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July 27, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-27

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VOL. XV. No. 32



London, July 26.-Renewed efforts
were being made today to effect a
compromise between the apparently
irreconcilable attitude of the French
delegates to the inter-allied confer-
ence and the stand of the internation-
al financiers on guarantees for the
proposed 40,000,000 pound loan to
Germany which will launch the Dawes
plan on reparations.
Notwithstanding the week-end holi-
day, the leading representatives of the
allied governments here did not relax
their endeavors to break the dead-
lock which has assumed such serious
An acceptable compromise, it is
said, would - still permit the French
to maintain their rights under the
Versailles Treaty and at the same
time provide such guarantees that the
financiers could offer the German
bonds to investors with assurances of
perfect safety.
Much Accomplished
Despite the delays which have oc-
curred, the atmosphere of the confer-
ence negotiations is not altogether ofl
a pessimistic character. A British
official sid the technical work of ther
conference had been completed and
that the conferees were ready fort
their next plenary session Monday at
4 p. m. This is taken by many to in-
dicate that an agreement between thec
delegates from France and the inter-c
national bankers is impending.
Only three problems remain to be
dealt with. The first is the all-im-
portant one of reconciling the bank-
ers to the conference experts' pro- r
osed methods of dealing with Germ-
an violations of the Dawes plan. TheI
.econd is a minor question of rail-
road control in the Ruhr and the
third the question of German repre-
Atation at the conference. It is evx-
ted that Berlin will be requested
immediately to send delegates to Lon-
;On. g g ganag
It is increasingly evident that the
British and French premiers d not
intend to give way entirely to the de-
S ands of the financiers who wouldr
float the German loan. It is believed!
or either premier to do so. Two
that it would be politically suicidal
inch bankers are said to be hurry-
ing to London to strengthen Premiert
Edouard Herriot's hands on the loant
guarantee matter. The, summoning
of these financiers suggests that inc
launching a comparatively small loant
under the Dawes plan reliance need
not be placed exclusively on any one
international banking group.
In the meantime considerable in-
terest was expressed here over the
announcement that J. P. Morgan isI
wiling for Europe. Notwithstandinge
the statement given out by the finan-
cier in New York that he was sailing
for his annual holiday and that his
trip had nothing to do with the Lon-
don conference, many were inclinedr
to believe that his appearance here
might have considerable effect on
conference negotiations.

Carl W. Connors, of Denver, Colo.,
recently received diplomas from high
school and from the University of
Colorado within 48 hours.
In 1917 after attending a Denver
high school for a year, he enlisted in
the navy. When he returned fromt
service overseas he resumed his 'ed-
ucation by entering the University
of Colorado as a special student. Ar-
rangements were made for his credit
hours at the university to apply to-
wards his high school diploma. When
he graduated at the university the
high school presented him with
sheepskin, also. He had' incurred
physical disabilities during his naval
service and his educational courses
were under the supervision of the
United States Veterans' bureau.

American Round-The-World Airmen In Paris

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The American round-the-world fliers will soon be home. Less tha n a fourth of their journey remains
to be traveled. This is the latest pho to of them to reach this country, sho wing their arrival at Le Bourget fly-

