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June 16, 1924 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-16

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Published every morning except Monday
during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press. The As-
sociated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it 'or not otherwise credited in
this paper and the local news published here-
Entered at the postoffice, Ann Arbor,
rMichigapt, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $t. o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Communications, if signed as evidence of
good faith, will be published in The SummerI
Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
side4tion. The signature may be omitted in
publication if desired by the writer. Th
Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
.Chairman of the Editorial Board......'
............Andrew E. Propper
City Editor.................Verena Moran
Night Editor..............John W. Conrad
Night Editor ...........rederick K. Sparrow
Telegraph Editor..........Leslie G. Bennets
Womens' Editor .............wendolyn Dew
Margaret Wrentmore Francis O'Melia
Louise arley Marion Walker
Rosalea Spaulding Leonard A. Kelle
Virginia B ales Saul Hertz
Hans Wickland David Bramble
Telephone 96o
Advertising Manager..........Hiel Rockwell
Copywriting Manager...........Win. Weise
Advertising Manager......... Byron Parker
Accounts Manager..........Laurence Haight
MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1924
This morning when the final bugles
blow the taps of college days and
the reveille for the great beyond, al-
most two thousand graduates will
undertake the commencement of their
ultimate pursuits in life.
For the next few years they will
disappear, merged into the vast per-
$onnel of an exacting society. Then
gradually here and there the names
of a chosen few will begin to stand
out on the horizon of accomplishment
and lI4chigan's class of 1924 will
have its celebrities.
They cannot all become famous,
these seniors who are graduated to-
day. After all, if it were the prop-
erty of more than a few, fame would
be hardly worth having, for fame is
spoken of in national terms.
The great body of seniors will seek
success and respect in the commities
in which they make thei homes.
There, the proper carrying on of the
purposes they have set for them-
selves will grant as valuable a ser-
vice to the world and to Michigan
as the work of those who reap glory
in broader spheres.
At any rate, today is commence-
ment, and with the fervent hopes and
well wishes in the hearts of friends,
parents, and classmates, each of the
two thousand Michigan graduates
lays aside the gown of University
life and begins.
(Detroit Free Press)
Says William Jennings Bryan,
fresh from the Cleveland convention,
where he enjoyed the privilege of a

"close up" from the press section:
"The Republican party not only pro-
poses no reform; but emphatically
denies any need of reform exists."
Whoa, Bill! Didn't you listen
when Mr. Warren read the platform?
What about the planks on public
economy, finance and taxation, agri-
culture, the world court, , railroad
rate schedules, law and order, and
several other things, including lynch-
ing? Or don't you believe in an anti-
lynching law any more than you do
in the enforcement of the Fourteenth
Also, what about this little pas-
"We recognize the duty of con-
stant vigilarice to preserve at tall
times a clean and honest government
and to bring to the Saar of justice
every defiler of the public service in
or out of office.. Dishonesty and cor-
ruption are not political attributes.
The recent congressional investiga-
tions have exposed instances in both
parties of men in public office who
are willing to sell official favors, and
men out of office who are willing to
,buy them, in some instances with
imoney, and in others with influence.
The sale of influence resulting from
the holding of public position or from
associating while in public office, orl
the use of such influence for private;

