Washington, Aug. 2.-With General
Pershing leading the defense, the war
department today began to hit back
at opponents of the "defense test" on
Sept. 12. . The first step today was
publication by the war department of
a letter written Secretary Weeks by
Mrs. Anthony W. Cook, president-gen-
eral of the Daughters of the Americ-
an Revolution, assuring the depart-
ment of the co-operation of 26 patri-
otic and veteran societies in the hold-
Ing of the defense test.
General Pershing, just returned
from Europe, is exercised over the
agitation against the defense test.
Since the conclusion of the world war
it has been Pershing's life ambition to
train the citizenry of the nation again-
at the possibility of another war.
May Prove. Beniefit
But Pershing in one way believes
that the opposition to the test may
prove a good thing. He believes there
is a misunderstanding in the minds of
the people as to just what the test
means and seeks to accomplish. He
plans to issue a formal statement ex-
plaining the test, when the atmos-
phere is less charged with politics.
He does not want to get into a political
The following organizations have
pledged their co-operation in the de-
fense test, letters made public today
by the war department said:
t Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion, Sons of the Revolution, Daught-
ers of 1812, United Confederate Veter-
ans, United Daughters of the Confed-
eracy, United Spanish War Veterans,
Naval and Military Orde.r of the Span-
ish-American War, Veterans of For-
eign Wars of the United States, Am-
erican Legion, Disabled American
Veterans of the World War, Military
Order of the World War, Women's
Auxiliary of the American Legion, Na-
tional Guard Association, Reserve
Officers' Association, Association of
the Army of the United States, Milit-
ary Training Camps Association, Na-
tional League of omen's Service, Wo-
men's Constitutional League, League
of American Pen Women, Sentinels ofs
the Republic, National Security Lea-c
gue, National Association for Consti-
tutional Government, National Civic
Federation, and Camp Fire Girls.
Silent on Blain's Order
Neither the White House nor the ,
war department would comment today
on the action of Governor Blaine of
Wisconsin, in refusing to mobilize
the Wisconsin national guard for "de-
fense test" day.
Among veteran chess devotees of
prominence is Fred W. C. Crane, of
Morristown, N. Y. He is in his eigh- t
ty-second year and learned to play at
the age of 10. He originated a pock- r
et chessboard well-nigh indispensable
to enthusiasts, turning out over 4,000
of them. n
New Premier Of
Jugo-Slavia Has
Policy Of Peace
Union Plans New Services
For Summer Student Patrons
Adopting as its aim a better serv-
ice to the campus and the summer
student, the Michigan Union is plan-
ning many improvements in its admin-
istration together with new and pro-
gressive ideas regarding many of the
old departments. Under the leader-
ship of its new manager, Elliot Proc-
tor who has come here from the1
Deshler Hotel of Cleveland to take theI
place left vacant by the resignation
of Dennis Donovan, the new plans
are rapidly formulating.
The tap room, which combines as
a lunch service for students similar
to the grill rooms of hotels and
clubs, is undergoing a transformation
which will aim to increase the facil-
ities for service as well as the ven-
tilation of the room which has long
been considered to be faulty. Thel
change contemplated includes the in-1
stallation of new electric devices for9
cooking short orders, the installationl
of the best modern ice boxes, and a
complete change of the ventilation to
carry the air out of the tap room in-1
to the cooking rooms behind. Fur-t
ther changes will be made in the ser-l
vice counter, and accommodations will
be made for sixty people more than1
can now be accommodated.'
For the past few weeks, during the I(
hot evenings, dinner has been serv-
ed on the Union Terrace, where din-
ers ca'n eat on the open porch in the
cool breezes. Patrons of the Union
,,dinners express particular pleasure
with this new feature in Union serv-
'ice. An orchestra has also been add-
ed to the equipment of the dining
room. A group of four players, re-
cruited from the regular Union or-
chestra, play throughout the dinner
service, .offering selections of classi-
cal and semi classic nature. This
idea has never been tried by the Un-
ion authorities before, and is meeting
with considerable success.
