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June 16, 1924 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1924-06-16

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and pointed out that "To gain Para-
dise, one must go down with the Son
of Man into the thick of the strugg-
ling multitude."
The speaker was introduced by
President Marion L. Burton, and pre-
faced his written address by intro-
ductory remarks. The speaker noted
how through the ages, people had
reached the opinion that "All's right
with the world." This was especially
true of the opinion during and fol-
lowing the great war, the speaker
declared, and added that the feeling
was that the "oppression of the lab-
orer is past. The oppression of back-
-ward races and of little nations is
past. The wicked devices of secret
diplomacy with its secret covenants
secretly arrived at-all that is past.
The age of Gold has come. We have
found Paradise," Dr. Bryan declared.
Life's struggle was painted to the
University graduates, and Dr. Bryan
urged the seniors to "go down with
the Son of Man into the thick of the
struggling multitude," urging from
them the necessity, and beauty of ser-
vice. He declared, "You belong with
them. You are of one blood and like
passions with them. You must march
in the dread pageant which goes to
Golgotha, it may be to hang between
thieves, and it may be to find victory,
when you can say to one of them-
'Brother, this day, together, we enter
Dr. Bryan is one of the most noted
educators in the country, a trustee
of the Carnegie institute and mem-
ber of scholarly organizations. Edu-
cated in Clark University, and sev-
eral European institutions, he is a
recognized figure in the educational
Members of the faculty were seated
on the stage, and Palmer Christian of
the School of Music played the organ.
James Hamilton, tenor, also of the
School of Music sang "Be thou faith-
ful unto death" from Mendelssohn's
St. Paul, while Dr. Merle B. Ander-
son, the new pastor of the Presby-
terian Church gave the invocation
and pronounced the benediction.
Two Michigan athletes were named
on the Olympic team last night at
a meeting of the committee. DeHart
Hubbard, '25, is the first mentioned
for running broad jump, and also for
running hop-step-and-jump. James
K. Broocker, '25, is on the pole vault
Lansing, June 13.-The annual en-
Oampment of the G. A. R., United Span
ish War veterans and allied organ-
Azations was to close today with bus-
tiess sessions.

First Week Has Many Activitis On
Schedule; Several Lectures
Activities of the Summer Session
will begin at the end of this week
with the registration of students.
Greater enrollment than ever before
is promised for this year due to the
condition of the country industrially,
and authorities are preparing for a
considerable increase. The program
of events for the first week has al-
ready been arranged.
The program for next week will
open with a lecture at 5 o'clock on
Monday afternoon on "The University
and Public Health" by Professor
John Sundwall, of the department of
deprtment of Hygiene and Public
Health, who for several years has
directed the wellfare work for stud-
ents here. The second lecture of the
session will take place at 8 o'clock
on Monday night when James M.
Tobey, administrative secretary of the
National Health Council of New York
City will speak on "The Contribution
of the National Health Council to
Public Health." Both the lectures
will be given in the auditorium of the
Natural Science building, as will all
the lectures of the Summer Session.
On Tuesday at the five o'clock lec-
tur$ Professor William H. Hobbs of
the Geology department will speak
on "Australia, the Remote Continent."
The lecture will be illustrated. At
the evening lecture, the series of
public health lectures will be brought
to a close with a lecture by Homer
N. Calver, general secretary of the
American Public Health Association
of New York, who will take as his
subject, "Public Health as a Career."
Wednesday of the first week will
be full for all who intend to be pres-
ent at all the programs. At four
o'clock, there will be an assembly of
all education students, and of all
graduate students specializing in edu-
cation, in room 203 of Tappan Hall.
The assembly will be followed by an
informal reception. On Wednesday
night the first recital by the mem-
bers of the School of Music faculty
will be given in ill Auditorium.
Another scientific lecture will be
given on Friday afternoon when a
demostration of scientific and fancy
glass blowing will be shown by Prof.
E. P. Barker and Frank Schaefer. On
Friday night, Prof. R. D. T. Hollister
of the public speaking. department
will give' a lecture recital on George
Eliot's "Silas Marner" in the audi-
torium of University Hall