public trust and prejudicial to good
government. It should be condemned
by public opinion and forbidden by ED
law. ROLLS
"We demand the speedy, fearless RUF
and impartial prosecution of all TUFF
wrongdoers without regard for po AND BUFF 1
litical affiliation of position, but we
committed against the people thanI
the attempt to destroy their trust
in the great body of their public
But perhaps Mr. Bryan, while you
are quite willing to have the Repub-
licans admit the existence of human
frailty in their ranks you do not
relish the insistence that Democrats
also fell under the curse of the eaten
apple, and so the quotation doesn't
appeal to you.
However, you never can quite fig- ",-
ure on Mr. Bryan's mental processes.
For instance, he says: "It will be a
clean campaign, free from personali-
ties, but in all probability it will be
a warm campaign."
A clean campaign! We hope so.
But Mr. Bryan, on the square, why Commencement is upon us. It has
do you think that gang of muck- been our great desire to hear our
raking Democrats in the senate held, namd shouted from 'the housetops,
up legislation for three or four wherefore we will explain it. Taman
months in order to use the Fall is the name, and we found it at the
scandal as the basis for a filthy gen- end of The Rubaiat of Omar, and
eral assault upon the administration, as near as we can dope it out, it
if not for the purpose of getting "ma- means "the end". Shout on, ye sen-
terial" to use in the coming national iors. ,
political campaign? *
Our house party is over, wover and
THE COUNTRY UNDERSTANDS hover, and our him has gone home.
(Detroit Free Press) We have another him here, however,
.Wwho will not leave until this evening,
-When Charles B. Warren, reading wenn n e ig
the Republican national platorm fin- a *v g
ished the declaration that "congress
has in the main confined its work to By this time you must have noticed
tax reduction; the matter of tax re- our new tendency to combining
form is still unsettled and is equally three rhyming words in a more or
fomi tl nete n seulyless heterogeneous mess. It is very
essential," the delegates at the Cleve- Imoos togea:-us ead overy
land convention responded with smooth to say:-just read over the
.n . ecaption of the col, and you will find
sharp and insistent cheering. it so. Ruf, tuf, and buff;-see?
When. Representative Henry Alleni
** *
Cooper read the passage of the La
Follette platform which asserts that DAILY DISSERTATION
the Mellon plan favors the rich at Gaylord didn't see the last disser-
the expense of the poor, the members tation, so we are going to write an-
of the convention commented with other one, in hopes that it, too, may
hisses and groans, cat calls and jeers. escape his eagle eye. Our topic for
today, boys and girls, is Commence-
The two demonstrations were high- ent, what it has been, is, and ought
ly significant. The applause, in the to be." We probably will not cover
first instance conveyed a direct re- . di.
buke of the wrong headedness of the all of those divisions, but at least,
our intentions are of the best.
sixty-eighth congress in failing to In the first place, we have never
adopt the Mellon plan instead of the
seen a commencement in the past,
this one has not yet occurred, and we
which actually was made into law,
andwhichctuallydwasemadeient'laare not a prophet, so that we really
andbh receit esie cannot dissert very ably on the sub-
signature only because it was theect, but we just had to mention
smaller of two evils between whichcomnentorheprnbl
Mr. Coolidge was forced to choose. seniors would have telt slighted.
The outburst of disapproval meant THE SENIOR
that there was nobody in the con-
vention except twenty-eight dele-
gates from Wisconsin gullible enough
to swallow the worn out lie regard-
ing the Mellon plan which Mr.
Cooper asked the gathering to be-
The whole episode wvas a notice _
that the listeners were "on," that they
were thoroughly disgusted with the
way congress has played horse with
the paramount economic question be- Before and After Graduation
fore the country, and were in no . What we really want to talk about
mood to listen to any cheap, dema- is the great deficiency in knowledge
gogic attempts to cloud the issue. of Ann Arbor which is displayed by
And the Cleveland convention rep- members even of the graduating
AndtheCleelad onvntin rp-class. This morning a senior ap-
resented a fair cross section of the cla hedTsoang aideinrap-
Repblianim f §he atonandweproached us, and said in a voice
Republicanism of the nation, and we quivering with emotion, "Taminy, old
think, as far as the question of tax
reform is concerned, a fair cross sec-b, woy and oy, we woud'a come
tion of the whole citizenship of the to your party last night, but we just
United States, because taxation at couldn't find the street," and here
bottom is not a partisan matter. we live right on State Street on the
car line. It's truly deplorable.

