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July 31, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-31

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Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Pres The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
,xse for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in!
this paper and the local news published here-
Entered at the postotlice, -.an Arbor,
Michigan,' as seco-nd class matter.
Subsc iption by carrie or mail, $t. 0.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
od fith,wl he published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. In-
signed cotimmnicatimUs will receive 110 con
sidc) atioll. The signature may be omiit ted in
putication it desired by the writer. T1he
Sun mer Daily does not neessarily endorse
the ,,entiments exprssed in the conmunca-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor.... ,. ..... Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board...
. .............Andrew E. Propper
City Editor.................Verena Moran
Night Editor...........Frederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor..........Leslie S. Bennetts
Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marian Kolb
Rosalea Spaulding Wenley B. Krouser
Marion Walker J. Albert Laansma
Dwight Coursey Marion Meyer
Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller
Wray A. D)onaldson Allatilda Rosenfel
Geneva E wing D~orothy Wall
Maryland E. llartloff
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager.......hiTE M. Rockwell
Copywiting M\anager....... Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager. Lauren C. Iaight
Publication Manager:.......C. Wells Christie
Account Manager............ .Byron Parker
Florence E. Morse Florence McComb
Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown

Night Editor-J. A. LAANSMA
The strong-willed man is one
who is able to master his mind
to the extent of repelling those
images which would smother
the thought that he wants to
keep uppermost in his brain.
Sustained in this way by a
resolute effort of attention, the
difficult object ere long begins
to call up its own congeners
associates and ends by chang-
ing the disposition of the man's
consciousness altogether.
And with his consciousness,
his action changes, for the new
object, once stably in posses-
sion of the field of his thought,
infallibly produces its own mot-
or effect.
The difficulty lies in obtaining
that field. Though the spon-
taneous drift of thought is all
the -other way, the attention
must be kept strained on one
object until at last it grows, so
as to maintain itself before the
mind at ease.

tual friendship and understanding be-
tween the two countries." In Italy,
the American Academy at Rome of-
fers courses to students of the class- R"OLLSn,
ics, while Spansih universities in gen- DEDICATED
,eral offer courses in Spanish lang- TO THE
uage, literature, and art. In the Un- PROFESSOR
.ivrsity of Geneva a course in curE
rent international problems heads the I apIn ,and t
list with the Council and Assembly of It happened again and this time the
the Leage of Nations available as a P aywetrit ontingtanhedid
laboratory. n 't pay a bit of attention to the un
warranted and thoroughly dumb in-
On the whole, it may be said that teruption, andl we wanted awfully to
studying in summer is an almost un-
iversal practice, and, judging from go up and shake hands with him after
i-vesalpratic, ad, udgg fon1the class, but he might have thought
the courses offered, American students te wlss ut eght ave sought
might pofitabe were pulling for an A, so we re-
smehpavaail themselves of tined ourselves-you should have
some summer courses in foreign un- steen her face,-oh!
versities, just as studets from abroad * *
find it profitable to study here.
~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~C o w le s : " S a y , T a m a n , ye a h a n d le d
"OR Lyour reply to that him's correspond-
ence like an ass.'
It is rather strange that in this age Taman: "Merely conventional, my
of hero-worship, utter disregard should dear Cowles, I must follow the exam-
be shown to a certain American who ple of my great predecessor."
is at once the most picturesque and Cowles: "Oh-You sure did a good
romantic figure in our annals: Wil-
liam Walker, unheralded and unsung, REPORTER FINDS
William Walker, the infant prodigy, 1lDEST EDUCATOR
who receieved a degree of bachelor of IN SESSION IS 62
law at the age of fourteen, William -eadline in O. 0. D.
Walker, president at thirty-two of the
most powerful state in Central Amer- The story goes on to tell how some
ica, shot to death at thirty-six with man is the oldest in the Ed school.
his back against a wall, and a blind- From a teleological viewpoint, that
fold on his eyes, may look all right, but something
Of all the fillibusters of the sec- struck us vehemently between the
pnd quarter of the nineteenth century, eyes, and we thought. We went
Walker is without doubt the most over to the Reporter mentioned in
outstanding. Educated at the Univer- the headline which happen to be a her
'sity of Nashville, then at Edinburgh and says: "Did you ask any women?"
and lleidleburg, he finally began his "Yes," says she, "I did, and I work-
career as a journalist in New Orleans ed hard to get that story--now don't
in 1841. In 1850 he proceeded to you pick on me." Tears started to
Lower California, where he was in- well up in her beautiful eyes. (Edit-
strumental in engineering a revolu- or's Note -We have just been writing
tion which made that state an indo- a short story for Rhetoric - don't
pendent republic. His efforts were blame us.)
set to nought by the Mexicans, how- Well, ayhow, she soon devulged the
ever, and he fled eastward to Mobile- fact that she went after two young-
Here he fitted out an expedition for sters who put their parent's birth-
Nicaragua, and after a rather short day down on the registration cards,
but brilliant campaign, he captured and was laid up for a week with brain
Grenada, the capital, and proclaimed a fever and DTs when she found several
provisional government. The follow- whose birthdays were on the cards as
ing year, 1856, he was elected presi- respecively April 1, 1924, June 13,
dent whereupon the new govern- 1924, July 23, 1924, and February 31,
ment was recognized immediately by 1925. We consoled her and came to
the United States. With an army of the conclusion that there is in'ed for
two hundred men, Walker has seized a school of education here after afl-
Nicaragua; with this same army he we never believed it before.
defeated decisively coalition after coal- * * *
ition of the remaining Central Amer- PRY ORRAIN
ican states, whose desire to be rid of D AearATaman
him was greatly augmented by the have vou reat the Line" in the
captial of Cornelius Vanderbilt and
Chi~iaIrib lately? It says that the
other American capitalists, who had surest sin of -a good girl is mud on
learned, to their dismay, that Walker h
wasat eas on ma wh ha noher shoes. Its so dusty these days
was at least one nian who had notvtIa'tpoehwgdIam
,price.that; I can't prove how good I am.
,price. \Vhat shall I do? Oh-I'm just dis-
This however, could not continue tractel.
indefinitely, and finally, he was forced - oodness Personified.
to capitulate. Undaunted by this, he
fitted out another expedition, and was
Li' Gwennie has deserted the ship.
again forced to flee back to America. Wo print this in answer to the multi-
In 1860, he returned for the last time.
tudious inquiries which have come in1
He was received with wild acclaim
regarding her absence from these'
by the populace, and it seemed that he rolls, She is quite well, thank you.
was in a fair way to make a nation
out of the rather poorly administered VYNIICATEI
country, but he was unable to de- The other day we printed our opin-
fend himself against the Spanish ion of the so-called "Educational Pic-
method: The clink of a few gold tures." We are proud to report that
pieces and he was betrayed; six little a certain prominent thearter operator
greasy-faced Spanish-Americans coin in this city has endorsed our state-
posing the firing-squad, snuffed out ent.
the life of the man whom Richard IIn*.
Harding Davis termed "America's ABOUT OUR CONTRS
only real soldier of fortune." Some days ago we printed a bit of
Here xNe have something almost puely editorial comment about these
unbelievable: A commander of an here now people who say that they're
army of only two companies attempt- better than we are and then wont do

