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July 06, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1923-07-06

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led every morning except
he summer session.
r of the Associated Press.
Press is exclusively entitled
republication of all news di
to it or not othenvlublis

A college graduate was recently re
fused a job in a laundry where the
t 1Q proprietor said, "We want practic
THE men." Evidently the laundry business
N is outside of the ken of an educated
One hundred twenty-one people
The As- have been killed, and 3,036 injured in
.to the
spatcies Detroit since the first of January.
The "human race" is the real speed

eet aere ,

classic of the world.

red at the postoflice, Ant Arbor,
an, as second class matter.
cription by carrier or mail, $1.30.
es: Ann Arbor Press Rilding.
munications, if signed as evidence of
aith, will be published in The Summer
at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
comnmunications will rceive no con-
on. The signature may be omitted in
tion if desird by the writer. The
r Daily does not rnecessarily endorse
timents expressed in the comtunica-
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
ditor ..............William Stoneman
Editorsr............dWard J. Higgins
kobert G, Ramsa.
i' Editor. .......Rosahe L. bre ngr
als.................Paul :4. Einsteint
etDavis Ada Phelps
ne eddes Andrew E. Proper
Iteraper 1Regina loeichrnan
y Mitts Margaret "Stuart
Moran Luicy 'rolliurst
Telephone 960
s n...........M......Mil M. Rockwell
iton .. .. .... ........1). .. Pierce
ts....................A. S. M10-oron
ion .............John C. Haskin
th Bartholo ta-ne helen Fir'etone
George Stracke
FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1923



The Smug Citizens q
erday the Nation celebrated In-
dent Day.. Several hundred
nd dtar Spangled Banners were
out o'f their camphor bags and
out from second story windows.
of fancy fire-works were ex-
L; a few hundred fingers were
I ad inutilated; the nation an-
w'as sung at least 5,000 ttimes,
r00 variations.; the Declaration
vpendence was reprinted in about
wspapers; and at least 1,000 dif-
versions of early American his-
ere related.
khe remainder of the year, the
and' self-satisfied citizens will
politicians-to,lead them. hither
ither by the nose; to hoodwink
to laught at them; and to make
ig down into almost empty poc-
or, more and more and still
But at least 50 million people
rfectly satisfied that they have
r'ed their duty as citizens for
ming year. All's well.
The Frst Printed Bible
utenberg Bible, the first Bible
I with movable type, was bought
American firm -of book dealers
3,350. This Bible is the first
4er printed and was issued at
est in 455, and published at
lMainz or Meyence in Germany,
timated that five years were re-
in the printi~ng and that eiglt
s were used for the work.
n Guetnberg first began to use
e type for printing his books
no idea that he was introducing
rnment that would change the
character of civilization within
entu'ries, Democracy, freedom
ech, public opinion, and indi-
snq made their first appearance
ed as movable type in a little
n print shop.I
Deflation .,
by, woke up this morning with
ache, a brown taste pnd a weary
on its face. The smile means
telby is a game little town even
it did lose $200,000 in the prize
ubble of Wednesday.
ral of the more important peo-
he little town have becone poor
a week by the financial 4fail-
the project. They thought that
portunity of a lifetime was be-
iem. The little prairie town
i everything it owned and pre-
:o receive the thousands in rev-
'om the fight fans.
>y was the victim of profession-
etics supreme. It paid $200,000
privilege of being host to sev-
Lousand "pugs" ex-barkeeprs,
pert pick-pockets.
land' Park celebrated the na-
holiday without a fatallity or an
t due to the use of fireworks.
° ruling prohibiting explosives

