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July 08, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-08

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from London to Bagdad and Calcutta

Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $t.so.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith,, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in tke communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............ Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board..
...................Andrew E. Propper
City editor.................Verena Moran
Night Editor..........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor........... Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Keller
Virginia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager...Lauren C. Hlaight
Publication Manager......... Wells Christie
Account Manager..............Byron Parker
Night Editor-ROBT. G. RAMSAY

It was Goethe who said that "There
is nothing by which men display their
character so much as by what they
consider ridiculous."
Has it ever occurred to you that
although a man will readily acknowl-
edge his shortcomings in many re-
spects, we never hear anyone regret
that he has no sense of humor? Men
and women who admit frankly that
they- have no ear for music or no dis-
cernment in art are commonly met
"highbrow" literature and adoreJame
with. A few have the refreshing can-
dor to declare that they hate "high-
brow" literature and adore James
Oliver Curwood, Harold Bell Wright,
and Ethel M. Dell. But everyone of
us not only refuses to confess a lack
of the playful fancy but actually be-
lieves himself possessed of it, this
fact being proof positive of how rare
the quality really is.
If history records a single man of
true greatness who was absolutely de-
void of humor we have yet to make
his acquaintance. Humor is encount-
ered in every realm of human endeav-
or in the loftiest creations of the hu-
man mind-in Hamlet, in the Bee-
thoven symphonies. No one would
dare, of course, to maintain that hu-
mor is the dominant characteristic of
any great man; for sorrow is finer
than joy and is responsible for nearly
every noble and beautiful object in
the aesthetic firmament. It can, how-
ever, be asserted without fear of con-
tradiction that a sense of humor is
always concurrent with greatness,
magnifying the deeper powers. Even
such apparent exceptions to this rule
as Milton and Carlyle cease to be ex-
ceptions when closely scrutinized.
We are altogether too prone to be-
lieve that particular nations or races
have exclusive title to this endowment.
Thus we are all accustomed to hear-
ing it said that the English have no
capacity for appreciating true humor
and that surgical instruments are re-
quired-to get a joke into their under-
standings. As a matter of fact, this
merely demonstrates that Englishmen
and Americans have conflicting ideas
of what constitutes humor. Bringing
Up Father," the verbal hash of Ring
Lardner and the balderdash of Walt
Mason and Irvin S. Cobb which con-
vulses the "typical American" leaves
the Briton wondering what it's all
about. A London audience, on the
other hand, will roar with laughter
at Shaw whose humor is entirely too
subtle for our public. The British
relish a subtler type of humor than
we do, partaking more of the nature
of wit, while Americans who wish to
be amused without being compelled to
think, are naturally in love with the
comedians of the cinema.
A true sense of humor is rare; for
a prerequisite to its ownership is in-
tellect. It follow's logically, then,
that a sense of humor is most common
among educated persons-a catagory
which must not be confused with
those who have been to college. Most
of us confound a sense of humor with
a sense of the ridiculous. The mus-
cular contraction which ensues upon

hearing that a butler has poured ice
water down the back of a social dow-
ager or spilled ice cream upon the
bald pate of an ambassador does not
signify this quality. The sense of hu-
mor is that gift which enables a man
to see, not the silver lining of the
cloud, (any Christian ought to be able
to do that) but the truly ironical or
comical aspect of something otherwise
drab and unengaging. This makes
life enjoyable.
This sense, as Goethe has observed,
is the truest index to a man's char-
acter! by what he laughs at is he to
be judged. If he becomes uproarious
over the kind of stuff in the Saturday
Evening Post and Cosmopolitan and
fails to see what tickles the risibil-
ities in Aristophanes, Shakespeare,
Moliere, Thackeray and Mark Twain,
we may conclude that he is a person
of commonplace intelligence. If, on
the other hand, he shakes with Gar-
gantuan mirth at G. K. Chesterton and
Bernard Shaw and sits imperturbably
through a performance of George M.
Cohan's latest chef d'oervue, he is
more than likely to be a man of rare
quality. The next time you feel like
bursting with laughter at the "humor"
of the, "movies" try first to find out
what you are laughing at-and who
is laughing with you.
Recently an American citizen re-
turning from a trip abroad had dif-
ficulty in bringing one of her children
into this country. The woman was
the mother of seven children, six of
which were born here and the seventh
in Italy. Because the child was born
abroad it was considered an alien.
Of course, after considerable red tape,
in spite of the Italian quota being
reached, the child was admitted.
Now we hear of prospective citiz-
ens being denied their citizenship be-
cause their wives are living in foreign
countries. These men are informed
by judges that final citizenship papers
will be granted them as soon as their
wives reside in this country. When,
however, the applicants attempt to
bring their wives to the United States,
the Immigraion Department will not
admit the women because their hus-
bands are non-citizens.
Our citizenship and immigration
laws might advantageously be modifi-
ed or revised. There must be ways of
enforcing the quota statute without
causing undue hardship on immi-
grants or citizens. One would expect
foreign countries to regulate their em-
igration to conform with our estab-
lished quotas rather than have their
natives deported upon arrival here.
And our present citizens might be
shown more considration even if
they should marry while visiting in
foreign countries.
It is said that over fifty joy riders
were arrested during the heavy holi-
cday traffic that poured through Ann
Arbor oyer the week end. Citizens of
the city may feel inclined to hail this
as a material aid in municipal ex-
penses but it must be remembered
that the unsavory reputation which
this town acquires because of too
rigid enforcement is by no means a
business asset.
The Harmony parley by means of
which the Democrats hoped to break
the deadlock at the convention has
also resulted in a deadlock. The Dem-
ocrats might now try one of the many
plans submitted in the Bok Peace
Prize Contest.
This year the Presidential race is

