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July 25, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-07-25

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FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1924

Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Pre )s. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
vise for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, assecond class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $tso.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The Summer
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. The
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in tke communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
Chairman of the Editorial Board......
.Andrew E. Propper
City Editor:..:......... Verena Moran
Night Editor...........rederick K. Sparrow
T elegraph Editor..........LIeslie S. Bennetts
Womens' Editor............Gwendolyn Dew
Louise Barley Marian Kolb
Rosalea Spaulding Wenley B. Krouser
Marion Walker J. Albert Laansma
Dwight Coursey Mlarion Meyer
Marthat Chase Mary Margaret Miller
Wray A. Donaldson Matilda Rosenfeld
Geneva hawing Dorothy Wall
Maryland E. Hartioff
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager......Hiel M. Rockwell
Copywriting Manager.......Noble D. Travis
Circulation Manager.......Lauren C. Haight
Publication Manager........C. Wells Christie
Account Manager..............Byron Parker
Florence E. Morse Florence McComb
Charles L. Lewis Maryellen Brown
FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1924
Night Editor-FRED K. SPARROW'

Ten or fifteen years ago, swimming
in America was a pastime rather than
a sport; today, the Americans stand
out as the leading swimmers of the
world, for in the Olympics at Les
Tourelles, the Americans walked away
serenely in thirteen out of seventeen
This situation has been mainly due
to the added stimulus of interest in
the municipal pools of our various
cities, and our leading mermen and
mermaids instead of coming almost
entirely from the Atlantic coast, are
drawn impartially from our far-flung
Count Clary, presenting the medals
for this sport, is reported to have said,
"This looks like an American holi-
day." The Americans had scored a
total of 217 points, Sweden was sec-
ond with 58, and Great Britn and
Australia were third and fourth re-
spectively. Eleven other nations were
included in the list of "also rans'
At Stockholm, the Americans scor-
ed but two first places in the aquatic
events-at Les Tourelles the only
firsts that were secured besides those
of the Americans were in the 150
meters, which was won by Australia,
and 'the 200 meter breast stroke for
women, won by an English girl'
But what is of the greatest signif-
icance is the fact that the time in
practically every event was much bet-
ter than in 1924 than in 1922. This
does not mean that the other nations
have retrogressed, it merely means
that America has stepped abreast of
the times in another important field of
Few institutions in Ann Arbor can
surpass the University Library in
equipment and certainly none of them
in effort to give efficient service. The
library staff deserves the helpful co-
operation of every one of its users.
They have a difficult task; to make a
limited number of copies of popular
or necessary books do for a large
number of applicants. Students some-
times thoughtlessly criticize the library
when they are unable to get two or
three books they need. It is in their
power to minimize this very difficulty
by their co-operation.
When a borrower charges a book
and takes it to his room he should ar-
range to do so only when he is ready
to read it, and he should proceed to
do so as soon as possible after he
gets the book. When finished, in-
stead of allowing it to lie about per-
haps until he receives an overdue
notice, he should see the books is at
once returned and thus allowed to get
into circulation,
It is probably a conservative guess
to assert that the majority of charged
books are kept by borrowers twice as
long as they are really needed.
This waste could, it would seem, be
cu in half wthri t h ffnr tnd

