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July 08, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-08

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XIV. No. 14




illoon Said to be Afloat on Lake Erie;'
All Other Entrants Account-
ed For1

New York Company
To Present Plays
Opening a three day, stand next
Thursday with Shakespeare's "Merch-
ant of Venlep," the Shakespeare Play-
house company of New York, will pre-
sent four plays in the campus open air
theater, under the auspices of the Eng-
lish department. The three other
plays, which will be given Friday and
Saturday, are Jerome's "Passing of the
Third Floor Back," Shakespeare's "As
You Like It," and Shaw's "Candida."
Old students remember with pleas-
ure the past performances in the cam-
pus open air theater, where in form-
er years the Ben Greet pllyers gave
Shakespearean performances. Shakes-
peare's plays are peculiarly adapted
to outdoor presentation, inasmuch as
one of them, "As You Like It," is act-
ed almost entirely in the Forest of
Arden, and all of them were first giv-
en with anything but elaborate scen-
In case of rain the plays will be
presented in University Hall.

Public School Fetish In The
EDI'TORIAL British Educational System
NOTHING FOR NOTHING English Student Tells How ArA.toraty Controls Primary Schools, Eton and
n f tHarrow; Offspring of Royal Families Registerd at Birth;
Strivig for the universal ideal of - Public School Training, "hall-mark of elucation"



Indianapolis, Ind., July 7.-(By A.
P.)-Airmen of the United States army
today took u the search for the two
naval officers, Lieuts. L. J. Rith and
T. D. 1!ull, who have not been heard
from since they sailed frpm here last
Wednesday m a giant gas bag, the
United States navy No. A-6698, as con-
testant in the national balloon race.
The search centered about Fort Stan-
ley, Ontario; it was here where a bal-
loon was cited floating in Lake Erie
with the basket submerged. The other
twelve entrants in the race have been
accounted for all having landed many,
hours ago.
Lieutenants Ross and Null are from
the naval station at Lake Hurst, New
The last word was learned today by
H. 1E. Honeywell, pilot of the "St..
Louis,' headed. toward Lake Erie on-
Thursday. Honeywell, wh brought
his balloon to the ground at Bronson,
New York, said the naval aircraft was
far below him and being carried by a
different current from the lake. Ue
declared a terrific storm approached
and he lost sight-of the other craft in
a fog.
The Woman's Educational club will
hold Its second meeting of the sum-
mer session at 7 o'clock Monday, July
9, at Adelia Cheever house. The pro-
gram will consist of singing of Mich-
igan songs led by Mr. George Oscar
Bowen of the Universaity School of'
Music, :a brief talk by Mr. Ralph Pur-
dom of the School of Education, and
a "stunt" by the Adelia Cheever
house group of the club. An "Organ-
grinder" with his performing monkey
will be present to take a small col-
lection for the use of the club.

Property gwners oi State and Oak-
land Strets Carry Cases to Su-
preune 'Coirt
Decision is pen ling in the Supreme
cou#$ at LIapsing as the outcome of
the suit waged between property own-
ers of State street and Oahla d ave-
nue an4 the Uiversity, copcerning
the purchase of lands for the site of
the fgw lab. The case went to the
#upreme equrt o an appeal from the
circuit court here; anl was argued
there first o .une 19, Decision will
probably be rendered in the uea3r tu-
Excavation of that land which was
bought by the University is now un"-
der way, but the work is held up by
the fact that certain property owners
refused to sell their land at the figure
stated by the jury here as a suitable
price. In each ease, according to
Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the
University, the price offered was at
least twice that of the assessed value
of the house. Two land owners on
State street, apd thre on Oaland
avepue have taker the ce into the
Supreme paurts.