ing to force a confederation of five anything. The next day seven of our
states, all of whom numbered at least friends and ecquaintances stopped us
a half million apiece. What "dream on the campus and apologized. Thea
of empire" is this? By no means the one for whom it was all meant got
least startling fact of this comedy, is real nasty, which all goes to prove
that William Walker came dangerous- that such is life.
ly close to accomplishing his end. This gent, by the way, promised to
send in his stuff--his name is Pheidi-
as, and we haven't seen a damn thing
EDITORIAL COMMENT ' yet. As we said before... .
1TH VIU R1)All EAs T11ST6 4a(A .VIPRI I

South American Students
Play Real Role In Politics


Correspondent Sees A Revolution Engineered in Peru by Students
of San Marcos University and Visits Both
Hostile Camps


By Alfred Connable, Jr. These students who, unlike their
An acute political situation exists contemporaries on the North Ameri-
in Peru today. A President was re-c.r
elected after an amendment forced
s st i the political life of the country have
through a special session of the lg
islature annuling the non-reelection stubbornly fought what they term the
clause in the constitution-that is "tyrannical rule of a dictator." They
what the opposition-claims. And the sued formal protests to the Peruvian
leaders of this opposition are the stu- congress, circulated _manifestos and
dents of San Marcos University, the have held indignation meetings, is-
oldest educational institution in the lparaded the streets where the guards
Western hemisphere. have broken up their radical demon-
strations. The. afternoon when our,
CRU3IBLETS 1party was at San Marcos they were
"Well, how's for me to go to my Ec gathering for another meeting to pro-j
class tomorrow?" test the action of the government

the United States is impossible. July
7 was the first time that riots didn't
occur around the ballot boxes.
The students attitude may be ex-
plained by first the lack of college
activities such as athletics, publica-
tions, dramatics, etc., in which the
student may devote his energy and
secondly the temperament of the Lat-
tin type which is a suspicious one by
nature and, when idle, a dangerous
one. Youthful scepticism runs to
politics and fiery soap-box orators re-
sult. -
A large fragment of glacial scratch-
ed limestone, estimated to be 60,-
000,000 years old, was presented to
the University in 1918, and mounted
in the oval between the Natural Sci-
ence and the Chemistry buildings.
The rock was found in Sibley, Mich.,
about 13 miles south of Detroit. It
was quarried and presented to the
University by the Solvay Process com-
pany of Detroit, through the efforts
of Mr. J. W. Foley, general manager
of the firm.
The speciman is a relic of the Dev-
onian age and is supposed to have
been deposited in the sea which cov-
ered Michigan during tlat( period.
According to Mr. Frank Leverett,
ITormer member of the U. S. Geological
Survey and now lecturer in the de-
partment of glacial geology in the Un-
iversity, the rock was smoothed off
by glaciers about 25,000 years ago.
In the same oval stands a rock
which is a, conglomerate of the cop-
per-bearing formation. It was shipped
here from the Keweenaw Peninsula,
Lake Superior.

