VOL. XV. No. 36
London, July 31.-(By A.P.)- The
members of the experts committee of
the inter-allied conference, after ex-
aminating the proposals submitted by
the French experts yesterday as a
compromise plan to end the confer-
ence deadlock over security for ,te
Dawes plan, declared their belief to-
day that the French proposals with
minor alterations, would probably be
acceptable to the conference.
The French proposal was accepted
unanimously by committee No. 1 of
the conference while an amendment
put forward by British members this
morning Was withdrawn, both .th
French and British delegates are con-
gratulating each other on the happy
turn of events.
One delegate said:
"The great difficulty of the confer-
ence is now over."
The conference took a new lease of
life when the conferees assembled to
consider the new proposals present-
ed by Premier Herriot yesterday aft-
The British participants view the
French plan as the greatest effort yet
madecto bring about a settlement of
th6 conference differences so the Daw-
es plan can be put into operation
and they are of the opinion that it
will be a great, step toward a final
The plan was laid befoje the experts
at noon. After considering it for an
hour the commitee adjourned until 3
o'clock. One of the points of the
French proposal provides for a board
of-arbitration calculated to make a
declaration of default on the part ofi
Germany by the reparation commis-
sion much more difficult to obtain than
now. Another provides for setting up
machinery to take care of defects
which might develop in the working
of the Dawes plan and still another
'establishes guarantees against Ger-
many maneuvering out of payments
in kind.
According to a French semi-official
report the proposal also provides for
the evacuation of the Ruhr in suc-
cessive steps as the securities issued
under the plan are floated.
Dusseldorf, July 31.-The German
mine owners and the French-Belgian
commissions in the Ruhr have agreed
upon an extension of the economic
accord now in force in that territory
until the Dawes plan becomes opera-
tive, except that after August 15 it
is stipulated that the Germans can
denounce the arrangement on five
days notice. The new agreement
provides for the deduction of the lic-
ense and export fees which the occu-
pation forces have heretofore impos-
"Social Studies in the Secondary
Schools," will be the address given
this afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Na-
tural Science auditorium by Prof. Ed-
gar Dawson. I
Professor Dawson comes from
Hunter college, New York City, where I
he is assistant professor of history
and political science. He had pre-
viously held the same professirship in
Princeton university before going to
Hunter college. He has lectured ex-
tersively in colleges on the Pacific
coast, lecturing at California and Ore-
Besides being .known as a profes-
sor, Professor Dawson has written'
three books on political subjects and
numerous articles .for magazines and
Japanese insurance companies be-
gan payment of earthquake claims last
May, eight months after the disaster.
New Danish Minister
Bragg Talks On X-Ray Study
Of Crystalline Structure
Recent scientific studies of crystal inence as the source of information
structure by means of the X-ray have dealing with atoms and molecules.
uncovered relationships and proper- The problem of the laboratory in at-
tie ofatms itert oly usectdomic physics always centers about
ties of atoms hitherto only suspected,'minuteness of structure; it has been
Prof. W. L. Bragg of the University partially solved by the crystalline re-
of Manchester said yesterday in his. production of a pattern in three di-
lecture before faculty and students. mensions of space. By a special re-
That both crystals and X-rays are cording method the distance apart,
necessary to the accurate observation relative position, and appearance of
of atomic and molecular substances atoms and groups of atoms in crystals
was the opinion of the professor, who has been determined. The X-ray has
for years has been conducting re- contributed to the results by supply-
search along these lines. ing light of very fine wave length.
Crystals, he said, represent the most Arrangements of ulttamicroscopic
definite state of matter that we know. substances in crystals led to the dis-
With their facets and edges and ge- covery of the distance between the
ometrically" perfect construction, they planes of the atoms and so to more
have long been interesting to mathe- complete ideas of what the atoms
maticians. Mineralogists have found themselves are like. Figures and
them natural subjects for study in slides demonstrating the structure of
connection with the formation of the some of the simpler inorganic and
earth's surface. organic substances were shown by the
Lately they have come into prom- professor.