world peace, Edward W. Bok has offer-
ed prizes amounting to $100,000 for the
best plan submitted to secure amicable
relations, permanently throughout the
world. This of course may be called
another hollow bubble of idealism by
those who fatalistically consider this
planet one of endless struggles and
conflicts. To any one who sincerely
looks forward 0 the day when "the
lion and the laT-ib shall lie down to-,
gether" this aspiration is the most
sacred thing in the world.
In making his offer, Mr. D.oh demon-
strated that his purpose was not mere-
ly to get an idea for the settlement
of international conflicts, but to get a
worliable one. He stated that $50,000
would be paid the originator of the
plan upon the selection of the winner,
and that the final $50,000 would be
remaitted when either the nation or
congress evidenced their support by
popular or congressional ballot.
Thus, the donor puts the entire cit-
izenship of the country in a position to
approve the winner of his award and
to sanction the furthering of the pro-
posed- measure. Already plans have
been submitted1, and they are decided-
ly worth considering.
An econompist has suggested that the
nations of the world buy their peace
through the cancellation of foreign
loans. 'The majority of national au-
thorities on the country's financial
status would not hoot an incessant
stream of reasons why such an attack
at the problem would be impractical.
In all probability they would be cor-
rect but they should bear in mind, just
as all.others will have to, that if peace
is to be secured, we will have to pay
our share in obtaining it.
Nothing is ever permanently secur-
ed without some sacrifice. Peace. in-
terminable peace. cannot be

The English public school, which
must be carefully distinguished from
the American institution bearing thel
same name, places the hall-mark of
education- upon the English youth.
In this country the term is applied
literally to any school supported by
public funds. To us it means some-
thing fundamentally different as our
public schools are independent of out-
side interests. The English are very
proud of their schools and are possi-
bly inclined to attach too much im-
portance on attendance at them. Ev-
ery parent, who can afford to do so,,
sends his boys to a public school and
he will deny himself many little lux-
uries to give his boy this privilege.
He is fully aware of the weight that
is attached to the bare statement of
attendance at a certain school and how
the boy's future employer will look
upon it. A business man will adver-
tise far a public school boy, it is use-
less for any other to apply; in a
regiment the colonel will ask the new-
ly-joined officer what his school is;
In club circles and at Oxford and Cam-
bridge that is the eternal question on*
first acquaintance; the fetish extended
to my military college and was per-
haps worse because those who were
public school boys looked askance at
those who were not, and who were,
ipso facto, of another/ class. One of
our characteristic attitudes is not to
do anything which will be considered'
'bad form" or "not done." The basis
of this is inground at school and, so
thoroughly is it learned, that one nev-
er forgets. I am at present doing
things which would positively shock
the people at home and which, I must
confess, I dare not do there, due to my,

Booklet By Member Of1845,
Class Given To University
Mathematical Treatise by Edmund Fish, '45, Presented by Friends;
Was Only Member of Class Present at
Last Reunions

(By J. C. Heraper)

_________________. early training.
Our best known public schools are
ADYT IRIE Eton and Harrow, which stand out
Again we are reassured that the sole preeminent from the remainder by
motive behind the French activities, in virtue of their historical associations,
the Ruhr is to assure Fraice that the social position and size. The boys are
original amount set as the reparations recruited from the royal family of
figure will be paid. Whether or not England and frequently of other for-
the French authorities are devoid of eign countries, and from the wealth-
any malcioils intent toward their late test classes as no poor man could af-.
enemnies, they are working havoc in ford to send his boy to either. There
every phase of qerman life, eliminat- are so many additional items necess-
ing all; possibilities of recuperation ary, besides the actual tuition fees
form the ialadies which accompany and living expenses, that a sum of
war. $1,500 would not be an extravagant
The marl falls, falls, and falls estimate for the minimum, annual up-
again, Industrial conditions grow keep of each, boy. One of the feat-
worse every day. Impositions of ures of London's social round is the
French troops increase every hour Eton and Harrow cricket match at
Then the world wonders why the Ger- Lords criket ground, when all the best
'mans break their mood of passive re- known members of English society
sistance and bomb railroad trains, assemble. Old Etonians and Harrow-
The letter received recently by Dean ians are represented in every walk of
*Kraus, of the Summer session, from life, members of the houses of parlia-
a professor at the University of Tued- ment, highly placed army and naval
ingen bears out the fact that Germany officers, cabinet members, officials from,
is not only imperiled economically the varions services at home and inI
and politically, but morally and intel- the colonies. Admission. to the two
ligently as well. With professorial schools is difficult, the usual practice
salaries sq siall that one can hardly is to enter a boy's name at birth on
make , living and the impetus for the school waiting list, and then, when
constructive scientific work entirely he reaches the age of 14, there will be
lacking, the great German universities a vacancy for him.
are doomed to failure unless the coun- The other public schools keep up
try is soon reestablished on a firm,|similar traditions but they have not
sane basis, the same standards. Wv get, again, a
The great professorial class in Ger- slight air of condescension from thei
many is dying out. These men who !Eton and Harrow' schools towards
once inspired the greatest minds of their smaller and lesser-known broth-
.the world are being forced out of their ers, similar to the condescension
work by dire need for a meagre liv- shown by *all of them to non-public
ing. In this letter the professor schools.
speaks pessimistially of the future. He Their expenses are not so high and
feels that "the future of intellectual it is possible to send a boy to one for
Germany is problematical and the end the sum of $750 to $1,000 yearly.
of intellectual Germany is unavoidable The product of the public schools
-unless we are given our freedom." enter the field of politics, or goes to
If the thinkers of Germany - are the university or into the army or
(Continued on Page Two) the business world. Here we have an

