi, the Nippon shortstop, but
Kipke was hit by a pitched ball, and
crossed the plate on singles by Blott
and Haggerty. The Meiji nine tied
the score in their half of the fourth
when Kumaai drew a base on balls,
a&ad scored when Haggerty threw into
right field in the attempt to nab
Dimon at first.
The Wolverines regained the lead
in the last of the fourth, and from that
time on were never headed or threat-
ened, the losers being unable to cross
the plate. Blott opened the inning
with a Texas Leaguer to left center.
Haggerty and Dillman were unable to
connect, but Wilson drove a home run
to deep left center scoring Blott ahead
of him.
Play Fast Ball
The fifth was scoreless for both
teams, but the Wolverines added three
runs to their total in the sixth. Two
bases on balls, singles by Haggerty
and Jablonowski, who played right
field for Coach Fisher's team an
error, a sacrifice by Wilson resulted
in the trio of counters that put the
winners in the lead. In the next
frame, the Wolverines ran wild, scor-
ing seven runs on four hits, a field-
er's choice, two wild pitches, three
errors, anda stolen base brought De-
View, Kipke, Blott, Haggerty, Dilinan,
,Jablonowski, and Stryker across the
plate. Four hits and a sacrifice fly
gave Michigan three more tallies -in
the eighth.
The losing team played exceedingly
last ball at times, and showed plenty
of fight. Their fi'elding was good
with the exception of the seventh in-
ning, when they were apparently rat-
tled by the rush of their opponents.
Yakazowa, playing second base field-
ed with the excellence of a natural
ball player and Amachi, the Meiji
catcher, provided one of the features
of the game with his beautiful catch
of Giles' foul fly in the seventh inn-
i Stryker Pitches
Stryker started the game for Michi-
gan, and held the Japs . to two hits
during the seven innings he' worked.
Shoesmith took over the hurling in the
eighth inning, and kept the visitors
away from the plate for the remaining
two frames.
The Wolverines were in a hitting
streak, collecting 15 safe bingles.
Captain Jack Blot, with three out of
four times up, and Haggerty, with four
out of five, led the Michigan attack.
The stands were well sprinkled with
representatives of the various classes
holding reunions, and one member of
the '99 delegation, entertained the
spectators between innings with his
accordian }solos.
(Continued on Page Four)
Madison, Wis., June 13.-Alumni of

the University of Wisconsin, scattered
all over the country, Will attend this
year's reunion by radio, if they can't'
come in. person,



All tryouts for The ' paiy
iusin ss staff will- please e
port at the offices in the Press
building on Monday, June 24.
There will be some good posi-
tions open. For information call
960 960

. }

Sa Pedro, Calif., June 13. - The
Ii' of three officers and 45 enlistedi
wn have been snuffed out alogy . ti
f 'trarn'Jught is itfyIa ithe navy's,
peace-time disaster which


Boys wanted to sell Gradna
tion Extras of TPhe Daity nf61f-
day gternoon. ome to Thc
Daily office in the Press build-
ing, to get signed up.


h lit to a tragic climax a week of
shuti battles and tarket practice. Ju -
\hiie the dead, killed by a prema 25 sceiiies, meeting here Thursday,
I , r lsioan in , thn i P1 pls0 .formed a new organization, designed
Z 'rrt afte a I'd thci 'spital ship'to cope with lawy enforcement prob-'
tti.an'the, injured 'aboard the 'leis, bring about closer co-operation
f. U S. New Mexico, flagship o; div- between city forces.
7si ibur of the battle fleet, members
co a av"Al board of inquiry prepared Washington, June 13.- A flood of
to~pen [heir investigation of the dis-. bogus $10 bills is deluging the coun-
ast try, according to postal authorities.



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