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July 31, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-31

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VOL. XV. No. 35



London, July 30.-(By A.P.) The
French compromise proposal for
breaking the deadlock in the inter-
allied conference provides for the ev-
acuation of Hagen, in the Ruhr, by
the French and Belgian troops aftr
the flotation of the Dawes plan for a
German loan of $200,000,000, accord-
ing to the Havers News Agency. Aft-
er the issuing of the three sections of
the two billion gold marks of Ger-
man industrial railway bondst tpe
French and the Belgians will evacuate
successively Vortmund, Bochum, and
London, July 30.-(By A.P.)-The
French experts to the inter-allied
conference were working today to
produce a formula which they prom-
ised would be different from any thing
they had previously offered and which
they said ought to be the long-sought
solution of the deadlock in the confer
ence on the question of security for
the Dawes plan loan to Germany.
At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon the
allied delegations were still awaiting
word from the French experts that
their proposal had been completed. It
was clear that nothing could be done
until the new formula was circulated.
Paris, July 30.-(By A.P.)-The rep-
aration commission is leaving for Lon-
don at 4 o'clock this afternoon to as-
sume a part in the inter-allied con-
feence which is seeking means of
putting the Dawes reparation plan
into operation. The suggestion that
the reparation commissioners be sum-'
moned was made by Mr. Logan, the
American representative at the con-
Mr. Logan was the unofficial Amer-
4can observer with the reparation
commission during its sittings in Par-
Reporter Finds
Oldest Teacher
In Session Is 62
Mr. William F. Harding of Mobile,
Alabama, is the oldest student enrol-
led in the school of education, ac-
ccrding to o..ce files. Mr. Harding
was born on May 8, 1862, at Tecum-
seh, Michigan, and has only recently
gone into educational work. At pres-
ent he is principal and manager of
the Emerson Industrial and Normal
Institute in Mobile.
Mr. Harding has studied previous-
ly at Albion and Northwestern uni-
versity.For some time he was in:
the ministry and held pastorates
throughout the middle west in Mich-
igan, Kansas, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
Three years ago he left that work to
take the teaching position.
His summer study is along lines
of curriculum building and school
management, and although he is not

working toward a degree, he is tak-
ing the maximum number of hours of
Emerson Institute has more than
400 students from the first through
the twelfth grade. Special courses
are being offered by Mr. Harding and
his associates in music, domestic
science, manual training, and peda-
Bobbed RaIr Liked by Berlin Women
Berlin, July 30.-To determine the
popularity of the "bubi" heiad, which
is the German equivalent for bob-
bed, a Berlin editor selected three
distinctive sections of the city and
counted the bobs that passed in 5001
In the most fashionable section he
found 12 per cent had bobbed hair,
in a down town district seven per
cent and in a working class section
only five per cent.



Washington, July 30.--Plans for the
observance of Sept. 12 as Defense
Day, a project which has become a
subject of public controversy, are
laid down in detail in instructions
sent by the war department to the
chiefs of all its branches and to the
commanding generals of all corps ar-
As made public by the department
for the first time, the instructions say
the general plan for the day has two
main objectives: inamely, "patriotic
demonstration and test mobilization."
It is explained, in lieu of extensive
field exercises which for economic
reasons cannot be held during the
present calendar year, the secretary
of war has decided to initiate for the
continental United States a mobiliza-
tion demonstration which would serve
as an occasion for "assemblages and
ceremonies involving public manifes-
tations of loyalty and practical patri-
Bryan is Answered
Criticism by Gov. Charles W. Bry-
an of Nebraska of plans for observ-
ing of Defense day, is attributed by
the war department to "rather extra-
ordinary interferences from what
seems to be a perfectly clear docu-
His order for assembly of Nation-
al Guard organizations and appoint-
ment of local committees to help in
arrangements for observance of the


American diplomats and ban kers have taken the center of the stage in the allied reparations conferenc e in London by their efforts to end
the deadlock between France and int ernational bankers, which is holding up the conference and its plans to in stall the Dawes plan on a working
basis. The prominent figures in the conference are shown in this picture, taken between sessions. The Amer ican ambassador to Great Britain,
Franb B. Kellogg, is at-the extreme l eft; Premier Edward Herriot of France (holding derby hat), and Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald of England, are
in the center. Next to MacDonald i> Signor de Stefani of Italy, and at the extreme right, Baron Hayashi of Japan.

