cation. It is no more revolutionary
than the abolition of slavery. Sincej
r b4j janU a i l '; the serfs of medieval days, each suc-
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE cessive stage of civilization marked
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN the disappearance of one clads priv-j
SUMMER SESSION ilege after another. Today, the leis-
Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session ured class enjoys the fruits of the
toil of the laboring class. The social-j
Member of the Associated Preis. The As t mh s yt
,ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the ists aim to end the present system of
se- for republication of all news dispatched exploitation of labor.
Credited to it or not otherwise credited ir
this paper and the local news publishedthere i By means of a better distribution of
in labor, socialism will lead to fewer
Entered at the postoffice, tsnn Arbor hours of work and more leisure for
aa: tt. .. 2. 11 <h dO t
sTI' s OF COLL SALARIES Charleston, W. Va., July 30.-Pro- posal has been the subject of com-1 More than 2,000,000 pairs of leather
NUO13i W lYla PUBLIC posal that President Coolidge call a munication between himself and T. gloves were shipped to the United
MvHIE 'A11 Y1N 'ACII- conference of governors of coal pro- T. Read safety director of the United States in four months of this year.
ERS SAYS J. 3. ducing states to bring about safety States bureau of mines.
(ATTELI, measures has been suggested by R. B. To rest in peace is many a time
Lambie, chief of the West Virginia C.A. sifled Ads work wonders. Try a grave thing.
"When teachers roceiv low salaries department of mines who said at a T'le Summer Michigan Daily for re-
safety conference here that the pro- suhs.--Adv Try Classified ads for big Results.
it is not they who suffer most, but
the boys and girls whom they teach ~_ -
and the social organization of the
next generation,">s:ysJ. McKeen Cat- I
.WoC~stt. a scond class matter.
;.71Tunawqc henman macte most
Jx.chtgan, 1S Se~ot cls 11a- i. ime was 3wuu enint a tu t
Subscrivtion by carrier or mail, $ things by hand. Later, machinery
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
was invented. These tune-and-labor-
Comniunications, if 'signed as evidence of saving devices gave man more leisure.
fgond faith, will be published in The Summeri
Daily at the discretion of the ditor. Un1 As new needs arose, more inventions
sisned cormiunications will receive no con' Icame into bwng. Today, with our
sidleration. The signature may be omitted in
jpubllication if desired by the writer. The printing presses, railroads, steam-
aummer Daily does not necessarily endorse;hips, telephone, cable, aerolane, and
h ntim.nts exuressed in the communica hs p c an
tell, presMno otof tihe American Asso-
c atien for t1 e \)Iva e-mnt of Sci-
ence. "It is always possible to get
a teacher for a few hundred dollars
a year hit cm', w?o rt oives that sal-
ar-f i4, ) t A IOo likely to 1be
overpaid t"!'n on' who receives five
times as much.
"it serms oli ot( a mltparents should
h> v ing o 1 their children be
SeOOKS and Uppis
-- ~
f~117 A LIA z 9
#- + e-u a Q
radio, we are united with the rest
of the worn d and are able to produce
EDITORIAL STAFF more than we need to consume.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M The socialist movement is econo-
MANAGING EDITOR I mic in clarauter. In their persist-
ROBERT G. RAMSAY ent and i3upiring propaganda, the
News Editor.......Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board...... ciais a always on the side of
.................Andrew E. Propper the workcrr in thr struggle for bet-
City Editor.................Verena Moran
Night Editor........Frederick K. Sparrow ter c'ne.ti Xn. If the ?roduction of
Telegraph Editor.::::..Leslie S. Bennetts
Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew wealth is socialitic, why not its dis-
STAFF MEMBERS tribution? No cut and dried plan of
Louise Barley Marian Kolb dsrbto a enatmie.Hw
Rosalea Spaulding Wenley B. Krouser distribuPion has been attempted. How-
Marion Walker J Albert Laansma ever, the socialists do advocate the
Dwight Coursey M1'arion Meyer
Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller transfer of ownership of land, factor-
Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld ;n 1 ,r; 3rriras n ie
Geneva Ewing Dorothy Wall machinery, railroads, and mines
Maryland E. Lartloff f.-em uiniviluals to the people, so that
BUSINESS STAFF Ih n *m he operated for the benefit.
Telephone 96! of all. "From each according to his
BUSINESS MANAGER ability; to each according to his
CLAYTON C. PURDY needs," is their ultimate goal.