Follows Pershing
B-Y 350,0000 VOTES
Major General John L. Hines
will succeed to the post of chief of
staff of. the army when John J. Per-
shing is placed on the retired list
next month.
Count Carl Molke
The foreign minister in Denmark's
new Socialist cabinet, Count Carl
Moltke, was Denmark's minister in
Washington from 1908 to 1912. His
wife formerly was Miss Cornelia van
Rensselaer Thayer of Boston.
Last Excursion
TO Tour Jackson
Prison Saturday
The last excursion of the summer
will be teld Saturday morning when
Jackson prison and the Consumers
Power Company plants will be visit-
ed. The party will leave Ann Arbor
l at 7:47 in the morning from the
downtown station of the D.U.R. on
West Huron street. The entire morn-
ing will be spent at the prison, the
ten of the party being conducted
through the institution while the wo-
men remain in the guard room where
Chaplain Hopp will lecture to them
on the features of the prison. Women
are not allowed inside the prison walls
because of a strict ruling which for-
bids this. The entire party, however,
will be taken through the prison an-
The party will lunch at noon as
guests of the Consumers Power Com-
pany. After the lunch they will be
shown through the gas and electric
power plants of the company. The
only expense of the trip will be the
fare which will amount to $1.58.
It isvery necessary that all wh'o
plan on making the trip leave their
names at the Sunner session office
before 6 o'clock Fiday night so that
proper arrangements for transporta-
tion and luncheon may be made. Carl-
ton Wells will be in charge of the
For the first time in the history of
the University hospital, its book keep-
ing and financial system is to be au-
dited to decide whether the best sys-
tem is being used, it was learned from
University officials today.
The Board of Regents ordered an
audit of the books of the entire Uni-
versity at either the May or June
meetings, and, according to Shirley W.
Smith, secretary of the University, the
work is to be done by the Price Wat-
erhouse cfnpany of Detroit. It is
reported that at various times Uni-
versity officials have asked for an
audit but not until this year has any
action been taken. The initiative in
this matter has been taken, it is said,
by Regent Ralph Stone of Detroit,
chairman of the finance committee
of the Board of Regents.
The American Hospital association
has prepared a uniform accounting
system for hospitals so that statistics
may be compared easily. This sys
tem has been carefuilly worked out
and University officials, state that its
adoption in the local hospital will be
strongly considered.
A skycraper garage to be built in
The acquisition by the Botanical Members of the staff of the sum-
Gardens of about twenty acres of ad- mer coaches' school were entertained
joining land ahs made this a notable l at a banquet given by students of
summer in its history, according to the department at the Union Wednes-
Dr. Frieda Cobb Blanchard, assistant day night. The affair marked the
director of the gardens. close of the summer courses in ath-
A part of this land is being irsed letic coaching offered by the School of
by the Forestry Department to -re-Physical Education. More than 100
b guests were present.
place the nursery on State Street, a Director Fielding H. Yost of the
part is providing place for perman- Athletic Association was the principle
ent plantings of collections of syste- speaker. He spoke of the underlyT-
matic and genetical interest; and part ing ideals and objectives of the coach-
ing profession, stressing the oppor-
is being used as an additional exper- ingunrcfo ,
tunity for practical service. He
imental garden. brought together the ideals of the var-
The most extensive study -being car ious courses into this point.
ried on in the experimental garden "The athletic coach or physical di-
is in connection with Oendthena, rector in the high school has a tre-
commonly known as the evening prim- mendous opportunity for service,,
rose. This plant has been a stumbl! said Coach Yost. "His contact is such
ing block to geneticists in that it as to make him a vital force among
seems to follow hereditary laws pe- the students, and in the community.
ouliarly its own and has been the If every coach here could be imbued
subject of intensive study for the
last forty years. Geneticists are re-
solved to solve the problem in spite
of the fact that the plant is of no
economic importance, because of its
great scientific interest. According--
ly, 3,600 plants now blossoming in the
gardens, are being studied by Prof.
with the ideal of service, the coach-
ing profession would be recognized as
one of the most beneficial in the com-
Frank Ice of Fairmont, W. Va., was
the chairman of the committee in
charge of the banquet, and Charles E.