illustration of the attitude of not do-
ing anything which is "bad form."
There are certain professions which
may be entered and others which must
be shunned like a plaue. A profes-
sion must be one which would be term-
ed in America a "white collar" job,
a gentleman would not soil his hands.
I can give an extreme example of
this attitude to work from my own
home town in England, where a man I
am acquainted with is not permitted
to do any work as it is '7beiieth a gen-
The World .war has done a lot to-
wards dispelling this public school at-
titude to life. Many men enlisted in
the ranks and served cheek to cheek
with the man from the streets and fac-
tories and each had time to appreciate
the others qualities.
The necessity of being, a public
school man is not so great, the bar-
rier is being broken down and a man
has to prove his worth rather than de-
pend on his public school education to
get him a job.
Group Under Direetion of C. 0. Saner
Study Topography of
Thirty Michigan students are en-,
rolled in the University geological
caip which is situated at Mill Springs
on the upper Cumberland river near
the edge of the Cumberland Plateau,
in Eastern Kentucky. The extrene di-
versity of geologic and gographic
conditions in thi sparticular locality
offers the student an area rich in field,
problems, according to those in charge.1
En route the class stopped off for a,
few days at the famous Blue Grass
region. Just now the students are
engaged in an intensive survey of the
country about Mill Springs. .During
the last two weeks of the field
course the camp will move eastward
over the Cumberland mountains into
Tennessee passing through Nashville,
Knoxville, and Chattanooga, then
further to the eastward into North
Prof. C. O. Sauer, of the department
of.geography, is in charge of the camp
which is open to all students who have
had elementary work in either geo-
graphy or geology. The course closes
July 19'
Phi Dela Kappa
To Hold Reception
The members of the faculty and
the active members of Phi Delta Kap-
pa will give a reception to the out of
town .and visiting field members on
Wednesay, July 11.
The annual initiation of new mem-
bers will take place July 25, and will
be followed by a banquet. Many
prominent men in the educational
circles of Ohio, -Chicago, and other
near by universities are expected to
be present.,
League Social Chairman Appointed
Katy Amonette, '24, llas been ap-
pointed social chairman of the Wo-
men's league. She succeeds Grace R.
Doughty, '23.


