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June 28, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-28

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Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news publishedthere-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $t.5o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Conununications, if signed as evidence of
r d faith, will be published in The Summer
ily .at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer.dThe
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in. the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 17.5-M
News Editor........Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board.
..............Andrew E. Propper
City Editor...............Verena Moran
Night Editor ................ John W. Conrad
Night Editor........... Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor...........Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor............ Gwendolyn Dew
Margaret Wrentmore Francis O'Melia
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Kellei
-Virginia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.N......oble D. Travis
Circulation Manager....... Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager ......... Wells Christie
Account Manager.............. Byron Parker

*Open Letters
To the Student Body: cellent manner in which the Summer
Fellow Sufferers: session is being conducted. May we
Energetically challenging the swelt- offer our congratulations.
ering summer heat to down their am- I Respectfully yours,
bition, several thousand young men SMYTHE.
and women have enrolled in the Uni-
versity's 31st annual Summer session. To Prof. M. C. Weir of the Rhetoric
In opening its opportunities to such a Department:
large number of people, Michigan ex- Dear Professor Weir:
tends her influence to those outside We learn with regret that you are
the regularly enrolled student body, conducting your courses in Rhetoric
hoping to further its purpose as a for the last time on the Michigan cam-
leader in academic affairs. pus. While we congratulate you on
This summer provides at once an your appointment to Brown univer-
,intellectual training and a successful sity and wish you great success; nee
vacation. The eight weeks course ertheless we feel that your absence
which has just begun will, we hope, be from our own academic fold will be
worthy of a lasting place in the mem- a distinct lass. However, old friends
ories of those who have seen fit to must part when fate so decrees. Good
spend a major part of the summer luck!
studying here. Sincerely,
Ann Arbor and the University offers SMYTHE.
many delightful opportunities. Golf, -
tennis, boating, and riding on the one To an Unkown Student in History:
hand; interesting lectures and worth Dear Sir:
while excursions, on the other. All We don't know your name but your
in all there should be no cause to initials apparently are L. M. B. We
complain. were sitting in class last Thursday
Yours in sympathy, listening to a very interesting and
SMYTHE. instructive lecture and you sat on the
other side of the room against the
To Prof. Edward If. Kraus, Dean of wall. Apparently you do not agree
the Summer session: with us and with the rest of the class
Dear Sir: as to the value of the lecture for you
Here at Michigan the development spent your time inking your initials in
of the Summer session has been one of bold faced letters upon the wall. We
phenomenal growth. In former years don't care how you spend your time
but 100 subjects or so were taught in the University; that's none of our
during the summer, with but little business. But we do not think that
variety and choice; this year more University property ought to be defac-
than 500 distinct courses of instruction ed or destroyed in any manner.
are being offered. This alone is a I Hopefully yours,
sign indicative of the increasing pop- SMYTHE.
ularity of the Summer session at the P. S.-The Summer session cata-
University. We feel that this realiza- logue lists several excellent courses in
tion of the value of the summer Landscape design and interior decor-
courses and their growing popularity ating. Perhaps you would be inter-
are to a large extent due 'to the ex- ested.

Meanwhile, with a Fascist majority in
parliament and an unshaken and per-
haps even intensified popular confid-
sence, he will probably find his con-
stitutional position as solid as any
dictatorship and be free to dominate
and direct affairs as effectively as un-
'der the form he now relinquishes.
Mussolini's domination of Italy pre-
sents a remarkable parallel to the
career of Bismarck. When Bismarck
made his "Blood and Iron" speech be-
fore the deadlocked German Landtag
in 1862, he accomplished his purpose
by the steam roller method, which
is exactly what Mussolini is doing
Time was when ladies had to re-
move their hats in theaters whether
they liked it or not. Today, the Chi-
cago movie houses run a slide on their
screens asking bob-haired ladies not
to remove their headgear. What next?
You're damned if you do; and you're
damned if youhdon't.
That man, Thomas Huxley thought,
has had aliberal education who has
been so trained in youth that his
body is the ready servant of his will,
and does with ease and pleasure all
the work that, as a mechanism, is is
capable of.
Owosso, Mich. June 2.-Clayton
Thomas, prominejnt retired farmer,
had a narrow escape from death to-
day when a small coupe he was driv-
ing was hit by an interurban car.

