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June 24, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-24

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TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1924


Published every morning except Monday
during the sunmmier session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchesj
credited to it or not otherwise credited inl
this paper and the local news publishedthere-
Eutered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.,
Subscription by carrier or mail, $t.5 O.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.'
Communications, if signed as evidence oft
good faith, will he published in The Summer1
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-;
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 24t4 and 176-M
News Editor.. ....Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board. .
..........Andrew E. Propper
City Editor.......... .......Verena Moran
Night Editor..............John W. Conrad
Night Editor...........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor........... Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor........... Gwendolyn Dew
Margaret Wrentmore Francis O'Melia
Louise Barley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Keller
Virginia Bales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager... iel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie
Account Manager..............Byron Parker
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1924
When Cecil.Rhodes after an event-
ful life crowned with the achievements

graduation from Columbia. To our
mind there should have been no occa-
sion for Dr. Pupin to do so. There
should be a short and ready eat to get
financial aid.
In these days of co-operative ef-
forts and foundations, there should
be a way to bind these no matter how
worthy and noble, none the less loose
jointed and sporadic activities into a
living, well functioning organization
to accomplish the greatest good for
the largest number at the least cost.
As long as education in all its as-
pects is not a governmental function-
private endeavor should be co-ordin-
ated and intelligently directed so as
to avoid waste, duplication, surplus-
age and at times misguided action.
Who can vouch for the proper se-
lection of the "exceptional student" by
the institution which is to administer,
the fund turned over to it by Dr.
Pupin's admirer? Will he be selected
as many similar decisions are reached
in a casual, ill-considered way by a
committee that is already overburden-

ate tolerance for the Klan. The wet
and dry question is a very touchy
subject and hence it is not to be em-
phasized. The League of Nations is a
topic that must be hurried over. Cap-
ital and Labor are two dangerous
rocks through which the political pil-
ot must steer a safe middle course.
Better to be safe than sorry, rather
victorious than vehement, seems to be
the unwritten motto of political par-

have penned the above lines, and take
them to heart as the first great lesson
of a summer of good advice and bad
Our brain is dead-you knew that
long ago-(ha, ha, ha,-we beat you
to that), and so we must close our re-
marks, senseless as they may have
seemed to you, with the pertinent re-
"Turn Down an Empty Glass."


just closed, congress showed itself
"greater and nobler than the execu-
tive." The sensatorial old guard
should hug themselves when they read
But for one reson or another we all
agree that congress is no longer to be
treated as a joke. Some of its per-
formances at the recent session were
surely sobering, well calculated to
persuade thoughtful people to take
congress seriously. At any rate, there

Is nothing to provoke merriment in a
bad joke.

All tryouts for The Daily
business staff will please re-
port at the offices in the Press
building on Monday, June 24.
There will be some good posi-
tions open. For information call
960 960