Pioneer Airman Honored As Doctor
of Science; Willa Cather Is
Litt D.
Honorary degrees, 12 in number
were bestowed upon prominent men
and women at the eightieth annual
commencement exercises held at
Ferry Field this morning. Members
of the University faculty presented
the degrees in Law, Letters, Art, and
Science to the recipients following
the presentation of diplomas to the
graduating classes of the University.
Letters were represented by the
white haired poet laureate of Eng-
land, Robert Bridges, by Willa Cath-
er, author of "One of Us", and Kath-
arine Holland Brown; Art, by Fred-
erick A. Stock, director of the Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra and com-
poser; and Science, by Orville
Wright, pioneer among airplane in-
ventors and pilots, and Thomas Hunt
Morgan in the field of Zoology.
Others were there like Wilberforce
Eames, honored for his research into
the early lives of the American col-
onists; Glenn Frank, editor, and
Rosseau Angelus Burch, whose posi-
tion on the Kansas Supreme Court
has made him a figure in the middle
Names of the 12 men and women
upon whom honorary degrees were
conferred, and the degrees given, fol-
Rosseau Angelus Burch (LL.D.),
graduate of the University of Michi-
gan. Since 1892 justice of the Su-
preme Court of Kansas. Resident,
Wilberforce Eames (LS.D.), Biblio
grapher and librarian. Authority on
books and pamphlets dealing with
early American history. Residence,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Robert Bridges (LL.D.), Poet Laur-
eate of England. Authority on lyric
poetry and champion of purity in
English speech.
Alex Dow (Doctor of Engineering).
Head of the Detroit Edison Company,
Orville Wright (Doctor of Engin-
eering). With his brother, Wilbur
Wright, first man to fly in heavier
than air machine. Inventor of con-
trols used on all fiing machines to-
day. Residence, Dayton, Ohio.
Miss Willa ;Siebrt Cather (bitt.
D.). Newspaper woman, formerly an
editor of McClure's magazine.
Author of "My Antonio," and "One
of Us." Residence, New York City.
Glenn JFank (L.H.D, Doctor of
Humane Letters). Editor of Century
[Magazine. Residence, New York City.
Thomas Hunt Morgan (Sc.D.). Zoo-
logist. Especially noted for research



Marion Leroy Burton
President Burton today, in the
name of the University of Michigan,
presented 1,800 seniors with degrees
prom the University. This is the
fourth class to receive their diplomas
from the hand of President Burton,
and the eightieth to graduate from
the University.


Despite the rain that threatened to fall, Michigan's eightieth annual
conmencement was held in Ferry Field as it was intended, and the larg-
est class of the University received their diplomas from the hands of Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton at the stand erected in the gridiron this morning.
More than 1800 young men and women were graduated this morning, and
are now of the vast body of Michigan Alumni. Class by class, they took
their places in the South bleachers of historic Ferry Field, and class by
class they marched upon the platform to receive their various degrees
from the University.
The impressive and dignified pro cession that attends all conmnence-
ments preceded the Commencement proper. With all the pageantry and
pomp of the Middle Ages the long lines of graduates and faculty members
collected on the walks of the campus, and the bright colors of the hoods,
the gowns from foreign universities, the sombre black of the graduate's
gown, the flying colors, the strains of the band, all led solemn grandeur
to the procession. Moving out past Alumni Memorial Hall, and down the
hill to Ferry Field, the graduates, the faculty and lastly the distinguished
guests, wound their way to the Field.
Glenn Frank Speaks
The faculty and guests found places on the platform.
Glenn Frank, the brilliant young editor of Century Magazine was the

Mason P. Rumney of Detroit
Read Association; Chapin


Mason P. Rumney of Detroit was
re-elected president of the Alumni as-
sociation of the University of Michi-
gan at the annual meeting of the
board of directors today following the
annual meeting of the association.
At the meeting of the alumni as a
group Roy D. Chapin of Detroit and
Stanley McGraw of New York were
elected directors at large..
Chapin was re-elected first vice-
president of the association and Dr.
G. Carl Huber, Ann Arbor, was again
chosen as second vice-president.
Other officers re-elected included:
Louis P. Jocelyn, Ann Arbor, secre-
tary; Robert A. Campbell, Ann Ar-
bor, treasurer; Wilfred B. Shaw, Ann
Arbor, general secretary, and Hawley
Tapping, Ann Arbor, field secretary.
The directors of the association in-
clude: Roy D. Chapin, Detroit;
Charles Baird, Kansas City, Mo.;
Stanlbey McGraw, New York; Fitz-
hugh Burns, St. Paul, Minn.; Thomas
Clancy, Ishpeming; Mrs. Elsie J.
Cooley, Ann Arbor; Henry W. Doug-
las, Ann Arbor; Oliver W. Perrin,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Emory Hyde, New
York; Victor R. Jose, Indianapolis,
Ind.; Carl C. Kusterer, Grand Rapids;
Howard I. Shepherd, Cleveland; Wil-
liam D. McKenzie, Chicago, Ill.;
John B. Miller, Los Angeles, Calif.;
I Mrs. Frances H. Moore, Benton Har-
bor; Stuart H. Perry, Adrian; Allen
B. Pond, Chicago, Ill.
College Honors
Harding's Widow
Gambier, Ohio, June 15.-The de-
gree of doctor of laws, conferred upon
the late President Harding but never
actually received by the president,
was today conferred upon his widow
as a part of the program in the ob-
servance of the centennial of Kenyon
college here. In the presence of noted
educators and alumni from many
places President William F. Peirce of
Kenyon college criticized in his bacca-
laureate sermon the tendency toward
"softness" in educational curricu-

