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June 27, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-27

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VOL. XV. No. 7



.. -

Beneficial Reforms, Modern Develop-
ment Instituted In Provinces By
Eastern Power
"One of the most interesting of soc-
ial and political phenomena which
come to the notice of the traveller in
the East is that of the relation of the
Japanese and other oriental peoples,"
stated Professor Joseph R. Hayden af
the Political Science department in
his talk on "The Colonial Policy of
Japan", last night in the Natural
Science auditorium.
From a despotic and miltary rule,
Japan is endeavoring to change her
provincial governmental policies into
more friendly and equal relation-
ships with the inhabitants. Especi-
ally is this being done in the island
of Formosa and the province of Korea
Chinese in Formosa
The governor-general of Korea
stated that the fundamentals of th'e
Japanese colonial policy in the pro-
vinces were first of all economic de-
velopment and then education of the
people and from those would grow
political equality among the different
nationalities which compose the col-
Chinese are in the majority in For-
mosa and they resent the intrusion of
Japan bitterly. The Japanese have
introduced modern systems in every
branch of life and have improved the
material prosperity of the island.
Professor Iayden said that the Chin-
ese constantly criticize the develop-
ment of the Japanese colonial policy
and they say that Formosa is being
exploited by Japanese capitalists.
The tariff laws give Japan a monopoly
of Formosan trade and she is saidl
to be the only one who profits. Pro-
fessor Hayden stated that, to a great
extent, this is true.
Institute Reforms
In the past few years Japan has in-
augurated many beneficial reforms
in the provinces, not only in the gov-
ernments, which are beginning to in-
clude more of the natives, but also
have made important changes in the
education systems.
Up to the present time, Professor
Hayden said, it has been difficult for
Japan to carry out her policies due
to the continued rebelliousness of the
Chinese and Korean inhabitants. The
Koreans particularly resent, the Jap-
anese and many of thiem have left the
country in the last few years and have
settled in Siberia and Manchuria.
Austin, Texas, June 26.-Enrollment
in the department of English in the
University of Texas summer school
totals 957, an incerase of almost 100
over the enrollment of last summer,
Although there are more students tak-

ing freshman and sophomore courses,
the most noticeable increase is in
advanced work. There are 324 stu -
dents doing advanced and graduate
work in English and 18 are registered
for the thesis course. Most of the
latter number expect to take the mas-
ter's degree in Einglish at the sum-
mer commencement in August.
Bring your wants and troubles to
Jimmie's successor.
Try the Daily Classified Remedy.
(Pat. App. For)

5 :0 3--Lectuare - leniostat on o
Scientific and Fancy Glas Blig.
Prof. H. . arker and Mr. Frank
Shaefer, Natural Science auditor-
ium. ,
7 :30-Chinese Students' club meets,
Lane hall.
8:00--Lec1 tire recital--George Eliot's
4:00-Excursion 'No 2- Ford Motor
company, New Detroit Public lib-
7lichigai Delegation At L ake Geuiieva
Y. il. C. A. Conference Numbers1
Thirty three students made up the!
Michigan delegation which represent-
ed the University at the annual confer-I
ence of the Y. M. C. A. and collegea
leaders held from June 13 to 24 ath
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The Michi-E
gan group was the largest delegation
of any other institution represented,.
though schools from all the Middle
western states had delegation there.t
Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota,t
North Western, Chicago, North Dak-
ota and South Dakota were amongt
those represented.
Among the problems which the con-
ference took up both in the delegationt
discussion groups, and from the plat- 1
form of war, arce, and campus prob-
lems. One of the most notable work
of the conference adoption of a resol-
ution against war which was sent to
European Universities, pledging the1
support of American students to sup-
port any movement against there-
currence of another war. Among the
speakers who discussed the war proh-
lem particularly were Curhy Page,.
Dudley Robbins, Sherwood Eddy, andl
Harrison Elliott, the leader of the1
repute, who spoke to the delegates
were Thomas Gilkey, John R. Mott,'
and Bishop Mac Dowell, who conduct-t
ed a communion service on the lastE
day of the conference.j
One of the outstanding events of the
conference was the departure of Perry
M. Iayden, '25, President Elect of the ,
Students Christian Association forl
Europe where he will inspect studentt
work on the continent, and particul-
arly the work done in foreign fields
by the University, such as the kitchen
maintained in Kiev, Russia, one of the
biggest enterprises of the University
or by any other such institution.
General health conditions in the
University have showed a decided
improvement over past years accord-
ing to authorities. Records kept at
the Health Service show a decrease of
more than 3000 in the dispensary calls
from the beginning of the 1923 term
until May 1, there having been only