ing field, just outside of Paris, where
the city.
Legislation regarding the status of
women and of children in industry is
a very definite measure of the social
progress of a nation and therein the
United States is somewhat behindt
many of the European countries, ac-
cording to Professor A. E. Wood, ofc
the Sociology department who open-
ed the final meeting of the Institute
of Politics of the Women Voters Sat-
urday morning at 10 o'clock.
Child Labor Law Necessary E
The first part of the lecture was.
given over to a discussion of wo-
man's position in that field with a
omment by Professor Wood that the
proposal to rectify the present condi-
ion by an amendment to the Federalt
constitution would be an unfortunate
development because it would annul
,ll the existing laws, some of which
would not be replaced; and thatt
might work a hardship in many cases.
Child labor needed no regulation
until industry was transferred fromr
the home to the factory, for under the
)ld apprentice system a personal rela-
tion existing between the child and1
the employer was a very material1
crotection which safeguarded thet
child from unfortunate results. t
Under modern conditions this pro-E
tection must be supplied by law and
the standards set up by the National
Children's Bureau are worthy of ac-t
ceptance as uniform requirement in[
the field.
Teacher Must Developt
Mrs. May Wood-Simons, chairman
)f citizenship schools in Illinois, lec-
tured Saturday morning in the audi-,
orium of University High School on1
Popular Methods of Teaching Gov-
According to the speaker, the teach-
r must be a growing person who has
.he diea of research and study. This
s important because of the fact thatt
political science is continually chang-
The very fundamental thing con-1
2rning the material to be taught inE
citizenship schools pertains to govern- I
iental functions, rather than to the
machinery of government. We have
ary few real sources of information.
Aagazine articles and editorials are
al right in their way-covering ma-
erial rather well, but governmental
documents are the essential source of'
knowledge. In one Illinois high'
school they are utilizing the real gov-
ernmental documents instead of text
;ooks. There is no better source of
erial tha state reports, and all
women should pass them. One hun-
dred women in Chicago have been
studying the Dawes Report as a
foundation for intelligent discussion.
In teaching citizenship the lecture
method is to be avoided and consid-
red as the least effective means of,
presentation-the project method t
.e used, in its place.
The slogan which has bien taken in
illinois is "A citizenship school with-
n reach of every women in the
state." In some counties in this
state, as many as seven of these

Ichools have been established.I

they were greeted by an enormous throng and triumphantly escorted into.

First Presbyterian Church
"God's Out-of-Doors" will be the
subject of Dr. Anderson's sermon at
10:30. At 3 o'clock the Young Peo-
ple's society leaves the church for the
U. of M. Fresh Air camp where the
evening meeting will be held.


Coigregational Church
The subject of the morning service David E. Matterson, of Rochester,
at 10:45 o'clock will be "Religion and N. Y., has accepted the offer of the
Amusements." This will deal with ,oard of directors of the University
the question, "Do people have clean
fun?" At 12 there will be open for- School of Music to succeed to the
um. Miss Eleanore Hutzel, deputy position of head of the department of
commissioner of the Women's division public school music methods, left va-
of Detroit police will speak on "The cant by the resignation of George
Menace of the Drug Traffic." A stu- Oscar Bowen.
dent social hour in the church parlors Mr. Mattern is a well known author-
will take place at 6:30. "The Miracle
Man," a George M. Cohen play, will be ity in this field and brings with him
the motion picture service at 8 o'- a wealth of successful experience both
clock. as a practical supervisior in large
sc iool systems and as a teacher of
St. Andrew's Episcopa~l Church music methods. Under histdirection,
There will be holy communion at 8 the work in instrumental methods as
o'clock. At 11 o'clock there will be well as vocal methods will be stress-
morning prayer and sermon by the ed.
rector. Ile is a graduate of Cornell univer-
sity, and htudied music in that institu-
' ira t rgtry" lliehpic ion. While on the staff of the pub-
the sermon by Rev. Edward Sayles at organied and developed the instru-
10:30. The church Sunday school mental work in that system to a very
will meet at 12. The students class high pane in addition to the customary
meets in the giuld house, opposite the activities of a music supervisor.
church. Mr. Howard R. Chapman, At the time of his election to the,
minister of University students, will position here, he was supervisor of in-
be in charge. This is Mr. Sayles' strumental classes in Rochester, N.
last Sunday before going on his vaca- Y. For several summers, he has been.
tion. There will be special music in associated with Dr. Hollis Dann, for-
the morning, with Mrs. Crqoss, as merly professor of music in Cornell
organist and director. university, in the conducting of nor-
mal methods classes at Westchester
FLnormal school, Westchester, Pa. He
has also served in the violin chair
of the Rochester symphony orchestra,
under the direction of Coates and
George Oscar Bowen, who for the
In observance of the centenary of past few years has been director of
South American independence, Dr. public school music here, resigned a
Arthur S. Aiton, of the history depart- short time ago to take a position in
ment, lectured Friday afternoon on the Tulsa, Okla., system.
the suhejt of "Simon BRn iv r a nd the