The Summer Choral Union, under
the direction of Mr. George Oscar,
AVIATORS GO 370 MILES Bowen, Mrs. Marian Struble Freeman,j
IN LESS THAN SIX violinist of the School of Music, com-
HOURS bined in the last and most success-
ful concert of the summer season.
London, July 30-(By A.P.)-The Both from the viewpoint of the ap-j
American around-the-world fliers ar- preciation of the audience as evidene-
ed by their persistent applause, and
rived in Kirkwall at 4 p. m. today, ac- the worth of the program, it was
cording to a Central News dispatch. probably the best concert given thisl
summer. If Mr. Bowen had done
Brough, Eng., July 30.-The Ameri- nothing else in his stay in Ann Ar-
can Army aviators, continuing their bor, his concert last night would have
been enough. The chorus, made up
world flight, hopped off at 10:24 a. from summer school students, with
m. today for Kirkwall, capital of the no attempt to pick the singers, pre-
Orkney Islands, off the northern sented a fine program, carefully chos-
coast of Scotland. en and well directed. There were
Thus began the first leg of their three groups of songs each given with
journey over the Atlantic, by way of a perfection that seemed almost unbe-
Iceland, and Greenland, to Indian lievable in a group of comparatively
Harbor, Labrador. inexperienced singers. Mr. Bowen
Kirkwall, a town of 3,500, is situ- can make his chorus follow the least
ated on Houston Bay, on the north- sign of his baton, they can sing. with
eastern side of the island of Main- great expression, they can trace the
land, sometimes called Pomona, the illusive melody of the 12th Century;
largest of the Orkney group. Stores song. "Beautiful Savior" with great
of oil and gasoline await the fliers effect, they can reproduce the exoticj
there, and towboats and repair men strains of the Cuban Folk Song, in
are ready in case they are needed. fact, one is tempted to believe they
The weather was calm, with prac- can do anything. Mr. Bowen has giv-
tically no wind, and the sky some- en his last concert in Ann Arbor, asj
what overcast as the aviators in their
three planes took off D i
The six men were all in the best AmericanD
of health and spirits, and confident .
that the success which has brought deeds Changing
them 18,000 milesson their pioneering Say s M c ol iuni
flight will not desert them during theSIP c ot m
last stage of their endeavor.
Before leaving the ground Lieut. Prof. E. V. McCollun, of Johns
Lowell H. Smith, the commander, said Hopkins university, discussed extreme
he expected to reach Kirkwall in typs odiet, mparing tem
about six hours, and that the depart- tye of diet, comparing them with
ure from that place would occur to- gested correctionsand improvements
morrow or Friday. There were no t
official ceremonies at the sendoff. to a large audience in the Medical am-
The aviators arose at 4 o'clock, and phitheater yesterday afternoon. The
at 5 were at the airdrome getting lecture was one of the series being de-
their machines ready and waiting to livered by the professor at 8 a. m. and
see what sort of weather would fol- 1 p. n. every day this week.
low the dawn, since it had been tin- He spoke first of the prevalence of
certain heretofore. rickets among school children of the

ian Struble-
Give Last Recital
he will leave for Tulsa, Oklahoma,
shortly, and his presence will be
sorely missed in Ann Arbor. Special
mention must be made of the con-
tralto section, of the women's chor-1
Guest soloists of the evening were,
Orvis Lawrence, flute, William Baker,,
French horn, and Laurietta Kenk, pi-
anist, all of Cass Technical High;
School who pkiyed a Serenade, Op. 151
by Muller. Neither a flute nor al
French horn are instruments adapted
to the best of concert use, and their
success depends upon the facility ofl
the player and upon the innate beau-
ty of the composition. The three De-
troit players won the well deserved
applause of the audience.
Mrs. Marian Struble-Freeman, who
has appeared here in concert many
times is always a favorite. The pu-
pil of Anton Witek, and a soloist of
great experience and skill, she gave
a most amazing performance. Pre-
senting the difficult Introduction and
Rondo Capriccioso by Saint-Saens,
with all the fire and technique of a
true artist, she was called back for
an encore. All the tricks known to
(the violinist were employed with
amiazing results. She shows a per-
feet mastery over her violin and
regions of the earth where the prin.


PL AIN CRkY ST A LS day, the statement adds, "will enable
the department to carry out its plan
Dean W. L. Bragg, of Manchester in Nebraska completely."
university, an eminent English phys- Surprise Is Expressed
Expressing "surprise" over the gov-
icist, will speak this afternoon at 5 ernor's declaration against "mobiliza-
o'clock, in the Natural Science audi- tion" of civil or industrial resources
torium, on X-rays and crystal struc- or any activity devoted to prepara-
tures. Mr. Bragg was a winner of tion for war, after he had expressed
a desire "to cooperate," the depart-
the Noble prize ten years ago, and he ment asserts that his stand "presum-
has since made a number of noted ably is due" to the working of in-
discoveries in X-ray work. structions to reserve officers, issued
In his lecture today he will bring by the Seventh corps area comman-
out two or three main points. In der.
microsopes, objects cannot be viewed This document, the department em-
which are smaller than the wave phasizes, makes no reference to "mo-
length of light, no matter how strong bilizatin of civii" nrviir l
biliatin . ..cii ,ns. 5/A di n AALA


the lenses may be. But the wave
length of X-ray light is only one ten
thousandths as large as . ordinary
light, so with the use of this, extreme-
ly minute particules may be studied.
In a crystal the atoms are arranged
in perfect order. This enable scient-
ists to study them in group formation,
and helps them determine the forces
between the atoms, and how they are
built up. Mr. Bragg will show a num-
ber of slides and models of these var-
ious crystals.