29,544 such calls in that time as com-
pared with 32,876 during the last year.
The month of May was some what
unusual, and coincident with the cold-
er weather and lack of uniformity in
heating the rooning houses, there was
an increase in student illness. Small-
pox vaccinations to the number of
1055 added greatly to the usual dis-
pensary calls.
Ann Arbor has been miraculously
fortunate in escaping the smallpox
epidemic. Only two cases have been
recorded in the city and they were
among'the traveling population. There
are some recent outcroppings of the
disease in other parts of the state how-
Very few infections cases have been

IhI~Til.\ Bil UIDING 11111 BE


Has Mysterious CHOL S
Vault Ine Wall; HIGH GviI


I inish Glazing III ,New I
Hospital: heating Plant
li I Reamdimess


Marked progress has been made
in the campus building program dur-
ing the past few weeks and the olfici-
als in chai g feel focnfident that allz
buildings will he completed on sched-<
uled time. No o nt anding obstacle1
has been encou tered on -ny of the1
TheR nw Literary building will be
finished before the opening of the fallf
semester. The outside is practicallyj
completed and the interior work ist
going on rapidly. Stone work on the
main entrance has been delayed slight-
ly during the last few weeks, but is
noxv going forward again. This build-c
ing will be used in the fall whether the1
entrance is completed or not.t
Brickwork on the new Medicalt
building is now progressing at a rap-
id rate, and it is believed that the ex-r
terior of t1he building will be finish-I
ed in a few weeks. It is hoped that I
is building will be completed in
time for the opening of the second
semester of the next school year.c
The exterior of the Law club, with
the exception of the small towers.
has been finished for several days.
and the leaded glass windows are nowf
) ei, put in. The inteiror work in
also e<aring completion, and unlesst
somthiing unforeseen happens, the
building will be ready for occupancy
in the fall.
All the windows, of which there
were over 4,000, with a total of 6,-
822 steel andi odden sashes and more
than 2500 square feet of glass, have
been put in the new University flo-f
pita i, and the other work is progress-
ing rapidly. The administration wing,
which is the bare concrete part in
front of the main building, will be
completed as soon as the partitions
in the hospital are finished.
The new Nurse's dormitory, which
was given to the University by Sn-
ator James Couzens of Detroit, will
be complet(ed before Christmas, the
contractors believe. The partitions
are half up, and men are now at work
plastering and putting in the floors.I
The addition to the University Pow-
er plant is going forward at a rapid
rate, and it is expected that it will
be completed in time to supply heat
and power to the new University
building late this fall. Work is well
under way on the 250 foot chimney1
which is being built.j
Work on the coal storage is being
pushed through, and it is hoped that
it will be completed within six weeks
so that shipments of coal which will
arrive at that time may be stored
there immediately,
Health Film Is
Shown In Last
Night's Lecture
Under the direction of Prof. F. N.
Menefee of the engineering depart-
ment, the second of a series of edu-
cational motion pictures was given at
eight o'clock last night in the Natural
Science auditorium. Three films
were shown, "The Prevention of Diph-
theria", "Welfare Work of the Met-
ropolit an Life Insurance Co.", and
"The Danger that Never Sleeps".
In "Prevention of Diphtheria", wsa
shown the remarkable Schick test,
invented by Dr. Schick, to discover a
child's susceptibility to this dangerous
disease. If the patient shows suscep--
I ibility, treatment can then be given
to prevent the diph lhoria. Many dis-
eases of adults can be traced to this
cause and the after effects are often