Institute Leaders
Express Pleasure
In Great Success
Women, active in the sessions of the
Institute of Government and Politics
of the League of Women Voters, held
here July 21 to 26, are unanimous in
their agreement that the six courses
offered here met with great success.
"The Institute will be continued for
many years," stated Mrs. May Wood-
Simons, chairman of the Institute.
"It has to be, until we have brought
into the schools the seriousness of
citizenship." And then she added,
half seriously and laughingly, "Nec-
essarily, our work has been confined
to women, although, of course, the
men need it just as badly."
Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse, secretary to
the fourth region of the National
League of Women Voters, declared,
"I do not doubt that the Institute will
be held again. We plan to have an
Institute of this kind in every region
and to do things similarly to what is
Jeing done in Illinois and Ohio. I
am very pleased with the success we
I lave met with this year, and a large
j number of women will go away and
tart citizenship schools in their own
:ommunity. This is, after all, the
;urpose of the Institute."
"There has been great success man-
ifested both in the attendance and
abstance of the Institute," affiimed
virs. George W. Patterson, president
f the Ann Arbor League of Women
'oters, "and I think it is the unani-'
sous opinion of all. Holding it in a
niversity town has given it an added'
interest. We shall probably have an-
ther Institute next year, but now we
1o not know where. I think that
. rof. Edward H. Kraus, dean of the
ummer session, and the regents de-
erve a great deal of credit for their
road-minded views and interest in1
.oviding buildings."t
The registration figures for the In-
itute show that fifty-six enrolled for
he entire course, nine for half, thirty
)r single sessions, and six for singlej
actures, making a total of one hun-
fired one.
Montevideo, Uruguay, July 26.-In
preparation for a heavy bombardment
of Sao Paulo, the commander of the
federal army besieging the city has
ordered all civilians to leave Sao
Paulo, it was reported here today in,
dispatches from Santos, the port of.
Sao Paulo.
Conflicting reports as to the
whereabouts of Dr. Campos, presi-
dent of the state of Sao Paulo, also
came from Santos, where it was said
the president had issued a manifesto
denying he had fled from Sao Paulo
but was with the federal army there'
fighting to regain the city from the
rebels. Previous reports had Dr.
Campos aboard a Brazilian warship
in Santos harbor. A state of seige
has been declared by the federal gov-
ernment in six states, according to
dispatches from Rio de Janeiro which
named Rio Grande do Sul and Rio

Grande de Norte, Matto Grosso, Ser-
gipe, Bahia and Santa Catalina.
Troops Fight in Streets
Washington, July 26.-The state de-
partment was advised that fighting;
between the streets and federal troops
continues in the streets of Sao Paulo.
A series of engagements were also re-
ported on the roadways leading from
Santos to Sao Paulo, along which the
Praziliat. government attempted to
move re-enforcements.
Inquiries at the state department
regarding a possible intervention by
the United States, were met with a
statement that no such effort was
contemplated at this time. Officials,
however, would not discuss the possi-
bility of dispatching warships to pro
tect American interests.
The capture of considerable rebel
supplies by Brazilian federal troops
in their attack against the rebels at
Sao Paulo was reported in an of-
ficial communique issued through the
Brazilian embassy here today.