Dvorak, of Seattle, Wash., was the
IH. H. Bartlett, Director of the Botan- toastmaster. Howard Beresford of
ical Gardens, Prof. B. M. Davis, of Boulder, Colo., spoke of the appreci-
the Department of Botany, Dr. Frieda ation of the students of the work done,
Cobb Blanchard, Dr. E. G. Anderson, and the ideals stressed by the coach-
National Research Fellow, Peter J. ing staff. Each of the members of
Klaphaak, Sterling H. Emerson and the staff responded briefly on behalf
other graduate students. The plants of the department.
were started in the green-houses in
January and February and transfer-i
red to the open garden in May. SeediOACH YOST WILL LEAVE
will be harvested in October.
Work in plant breeding is also be-
ing carried on with corn by Dr. E. I
t. Anderson and Sterling H. Emer-j
rof . E. t Director Fielding H. Yost, of the
Prof. E. E. Dale of the University Athletic association, will leave at the
of Porto Rico, is studyig inheritance end of the week for a month's vaca-
in peppers, particularly the inheri-
tance of size.-tions at his summer home in the
A systematic study of wild roses is mountains of Tennessee.
A beingmade by Mrs. Eileen W. Erlan- Coach Yost expects to spend some
songwhodisassembsligseies sfromi time improving the property, which
various parts of the United States and is near Nashville. He also expects
Canada. New plants come to the gar- to take part in the direction of ex-
dens every few days and the rose pansion work upon an electric power
garden no* consists of several hun- plant in which he is interested.
dred collections. Coach Yost will probably return to
Miss Katherine A. Fellows, gradu- Ann Arbor to take up his duties early
ate student, is beginning a study of in September.
Nemesta and is also working on
Altogether, owing largely to the in- DEAN 19, 0BVSLEY AND
crease in land, making possible the
ber of plants, this is one of the most F I FOR
successful seasons the garden has
had. Dean Joseph A. Bursley has begun
his vacation, driving East Wednes-
The light-producing apparatus of day morning. Mrs. Bursley and the
the firefly and glow-worm is said to three children will leave Saturday,
be the most efficient in the world. joining his in Pittsfield, Mass., Sun-
The glow-worm light is 80 times day morning. From Pittsfield, they
more efficient than a tungsten lamp. will all motor together to Cape Cod
where they -will spend the remainder
New South Wales, Australia, is of the vacation.
Play Production
Class To Give
Two Dramas
Two modern American plays by well
known authors will be presented by
the classes in Play Production, under
the direction of Mr. E. E. Fleischman,
on Thursday and Friday nights of
next week at eight o'clock in the au-
ditorium in University Hall.
"You and I," by Phillip Barry, the
play that was awarded the. Harvard
Prize in 1922, will be given Thursday
evening, August 7, and on Friday ev-
ening, August 8, an entirely different
cast will present Booth Tarkington's1
"The Intimate Strangers."
The casts for both performances aret
composed of amateurs who have had1
considerable stage experiences.
Mr. Lionel Ames, of Michigan Op-t
era fame, will appear in "The Intimate
Tickets at fifty cents each will be£
on sale after August 1, at the Statt
Street book stores. There will be no
reserved seats.
Miss Elizabeth Fox, of Nw York,}
spoke last night in the Natural Sciencet
auditorium on the "Place of the
Nurse in Public Health Work." She
admitted that being sick or having
ailments is still the fashion. The ob-
ject of this work is to raise the level
of the health of society and the nurse
is well adapted to do this; but the
people must also learn how to help
themselves. The desire is to have
people do this by their own choice.