In the pursuit of their aim to bring
the Union closer to the student and
make it a real home for Michigan
men, these improvements have been
made. Further changes are seen in
the decoration of the ball room, the
installation of the special "blue plate"
luncheon, while larger projects in the
shape of the swimming pool, which
will soon be completed, the reading
room, which is now under construc-
tion, following the gift of funds from
Mrs. Edward W. Pendleton, and the
special counter on the Terrace for
use during the football rush season,1
all promise to make the Union more
really a home for Michigan men.
Luboir Davidovitcl,
the new premier of Jugo-Slavia, has
proclaimed a policy of "peace in the
Washington, Aug. 2.-Relations be-
tween the United States and Mexico
are on a more satisfactory basis now
than at any time since the Diaz ad-
ministration, Charles Beecher Warren,
who on Monday will resign as the
American ambassador to Mexico City,
declared in an interview today.
Warren predicted that his succes-
sor would be appointed without delay
as President Coolidge, whose guest he
is at the White House, is desirous
of filling the post before the Ameri-
can-Mexican claims commission meets
at Mexico City to begin adjudication of
the claims of the two governments.
Outspoken in his praise of Presi-
dent Obregon, Warren said that the
Mexican executive, who is soon to be
succeeded in office by Plutarcho al-
es, has a "greater control and a more
stable government" than has been ac-
orded the Mexican people since the
reign of General Diaz.
"I regard the special mission which
Iundertook last year as having been
accomplished," Warren said. "I went
as the head of the American commis-
sion to negotiate a basis for the re-
sumption of diplomatic relations. That
as been done and the work approv-
d, resulting in the recognition of
"I accepted the ambassadorship
with the understanding that when
he work was completed and the work
was completed and the new problems
aising because of the (de La Huerta)
evolution had been solved, I would
ie at liberty to resign. The two com-
missions have been agreed upon, and
will meet in Washington and at Mex-
co City."
A discussion of what has been done
a the use of electric power on ships
nd of some of the possible future
evelopments will constitute the theme
f the lecture to be given by Prof.
. F. Bailey, of the electrical engin-
ering department of "The Electrified
hip." The lecture will be in the Na-
ural Science auditorium at 5 o'clock
londay afternoon.
America is thus far the only nation*
vhich has definitely adopted the elec-
rified ship, a development which in
'rofessor Bailey's opinion will be-
ome generally used in battleships
nd cruisers. Something like twen-
y American battleships are equipped
ow with electric drives.
Co -Ed's Merits
Given Rating By
Bench Loungers
What is it all about-this myster-
ious campus activity which is car-
ried on, on our diagonal every day?
The game, for such it is, is an anci-
ent one, being originated back iuthe
days when man first began to take
notice of women in general. In ye
olden days, the cave boys would sit on
a cliff and discuss among themselves
the respective merits of the girls as
they sauntered on the trail below, to
and from their classes in cave-mak-
ing. Since them there days, the game
has progressed in- technique, the
method changing, but the idea re-
mainyng somewhat the same. To-
day the boys sit on the senior
benches near the tin-shop college, and
enter into vigorous discussions about
the co-ed as she saunters to and from
her classes in home making and home
The conversation among the boys
on the benches is indeed colorful.
They rate the "bims" one, two, or
three merits, according to what they
they think she deserves. The system
for marking their merits is unique.
There are no set rules; it is glorious-
ly spontaneous.
"The Westbound Limited" comes to
the Wuerth today for four days. This
feature was announced last week, but
due to an error in bogkings it was
not shown. Against the melodramat-
ic features of the picture is a beauti-
ful and well defined love story that
gives the production, as a whole, a
tremendous appeal.
The feature attraction for the latter
half of the week at the Wuerth will
be announced in a later issue of the
Herbert Rawlison in "Stolen Eec-
rets" will give a one day performance
at the Orpheum today. There will al-
so be Fox news, and Billy Sullivan
in the last of "The Leather Pushers."
The Orpheum will close its doors
after the last performance Sunday
night for about a month for general
repairs. Announcement as to its fall
policy will be made in the first is-
sue of the September Daily.
"The White Moth" which comes to
the Majestic starting today for a four
day run offers exceptional screen en-
tertainment and marks a new achieve-
ment for Maurice Turneur, the drec-
tor. It is a beautiful, fantastic, ab-
sorbing piece of cinema entertainment
revolving around the gay night life
of Paris and the whirl of society in
New York. Barbara La Marr is co-
starred with Conway Tearle.