Ten States Present Favorite Sons Tot
Delegates In Hope Of Being
New York, June 26.-(By AP)-In
a seven hour continuous session to-
day, always noisy and sometimes tu-r
multuous, the Democratic nationalt
convention advanced its work to ac
point where ten candidates for the
presidency had been placed in nomin
Franklin G. Roosevelt's speech
nominating Governor Smith was the
feature of the day's procedings, but
it did not come off quite according
to the program, as it had been under-
stood by the majority of the delegates.
it had been arranged that when thed
name of Colorado was called for pres-
enting nominations, the tsate would1
pass, and that when the clerk called
Connecticut, that state would yield
to New York, and Mr. Roosevelt would
nominate Governor Smith. When the_
name of Colorado was called the de-
legation announced from the floor
that it would pass and then suddenly
Chairman Walsh interrupted to an-
nounce that the chair recognized Gov-
ernor Sweet.
The Governor delivered a speech1
seconding the McAdoo nomination and
the McAdoo forces got away to aI
fresh start on their demonstration at
the point from which they left off yes-~
ferday afternoon. The McAdoo de-
moustration quieted down after a- few
minutes, however, and Mr. Roosevelt
placed Governor Smith in nomination.
lIhe adournment was taken fori the
day, the record of thing accomplished
so far showed that. the convention had
lefore i placed in formal nominaiont
for the presidency, the following.
Wm. G. McAdoo of California.
Alfred E. Smith of N. Y.
Sen. Jos. P. Robinson of Arkansas.
Former Senator Wm. Saulsbury of '
Sen. Samuel M. Ralston of Indiana.
Governor Jonathon Davis of Kansas.
Governor Rit chie of Maryland.
Forier Secretary Houston
Sen. Ferris of Michigan.
Sen. Underwood of Alabama.
And the program provided for al-
most as many to come.
_\i ap hilef the smal sub-committee
of the platfo mt comm ttee still was
at work attempting to harmonize the
con ictit cica ito a party plat-
f r. -While it e as making progress,
wod was sent to the convention hall
that the platform could not be brought
in t efore Friday.
TCi i ese Students clbi will hold
its first meeting of. the Summer ses-
ion at 7:20 o'clock Friday night in
[,ane hil. Mlo;t of the Chinese st-
dents remain in Ann Arbor during
fite, sunuer and a no mer of newom-
e-s have also registered for the sum-
nmer term. It is expected that by the
thme regist ration is compete more than
1.00 Chinese will be n the campus.
;'ne 1'id-est Section of the Chinese
Alliance will hold its conference here
in Sept ember and many stuents who
attu o .ii ther- schools have cnteed the
siummflei school here so that they will
le able to altend the conference.
Amon,- the iterestlng feat ures in-
(-ludd in the activities of the organ-
J nt inn ari- a Ptf anda rin(lass and a
temiipo1ari-vla fund. The Mandarin
cia-s ins-tru cts s udents from diffent
parts of C hina- who speak various dia-
lets, init :comtmon anguage so that
ill ma tmitcht.taid each other. The

tm cutporary loan fun d gives relief to
studeitis h.ose funds are delayed in
The gull family consists of nearly
115 species.

In going over the 01(1 Shean house
on linton St. a short. time ago, plumb-
ers noticed an iron safe door in one
wall. At some time in its life the
handle had been tampered with and
broken off, and no effort on the part
of the curious men to open the door
availed. An angle in the outer wall
showed that a fair sized room was
shut by themysterious door. The
interest of prospective tenants and
also the owner was arouted, but still
the door remained stubbornly secure.
Yesterday morning the plumbers,
when they reported for work, found to
their astonishment, the door standing
serenly open. Upon inquiry it was
discovered that neither the landlord
nor the tenants had any knowledge of
the occurence. The room beyond the
doork, which proved to be a large
double iron safe door, was a cement
vault with shelves here and there but
nothing of value was discovered.
Ford Metoir ompany Will IBe Closed
Sat urday; 'Trip Postponed to