In order to bring about this new
state of mind it is necessary for the
people to know the principles of hy-
giene, how to apply them, why to ap-
ply them, and to acquire the habit of
thinking of the pursuit of health as a
highly suitable thing.
Of course much can be gained
through magazines, lectures, and the
films, but this means reaches only
the group. Something more personal,
more far-reaching is needed. That is
the nurse's opportunity to step in.
1 The nurse explains what hygiene
is and tries to make it fashionable,
she breaks down old superstitions and
prejudices and, most inconspicuous of
all, urges people to go to real doc-
tors not quacks.
Public sentiment is a strong factor
in any field, and in this respect you
must work with individuals and
groups. There is no one who can
quite take the place of the Public
HealthtNurse. She Is the "Messenger
of Health" and to use a golf term,
Miss Fox's idea, she is the "Follow
Yhe price of food is declining
throughout the United States, it is
shown in the newest investigation to
be completed by the United States
departmest of labor.
When towing a damaged car the car
to be towed should be as nearly as
possible in line with the tow car.
Detroit, July 31-(By A.P.)-Gov.
Groesbeck, George Welch, speaker of
the house, and Fred S. Pantlind of
Grand Rapids conferred with Presi-
dent Coolidge in Washington Wednes-
day regarding the prospects of Repub-
lican success in Michigan, and partic-
lilarly the senatorial situation, accord-
ing to a special dispatch to the De-
troit News. The Michigan men went
to Washington avowedly to adjust
some financial settlements involving
the Roosevelt hospital at Camp Cus-
Gov. Groesbeck the dispatch states,
emerged from the White House with
the statement that the people of
Michigan do not want to throw the
presidential election into congress
and the prediction that Coolidge will
carry the state by 350,000. Speaker
Welch is quoted as saying that the
national administration will "keep its
hands. off the senatorial situation"
and let the voters make their own
The article declares that from ad-
ministration sources in Washington
it has been definitely learned that pei-
ther Groesbeck nor Couzens will
throw their support to LaFollette and
that Senator Couzens will support
The governor's statement in Wash-
ington was his first definite stand in
support of Coolidge since the Repub-
lican national convention when it was
reported that he was displeased with
the manner in which some things re-
lating to the Michigan delegation were
arranged by the convention and na-
tional organization management.
The specific cause of the visit to
Washington was a claim of $116,000
against the federa government for
the expense of treatment for veterans
in the hospital. Frank T. Hines, di-
rector of the veterans bureau prom-
ised the Michigan delegation that a
man will be assigned to inquire into
the justness of the claim.
While in Washington, Mr. Pantland
perfected an agreement whereby the
Roosevelt hospital will take over the
vocational training of its patients
which heretofore has been handled by
the government.
Austin, Texas, July 31.-Dr. Walker
Splawn, president elect of the Uni-
versity of Texas, will assume the dut-
ies -of that office Aug. 1, it is author-
itatively announced. Dr. W. S. Sutton,
who for more than a year has filled
the o.. ce as acting president, will re-
sume his position as dean of the school
of education of the university. Dur-
ing his administration Dr. Sutton add-
ed to his already high reputation as
an executives and an educator, not only
among the faculty of the university,
but with the people of the state gen-
erally. In connection with the early
induction of Dr. Splawn into office as
president, Lutch Lutcher Stark,
chairman of the board of regents of
the university has called a meeting
of that body here next Tuesday. At
this meeting any business which may
be pending will be acted upon so that
the new president may start off with
a clean slate. It is stated that no
formality "will attend Dr. Splawn's
taking over the office, but that later
on a formal inaugural program under
direction of the board of regents and
faculty may be carried out.
Oldest educational institution in
Egypt, El-Azhar university, has an at-
tendance of between 12,000 and 14,-
000 students.
Nothing takes a man off his feet
like seeing a place to sit down.
The United States has 26,000 retail
radio supply doalers
Chicago will house nearly 100 auto- sending 15,000 people to the Wembly
Dean Bursley expects to be back
about Sept, 1,
I Empire Exhibition in London.