Men's Education
Club Organizes
Two Ball Teams
Prof. J. B. Edmonson presided over
the meeting of the Men's Education-
Club held Wednesday evening in the
Union. Organization of the club for
the summer was effected and two
baseball captains for the superintend-
ents' and principals' teams were chos-
Meetings will be held every week
this summer on Tuesday evenings, at
7 p. m. in the Union. The blub listed
150 members at its opening meeting,
and will issue a directory contain-
ing their names and addresses. The

sheet is being published by Dean E.
H. Kraus; it will be ready for dis-
tribution next Monday morning.
Members of the committee elected
to supervise the club during the sum-
mer session are A. A. Rather, super-
intendent of schools at Ionia; Robert
Ward, superintendents of schools at
Otsego; and Philip Lovejoy, principal
of the Mount Clemens high school.
Professor Edmonson was made facul-
ty advisor.
Classified Ads work wonders. Try
The Summer Michigan Daily for re.
Little investment - big returns,
the Daily Classifieds.-Adv.
Watch Page Three for real values.

I Il .

The simple reason was I didn't
have the shop to work in but I
have got one at last. For the
time being until.fall I am going
to work it with my songs, poems
and literature. Number four
room of the UTOPIAN CAFE.
1219 S. University Ave.

All summer long you will be
able to enjoy the wholesome
food and restful quiet
Phone 150
338 Maynard St. South of Maj

Night Editor-ROBT. G. RAMSAY
At the suggestion of the United
States public health service and with
its co-operation, public health summer
schools are being conducted at four
of the leading universities in the coun-
try. Michigan has been designated as
one of these health centers and pro-
gressive physicians and sanitarians
are taking advantage of the offered
opportunities for a vacation in school.
The discovery of new scientific facts
and the awakening of-the public to the
importance of public health measures
is not the most pressing problem con-
fronting workers in the field of public
health. Their problem is rather one
of personnel. People of today are de-
manding protection from the vast loss-
es and great suffering caused by pre-
ventable diseases more than ever be-f
fore because they are familiar with
public health measures, but we face
the serious aspect of the problem
when we realize that too few people
are edequately trained for public
health work.
The public health summer school
aims to provide up-to-date intensive
training in this field and to furnish in-
struction which will enable physic-
ians o deal effecively with the causes
of mortality and disability. But the
summer school can do more than this.
It can and will' establish a more co-
operative relationship in the work of.
health promotion by bringing togeth-
er health officers and practicing phys-
icians for conference and exchange of
Progressive health officers are
also interested and anxious to become
acquainted with the recent develop-
ment of the new health movement
such as child hygiene, industrial,
mental and social hygiene, cancer
control and perodic health examina-
tion work. A summer school in pub-
lic health service affords an excel-
lent opportunity for instruction in all
such trends.
The formal instruction offered in
the school is of the best but the
course is more than mere classroom
instruction. The association of the
young man fresh from his first few
years of work with the veteran in the
field is of invaluable aid in the'
thrashing out of health problems and
health promotion.

Failings' Cool Dining
One block south of Campus,
near State St.
Wonderful Home-Cooked Food for
the Lowest Price
Bring Your Friends and Have
a Table Reserved
"Seeing is Believing"

Every Nite (except Monday) and All
Day Sunday at
Follow M-65 Out North Main
Near Brighton

Mathematics" set fire to and destroy-
ed the Roman fleet with the use of a
giant magnifying glass.
It is significant to note that the
brain of Cro-Magnon man was of
equal if not greater capacity than
that of modern man.
The invention of the sewing ma-
chine was of no greater importance
than the invention of the needle; the
invention of the lucifer match was
certainly of less moment than the dis-
covery of the flint method.
Some "cave men" must have been
giants in mentality.
All keynote speeches ane made up
largely of buncome. This has been
demonstrated not only in the present
year of political grace but in every
year. The judicious may grieve, but
the buncombe persists. At every com-
vention, politicians choose, as did the
Democrats this year, a typical orator
of what is known as the "old school"
for the initial effort. And the key-
note speaker, as did Pat Harrision
the other day, goes to it with full
speed. The purpose is to rouse the
After all, what is a convention? A
convention is a gathering-a gather-
ing of thousands of people. Now the
problem of the leaders of any politic-
al machine is to transform this gath-
ering of thousands into a mob. This
is rabble-rousing. A mob or a rab-
ble is a gathering of people swayed
not by reason but by passion. This
is the mental state that politicians
desire. The politician is an excellent
psychologist; if rabble-rousing did
not serve a useful purpose, the polit-
icians would have discarded it long
ago. Perhaps this may serve to ex-
plain keynote speeches in general, and
Senator Harrison in particular.
"Lying is like borrowing or appro-
priating in music. It is only a good,
sound, truthful person who can lie to
any good purpose; if a man is not
habitually truthful his very lies will
be false to him and betray him. The
converse is also true; if a man is not
a good, sound, honest, capable liar
there is not truth in him. Any fool
can tell the truth, but it requires a
man of some sense to know how to
lie well."-Samuel Butler.
Alfred E. Smith, Willim G. Mc-
Adoo, Oscar W. Underood, Samuel M.
Ralston, David F. Houston, Joe T.'
Robinson, Jonathan M. Davis, Wil-
lard Saulsbury, Woodbridge N. Ferris,
Charles W. Bryan, James M. Cox, Al-
bert C. Ritchie-all mentioned as pos-
sible candidates. We're glad we are
not a delegate to. the Democratic
The Democratic convention is said j

