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June 27, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-27

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IDAY, JUNE 27, 1924_


Published every morning except Monday1
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Una-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
r$ummer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the EditdorialBoard. pe
...............Andrew E. Propper
City Editor .................. Verena Moran
Night Editor............ ..John . Conrad
Night Editor.. ........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor,.......... Leslie G. lBennets
Womens' Editor.............Gwendolyn Dew
Margaret Wrentmore Francis O'Melia
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Keliei
'Virginia Bales Saul IHertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 960
Advertising Manager.......Hie M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager....... Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........C. Wells Chri tie
Account Manager..............Byron Parker

FRIDAY JUNE 27, 1924
Merrily the dismissal of college pro-
fessors go on! The positions of ed-
ucators in American universities who
hold liberal, progressive, and so call-
ed "radical" ideas seem to be in jeop-
ardy. From all sections of the coun-
try there come additions to an already
long and humilating list.
In almost all cases mentioned, the
reasons given are flimsy and inade-
quate. "A growing divergence of
tastes and ideals" between one mem-
ber of the faculty and his bedfellows
is given as the reason for a very
recent instance of dismissal. Other
startled professors find themselves
out of jobs for such good reasons as
'failure to co-operate with the boost-
ers," speaking of unwarranted opitn-
ions, protesting at the dismissal of
colleagues, and even"acting in gen-
eral like cut-ups." For suggesting
a reading of Mr. James Harvey Rob-
insons "The Mind in the Making," an-
other astonished professor finds him-
self turned out of the academic fold.
Doubtless in all the cases noted, the
respective universities acted in ac-
cordance with what they thought was
for the best. No doubt they are sin-
cere in their efforts to preserve the
patriotic fervor, the race harmony,
and the economic, social, and politic-
al interests of the country. Classic
dismissals of scholars like Charles
Beard, Harold J. Laski, James Harvey
Robinson, Hendrick Van Loon, Joseph
K .Hart, President Alexander Meikle-
john, S. I. Kornhauser, Dean Kirch-
wey, James Cattell and many others
some, no doubt, with the foregoing
ideas in mind. But certainly the rea-
sons given in most of the cases do not
lead the casual observer to form such
a conclusiQn.
An interesting fact to be noted in
connection with these dismissals is
that by some remarkable coincidence
all the men involved were scholars
and academic gentlemen of high cal-
ibre. Whatever their failures, they
were no mere distributers of text-
book balderbash. Obviously not mere
"radicalism" could have led any uni-
versity to release men of such high
national and in some cases inter-na-
tional repute. Something has been
"Could it be possible," queries one
editorial writer, "that the learned men
Somehow in this alarming decapit-
ation, the university trustees seem
to have struck not the worst but the
best, scholastically speaking at any
What are university 'administrators
of this country afraid of-the "Truth"
or the exceptional man? Beard, Rob-
inson, Meiklejohn, Laski - surely
names that any real student would
greatly desire to read in his own col-
lege catalogue.
Traditional conservatism seems to
be going too far.
In his last addres sto the student
body of Amherst college, Dr. Meikle-
John said, "I say the greatest danger
to the American college today is that