"Should I go with you?"
-Why? Youre not in the class."
"No,- but you might need someone
to identify you."

Colleges are doing
sheepskin what an ass
a lion's skin.

now with a.
once did withl



There ain't going to be no helpful
hint today - we only have a little
space left, and we want to use it toj
ask you all to come to the funeral of
the gent that jmst said: "Gee, it must'
he fun to run a humor column."
Black is considered appropriate at-
tire-come early and avoid the rush of
Watch Page Three for real values.

Plone 150
338 Maynard St. South of Maj


Whitmore Lake
Refrcshments of All Kinds


in throwing the Presidenlt of the Stu-
dent Federation in jail. They asked'
us to attend but we declined and did
not regret that we had done so when
a cavalry troop in the street gallop-
ed up and stationed itself outside the
From there we went to the gov-
ernment buildings and met President
Leguis-from une hosuile camp to the
oiher-about whom all the fuss is
being made. The impression he made
is excellent. He speaks perfect Eng-
lish and fits exactly the term cur-
rent in North America, a "live-wire."
The details of his re-election may
have 'been a little shady but a bet-
ter man for the position could hardly
be found in South America. And then
with seventy-five percent of the pop-
ulation native Indians, most of them
still illiterate and unfitted for civic
duties, an election such as is held in




That is a question that means much
soeil iv. It nmans a deal more in
business and finance. This bank
tf rs you bank connections that
will 1e ln ible to y ou in the busi-
nes N orl .
01.10) S. 31.011St.
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31cemIbr ef the Vederal Reserve

Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.
ICE CREAM; The ideal Hot Weather Food.
Served at our fountain or take it home.
Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Oranges Ice.
Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co.
324 S. State, corner East and South University
Aves., corner South State and
Packard Streets.






e .. .,,.,. :. <.,
- -




Summer sessions have increased in
popularity in American universities
and among American students; but
American universities are not alone in
offering summer courses. In Europe,
at some of the most famous of the con-
tinental universities, summer courses
are being offered this year. A com-
parison of the studies offered, both
as to range and subject matter, re-
veals the fact that European universi-
.ties offer fewer courses than the
American institutions of learning, but
that the courses offered at some of
the ancient seats of learning in Eu-
rope are far more thorough and go
into greater detail.
In Cambridge, we are told, the main
study for the summer will be Egypt-
ancient, medieval, and modern. A
course is also offered in English lit-
erature with "special reference to
great writers who have been educated
at Cambridge."
At Oxford, the History of the Mid-
dIe Ages is offered, a course designed
primarily for teachers. At the Uni-
versity of Liverpool, Spanish is the
main subject and this course ends in
a tour to t~he north of Spain.
In France the range of studies isl
somewhat wider. French summer
schools are attended by a great many
foreigners and accordingly at the Un-
iversities of Besancon, Dijon, Gren-
oble, Nancy, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille,
Poitiers and Strasburg courses that
deal with French life, literature, his-
tory, and art are stressed.
The University of Leyden in Hol-
land opens its halls to Americans for
a series of special lectures on sub-
jects designed to "foster ties of mu-


hifliioWe Lake Dallcillg



Friday Evening, Aug. 1st-



111 KLD 1 11 E . tr
(The Publishers' Auxiliary)
Whether or not the power of the ed-
itorial page is waning is still a moot
question among newspapermen. Some
editors feel that their paper is not
complete without its quota of editor-
ials, while the attitude of others is,
"Editorials are never read, anyway,
so why take the time to write them?"I
We are inclined to believe that they
might be read more if they were
generally shorter. We feel that con-
ciseness is as much a virtue in edit-
orials as in news stories and that theI
short editorial will catch and hold the;
eye when the longer one, because of
its formidable appearance as a great
mass of type, will discourage the pros-
pective reader. Just to test out that;
belief we have purposely made this
one short and it would be interesting
to,know how many read it before they;
did the longer one which precedes it,

Dear Taman:
Today I paused on my way through
Tappan Hall, and heard remarks com-
ing through an open transom, sound-
ing like a class in motor language:
"If I had such a tire!" * "How the
wheels become it" ** "Time shall
teach me speed" *** "I would not have
any engine" **** were some of the re-
marks. I opened the door to go in'
and try to sell my car, but it was a
class in Shakespeare appreciation.
Now I ask you.
The remarks were in reality quota-
tions from the immortal bard, and
appear as follows:
*From "Two Gentlemen of Verona."j
*From "hamlet."
* From "King John."
****From "The Tempest."
Tiglath Pileser.
We aren't quite sure, but that
smells like spoofing. Fills up space,

9:00 TO 12:00 O'CLOCK
Fish, Frog and Chicken Dinners, all kinds of Sandwiches,
hot coffee and cold drinks served in dancing pavilion.
Deep water bathing beach, with forty lockers on east end
of dance hall, 25c for lockers, swimming free if lockers are
not used. Bring your own suits and towels.
Only swimmers allowed.
Camp grounds for tourists and basket picnics.
Come and Enjoy It All At Any Time





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