of an empire-builder of large vision
and fervor-was desirous to round out
a useful life with a "chef d' oevre"-
he created a trust fund to provide an
University education for those who
although particularly fitted for it, are
barred from being the recipients of
one for lack of financial resources.
If it is true as August Comte so aptly
rema ld-*at 'knowledge is fore-
sight, then it might be asserted with
equal emphasis that one of the main
purposes of education is the develop-
ment of character. Loyalty to duty
and a conscientious devotion to our
respective tasks goes hand in hand
with the awakening of our social con-
science. To be useful, to serve and
to contribute a creative effort to so-
ciety is the present day privilege of the
University men who in the Army of
Humanity have to assume a.command-
ing position.
To help others in getting a college
training, to be useful to themselves
as well as to the social fabric,-is one
of our privileges and responsibilities.
Student loan-funds, scholarships are
means and. avenues toward this end.
These scattered efforts should be
combined and co-ordinated, however,
to accomlish the greatest amount of
good in an intelligent manner.
The newspapers published a rather
interesting story just a little while
ago. It seems that a business man
of considerable means indulged in the
nowadays somewhat rare extravag-
ance of reading a good book. He pro-
bably was not a tired busifiess man.
At zany) rate the autobiography of
Michael Pupin, the inventor and phys-
icist of Columbia university seemed
to have started his process of think-
ing. He realized no doubt, that Pro-
fessor Pupin's youth was crowded
with hardships, some of which might
have been easily avoided and that
there are no doubt hundreds of em-
bryo Pupins whose ambitions are
crushed due to these hardships, that
their exceptional talents are a part-
ial and at times a total social loss as.
a result of this handicap. Our friend
saw the light and donated a substan-
tial sum of money to the financing of
an "exceptional student" to relieve
him of the necessity of waiting on
tables, cutting grass, tending furnaces
or what not. He no doubt thought
that it is far more profitable in the
long run if the boy devoted his en-
tire itme to his books and laboratory
work. So the autobiography of Dr.
Pupin ("From Immigrant to Invent-
or") served more than the recording
of a fascinating story of life, it
prompted a good man to act in the
right direction.
It is obvious that one who receives
aid at a critical period of his life is
only too happy to extend help when
occasion presents itself. Dr. Pupin
dug into his own pocket to enable one
of his exceptional students, who is
now a world known scientist, to pur-

ed by many other tasks, or in a pains-
taking manner? Will the personal
equation contibute largely to the
making of the selection or will the
decision be made impartially based
on pure merit? However this may
be, it seems to be a fact that we must
put a greater premium on ability than
on personality.
The argument that the fittest sur-
vives in the struggle for life, may pro-
perly apply to animals, but hardly to
a human being with a complicated
mental process and a soul. For excel-
lence in one direction carries with it
the penalty of shortcomings in an-
other. Artists, physicians, writers
are notoriously poor business men,
and this is true of teachers and sci-
entists also. They may enter into the
struggle with a decided handicap right
from the very beginning and should
be assisted to overcome this so as to
give us the best that is in them with-
out being burdened by cares and
worries. The same is true of the
"exceptional student" who is a candi-
date for our research laboratories.
Hence, an agency which devotes a
great deal of time to the discovery or
selection of them, is highly desirable
in place of the haphazard selection
made by alumni committees, etc. It
is a job that requires not only par-
ticular fitness and training, but what
more: intuition and vision.
So we have a two-fold problem:
the unification of scholarship activit-
ies on the one hand and on the other,
the selection of the most promising
material that-is likely to be of the
greatest service to society. A consol-
idation, a unification of all efforts in
charge of a trained psychologist-
seems to be the proper solution of
our problem.
We have a good deal to learn in
this field. Directors of personnel in
universities, executives of wide ex-
perience can offer us many useful
hints and advice. The process of na-
tural selection of human beings is
one of individualism- not of gener-
With the opening of the Democratic
national convention, the resolutions
committee of that party seeks boldly
to draft a complete platform of prin-
ciples designed to drive home in sim-
ple language the outstanding purposes
of the party. With a big noise and
many flourishes the Democrats her-
ald the coming of a political Messiah
whose name as yet is in doubt, and in
the meantime the delicate task of con-
structing the party platform occupies
the convention spotlight.
The Democrats begin with the his-
toric assertion for opposition parties.
namely, that the American people are
"profoundly shocked and deeply griev-
ed at the utter lack of public decency
and respect for law as has been man-
ifested by this Republican administra-
tion." This, of course, sounds good,
but it is not true; the American peo-
ple are neither grieved nor shocked
at any lack of public decency and re-
Lspect for law. History has taught
them to expect just that, and time has
made them well nigh indifferent to the
open ravages of the political bull in
the government china shop.
Having relieved themselves of this
platitude, the voice of the party goes
on to say: "There will be two par-
amount issues in the coming cam-
paign. They are clearly defined and
well understood: Do you desire an
efficient government? Do you want
a corrupt or an honest government?"
And these, we are told, will be the
paramount issues.
Both questions are foolish questions

to even ask. Every citizen will ans-
wer Yes-BUT HOW? Political par-
ties always seem to neglect details.
No mention of big issues seem to
be forthcoming from either camp. It
would be rather ghastly proceeding to
make even an indirect pronouncement

