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July 20, 1923 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-20

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blished -every morning except Monday
tgthe. summer' session.
mber of the Associated Press. The As
te Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of al news dispatches
ted to it or not otherwise credited in
paper and the local news published here-
tered' at the postoflice, Ann Arbor,
igan, as second class matter.
bscription by carrier or mail, $.o.
ices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
mmunications, if signed as evidence of
faith,4 will be published in The Summer
at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
d communications will receive no con-
tion Tbe signature may be omitted in
catiosi if desired by the writer. The'
trer Daily does not necessarily endorse
entiments expressed in the communica-
Telephones 2414 and i76-W
Rditor............Wiliam Stoneman-
Editors ........, y
Robert QGI amsay.
an Davis Ada Pheps
aret Geddes Andrew E. Propper
Heraper Regina Reichman
hy Mitts Margaret Stuart
a Moran Lucy Tolhurst
Telephone 96
eising ..............Hiel M. Rockwell
cation'r....,.......... L. Pierce
nts ........A. S. Morton
lation ........ ....John C. Hskin
beth Bartholomew George tracke
rine S. Griffiths John A. Barrett
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1923
ght Editor-N. MORRIS DAVIS
Othe has often wondered whether
igan knows what tradition in the
dest sense really means. The
Igest ties between the present and
past in all institutions of learn-
comes through the structures
h house the activities of genera-
after generation of students.
re' we have nothing which re-
s memories of the pioneer insti-
>n of the '40's and little which even
ses thoughts of the latter portion
ur first half' century of existence
true, we have our University Hall
its wings, long out of date. They
the landmarks of a great Univer-
yet they mean nothing to us.
r are cold, ugly structures devoid
ny sentimental attachment to the
-except ag and ivy.
en Smythe asks himself whf it is
there a'e no appealing evidences
he past here, here at a school al-
a hundred years old. He finds
answer in the fact that Michigan
ist building her campus for. the
time, that it has never been real-
rmanence and beauty have only
t among the motivating influences
anning the University for the past
m years. Alumni Memorial Hall
the first structure to embody the
Ities which will some day malt
s a landmark of "old Michigan."
buildings which are going up so
dly on the campus will weather.
strains of time and in years to
e, stand out as the first buildings
e University.
adition, insofar as it involves
lings, is in its infancy here. The
rn, the libraries, the new Law club,
the Women's League; these will
lhe centers of Michigan tradition
ie future. Imagine for a moment,

ap-room of the Union after hund-
years, the library shelves after a
ury or so. If you can visualize
e, it will not be hard to see where-
ur future love of the past shall
>litical machinery is nothing un-
non in this part of the world,
such an organizaton as exists in
Mexico, and which recently
ght suit against the editor of one
heir newspapers, Carl C. Magee,
ie New Mexico State Tribune, on
barge of criminal libel and con-
t of court is an unusual and ex-
ely rare example of what might
'e the ruination of this country
Aitical rings ever succeeded to ex-
Lye power.
agee has for several years been
ng to thwart the activities of the
ndo Romero ring through his
ication but the complete control
h they exercise over the affairs
he state has brought him into
t several times and always with
result of conviction. He was in-
ed enonymously in San Miguel
ty, the center of the. gang's ac-
n.ong the outstanding evils of the
ent system is the frequency of
'ictions for critical utterances