Nine To Help Relieve Dearth Of
Dentists In British
Michigan will supply the dearth of
dentists in the British colonies. Nine
students from South Africa are in-
cluded in the 1924 graduating class of
the dental college. Immediately fol-
lowing their graduation they will leave
for various points in South Africa, to
establish practices.
Sent to America on scholarships,
these young men have attended uni-
versities for five years , or more in
order to provide South Africa with
experts in a science in which Ameri-
ca has taken a leading role. They
were selected in their native country
because of outstanding personalities
and scholastic ability. Their work at
Michigan, according to instructors in
the dental school, has justified the ex-
pense the government has incurred in
sending them here.
Had No Vacations
Vacations have never existed for
these men. The several thousand
miles which separated them from their
homes made it impossible for them to
return, and with the exception' of a
few who have made one trip back,
all have been in Ann Arbor for the
entire five years.
Johann Rorich, whose home is in
Kroonstad, South Africa, has been the
outstanding example of the reward to
an industrious student. Rorich has
worked his way entirely through Mich-
igan and at the same time has gained
popularity as a singer and athlete.
Captain of the Michigan tennis team
for two years, Rorich has proved in
competition that he is one of the best
tennis players in the middle west.
His work this year has aided Michi-
gan in her conquest for conference
honors. His absence from the confer-
ence tournament at Chicago in May
was felt by his teammates, Brick and
Hodgeman, who lost out in the pre-
Chinese, Japanese, India, and Dutch
are learning dentistry in great num-
bers at universities of this country.
Most of them have been sent by their
governments on scholarships and are
under obligation to return to their
native land. No such obligation has
been imposed in the South Africans
who graduate this month from Michi-
gan but almost every one of his own
will has elcted South Africa as his
place for practicing.

speaker of the day. For an hour, the
vast audience that filled the stadium
was held in close attention by the
young speaker who plead for a stal-
wart facing of the problems of the
In the beginning of his address, Dr.
Frank declared that knowing all the
rules that govern the ancient ritual of
commencement addresses, he desired
to break all of them, first because he
was not essentially older than the
youths he addressed and secondly be-
cause "certainly today there are
forces and tendencies marching
through the world with seven league
boots -making history while we wait,
forces and tendencies which, unless
they are mastered by disciplined in-
telligence, may, despite our private
virtues and personal vitalities, pick
up our personal careers and break
them as if they were pipe stems."
"To man as an animal, food, cloth-
ing and shelter may be the most im-
portant things in the world," Dr.
Frank continued, "but to man as an
intellectual and social being, the three
most important things in life are edu-
cation, religion and politics.
Politics, when divorced from educa-
tion and religion becomes a poor and
petty thing. The statesman is more
than a juggler of post-office appoint-
ments, more than the astute engineer
of a party machine. When he rises to
the nobler conception of politics, the
statesman is the impresario of the
collective life of his people. He gives
voice to their inarticulate aspirations.
He lures all of the specialisms of
scholars and preachers and bankers
and business men and labor leaders
and farmers out of their airtight com-
partments and welds them into a
fighting fraternity for the common
good. Obviously this field of politics
in which all the rich and radiant hu-
man faces of a nation meet cannot be
considered apart from the fields of
education and religion.
I want to suggest that today, out
of these three fields-education, relig-
ion and politics-are coming three
challenges that the educated men and
women of Western civilization must
meet if we are to change the twilight
of a new Dark Ages into the dawn
of a new Rennaissance. And these
three challenges, as I see it are:
First, the challenge to make the
university free.
Second, the challenge to make the
church pacific.
Third, the challenge to make the
state realistic."
The success or failure of the demo-
cratic experiment on this continent
will ultimately be decided in our
schiools, declared Dr. Frank. Magnifi-
cent housing and large attendance at
universities will not dictate right
course for a democracy or determine
its actions. "Universities that teach
(Continued on Page Two)

in the field of
Residence, New

development of life.
York City.

Miss Katharine Holland Brown
(M.A.) Author. Residence, Quincy,
Frank Cody (M.A.) Superintendent
of Detroit Public Schools. Residence,
Miss Bina M. West (M.A.) Organiz-
er of Women's Benefit Association of
Macabees. Residence, Port Huron,
Frederick A. Stock (Mus.D.) Direc-
tor of Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Composer. Residence, Chicago.
New York, June 13.-The federal re-
serve bank of New York has reduced
its rediscount rate from 4 per cent.to
3 1-2 per cent, effective June 12.

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