it will be drawn into the common life
and take the standards of our com-
mon life as its own. Some people
believe that intelligence is a thing
you can have, that you can get and
keep and that it comes down by the
teacher, that it comes from a book
and is there to be taken. It is not.
Thinking, or intelligence, is a thing
you must do, it is an activity, it is a
function of the human spirit, it is
something that men must undertake
if they are to have guidance of life.'
At times it is hard to understand
the fears of the older generation. Stu-
dents are generally said to be imma-
ture but it does seem hard to sub-
mit to guidance by those who are
ever feeling and seeing bogeys.
The American student is often ac-
cused of being an intellectual sponge
by his European brother. The same
accusation is often heard from the lips
of the younger skeptics (most of whom
we know are middle-aged, however)
in this country. Is there such a mark-
ed devouring of knowledge administer-
ed in doses, measurable only by cellu-
lar capacity? A year in a democratic
university will furnish sufficient evi-
dence to the contrary. The Amer-
ican student does thing as he learns
and the young skeptics are the vic-
,ims o a super-consousness ag-
gravated by their own mental condi-
The sponge brain is in evidence,
however, and markedly so in the stu-
dent reader. He swallows news re-
ports in large quantities without de-
termining whether they are concocted
from the proper ingredients.
During the past week articles have
appeared in The Daily which have ex-
cited the opinions of persons on the
campus. In reply to these articles,
only two intelligentecommunications
were received in the Daily office.
Two of these ere written by older
The question has arisen in the past,
"Have students opinions and if they
have are they capable of expressing
them? From the experience of cam-
pus publications, including Chimes,
which was esablished as a campus
opinion magazine, the answer is "No."
Students apparently do not have op-
inions. If they had them they would
express them for an opinion is a form
of thought which is most apt to "out."
The Summer session, thus far, has
seen a disappointing lack of regenera-
tion of campus opinion, in that it
night be expected from the older stu-
dents (who mainly make up the ses-
sion) that they are able to do what
younger men cannot. There is no re-
ference made here to the professional
skeptic or the habitual pessimist, but
to the average student, who takes and
takes but never gives ideas and opin-
There are 20 lines of sidewalk laid
on the Michigan campus. During the
past years this has been thought ad-
equate to accommodate the pedestrian
traffic, but recently students have tak-
en to marking ot teir own pats
across the green of the campus. Ce-
ment sidewalks are an important part
of the development of civilization:
but how futile is the genius of man.
This is the latest from the inquir-
ing reporter of the Chicago Daily Tri
bune: Do you approve of women
wearing one piece bathing suits?
We're glad to learn that the world's
greatest newspaper has nothing more
serious to work about.



As per the crumbs, Cowles and
Washington, representing Denizens,
just rolled in and are holding a nasty
dialogue which they threaten to con-
triubte to the col. At this point, we
wish to explain the absence of rolls
yesterday morning. It happens that
the esteemed gentleman who turns
out the page left a note for us yes-
terday which read:
We don't need rolls today,-take a
vacation. Let's have a book review.
and we haven't quite decided yet
whether he was getting sarcastic or just1
being thoughtful of our health.
Last night we went to the Faculty
Concert, and were just getting to like
it when our him nudged us and said
that it was over, and we'd better get
out before they locked the place up.
That's just the trouble with these
summer school musicals, if they may
be called that,-they are too short.
Brevity is greatly to be desired at
times, but in the presence of such ex-
cellent talent, we want a longer time
to muse to the sound of sweet sounds
from the celestial heighths.
The Kniskern Is Back
Dear Tam:
I arise humbler but undiscouraged
from yesterday's gentle spanking I
should have known better than to use
that foolish "we"-Mark Twain told
me that only editors and those with
tape worms use it.
But Omar ends his little ditty with
the enigmatic "Tnam," not Taman, so
we,-excuse me,-I am still puzzled
by the handle on your griddle. As for
my own, if you'll excuse me a few
days I'll look it up and report-I al-
ways was going to do that, but I have
been too busy the past three years
teaching the profs to pronounce it
The Kniskern,
Right now we want to ina1re if
the K is getting personal or if shd
does consider us an editor. About
our name. We investigated, and
darned if he aint right. Our copy of
Omar's famous work has a misprint
in it, and therefore we made a mis-
take. None the less, we shall contin-
ne in our present vein, and call the
name original, and wholly without
classical allusion.
The Rover Boys at School
"I'a, it's great to be back," exulted
Dick Rover as he walked across the
greening campus.
"No feeling quite like it," acquiesced
Tom, his brother, inhaling deeply of
the fragrant Fatima between his de-
licately curved lips.
"Seems just like old times don't it,"
put in the fun-loving Sam as he
scruffed his heel plates on the cement
of the diagonal.
The gallant Rovers were just re-
turned from the wilds of Nicaragua,
where they had found their father,
Alcibiades Rover, with a grey beard
and a hoard of diamonds he had
found in the jungle. Having thus set-
tled their family difficulties, the boys
had returned to school, where they
were to register for the Summer ses-
sion to make up lost hours.
"Hip, hip for old Tappan Hall,"
cried Dick as he set off on a run for
the registration headquarters. Tom
and Sam were immediately upon his
heels, enjoying the opportunity for a
youthful frolic. They entered U-Hall,