iate indictment,. and conviction in-
variably followed within three or four
days. Such suppression of public sen-
timent is the surest way to bring
personal interests into control of com-
mual affairs. Without full freedom of
the press in a section so populated by
foreigners, easily influenced by the
underhand ring-leaders of political
machines, nothing short of gross neg-
lect of the government can be ex-
Magee stood by to the last for free-
dom of the press and in the light of
the shady aspect of his recent con-
viction on two charges, the Governor
of New Mexico pardoned him within
two days after he had ben sentenced
to a year's imprisonment in tne state
penitentiary. Impeachment of the of-
fice holders belonging to this polit-
ical ring has been threatened through
a petition which is now being circulat-
ed but the dMficulty of such. action
almost prohibits its success. Our im-
peachment statutes have often urged
greater discrimination before taking
such drastic action but cases of this
sort would be more easily solved if
the laws for removal from office were
not so cumbersome and ineffectual.
A PROF told us the other day that
no gy could fool him twise on the
same game. There's plenty of other"
games, though.
* * r
Today's Winner of the Gooseflesh
Prize to Colliclh Comnics -"
Little Miss Rounder
Sat at a counter,
Eating a chocolate parfait;
Then a cake-eating fool
Took the very next stool,
And soon he had two checks to pay.
Pitt Panther.
Dear Doctor Tarik: Something
happened in my fizzix class the other
day which you should certainly hear
how I fooled my prof and all. The
prof asked the class if anyone knew
anything abouP Violet Rays. Gee, but
I put one over on him. I know all
about dat goil, but I wouldn't tell.
Inlait Morns.,
Historical Notes
Dere Readers of the Colymn, today
marks twenty years that have flew
desprittly by sints that famus day
when Patrick O'Brien, representative
from Bulgaria, and I, singed The De-.
claration. of Appendikitus in the
basement of Buckingham Palace, yes-
sir, that we did. '
Loil citizens I wish to say that the
day the Declaration of Appendikitus
is ruptured will be a sad day for our
onhappy country. Let the situation
be ever so acute', 'operations should
not be resorted to. Bare this in rhind
wen you vote in Nov. and if possi-
ble elect my colleague of the nobil-
ity, Sir Tom Lovell. As ever,
Sir Ignat.
Sambo-Does you-all know any-
thin' bput astronomy?
Rastus-Man, I sho' does that same,
an' nothin' else but!
Sambo-Well, den, how much is two
a' two?
Rastus-Brudder, dat ain't astron-
omy, dat's geology. .
Sambo-It's a wonder you knew it.
L. X. S.

which does not function during Sum-
mer session.
This plan is by no means a novel
one at the University, but has been
carried out for several years during
summer school with a marked degree
of success. The tennis tourneys have,
in past years, been conducted by Dr.
George A. May and George Moe, and
as many as 50 or 60 entrantsnhave
participated in them. These match-
es have proven to be of much inter-
est and enjoyment to all participants
and the co-operation of the students
again this summer will insure their
being reinstated immediately.
It is also desirous to run off a horse-
shoe pitching contest this summer, if
enough entrants can be received, Any-
one interested should call Hal Gess-
ner at 732.
R. H.
A Vicious Circle
Signor Mussolini has evidently de-
cided that there is something rotten
in Italy. Each day brings a new edict
for the extirpation of one thing or an-
other. First it is decreed that the
newspapers shall print nothing that
is untrue, or at least nothing that is
unsatisfactory to the government.
Now comes another announcement
that "no games which savor either
openly or secretly of gambling" will
'be permitted. It is a reform niove-
ment very much like the one that
swept over this country after the ex-
citment of war days had subsided.
The pendulum swings back and forth.
War and its immediate aftermath
brings- a desire to escape from the
realities and hardships of existence.
Then comes the morning after with
a brown taste and a desire for reform.
The saddest part of the whole af-
fair is the short memory of the pub-
lic. Wear and the consequences are
soon forgotten. Then comes the
'growth of arrogance, selfishness, and
pride, followed by more wars, more
,disasters, and more sorrows.
The Maine's Commander
Rear Admiral Charles D. Sigsbee,
the third of a great triumvirate of
Spanish-American War naval com-
manders, has passed on to the im-
mortal realm of everlasting fame. As
commander of the ill-fated battleship
Maine and later as' captain of a mer-
cantile ship transformed for use as
a scouting vessel during the strategic
"bottling up" of Cervera's fleet in San-
tiago Bay, he gained renown for his
It was not as a sailor, however, that
Admiral Sigsbee did his greatest ser-
vice for the country. His inventions
for use in deep-sea cruising and for
exploration of the sea bottom are great
sources of good to the government in
time of peace as well as war. Admir-
al Sigsbee was a sailor who knew his
boats and men, as well as the seas on
which he sailed.
Pulling the Trigger
A patrolman in New York saw Wil-
liam Halloran draw a pistol from his
pocket and level it on his temple.
The shot rang out just as the officer
arrived o the spot. Halloran drop-
ped. The patrolman called an ambul-
ance and when doctors arrived on the
scene they found burns on the man's
temple but no bullet hole. The would-
be suicide had inadvertently used a
blank cartridge.
There is no doubt, however, that