Advertising Manager.......Hiel M.'Rockwell Our modern fo;-m of industrial or--
Copyw iting Manager......Noble D. Travis ganizatien has created ' trusts and
Circulation Manager....... Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie, monophes, thereby putting the wealth
Account Manager.............. Byron Parker ;
STAFF MEMBERS i in the hands of a few. Small enter-
Florence E. Morse Florence McComb prises are wiped out through competi-
Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown tion by larger ones. Socialists are
Night Editor--FRED K. SPARROW
"Since men are really inter-
ested in nothing but their opin-
ions, every one who puts for-
ward an opinilon looks about
him right and left for means
of straightening himself and
others in it.
"A man avails himself of the
truth so long as it is service-
able; be he seizes on what is
ral e with a passionate eloqu-
an- ! cn s ihP can ma',e a
i i'
not satisfied with conditions as they
exist today. While the laboring class-
es enjoy more material comforts than
ever before, the increase of comforts
does not keep up with the increast
of their production. An' wealth -
most of which accrues through the
work of the laboring class-is pos-
sessed by a select few. Spargo in
1910 stated that seven-eighths of the
families in the United States own
one-eighth of the wealth. More re-
cently, Scott Nearing asserted that
two percent of the people in the Un-
ited States own 98 percent of the
wealth. The socialists hope for a
more equitable distribution.
The word "Socialism" was first
used by Robert Owen, early in the
19th cestury. It was then used to de-
scribe "reforming schemes". The so-
cialists aim for reform.
taught in te SC.'OOs by a woman
l ai $100o a ar, aid probably de-
s-rving nJ er , c in college by an
instructor wiho e sa1!1,a.y is not nch
I: . , - they would regard the
circumstance that a nI ysician or law-
y-er cou d earn only $,1000 a year as
sumi cient evidenco f r employing a
St;. e man.
"It is fa more imortant to so-
ciety than to teachers that proper sa
aries should be paid to thoee engaged
is cieational and scientific work, so
that the beat men and women may be
drawn to it.
"WA hive l;;:it Ially driven men
teachers from our public schools,
though nearly all superintendents are
men. And we do not secure the best
women, partly because we keep the
wage scale down to compete only with
typists and telephone girls, partly be-
cause in general the best women mar-
ry and we take in the schools only
those who can't or won't, partly be-
cause we give the teacher but little
freedom or opportunity.
"It is bad for boys from the age of
six to eighteen to be taught only by
partly educated womeir; perhaps it is
even worse for girls.
Can't Afford (iiildren
"It may seem absurd to predict the
possibility that the faculties of our
colleges and universities will ultim-
ately be 'manned' by women. But on
several occasions recently I have rec-
cmmendeA a woman because at a
salary of $2000 a better teacher is
available. I have found that the uni-
;-ersity prafessor has now on the av-
erage only 1.5 children. He is not
ceally able to support the extra half
child. The situation is now worse
than it was, for salaries have not in-
creased in proportion to the cost of
"The difficulty in the present situ-
ation is not only that the ordinary
salary is too low, bunt that there are
noa prizes in the profession compar-
able with those in law, medicine or
engineering, where a successful prac-
titioner may earn $100,000 or more a
year. These large incomes are rare,
but their existence attracts able men
and leads them to make the best use
of their talents. Of our hundreds of
thousands of teachers not one has
the salary of a successful salesman
or, buyer.
"In one of our larger city universi-
ties the professor of economics receiv-
ed the comparatively liberal salary of
$5000. The trustees of the university
are more or less the enmn men who
are directors of the banks, and when
Chiropodis.t anid j
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Sto-rAdr Setter imjress ions
711 N. University Ave.
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17411111111111P ill 1111111111111111111111I & W lll hI 1 1111311111111111111-111111111111111ii
r °a rt bl
- - IV a. ..-
ence as Soon Z a UL .tn
mcmentary use of it; whether
it be to dazzle others with it. as f
a kind cf half-truth, or to em-
ploy it as a stop gap for af-
fectingan apparent union be-
-tlween thin-,s that have been
di. joined."
It is not too much to assume that1
all fond parents at some time or oth-
er take their infant offspring upon
their knee, bounce him in the air, I
and tell him to be a good boy, study;
hard, go to college, and some day he
may be President of the United tSates.