(The New York Times)
More than at any general European
conference in recent years the spirit
of achievement is in the air at Lon-
don. How much of this is due to the t
earnest desire of MacDonald and Her-
riot to reach an accord and how much
to the obviously strong pressure from
teh American representatives to bring
about a general compromise between
conflicting views, it would be hard to
decide. The delegates seem deter-
mined that this conference shall not
end in a deadlock and ae apparently
fully conscious of the fact that dis-
aster threatens Europe if the plans
for reconstruction are not soon put
into effect. The knowledge that Amer-
ica is actively supporting the Dawes
plan, and the surmise that the Repub-
lican administration is politically in-
terested in seeing it succeed, have
given special weight to harmonizing
suggestions from Ambassador Kellogg
and Colonel Logan.
Although details of what has been
accomplished to date are not yet avail-
able, it is known that such trouble-
some problems as safeguarding the
new loan to Germany and the matter
of sanctions have virtually been
settled. The evacuation of the Ruhr
still presents difficulties, although it
is unlikely that these are insoluble.
France and Belgium can hardly be ex-
pected to relinquish the advantages
of retaining a sufficiently large per-
sonnel in the occupied territories to
make it unnecessary to go through
the arduous difficulties which con-
fronted them in 1923, in case they are
obliged to reoccupy those regions. So
long as the body that remains in no
way interferes with the economic life
of the district, there is no reason why
it need hamper the reconstruction of
Such a decision, however, would be
sure to enrage the Germans. They
have set their hearts on complete
evacuation of the Ruhr-every engi-
neer and every soldier. They are also
reported to be resentful of the pros-
peets that the right to apply penaltis
for non-fulfillment many include the
seizure of territory. Among their
politicians are those who say they
would prefer to see the Dawes plan
fail and take the consequences than
.iubmit to such an "indignity." But
the more sober elements among them
realize that these questions are de-
tails rather than fundamentals and
are willing to trust to an earnest ef-
ort to meet the terms and obligations
'A the Dawes plan as the best means
of protecting them from the political
evils which their more impetuous fel-
lows fear. To them the assurance of
the $200,000,000 loan is of paramount
'mportance and they welcome the
agreement reached among the Lon-

I ---1

Text Books and Supplies


Both Stores
y "Classified" Columns





Read The Dail


French Crepe
Pajamas, $3.50 value,
White Duck
All Panama Hats

Printing and Developing
our Developing and Printing depart-
ment is especially well fitted to give you
the best possible.results from your pic-
tures. .: Twenty-four hour serbice.
719 North Unibersity A venue

Iflfli 111111111111111111111 ill11 llill lfll ff1lllll1flll flll lili 1lll1111 11 fIwI 1
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Every Nite (except Monday) and All
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Think big, talk
much, laugh easily,

little, love
work hard,

give freely, pay cash, and be
kind-it is enough.1
I pity no man because he has
co work. If he is worth his salt
he swill work. I envy the man
who has a work worth doing
and does it well.
With the presidential election
looming on the horizon, and showing
every indication of being a very close
decision, the problem of formally de-
claring the cumbersome electoral-col-
lege system of presidential selection
nbsolete through the passing of a con-
stitutional amendment again presents
itself. Even among those who most
strongly oppose the alteration of the
present system which was inaugurat-
ed with the beginning of the republic,
there arenone who can deny the pos-
sibilities of unfair election results
so long as such an indirect method of"
balloting is practiced.
There can be no valid reason to con-
test the advisability of adopting a
constitutional revision providing for
the direct election of the chief ex-
ecutive when the first opportunity of-
fers. Although cases such as the
Tilden-Hayes campaign of 1876 and
the Cleveland-Harrison election of
1888 where the selction of the elec-
toral college awarded the office to
the man who under popular vote would
have been defeated are but seldom
existent, the possibility of the re-
occurrence of such incidents should
be completely removed. The present
day tendency of simplification in all
governmental organization calls for1
the elimination of this unnecessary
cog in the federal wheel, which mere-
ly delays the culmination of election
proceedings and occasionally works
an injustice upon the citizenry of the
One defense which may be proposed
is the cumbersome nature of amend-
ing the constitution. This in itself
would only be a substantiation of the
attitude which has permitted the col-
lege to survive as long as it has, an
indifference to the systematic anal-
ysis of election evils. There is no
state in the Union which, in pursuit
of fairn elections, would defeat anI
amendment providing for popular
vote in the presidential eection. Many
do not realize that there is any such
intlermediate body as the electoral
college which acts as the final choos-
er of our executives. Any body so in-
consequential a factor in the pursuit
of just representative government
has no place among our intsitutiong.
Its powers are all for harm and none
for good,