DID ANYONE notice the first line
in the fashion article on page 5 of
Wednesday's Denver Daily Disgrace:
"have you seen what a lot of simple
little things there' are In evening
gowns this summer?"
It reminds us of some co-eds we
know who might be called "a nice line
in simple cigarette holders."
Dear Tarik: II asked a fren wether
he had been 1to church last Sunday
morning and he requested to know if
his clothes lOoked as tho they had
been slept in. What could he have
meaned? L. M. S.
L. M. S.: perhaps....but oh! it
couldn't be.... yes.... he may have
slumbered in Church! Deplorable!
* * *
A Conversation Between Drinks
First Drunk: I shuspect that sa
shreet-car jus' pashed here.
Second: How can yuh tell ?
First Drunk: I can shee its traks.
Today's Winner of the Gooseflesh
Prize to Collich Comics
Christmas is comin'-oh, so quick!
If it don't hurry-I'U be sik!
Sandy Klaws knows I'm alive:
I'm just a little girl of. five.
An' Sandy will know the reason why
I am mussed up and .when I -cry.
But when he's gone-oh, deane me!
What a wild, wild woman I will be!
Orange Owl.
* * *
Last Minute Bulletin from Berlin
German beer today reached pre-
war strenlgth. As a result Herr Sch-
nitzelkooken was seen to reduce his
daily average from 147 to 140 steins."
'* * *
Dear Tarik: While in Detroit the
other day I saw the following sign:
"Chickens Running Loose and Riding
Bicycles on the Sidewalk Not Allow-
ed." Quite sumsity. Jawn
* *' *
WE ARE with you there Jawn.
They is to many laws and sech al-
ready. Respeck for law an' order ain't
wat it used to be back in Hillsberry,
that it ain't. Wyonly the other day I
heerd of a guy lefying the law of
gravitation. We sai yeither the law of
gravitation shouldn't have been passed
or else it should be repealed immed-
Humbug says, "If party dresses be-
come any more abbreviated, sorority
pins will have to be worn in the form
of stickers."
* * * ,
To many T-hounds will send any
good school to the dogs.
' * * *
Contribs! Contribs!
** .
It Has Been Rumor ed -
Thet they have one of the original
invitations to the Boston T-Party in
the ne wClements Library.
* * *

Speaking TxtBok
By Lee WJayh
New York, July 5.-Gotham is puz-
zled. Fifth avenue, Riverside drive
.and the East Side, seeking relief from
the unprecedented heat wave ,which G R A AM 'S
swept the city last week, had pre-
pared to put up their shutters, pull -
down their blinds and depart for Flor-
Look over the values In the classi.
ida, California and Coney Island re- him for you. . -Adv.
Patronize The Daily advertisers.
But now a brief spell of Indian sum-
er, tempered with ocean breezes an6.
cooling rains, has'made New York a DETROIT UNITES LINES
more pleasant vacation resort than TIo n a n
Tampa or Hollywood or the Island. (Easte n tandard Time)
Butter and ice cream do not melt Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
k - - :oo a.m., 7:eo amn., 8.oo a.i., 905
so quickly, mosquitoes have. hied a.m. and hourly to -0:o p.m. 9-
themselves to their rendezvous in the Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and
LJersey and Long Island swamps, fly every two hours to 9:47 p.m.
swatters are selling at greatly reduc- . Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.mf.
' ~and every two hours to 9 oo p.m.,
ed prices, and the percentages of ii:oo p.m.To Ypsilanti only -ii:40
fainting women in the Subway has de- P.mC., 1g:15Y.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
creased to its normal rate. Local Cars West Bound-7:0 a.m.,
Gotham is not to be fooled. Trunks, 12:soK.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo L Iim-
valises and camping kits are packed,, ited cars 5:4, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2.47,
ready to be carried away the moment 4:47 P.m.
To Jackson and Lansig - Liited
the thermometer begins its next as- at 8:47 p.m..
cent. New Fork is too wise to be
duped by the weather man. When
the sun's rays again heat the side-
walks of the city, vacationists will
make a hlirried exodus, while thous -
ands from Florida and California will Farmers & Mchanlcs
sub-rent the deserted houses and
apartments to spend the summer in Bi
the Bronx or Fifth avenue or Green-
wich Village.
Foreign ships were 'racing into New
York ports. Oe hour remained be- 1o-10 5. Main St. 330 s. State t
fore the zero hour set by the quota Nickel's Arcade
law. Greeks, Armenians, Italians,
Russians, Germans..all crowding the
ships' decks praying that their ves-
sel might be first, so that they might STUUNGTS
enter before the quota was filled.
On the docks stood two men, of
fashy dress and loud voice. They had 409 EAST JEFFERSON ST.
a crowd of anxious foreigners about
them, vtiting for relatives. They
were selling tickets which they pro-
claimed would admit all aliens to the
United States, quota law or no quota HOME COOKING
law. They posed as immigration of-
ficers, and were selling hundreds of SALADS - LUNCHES
tickets at $5 each to the gullible peo-
ple in the crowd.
Suddenly a flashlight played on the
faces of the two gold-brick salesmen,
and seeing a policeman in front of
them, they scattered their remaining
tickets to the foreigners and ran
through the crowd, disappearmng in the
darkened streets which border the
waterfront. -
He looked like a farmer. He wore a IS 'O
a wide, sun-bleached straw hat, smo2.
ed a corn-cob pipe and carried an um-
bella. As he passed the Woolworth M en s
building, a bright city yuth, winking
to his companions in front of a cigar with
store, crossed the street and ad-
dressed the passer-by.
"Say, pop,",he e'xclaimed, in friend-
ly tone, "wanta strike a good bargain?
Make you independent r esta your P
The old man slowly removed his
pipe from lhis mouth, switched the um-U
brella from right to 'left hand, and
peered over his spectacles at the
His lips moved slowly. "Hli'm. Bar-
gain, ha?"
"Beat thong y'ever seen," was the J
"What you got to sell?" rl h2
"That building there," replied the "
"real estate man," pointing to the $