In this way this is analogous to the
rhetoric instructor who describes a
dirty little stream running through a
cow pasture' as "a silver thread wind-
ing its trickling way through a haves.
of -green grasses and apple blos-
srMs." -
The American standard of great-
ness seems to be based on the mate-
rial wealth of the individual, so why
don't parents tell their children to
be good and some day they will be
great baseball players like Babe Ruth,
who draws almost as much salary
as the President, gets more publicity
and has less to worry about? Or why'
not tell the promising youth to mind
his p's and q's, study law, and some
day he will become a baseball direct-
or like Judge Landis and draw double
the President's salary? Why idealize
the President's office, when parents
can tell their children to do what they
damn please, forget about their
brains, but develop good physical
shapes, and some day they may be-
come movie stars and receive more
salary in a year than the President
of the United States can for his entire
four years term of office?
Why don't parents do this? But
then, parenlts are usually foolish when
their -own children are involved.
Although LaFollette is not a social-
ist, the socialists are backing him be
cause they consider him the most pro-
gressive candidate. Why their back-
ing should be considered an obstacle
'to La Follette is not quite clear. Un-
less socialism is understood, it eannot
be fairly and intelligently, judged.
-oeialisni Isa theory of so i l evol-
So many buildings are named aft-
er notable men that one easily gets
into the habit of never being curious
to know who the man was for whom=
- e Place was named, why he was1
noteworthy, and when it all happe'n-
Mason Hall, the first building con-
structed for the use of the institution,
has not always been called by that
name. In 1843 the Board of Regents
elected that the "edifice used in Ann
Arbor and known as Main Building
be called Mason Hall," because Gov-
ernor Stevens T. Mason did so much
for the school. This name continued
in use until 1871 when University Hall
was erected in a central position,
then the old building became known
as North Wing.
The Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
of the D. A. R. did not think this fit-
ting and proper thus to nickname a
place which should demand so mucL
respect, and in 1913 they asked that
the Board of Regents take a second
action and return to the structure its
original name. This was done. Sc
a tablet was prepared and unveiled
on June 24, 1914. It is of bronze
and reads:
A doxen books are said to be based
on Robinson Crusoe's life, but that's
nothing. We have known professors
who have written more than that or
one theory and sol'd them to their
classes. - --
Three rousing cheers for the man-
hood of Frederick, Maryland. Some
he-men, these! One hundred of then
.got up nerve enough to attack one
poor, forlorn, bedraggled woman.
Heroes all!
We always thought that Detroit-
ers were keen business men until w
read that one man was sold a "box o
gold" for $400-the man that sold it
had a lot of brass,
Takeany user's advice
Anyone who uses a Remington Portable will tell you
how indispensable it is.
It makes writing swifter- likewise easier. And-
without any reflection on your penmanship-it makes
reading easier.
Compact-fits in a case only four inches high. Easy to
pick up and carry around, or tuck away in a desk drawer.
Convenient-can be used anywhere-on your lap, if
you wish.
Conp/eie-with four-row keyboard, like the big ma-
chines, and other "li(, machine" conveniences.
r it >. cn"- b',rr; r -riiv h''-mi t terms if desired
; i
they wanted a president for one of
them and selected this professor, they
quite naturally paid him $25,000. But
does the president of a local bank
render more important services to so-
ciety than a professor of economic'
More Freedom Needed
"If we do not pay teachers salaries
and give them positions of freedom
and honor that will -attract able men,
then they. will be lacking, and the
temporary economy will in fact be
the most wasteful extravagance. We 1
are, of course, told that the service
and honor of the university professor-
ship are its rewards.
"These do not attract some men of
a fine type, but we are now parasitic
on inherited customs and on the high
traditions of the older university.
Professors and scholars are now not
sufficiently free or sufficiently well
paid, so there is a lack of men who
deserve to be highly rewarded, and
we are in danger of sliding down the
lines of a vicious spiral, until we
reach the stage where the professorj
and his scholarship are not respected
because they are not respectable."
Headline in a metropolitan daily:
Two Girls Mobbed at Tampico in
Mexican War on Bobbed Hair. A-
most anything can start a revolution
down there.
Ape is next to man in intelligence,
says a prominent psychologist. We
wonder if woman follows the ape.
Books on etiquette are painfully
silent concerning the graceful way to
scratch a miasquito bite.
V~h tebe, o weenfa ui an dacigre
--all the difference-
between just an ordinary cigarette
and-FATIMA, the most skillful
blend in cigarette history.