Washington, July 26.-Branding as
"unfair" and "misleading," the meth-
ods being employed by certain pacifist
organizations in opposing defense day,
September 12, President Coolidge to-
day rebuked the National Council for
the Prevention of War for its opposi-
tion to national preparedness. In a
letter to Frederick J.- Libby, execu-
tive secretary of the organizaiton, the
president said, commenting on the
war department's plan in setting aside
a day for the observance of national
"Instead of being a military ges-
ture, this plan is the exact obposite.
It is a non-militaristic gesture, for the
purpose of keeping down to its low-
est possible point the professional
military organization of the Uhited
Claims Unfair
"It seems unfair that the plans for
defense day should be condemned out
of hand, simply through the device
of misrepresentation."
The president said the September
maneuvers were merely a compliance
with the purposes of the National
bring home to the nation the need for
Defense law of 1920, designed to
voluntary peacetime preparation for
home defense. He jcondemned the
tactics of the pacifists in dubbing de-
fense day as "mobilization day."
"It is not a mobilization," he said,
"and the people who first attached to
it thepterm 'mobilization day,' and
then proceeded to condemn it have
been utterly unfair."
Mr. Coolidge explained that he is
in hearty sympathy with all efforts to
make war an impossibility. He point-
ed out, however, that the American
government "is compelled to confront
the realities of the world."
Gives Specific Reasons
He cited the failure of the arms
conference to limit the size of the
armies of the world, as a specific rea-
son for the need of preparedness.
"I wish crime might be abolished;
but I would not, therefore, abolish
courts and police protection," he said.
"I wish war might be made impossi-
ble; but I would not leave my coun-
try unprotected meanwhile. The de-
fense tests seems to me a means to
assure the fullest efficiency to the ex-
tremely modest defense force our
country maintains.
"Our laws provide a small perma-
nent army and contemplate its ex-
pansion to meet emergencies, should
they arise. Defense day is intended
to bring to the people a reminder of
their relations to, and dependence up-
on, this skeleton defense establish-
ment, in case our country is attack-
George J. Dunleavy, ex-'22, and
formerly of some repute as a fullback

l on the Varsity eleven, died a few days
ago at Gary, Indiana, where he was
the proprietor of a sporting goods
store. While at the University Dun-
leavy substituted for Franklin Cappon,
and had made a name as a forward
passer. He was a member of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Physicians gave as the cause of his
death a bursted appendix and so-called
"athletic heart."
Junkers Becoming Restless
German Junkers are growing rest-
less at the insignificant role that they
have to play in a democracy. They
wish to figure more the political roles
in the Reichstage and influence more
the party policies. As it is now, the
nobility have to remain quiet because
of popular opinion and because they
wish to garner as many votes as pos-
sible. The "Association of Noblemen?
a junker paper for the nobility, comr-
plains bitterly against this.

Winning of South American Independ-
Bolivar, the speaker declared, is
the George Washington of the north-
ern part of South America. His ear-!
ly education, under the supervision
of an eccentric guardian, greatly in-
.fluenced his life. Dr. Aiton, sketch-
ing the early life of the hero, told of
his education, supplemented by ' a
knowledge of the world gained
through extensive travel in Europe
and the United States; his marriageI
to an aristocratic Spanish lady, whose,
death 10 months later permanently
clouded his life; and finally his de-
termination to liberate his country.
After many years of defeat he suc-
ceeded in the battle of Junin and
Ayacucho in putting an end to Span-
ish power in the porthern part of
South America. During the remain-
ing years of his life his subordinates
turned against him, and in 1830, great-
ly disappointed with his lot lie re-
signed. Shortly after this his death
Ilis life was marked by a great suc-
cess and one failure, said Dr. Aiton.
The success-his lilferation of his
country; his failure-his inability to
bind the countries together under one
government. That can not be held
against him for the people were not
prepared for independence.

A modern hospital designed prim-
arily for the eradication of malaria in
the provinces of Pampanga and Bat-
aan, Island of Luzon, has been open-
ed at the Pampanga Sugar Mills Cen-
tral at Del Carmen, 60 miles north of
The hospital which is one of the
most completely equipped in the Phil-
ippines is the gift of John D. and
Adolph B. Spreckels of San Francis-'
co. The institution in addition to
being used for the care of medical and I
surgical cases in the two provinces
will be the headquarters for the Rock-
efeller Foundation and the Philippine
Health service in their campaign for
control of malaria.
R. R. Hind, general manager of the
central, outlining the purpose of the
donners in making the hospital pos-
sible, pointed out that the physical
welfare of the Filipino workman was
most important not only to himself
but also to his employer.
Swiss radio magazine has suspend-
ed publication because of slow growth
of the science in that country.

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