Halloran must have suffered a tense
moment. Having planned to take his
'life, he pulled the trigger and figured
that all was over. It was death for
him just before the moment of realiza-
tion. A weaker person might actually
have been killed by the simple act of
pulirig the trigger. The istate of
,mind, the shot, and the burning of
the powder on his temple were realis-
tic enough to have killed many a man.
Halloran was lucky.

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JI .GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal

cial operations as have been revealed.
in the past will no longer be possible.
We trust that the supervision to be
exercised by the bursar's office will be
more than a perfunctionary audit and
elimination of illegal payments from
funds. Such an audit, it is much to
be regretted, will often be necessary.
There have been rumors and revela-
tions of shady"ldealings in the conduct
of class and campus affairs in the
past that would scarcely pass in day-
Supervision of these accounts by
members of the bursar's staff would
eliminate any dishonesty. but they
should do even more than this. The
amount of money wasted in student
enterprises of various, sorts far ex-
ceeds what is lost through dishonesty.
It is in eliminating this waste that the
business office can do its greatest ser-
The University is to receive two
percent of all receipts in return for
handling the finances of the affairs.
That should be sufficient to pay for
more than perfunctory supervision. It
is only by exercising strict and intel-
ligent supervision that the Univer-
sity employes assigned to the work
can give to the activities the. full
measure of success which should come
out of the plan.
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Read The Daily "Classified" Columns




Advanced Fall Modes


GOSH, thets a hot one,
wrong, its rithmoticky.

they're both

During the past week an attempt
has been made to start a program of
various summer sports for the, benefit
'of summer school students, this pro-
gram to include all sports adapted to
tjais time of the year, such as tennis,
horseshoe and indoor baseball. As yet
little interest has been shown among
the student body and unless more en-
trants are received within the next
few days the plan will have -to be
abandoned, according to Dr. George
A. May of the department of physical
Entries are especially requested at
once for a proposed tennis tourna-
ment, in both the singles and doubles,
Because of the length of time required
to run off a long series of such events,
the first round of matches must be
played early next week. Prizes will
be awarded to the winners in both
events, the entrance to which can be
made at Moe's Sport Shop, at 711
North University avenue. A nominal
fee of 20 cents will be charged each
entrant to provide for the prizes sinle
these summer sports are run separate
fr-m th Tnt -mi nI-l 4 -rt on

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(Daily Illini)

Hectic financial operations of stu-
dent enterprises Will be put to an end
by the action of the student activity
committee -In proposing the placing
of control of these finances in the
hands of the bursar's office. Students
spend thousands of dollars on their
dances, and other entertainments
every year. The affairs have grown
so multifarious and complex that
some expert supervision is necessary.
The bursar's office, which success-
fully oversees the payment of money
from University funds, is naturally
the agency best suited to such a task
Under the supervision of the trained
clerks and accountants in the Univer.
sity business office, such loose -finan-

A VING kept silence so long, Paris permits us at last to partake in her secret
of what will be worn this Autumn. She gives us only a hint, it is true, but
at least, she raises the curtain a bit to reveal the fascinating mysteries behind it.
The silhouette of a gown. The flare of a sleeve. The cut of a collar, or its ab-
scence-the first of the new Paris fashions awaits a call from you! Their French
accent is unmistakeable,



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