Woolworth building. pi $2
"Hm.," the old man contemplated
for a moment, then replaced his corn-
cob in his mouth and switched the um- WHEN 01
brella back to his right hand. "Can't
sell me that building."
"Why not?"
"Bought it two years ago from a YOU ARE
man on the Bowery." The old man
walked away, while the crestfallen
youth returned to his laughing com-
panions.__Our C
Tennis Tourney Next Week
The (annual Summer session Ten-
nis tournament will 'begin next week.
Entries are now being taken for
singles and doubles at XMoe's sport-
ing goods store. The entry fee is 25
___t_. All Our Tw
Find that lost pin through the clas-
sified Ad" will find it for you.-Adv. (UR NTIRE S
WE WISH to announce
to the general public
that we are keeping open C M I
- - COME
this summer. We solicit e
your patronage. EARLY
M vird Street

and Supplies for

-Both Ends of the Diagonal
Daily Excursion to


One Round Trip $1.25 Sundays
8 o . Way (Return Same Day)'Holidays
Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m. (E. T.)
The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing-
grvsfor lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
Connections at Put-In-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside.
Daily to Sandusky
The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyTda. Fare--$1.50
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to CedarPoint
A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water-rival
to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels,
groves, and all outdoor amtusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Pointat 5p. mand Put-in-Ba at 7p. in.;
arrive beck in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-'Cedar Point, $1.50 round rip Put-in-
Bay, 80 cents.

Dancing Moofinghts
Leaves Detroit 8:45'p.m..
Fare, Wed, Thurs. 60c.,,Sat.
Sun. and Holidays. 75c.

Wrie forMap Folder
Asly usi



: - .-, -y...


Read The Daily Classified" Columr



and Boys' Clothing
rices down to where they can not be
ought at wholesale in the fall.

rk and - other Good ft7akes



R PRICES $25.00 TO $50:00, No/v

With a lot of prices in be-
wreen, $13.50 $15.004
18.75, $21.00, $24.00,
26.25, $30.00, $33.75.



me goin' to any of them ruff




Sereeii'- (tod iy

Arcade-"The' Man
Majestic - Wanda
"Master of Men."

Without a
Hawley in.

Orpheum-Owen Moore in "The
Poor Sim p"; Century comedy.
Wuerth-Tomn Mix in "Do and
Dare". Stan Laurel in "Under
Two Jags.

i tti
,y p


ildren's Department
vo-piece Suits 1-3 off

Boys' Suits with
Extra Knickers


- -Pml%
w w CID

Shi ge -This Week

At *Cost



Garrick (Detroit) - Bonstelle
company in "The Green, God-

Next to Wuerth Theatre


;aynsa, er


}t 'a

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