achieved the same freedom in the ligious bodies during the past sum-
flVT0ITOR 'study and teaching of the social^ sci- mer and declared they went no farther
ences, with the result that the "knowl- than similar resolutions passed by
edge of the natural sciences is today business organizations.
in the hands of a society that lacks "The church cannot, as it did in
U ~the intellectual insight and moralj the last war, make its God the ally
-h wisely." alike of Pershing and Hindenburg
(Continued from Page One) In discussing a pacific church, Dr. and bring Him back unsullied for
their students what to think are a Frank reviewed the resolutions re- worship in peace time," Dr. Frank
danger to democracy. Universities sented at all general meetings of re- (Continued on Page Three)
that teach their students how to think
and then thrust them out to decide -
what to think from year to year in a
growing world are democracy's one
indispensable safeguard. The uni-
versity is not a retail store, dealing
in facts; the university is a temnporary
retreat from the world where young NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING
men and young women may breathe CONSTANCE BINNEY in CHARLES CHAPLIN
air of freedom and achieve emanci-j
pation from the obsolete dogmas, the DivorcemenN"
unworthy loyalties, the irrational in- "A W oman of Paris"
hibitions, the tribal conformaties, and Wednesday through Saturday
the cowardly cautions that crush and "WHAT'S WRONG WITH
killth 1 i 'sThursday through Saturday
kill the uneducated minds."WORAN A
American democracy needs mental HERBERT RAWLINSON and ALICE
freedom more than its needs mental COMING SOON LAKE in
furniture, the speaker declared, con- BOOTH TARKINGTON'S prize "The Dancing Cheat"
tinuing to say that the university had "ALICE ADAMS"
found freedom in the teaching of th'e with Florence Vidor Coming soon "Roulette"
natural sciences, but that it had not


Success to Michigan Students


Both Ends of the Diagonal


Failings' Cool Dining
One block south of Campus,
near State St.
Wonderful Home-Cooked Food for
the Lowest Price
Bring Your Friends and Have
a Table Reserved
*Seeing is Believing "






For Sale.


ALUMNA GiVES $105000
Announcement was made here Sat-
urday at the meeting of the Adelia
Cheever House alumnae of a gift of
$10,000 by Mrs. Alice B. Martin Hut-
sinpillar, of Pasadena, Calif., the in-
come of which is to be used by the
board of governors of the Cheever
House as a scholarship fund. The
fund will be known as the Alice B.
Martin scholarship fund and the donor
retains the income for herself and
husband during their lives. Mrs. Hut-
sinpinlar formerly was wife of a pro-
fessor in the medical school of the
university. She has been interested
in the house, which is operated on the
co-operative plan, each woman in the
house being responsible for some part
of the light housework for which she
receives fair compensation.
Galesburg, III., June 16.-Damage
estimated at nearly $1,000,000 was oc-
casioned by a tornado and hail storm
in this section. Considerable live-
stc 2k was reported killed.
Athens, June 16.-Irwin 'B. Laugh-
lin, of Pittsburg, the new United
States minister to Greece, arrived here

* * *

We are"
The maiden cried,
"The dancing looks
"It is
You know,"
Her gent replied
"So let's sit out a

To all the
Fr iends and
Relatives of
our Friend s
Old or New
G:,Claude Drake
Drug and
Prescription Store
Phone 308
Corner N. Univ. Ave.
and State St.
"The Quarry"


For further information or for an appointment to
see this property, call Mr. NEWTON with

quite hot."

* * *
Minneapolis Journal, headline.
These here now roads are some
students, we take it. Minnesota is
a highly cultured country.
* * *
* * *
At last the col con is through get-
ting the pleas from the 'Ensian to
run something about the book. The
ex Business Mgr. was just in, and he
couldn't think of a think to ask us to
run, and youm just should have seen
the tears role down the poor boy's
cheeks. So we thought we'd run
something after all. SUBSCRIBE
* * *
19 inches! Jolly commencement!

"I'll ach you who is
master here,' said the
An absorbing American drama actually photographed in the
great African desert, in the quaint oasis villages, in the Harems of
the Shieks, and the Palaces of the Caids. Thousands of Arabs,
Camels and Horses in the picturization of Louise Gerard's novel,
with Bert Lytell, Claire Windsor, Walter McGraill, Rosemary
Thelby, Montague Love, Paul Panzer.


or~ advantage is a per'version of 1W eduasday,




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