"Not One to Spare," based on Ethel
Lynn Beers' well known poem, opens
Wife Of British
Scientist Talks
About Women
It is interesting to hear that Mrs.
Bragg, the wife of the English phys-
icist lecturing here this summer, is
amused at the women here on th
campus who think they not well treat-
ed. For during here education in
England at Cambridge the women
were most careful of their conduct so
that they would not offend the men in
any way-t4. faculty especially had
to be most respectfully regarded.
Where athletics are concerned, the1
American women cannot hold a candle
to the Englhlish women. The women att
Cambridge have inter-varsity contestsl
with the Oxford women and others-4
in hockeyfi and tennis, etc. Canoeingt
.and rowing are ever so much more
popular in England-Mrs. Bragg said
that a woman in Cambridge had toi
pass a canoeing test before she wasI
permitted on the river. Mrs. Bragg
thinks women here play golf well but1
not tennis-which is the most popular
sport over there.
Our buildings are so much more
tidy and are equipped with every
comfort for the students which ist
again different from the English sys-
tem, says Mrs. Bragg. There the l
buildings are dusty and murty to the
last degree in contrast to our tidiness.
The lighting system of our library is1
quite a luxury compared to the dimly
,illuminated libraries of the old Eng-
lish universities. Clement's library1
was a most gorgeous building to Mrs.t
Bragg and she said that she blushed1
at the collection of of English familyf
records she found among the collec-l
tion of rare documents and books that
Mr. Clements has.E
Skrzynsky Called GHENT
To Warsaw To Be
Foreign Minister RE
S.London, Aug. 3-(By A.P.)-The in-
ter-allied reparation conference reach-
ed a complete agreement shortly af-
ternoon and the chief delegates are
I framing an invitation to the Germans
to come to London.
A complete program for launching
' the Dawes reparation settlement plan
was agreed upon by the inter-allied
conference during a half hour plen-
ary session at the foreign office.
The allied premiers and American
Ambassador Kellogg took up the tech-
nical point with which the experts
had vainly struggled in two all night
sessions and after modifications which
Count Alexander Skrzynski Premiers MacDonald and Herriot ac-
representative of Poland at the Lea- cepted the compromise settlement was
gue of Nations, has been recalled to reached.
take the post of foreign minister, his When the agreement was reported,
former office. the wearied experts, including the
Americans, James A. Logan and Ow-
en D. BS BSI Young and Mr. Frazer of Greatrtiwohvslpltledin
Britain, who have slept little dumring
I A the last 48 hours, left the conference
T room and the chief delegates began
framing the invitations for the Ger-
man government to send a delegation
to London.
BEGIN JOURNEY HALTED tPrime Minister MacDonald will hand
BEGIN JOUR EY H LTEDthe invitation to the German embas-
BY HEAVY FOG; SEEK sy this afternoon and former Minis-
ICELAND ter Stresseman and his colleagues
are expected to reach London tomor-
Kirkwall, Aug. 2-(By A.P.)-Lieut. row night.
Eric Nelson and his mechanican, Lieut. Meanwhile the conference will take
a recess with the exception of the jur-
John Harding, Jr., in the army air- ists committees which are drafting the
plane, New Orleans, were believed results of the fortnight's work, s
here this afternoon to be making a that the document can be submitted
lone attempt to reach Iceland in the to the Germans.
first leg of the American world flyers The conference will enter its final
trans-Atlantic flight. The attempt of phase with the arrival of the Ger-
Lieut. Lowell H. Smith, the flight mans who will be asked to express
commander, to lead the world flyers their opinions on the program for put-
to Hornafjord, Iceland, the first ting the Dawes scheme into opera-
scheduled leg of the trip across the tion. After the Germans have been
Atlantic was frustrated by a heavy heard, a protocol embodying the pro-
fog in their path north of the Ork- gram will be signed by the allies
neys. and the Germans, it is expected, and
Lieut. Smith in the Chicago and then the reparation commission will
Lieut. Leigh Wade in the Boston were make its appointments and set up the
trapped by the fog when only 60 organization necessary for carrying
miles from here, after a late start this out the Dawes propoganda.
morning and were forced to turn The plenary session adopted the re-
about to return to their base in Hou- por of the first committee of experts
ton bay. dealing with defaults and penalties.