14 Members Of Faculty Appointed;
First Session Opens In Fall
Of 1924

Sa' iirday s excursion which is the1
second arranged for the Summer ses-
sion program, will visit the Detroit
Ne-s building and the Detroit Pub-
lic Lbrary rather than the Ford plant
as v :s announced several days ago.
hate conimunications with the Fordr
pla ti disclosed that they worked only
five da'- a week and would not be
open on Saturday. The proposed trilp
, ill h postponed until Wednesday.
The Iletroit News is the most com-
ilete metropolitan newspaper plant
in the country. Its radio broadcastingc
,-atioa, its staff rooms, its composi-I
Lion rooms, store rooms, and machinel
rooms will all be visited. A special'
guide will enduct the party through f
the plant.
The Detroit Public library is one ofl
the largest and most beautiful build-
ings in the city. Its marble corridors,
inarble columns, and the beautiful1
nurals of Gary Melchers and other
noted artists make it one of the most
beautiful in the country. Those who,
plan to make the trip should leave
their names in the Summer session
office by 6 o'clock this evening, that
adequate arrangements can be made.
[he excursion will leave State street
at 8 o'clock in the morning, lunch
will b eeaten on Woodward avenue and
the party will return here, in the
Thirty people could not be accom-
modated when the first summer ex-
cursion started at 2:30 yesterday af-
ternoon from North University ave-
nue. The Exchange club of the city
had provided 28 cars for the trip.
Carlton F. Wells, in charge of the ex-
cursion, explained that mn who had
not signed up were on hand when the
tour started with the result that some
were forced to remain behind.
More than 150 peope were able to
make the trip which included drives
througii the southwest residence sec-
tion of the city, both boulevards, the
drive from Barton Hills Country club
along Barton lake, and the road along
the high east bank of the Huron riv-
er. From here the route went back
to the campus where members of the
Library staff led the way through the,
stacks and various departments of the
building with explanations of the li-
brary methods. The new Clements Ii-
bra y was also visited and the ex-
eursion wound up with a thorough in-
spection of the Michigan Union build-
lnrliniiea1a Goes to Ialamazoo
Minneapolis, Minn, June 26.-Earl
. 1 rtineau, stellar athlete of the Uni-
versity of Minnesota for the past three
years will be athletic director at
Western State Normal in Kalamazoo
beginning next fall, it has been an-
nounced. The position is the one held
by Bill Spaulding, present Minnesota
football coach, prior to his present


Pres. Marion L. Burton, Dean Allen
S. Whitney of the School of Education
and Prof. Raleigh Schorling, principal
elect, are administrative officers of
the new University High School, in
which regular class work will begin
this September.
The state undertook the High School
project as a method of carrying on ex-
periments and invesigations and de-
monstrating to students at the Univ-
ersity essentials of good practice.
Diagnosis of individual inabilities and
the keeping of systematic records will
be special parts of the work of fac-
ulty, who have been chosen for their
progressive studies in high school
Seventh, eighth, and ninth grades
will be organized as the Junior High
Schol, with tenth, eleventh, and twel-
fth as Senior High School, when all
plans are completed. As yet only stu-
dents in the four lower grades can
be admitted.
Previous school records, personal
interviews and scores on an achieve-
ment test all will be used as bases in
assigning students to classes, so that
as accurate a grading a possible may
result in efficiency in classwork.
Faculty of the high school has been
named and will include men and wo-
men who have shown unusual ability
and interest in junior and senior high
Dean Allen S. Whitney of the school
of education will be director of the
new school and Mr. Raleigh Schorling
has been secured as principal. Mr.
Schorling received his A. B. degree
from the University and has taught in
rural schools as well as being princi-
pal of a centralized township high
At the head of the Latin department
will be Wilbur L. Carr, former assis-
tant principal at the University High
school at the university of Chicago,
and later professor of Latin at Ober-
lin college.
Professor Charles C. Fries of the
English department of the University
will head the English department in
the school. He is a graduate of Buck-
nell college but received his Ph.D. de-
gres from Michigan. Professor Or-
lando W. Stephenson of the history
department of the University has
been secured to become head of the
department of social studies.
Mr. Schorling will be head of the
mathematics department, and Francis
D. Curtis has been named to head the
department of science. Lila Reynolds,
a University of Michigan graduate,
who has shown unusual interest in
junior high school work, will assist
in the English department, and Es-
ther F. Friedrich will teach in the
science department.
Miss Louise Patterson, who will
have charge of physicial education for
girls comes from the Pacific coast.
Frederick W. East, in charge of physi
cal education for boys, is one of the
first graduates of the physicial edu-
cation department of the University.
Marshall L. Byrn from Cass Techni-
cal High school in Detroit has been
selected to teach industrial arts.
Cordelia Hayes from Grand Rapids
wil ]teach French, while from Ann Ar-
bor High School wiilj com'e dith
Hoyle to teach in the social studies
department. Selma Lindell who has
taught mathematics in Flint will assist
Mr. Schorling in the mathematics de-
partment. A librarian is yet to be
The annual growth of wood In the
United States is sufficient for the pro-
duction of 2,500,000,000 gallons of
grain or ethyl, if all of the wood were
used for that purpose.
While at Dartmouth College Eng-
land, the Prince of Wales lived exact-

ly as other cadets and his natural shy-
ness was especially marked.

recorded. A few diphtheria , cases, more dangerous than the original sick
scarlet fever, and lately some instanc- ness. Ignorance and prejudice on the
es of mumps, are practically all, with part of the parents often prevent the
the exception of the usual spring colds test from being given and thus many
and bronchitis. children are not safeguarded.

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