almost as uncertain as baseball. The
great interest in politics is said to
have detracted from baseball earn-
The University campus is indeed
beautiful but visitors are often depriv-
ed of the pleasure of enjoying it be-
cause of lack of guide facilities.
Over three thousand students gave
praise to the calendar which decreed
that the Fourth of July should fall on
a Friday.
The privilege of the University
Health service will be extended
to all students of the University
Summer session. The Health
service is located at the corners
of Washtenaw and Volland ave-
nues and will be open from 9 to
12 o'clock daily except Sundays
and from 2 to 5 o'clock, Satur-
days and Sundays excepted. All
students who care to take ad-
vantage of it are given free med-
ical service.
Physicians are available at all
times by calling the Health ser-
vice infirmary, University 186-M.

Now it came to pass that on the
morning of July Fourth, Taman pack-,
ed his grip, started his powerful mot-
or, and barged down to Cleveland to
see the Progressive convention in pro-
gress. It was quite edifying, and we
just have to tell you about it before
we forget what we saw.
Taman and hack
The above cut, made from an in-I
stantanious photograph, shows us
scorching roads on our way that the
University and Ann Arbor public may
be served.
Cleveland is a city located some
damn place in Ohio about 200 miles
from Ann Arbor, and has about 1,000,-
000 inhabitants not including dele-
gates to the convention. It has the
most ungodly system of labelling its
streets of all the cities in the Uni-
verse, including those on Mars. For
example: Barging up Euclid Ave., we
saw a sign which said: 63 St. one
block further sa saw another sign,
but that said: 71 St. Now we ask
The Convention
Primarily, in speaking of the con-
vention itself, it might be well to state
that we couldn't get in,-they thought
we might be communist. We aren't
sure that it was a compliment, but
we thanked them gravely to be sure,
and went away feeling relieved.
After our unsuccessful attempt at
the door, we barged up to a friend's
house and listened in on their radio.
Our inpressions of the convention,
drawn largely from what we heard
were these:
"Blaa- hoink- squizzle,- squeeee
--government of the-bapf by the
blooie-for the-yonkle yonik. It is
That's as long as we listened.
The Delegates
We saw some of the delegates in
the evenings, and by the use of a
telephoto camera from a nearby of-
fice window, we obtained the picture
shown below of one of the delegates
speaking before the enthralled mob.
This photo is not copyrighted for ob-
vious reasons.
Herr Brush
We went out to the magnificent
amusement palace of the proletariat
,in the early evening. It is called Luna
Park because anyone who goes there
is either a lunatic or an asylum keep-
er. Our bim said that we had to ride
on the Pippin which turned out to be

one these here now roller coasters
that goes downhill without the least
respect for the human anatomy. Aft-
er two rides we told the bim that we
had to hunt up some delegates for
local color, and took her to one of
the myriad dancing emporiums which
crowd the glowing city, (nice use of
adjectives, what?)
There we ofund just scads of dele-
gates, all wearing their pretty little
ribbons, and having just the most dev-
ish time,--if you know what I mean.
Some of them had their wives along-
others didn't, but they all had part-
ners and wore size 18 1-2 collars and
let the world know hom much they
enjoyed their soup. It was all very
edifying. One delegate was positively
the most handsome person,-you know
-with that air of faithful service to
the state to be found so rarely these

days. We sneaked a picture of him
with our watch camera, (used by all
first class reporters and detectives)
which we reprint below.
The Peoples' Choice
That's about all there is to sayl
about the convention and its person-
nel. Tomorrow we'll tell you about
something else, if Andee doesn't have
other plans for the edit page.
Maixi ms of Li'l 0wennie-
Cars have put many a good girl on
her feet.