cuL ur allwrLOULmuc eHrL nu on conferees for safeguarding this
with a big increase in library effici- idvance. For the present, at any
ency. 7ate, it eappears that General Dawes'
In taking out books on day slips vish that common sense be crowned
those who can do so out of rush hours king is to be fulfilled.
will get quicker service themselves
and will aid others by using them at WHATI iT MEANS
those times.
(The Baltimore Evening Sun)
Know Your Campus The essential thing in the much-
discussed but little understood
"Dawes plan" for the solution of the
One of the greatest events which reparations tangle is the proposal to
has made the reputation of the class float a loan of $200,000,000 for the
of 1869 a lasting one is the story of benefit of Germany. Indeed, as we
the planting of the famous Haven Elm have pointed out many times, no solu-
tree. In May of that year the en- tion of the reparations question is
possible without such a loan. And,
tire class, 44 people, weht over north in the very nature of things, that
of the river and brought back a fine 'oan igust come largely from invest-
specimen of American elm. This was ors in the United States.
planted with great ceremony, and The nations have agreed, perforce,j
from a tree five inches in diameter it that the rights of the investors in!
has grown to a circumference of more that loan shall take precedence over
than six feet. all other rights, including that of
Until the spring of 1923 this tree France for reparations payments. Un-
stood, an ever-growing memorial of der no other terms, obviously, could
its class, near the south wing of the bankers participate and under no!
University Hall. When excavations other terms could they expect individ-
were begun for the new Literary ual investors to put their money in it.
building, it was found to be necessary The question remaining to be de-
to cut it down. Mr. F. S. Dewey, the cided-and it must be decided by the
class secretary, hearing of this plan, bankers--is whether the guarantees
rallied the forces of his 16 remaining forthcoming from Germany and theI
classmates and was able to raise suf- recessions made by France are of suf-
ficient funds to have the tree moved ficient, strength to guarantee repay-
so that it could continue to stand in ment of the loan.
front of the Literary building. That is the decision which may be
Now this has been accomplished; expected at any hour. The general
and in the spot where the tree once opinion seems to be that the bankers
stood there is to be placed a bronze will agree that the loan as it stands}
tablet wtih an appropriate memor- is a feasible propostion.
ial. Accordingly, there is a likelihood
that the investors of the United States
These fickle youths know nothing may- be given the opportunity in very
about handling money. In San Fran- short order to decide whether they
cisco, a boy swallowed ten dollars. are willing to risk their funds in a
bond issue which will provide for the
United States farmers have invest- rehabilitation of Germany and be at
ed about $20,000,000 in radio, reports the same time a safe and profitable
the department of agriculture, medium for surplus funds.

Bathing Caps Are Vikidly
The sudden flash of colored
bathing cap that marks the
swimmer far out in the lake
or near the shore adds defin-
itely to the beauty of the pic-
Lure as well as serving a prac-
tical use. Caps in all colors,
Rubber Bathing Shoes Com-
plete the Costume
A pair of rubber bathing shoes
1 /may be chosen to match or
contrast with the bathing suit
a and when the walk from bath
house to beach is over a rough
bit of ground and road such
an addition is indeed wel-
come! Priced $1.00 and $1.25.
A Rubberized Bag to Carry
the Suit is a goy
A rubberized bag does not
come amiss when one is home-
ward bound after the swim!
And such a bag may be ob-
tained at small cost. 98c.
A brisk ride to the nearest lake and an invigorating A Soothing Lotion for the Skin
After Sivimming
dip in the cooling water insures summer health and To keep the skin smooth and
keeps one feeling fit no matter how difficult the sum- white even though swimming
is done in the glaring sun
mer routine of studies! And for that swim a woman Dr. Turner's Lemon Bleach
needs bathing togs designed for swimming comfort. should be used. It is priced
only 50c.
The ideal bathing suit is made of
wool jersey and is designed in a
mode that allows freedom for action.
Suits in dark and vivid colors trim-
med with contrasting shades are
now priced $3.95.
(Mack's, second-floor.)

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