(The Chicago Tribune)
A strict censorship has prevented
us from following in detail the de-
velopment of the crisis in Italy creat-
l ed by the abduction ana murder of
the Socialist deputy, Matteotti. It ev-
idently has been serious enough to
force Sig. Mussolini's hand and com-
pel him to consent to a considerable
restoration of parliamentary forms.
But our correspondent at Rome, Mr.
-Sheehan, notes that the Socialists ad-
mit Mussolini could have maintained
the dictatorship for some time despite
the scandals which have shaken the
prestidge of his regime, and they are
grateful for the concessions Mussolini
has chosen to make without the comL
pulsion of political necessity.
It is evident that no fleck of stain
has fallen upon the redoubtable mas-
ter of Italy, and we hazard a long
distance opinion that when he has
cleaned house a bit he will be strong-
er in the new situation than in the
one he relinquishes. This is not the
age for permanent dictatorships, and
while Italian parliamentarism is com-
paratively young and of late years
seriously discredited, there is too
strong a sentiment of liberty to rest
quite easy under an extra legal and
personal control, 'even though its pur-
ity of purpose and practical benefits
are generally conceded.
But released from the responsibil-
ities of an extra-legal authority, vol-
untarily relinquished, Mussolini will
gain, we suspect, rather than lose in
influence. The Italians show no in-
clination to submit the ship of state to
doctrinaires or to wrangling political
tacticians of the old school. Italy
needs a strong, consistent government
such as Mussolini, and probably he
alone, can maintain. There is no one,
it seems to us, who has so. clear a
conception of what Italy needs as
Mussolini, and none but he with the
character required to pursue the ne-
cessary course of policy. He' saved
Italy from the morass of commun-
ism. He knows Italy industry cannot
prosper under the load of bureaucra-
tic waste or survive perpetual indus-
trial warfare. He has the wisdom to
see that Italy needs the stimulus of
private initiative, the relief of govern-
ment economics, the assurance of po-
litical stability.
In this his fearlessness and master-
ful will have the sup rt of the sub-
stantial classes and, above all, of
Italy's young manhood.
; ;Mussoini's williingness to incor-
porate the blackshirt militia in the
army indicates his confidence in the
vitality of Fascismo, and we have no
doubt in any future crisis he will find
that the army can be depended upon,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VOC Dt nOn
There is nothing on sale
here but is of the high-
est grade--also every-
thing reduced

All kinds, Auto-Touro, Palmetto, Regulation Wall, "Pup'
and children's play Tents, $3.75 up.
U. S. Army Mosquito Tents.
Gold Medal Camp Furniture
For Cottage, Porch, Lawn or Touring; Folding Cots. Stools, Chairs, Tables, Stoves,
Army Axes, Navy Hammocks. Grub Stakes. Folding Water Buckets, Canteens,
Duffel Bags, Army- Canvas Trunks, Luggage Racks and Covers, Ponchos,;Rain-
coats, Slickers, in fact everything for camping.
BLANKETS All kinds of heavy wool Camp and Army Blankets'
uto Robes, Steamer Rugs. etc, A special--64x84
- wool camp banket, new, at $.38.
waaKhaki, Poplin and Pongee Shirts $1.00 and up. Also light
SHIRt'S Flannel, Broadcloth, O. D. Wool Shirts.
Light weight Suede Leather Jackets
are ideal for wear at camp or touring.
Lightweight Underwear for Hot Weather

An archaelogical expedition in Mes-
opotamia reports the discovery of a
Bablyonian tower at Ur which was
constructed of brick, each brick bear-
ing the heiraglythic stamp of a Chal-
dean trade union. So after all, our
trade unions are nothing new. This
is a further confirmation of the fact
that there is nothing new under the
sun. The aeroplane is certainly not
new since we learn that the Greeks
used a glider-like device for coast-
ing from hill-tops; the Chinese dis-
covered gunpowder long before Eu-
rope had emerged front the dark
ages; Moreau's recent device for har-
nessing solar energy was foreshadow-
ed by Archiledes some two thous-


All kinds--light and heavy wool, khaki,
gabardines, linen, etc., for ladies and
$1.98 and up. Khaki Trousers.

men, priced

Bathing Suits
In all wool or jersey, to close out at less than cost.
Regulation Navy Hats, Navy Hammocks


Best men's and boys' dress, work and army Shoes. Packs, hiking
or outing Shoes. Puttees, high tops and Tennis Shoes.


Surplus Supplies Store

213 N. Fourth Ave.

aud year. ago, when the "Father of I to be full of good spirits.

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