that civilians who volunteer their
services for the day will be permit-
ted to parade with National Guard and
organized reserve organizations in or-
der that the process of mobilization
may be stimulated."
Miss Elizabeth Fox,' president of
the- National Organization for Public

7 "

cipal foods are sour milk, meats,
Farley, and dates, the element is sup- Report Improved
plied. Sufficient quantities of it areMakt
present in the foods of tropical peo- Leather M arket
ples, who depend upon the fruits and - - .
juices of a few vigorous plants, such The "New England Letter" of the
as the sweet potatoe and sugar cane, First National bank of Boston, reports
and upon turtle eggs. a slight improvement in the shoe,
That the American diet is new in leather, and hide markets during the
human experience and that nothing last two weeks, and shoe factories
like it was ever heard of until about are starting work on fall and winter
75 years ago was pointed out by the footwear, with costs whittled down to
speaker. Only the ancient Egyptians, the lowest possible level.
whom Professor McCollum designated Clearance sales of large surplus
as "the cereal eaters of antiquity," stocks of shoes at sacrifice prices are
may have had the same problems of being carried on particularly in the
diet. West and this augars will for the
White bread, meat, potatoes, and future.
sugar all of which have identical diet- The curtailment of production to
ary qualities, are the chief articles meet demand reduced the output of
of food in America. The lack of the the entire country in May to 25,090,-
element calcium in them necessitates 447 pairs-more than 5,000,000 pairs
an intelligent correction of our diet to under the production for May, 1923.
meet physiological, economic, and ag- The leather market has now been
ricultural demands, according to the stimulated to some extent by the in-

Health Nursing,
Cross Public

and director of Red
Health Nursing in

A conference for all students of
social studies will be held at 4 o'clock
Friday afternoon in the Natural
Science auditorium. This conference
which is open to everyone interested
in social studies will be led by Prof.
Edgar R. Dawson of Hunter College,'
New York City who will lecture in
the auditorium at 5 o'clock on 'Social
Studies in the Secondary Schools."

nation, from 40 to 80 per cent having
at least a mild form of the disease.
Early decay of the teeth is attribut-
able also to a lack of calcium-rich
foods in the diet, the professor stated.
Throughout China human beings
have been more successful in meeting
problems of nutrition than here, he
thinks. The teeth of the Chinese are
of better structure than ours, although
Chinese students after haviig eaten
American food for some time, require
much the same dental service that we
Calcium is supplied to the human
body by grain begetables, the leaves
of plants, and by milk. In the driest

Washington, D. C., will speak in the
Natural Science auditorium at 8 o'-
clock tonight on "The Place of the
Nurse in Public Health Work."
Miss Fox is a graduate of the un-
iversity of Wisconsin and the Johns
Hopkins Training School for Nurses.
She has had many interesting exper-
iences as a public health nurse in
Chicago, and in Dayton, Ohio, where
she superintended the work of reor-
ganization after the Dayton flood. The
lecture will be followed by motion
pictures of "Physical Culture" and
"Winning Her Way."
Washington, July 30.-Jacob S. Cox-
ey, who headed the army bearing his
name into Washington 30 years ago,
announced here last night that he
would be a candidate on the Progres-
sive-Independent ticket for Congress
this fall from the Sixteenth Ohio dis-
trict. His residence is at Massillon.
Mr. Coxey was a delegate to the Clev-
eland convention which indorsed the
presidential candidacy of Senator Rob-
ert M. La Follette.
Of the 200,000,000 acres of forest
land in the eastern United States,



Washington, July 30.-A new coun-
terfeit $10 note on the federal reserve
bank of Chicago is in circulation, theI
treasury department warned today.
The counterfeit is described as a pho-
tographic reproduction with the back
of the bill blue instead of green and
hence easily detectable.

creased activity. But demand is still
mostly for small lots. Tanners have
improved their condition by curtailing
Much raw stock, large quantities of
American hides and skins which nor-
mally would be utilied in this coun-
try, are being absorbed by foreign
demand. May exports of hides apd
skins amounted to 15,292,819 pounds

1about 3 per cent is state owned.

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