Having started off the summer right
with an ardent plea for help, we
feel it our duty to welcome everybody
to the great University which is ours
for the summer. Consider yourselves
welcomed, one and all, and such oth-
ers as may be here. Right now we
want to say that these here nowrolls
are going to be a rather spasmodic af-
fair this summer, and that we are not
going to conduct them any lonr than
is absolutely necessary to fill up the
edit page. We are most emphatically
not a humorist - even Cowles, our
great predecessor, has said that we
are not, and he should know.
One of the summer school aggrega-
tion asked us if we were going to run
his picture in the Summer Daily this
year, and we said yes in a decided tone
of voice. The picture appears below,
and was taken when he was attending
the summer school at Nome Univer-
sity, Alaska, last year. While there,
he played a sterling game at the left
wing post on the varsity hockey team.
The picture shows him in fighting togs.
wearing that grim fighting face which
so terriorized his opponents.
Adolph Percival Smytthe
Canto 1.
Spring has came and summer too,
The season's greetings, sir, to you;
And if you find it hot down here,
Come 'round and have a glass of-
(deleted by censor).
Canto 2.
No poet do we claim to be
Nor wit, as you may plainly see.
It is our hope, our humble aim
To fill up space and take the blame.
Dear Taman:
Susan Snibbles sat next to me at
the last baseball game. She thought
the man who knocked the ball clear
out of sight was exceedingly naughty
an ought to be fired. The man who
stole a base she thought was wicked-
and by the way--after the first, sec-
ond and third base, was that the so-
prano in the middle?
Li'l Gwennie.
The topic for today's dissertation is
"Pull, its place on the Campus and
the Evils Resulting From its Use."
Pull is a great evil, but without it
we would get nowhere on this cam-
pus. Pull put us where we are today
and so you can see how great a
evil it really is. Just think, without
pull, a man would not be writing thes
rolls,--maybe there wouldn't be any
at all. Still, pull can be a very goo
thing. A good pull with the facult
can make a Phi Bete of a dumb-bell
Not that such a thing (a pull with th
faculty), is possible, but just think-
if it were!
Some people call pull "drag." Thi
is a very crude term, and really shou
never be employed. Drag means some
thing entirely different- being mos
frequently employed to describe a
hasty puff at a cigarette, which ha:
an effect quite the opposite from mak
ing a dumb-bell a Phi Bete.
All in all, this pull is the bunk, and
the less of it we have the better fo

all concerned, but if you really want
to get along in the University, trot out
new, and establish a lot.
* * *
Gaylord is out of town, so the above
dissertation will undoubtedly bet intc
the sheet. Please realize with whai

(The Providence (R. I.) Journal)
"Let us never make the mistake
again of treating congress as a joke,"
the editor of the New Mexico Tri-
bune, published at Albuquerque, ad-
monishes the people at large. He
never will. It seems it has been his
frequent practice to write flippantly
of congress. In his confession of sin,
fortunately not unpardonable, he ob-
serves that it used to be "the fashion
to speak lightly of congress - we
among others did it." He recalls with
pain that "we proposed saving the ex-
pense of heating the capitol by utiliz-
ing the oratory and made other poor
remarks." Now, in penitenial spirit,
he declares, "We take it all back."
What has come over him? A "great
change" in congress is noted. Thus
"the growth of the progressive move-
ment, breaking down party lines, old
prejudices and self-interest has digni-
fied congress." So, it seems, the little
bunch of progressives, like a tooting
ferry boat continually crossing from
one side to the other, has uplifted
congress. Moreover, in the session
will be open as usual
thruout the Summer

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sue some studies In Germany after his against the Ku Klux Klan or to indic.-e

,seriousness and depth of feeling we

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