Channel transportation of British
troops, they could then prevent they
ferrying of armies on the surface byj
bombing the transports. If France
had to defend herself without British
aid, she would have to be superior to
the Germans-in military resources to
retain the tunnel terminus. Should
Crance be inferior, it would go to the
Germans eventually. But, since Eng-
land could block or destroy the ter
minus on her soil, she would be in no
danger of invasion by the Germans
even after France was conquered.
British military objections to a Chan-
nel tunnel cannot rest only on the
theory that the French terminus
might fall early into the hands of a
German invading army.
Ever since the World War there has
been a steady growth of opinion both
in France and England in favor of a
Channel tunnel. Four hundred mem-,
hers of the House of Commons advo-
vate it. As a practical people, the
British are not likely to be impressed

by the promise of an all-rail route' completion has been


(The New York Times)
The advocates of a Channel tunnel
between England and France will not
abandon the plan because "the Cabi-
net, accepting the views of its mili-
tary and naval advisers, is under-
stood to have decided against con-
struction." In England there is a
demand that the military men disclose
their "strategic objections." Great
Britain, as a manufacturing nation,
would gain more commercially than
France if the tunnel were driven. In
tourist travel the advantage would be
with France. It has been intimated
that "the chiefs of the army, navy
and air forces" in England were
opposed to the tunnel because, in the
event of another war, the Germans
would make the French end of the
tunnel there first objective, striking at
Paris later. But the new factor of air
strength must be considered.
In case the French and British wereI
allies again they should have a pre-
ponderance in the air. Seizure of the
tunnel terminus would be worth while
only if the Germans were stronger in
aviation. Having stopped under-

New Deep Water Bathing Beach
at Whitmore Lake
This beach is strictly for swimmers only, and is the finest
on Whitmore Lake. There are 10 and 20 foot diving docks
and the water varies in depth from 40 to 100 feet, making
diving absolutely safe. Forty large lockers at the east end
of the dance hall provide adequate dressing rooms. It wil,
however, be necessary for swimmers to bring their own suits
and towels. Old Carland Grove, across from the dance hall,
is open to campers, tourists and basket picnics, with good spring
water, dressing rooms for men and women, tables for a hundred
and fifty people, and parking space for 5,000 cars. A small
fee of 25c per car load is charged. Dancing at the pavilion
will continue for the balance of the summer on Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday evenings. The finest music available
will be furnished.

from London to Bagdad and Calcutta
unless there is proof that the Channel
link might pay for itself. But also as
a practical people they must see the
value of a tunnel for the transporta-
tion of troops in another war. It ii
true that millions of dollars were fer-
ried safely across the Channel in the
late war, but the bombing airplane has
now made submarine attack a minor
peril. From that point of view would
not a Channel tunnel be an important
factor of preparedness?
Opponents of the tunnel say that its
construction would not relieve unem-
ployment in England because only ex-
pert workmen could be used. The Mac-
Donald Government would like to add
to its repute by undertaking a public
improvement on which $150,000,000
could be legitimately expended. Per-
haps this accounts for the criticism
that unskilled labor would have no
part in the building of the tunnel. The
feasibility of boring for the tunnel has
been amply prov'ed. The time of its


df va

.............:....... .......

"" 3

, f
Yole, pastel in shade, or gaily figred.
will be 'worn when your presence is re-
qested at social f'unctions. $6.50, $13.50
and up.



Thne Summer 's Young
So Enjoy New Frocks
C HEERIO! Summer's here! Balmy
days, thrilling pastimes-lovely
frocks to wear! It is time for happiness,
indeed, when one may wear such charm-
ing frocks as are assembled for Sum-
mer, 1924! Trim ones for campus wear-
sportslike ones for after class sports and
dainty, filmy ones for social occasions.
There is youth and vivacity in every Frock
of this summer.

Students registered in the
Summer Session of the Univer-
sity who wish to work on the
Summer Michigan Daily editorial
staff are asked to call Ramsay at
2040 or Mansfield at 396, or to
come to the Press Building on
Maynard Street



Boy frocks of linen trimly prove them-
selves suitable for class and sports wear
alike. Becoming and cool-priced only
$6.50 and tcp.


i M

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