- Both Stores

Read The Daily "Classified" Columns
you will please omit mention of this
noxious person in the future. He
was not your great predecessor, but AIRPLANE RIDE
a cheap smart-alec, a superficial Big three-passenger plane. See the campus from above
scoffer, a conceited young fool.
I am tired hearing about the great Get the thrill of a lifetime.
Cowles. Please stop it. THURSDAYAFRIDAY
Peregrine Pickled. AND
** * End of Packard Street Car Line. After 4 p. m. or for
JOKE special appointment call Lieutenant Royal.
He: Do you like books?
She: Yes. Have you read Rabe-
It: No, who wrote it?
* * *
I think the News Editor is a per-
fect pig because he won't give me any
more passes to the Wuerth theater.b
only have five for this week. Please F r i n E c a g
have something done about it.
Cei' Gwennie. Letters o f Credit
Cheer up, Gwennie, I shall speak to
him about it. I can't say that I agree
with you, for he gives me all I want,
but I'll speak to him none the less.
Sufficient unto the col are the inch-
es thereof. Taman. Before leaving for your conti-
nental trip, come in and talk over
In this age of speed it takes only with us the problem of your finan-
five minutes to get married; but a
divorce is much longer, a divorce cial
takes almost five days.
d ssOur fifty years of experience
Why doesn't someone find someiu
more bones and skulls around the in dealng with such matters is at
campus and make things a bit more your service in every way. I
HOUSEAnn Arbor Savings Bank
Two Offces---Corner Main and Huron, 707 N University
will be open as usual
thruout the Summer
Stone on stone the buildings rise about you, so rapidly that you feel as
if unseen hands had been working over night. Construction is rapid enough
but it is the result of many long months of careful planning and the slow
correlation of many forces.
A WELL-CONCEIVED PLAN is second only to a firm foundation.
Begin now to plan your future savings policy. Haphazard methods end in
haphazard results. Plan definitely to save something every pay-day, not
how little, but how much.
SOCIATION is the firmest foundation upon which you can build your
savings plan. The foundation should be ample as well as firm. Member-
ships for each one of the family should be your aim. Only a few member-

ships remain open on our books. A telephone call will bring one of our rep-
resentatives to explain our savings plan.
"Under State Supervision"
Phones 598-64-M 121 E. Washington

Text Books and Supplies


"The greatest force for amity
tween the East and West today is
intellectual bond resulting from


admission to American colleges of and noted .with glee the many old
students from the Orient."-Dr. Saoke familar faces.
Sze, Chinese minister to the United "And do we have to fill all of this

Young fellows leave their homes to
spend four years or more at college
and expect to return to their moth-
'ers' loving arms, well rounded and
'worldly men. We hope they suffer no4
Since 1918 England and France
have gradually assunjed their his-
toric and traditional rivalry after be-
ing allied against a. Continental en-1
emy during the Great War. Rome was
was not built in a (lay.
Andit may please our readers to
learn that there are only seven more
weeks of school. The last day is the
Nothing for nothing Is a well known
fact that students often seem to for-

out?" questioned Sam as he looked
askance at his huge application card.
"Certainly," responded the lady-in-
charge smilingly, "but that shouldn't
be hard for the Rover boys.' Sam
smiled modestly.
"Tom, Sam," and Dick grasped his
brothers by the arm meaningly.
"What," they gasped, knowing that
something momentus was afoot.
"Over there," Dick whispered, "are
Silas Marner and Luke Warm, regis-
tering for summer school."
The boys' hearts sank within them,
for they had thought their dire en-
Semiesdead of the dreadutarantula bite
in the deeps of the Hunduras jung-

Luke Warm obtain

Do Silas and
their revenge?

I have borne for several days with
the equanimity for references to 'Cow-
les, my great predecessor.' If I am to

Only seven more weeks of school. continue reading your department,
And the last seven are the hardest., which in other respects is excellent,

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