Leaders of the Farmer-Labor party
who fought against affiliation with the
Federated Farmer-Labor party in the
face of a split in their own ranks, said
their party was "freed of a red men-
ace and on its feet stronger than ever
in pursuit of indep~ndent politcal sat-
f The Federated Farmer-Labor party
welcomed to its ranks the delegates
who bolted the Farmer-Labor conven-
tion and elected five of them to its ex-
ecutive committee.
Both Parties to Enter
Both parties prepared to launch pro-
grams of intensive activity, leading' to
individual platforms and president-
ial candidates in 1924.
The date of the party's nominating
convention, will be fixed later. The
constitution of the federated party
calls for a nominating convention in
December and January and it will
send invitations to coming labor con-
ferences to unite with it, leaders said.
Oppose "Dictator"
John Fitzpatrick, president of the
Chicago Federation of Labor, and Rob-
ert M. Buck, Chicago labor leader and
editor, with the Illinois unit led the
fight against affilitation with the Fed-
erated party. "We want political bet-
terment for the workers and farmers,
but we want control through the bal-
lot in our owni ranks asd not from
a dictatorship in Russia" declared
Attention is called by the Summer
session administration to the fapt
that the 5 o'clock lectures which are
scheduled in the summer school cat-
alogue for tomorrow and Tuesday of
this week have been changed. The
latest bulletins of the session carry'
the correct statement of the lectures.
At 5 o'clock on Monday afternoon
in the Natural science auditorium,
C. S. Meek, superintendent of schools
in Toledo, will speak on "The Teach-
ers' Participation in School Poli-
tics". Every year it is the custom of
the Summer session to bring to the
city prominent educators to speak on
problems vital to the teacher. Mr.
Meek is one of the foremost educat-
ors in the .country. Educated at Co-
lumbia, he became superintendent of
public schools at Boise, Idaho. Later
he served as superintendent of schools
at Madison, Wis., at the same time
acting as professor of educational ad-
ministration in the University of Wis-
consin. Two years ago he was called
to Toledo where he has been superin-
tendent of Public schools since.


Coniienratives Oppose Detatorshlp;
NI'ut Polif leal Control Through
Chicago, July 7.-(By A.P.)-Defeat-
ed in efforts to promote untiy of polit-
ical action among minority political
and industrial gro'ups, but well satia-
fled with results, Farmer-Labor party
and Federated Farmer-Labor party
delegates went home today, each party
intent on putting its finger in the 1924
political pie.

"Solution' of the Cattle Problem ofi
Archimedes" is the title of a little
brown paper booklet, the work of Ed-
mund Fish, '45, a member of the first
graduating class of the University,
which was received yesterday in the-
office of the President. The bookle
was sent by Mrs. S. B. W. Pursell,
of Chicago, whose son was an inti-
mate friend of the author.
In her letter Mrs. Pursell stated
that when he was nearly 80 years of
age Mr. Fish answered the call of
class re-unions and at the last two
that he attended, he was the only
nember of the class of 1845 present.
The little booklet which purports to
be a solution of the famous "cattle
problem" indicates that Mr. Fish was
fond of mathematics, and after ex-
pending much time and labor filling
pages with his neatly penned figures
he hid the result of his work bound

and it is this copy which is now in
the possession of the University. On
the cover is inscribed "Hillsboro
Mathematics Club, Hillsboro, Ill." and
the date "1893".
The mention of Pdmund fs s,5,
also discloses some interesting facts
with regard to the firs graduating
class of the University. There were
11 persons in the elass f 1845 who
graduated ad among them were only
four Michigan residents. Univeralty
records show that Mr. Fish received a
master of arts degree here in 1854.
He died April 20, 1904, at Hillsboro,
at the age of 80 years,
Alumnae Visit Here
Ralph N. DuBois, '22E, and Helen
Miller DuBois, '18, of Washington, D.
C., are in Ann Arbor visiting Mr. and
Mrs. William J. Miller of N. Fifth

SHAKESPEARE PLAYHOUSE presents in open air Campus Theatre, at POPULAR PRICES:

Thursday Night, July 12th, $:15 o'clock, Shakespeare's
"Merchant of Venice." .
Friday Night, July 18th, 8:15 o'clock, Jerome's "The
Passing of the Third Floor Back."

Saturday Afternoon, July 14th, 3:30 o'clock, Shakes-
peare's "As You Like It."
Saturday Night, at 8:15 o'clock, Shaw's "Candida."
Reserved seats, 75 cents; general admission, 50
cents. Reserved seats for four performances, $2.50.

Advance seat sale at Wahr's Book Store, State
street, begins at 9 A. M. Monday, July 8th.
In case of rain, performhances will be given in Uni-
versity Hall.


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