Lieut. Nelson in the New Orleans It also adopted the report of the
became separated from his leader and third committee, pertaining to repar-
supposedly took another course out ation transfers.
of the trap, continuing his flight to
Iceland. CHUR CHES
Nelson had more petrol and oil than
was necessary to carry him to Ice-
land, even though he wasted a quan- Church of Christ
tity of it searching for his colleagues. Bible school will be at 9:30. There
He was under orders to continue the will be morning worship and com-
flight unless his commander signal- munion service at 10:30. An address
led otherwise, will be given by Miss Ivalu Andrus,
A wireless message from the cruis- a returned missionary from the Cen-
er Richmond relayed a message from tral Provinces of India.
the American destroyer stationed off First Baptist Church
the Faroes reporting the passage of
Lieut. Nelson in the New Orleans ov- "Salt" will be the topic of the ser-
er the Faroes headed for Iceland at mon given by Mr. Chapman, minister
12:05 o'clock this morning. Anoth- of University students, at 10:30. Class-
er dispatch reported an airplane pass- es for all will be held at the church
ing over one of the islands of the Sunday school at 12.
group about the same hour, the sound First Congregational Church
of the motor being heard although the The morning service will have as
machine could not be seen because its subject "The Forgiveness of. Sins,"
of the fog. Some uncertainty as to discussing "Is it easy for God to for-
Nelson's movements was cre4ed by a give?" This will be at 10:45. An
despatch to the English press asso- open forum will be- held at 12 and
ciation at London, from Kirkwall say- Prof. Franklin Shull, of the Zoology
ing Lieut. Nelson was returning there, department, will discuss "Biology's
The source of this information was Judgment of Immigration." At 6:30
not given by the despatch. a student social hour will be held in
the church parlors. Mary Pickford in
"Through the Back Door," will be
IPLEENTETAthe picture at the evening picture
FDR BRITISH GUEFirst Presbyterian Church
.ST Living in Tents" will be the sub-
ject of Dr. Anderson's sermon at
Prof. Guy Whipple, of the School of 10:30. Church Bible school will be
Education will entertain Prof. C. at 12. At 5:30 there will be a young
Spearman, of the University of Lon- peole's social hour, and at- 6:30 a
dan at a smoker at his home on Mon- young people's devotional meeting.
day evening. Members of the faculty Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
who are interested in education and There will be Holy communion at 8
psychology have been invited to meet o'clock. At 11 there will be morning
the guest of the evening, prayer and a sermon by the rector.
5:00-The Electrified Ship (Illustrat-
ed)-Prof. B. F. Bailey. Natural
Science auditorium.
8:00-Miscellaneous Readings - the
Class in Interpretative Reading, un-
der the direction of Prof. Louis M.
Eich, auditorium of University Hall.
5:00--Individual Differences in Abil-
ity--Prof. C. Spearman, of the Un-
iversity of London, Eng. Natural
Science auditorium.
6:30-Annual banquet of the Educa-
tional clubs. Regular annual sum-
mer banquet of the two organiza-
tions will occur at the Michigan
Union. Prof. T. H. Reed will be the
main speaker.
at the Majestic on Friday.
Miss Ann Harding, who returns to
the Bonstelle company tomorrow night
to take the place of Katherine Alex-
ander, will be provided with an un-
,usual role in "Mary the 3rd," the Ra-
chel Crowthers human document. In
expounding her views Miss Crowthers
employs three generations, a rather
pleasing idea that introduces lovers
of 1870 and 1897, and the present.
Dr. Alfred S. Warthin, professor of
pathology and director of the patholo-
gical laboratory, has sailed for Eng-
land, accompanied by Mrs. Warthin
and his two sons, Junior and Tom.
Professor Warthin's trip is a pleasure
trip. He expects to visit the differ-
ent types of English gardens, in
which he has an especial itterest,
and perhaps spend a week or two in
France later.