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July 06, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-06

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No. 12



..,,.._ -

ratic Floor Leader Denounces
Lack of Policy on Part of
hington, July 5. -(By A.P.) -.
causes for war In Europe exist
than in January, 1914, Senator
wood of Alabania, former Demo-
floor leader in the senate, de-
today in a statement reviewing.
ons as he found them during a
road. While he contended the
States must aid, Europe in ad-
its affairs, he asserted nothingt
direction could be accomplished
iing an international court of

Daring Aviator
In Record Flight


New York Shakespearean Cast
Will Appear Here Next Week

t t
Methuselah was the Bibical patri-
arch wha was said to have lived for
969 years. Doctors today predict that
during the next half century twenty
ye'ars will be added to man's average
life, and declare that the time "is
near at hand when it will not only be
'a crime to die of typhoid fever, but a
crime to die under 75 years of age of
diabetes, bright's disease, the various
cardiac vascular diseases, and possi-
bly cancer."
The wonders accomplished by med-
ical science cannot be fully appreciat-
ed until it is realized that the average
span of life has been increased from
20 years fi the sixteenth century, to
55 years at the present time.. This has
been due to the saving in the lives of
infants and children, the cutting in
half of the tuberculosis death rate,
and the better control of infectious
and contagious diseases. The next
step is the instruction of the public
'in intelligent living, and another twen-
ty years wil Tbe added to man's aver-
age life.
The question raised by these facts is
whether the mind of man is being
equipped for this longevity. A trav-
eller about to embark upon a long
voyage is careful to pack his trunk
so as to provide for all emergencies
and every comfort on the journey.
Surely ifman is to begin a 75 year
excursion upon the road of life, it is
just as important that he be equipped
with all the mental facilities for un-
derstanding such a long voyage.

Shakespearean repetoire and mod-
ern plays will*be offered by the Shakes-
peare Playhouse company, which will
present a three-day series of open-
air plays here Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday of next week. The plays are
given under the auspices of the Eng-
lish department of the University.
To Play in Amphitheater
The company will open its engage-
ment Thursday night with Shakes-
peare's "Merchant of Venice." Jer-
ome's "Passing of the Third Floor
Back," will be the Friday night offer-
ing. Shakespeare's "As You Like It,"
will be given Saturday afternoon, and
the engagement will close 'Saturday
night with George Bernard Shaw's
"Candida. '

ing comment on a performance given
there this season by the McEntee com-
Receives Commendation
"Last night's rain-fall, coming at the
most inopportune time, marred one
of the most, charming and artistic en-
tertainments which has been provided
Princeton's lovers of the drama dur-
ing recent years. Had it rained be-
fore Frank McEntee and his players
began their performance of "Hamlet"
in the quadrangle of Ithe graduate
college, tehe event would have been
postponed until tonight.
Previous to the disturbing elements,
the performance was a marked suc-
cess. The ghost scene, interpreted
according to the conception of Shakes-
peare's own 'time, was most effective.
The lighting affects, the accoustics, and
above all the architectural setting
were admiralbly suited to producing
the classic. It is to be hoped that the
University will soon have another op-
portunity of attending a play acted
by Mr. McEntee, Miss Kearns, and
their distinguished company."

Child in Automobile Hurled 50 Fee
Escapes With Few Cuts and
Rockford, Il., July 5.-(By A. P.)
-Five persons were killed, and
several injured ix a wreck on the
Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint
Paul railroad this evening, accord-
ing to' meager reports reaching
here. Several of the injured are
being brought to Rockford hos-
pital following a call for ambul.
ances sent here.
Adrian Mich., July 5.-(By A.P.)-
William Calhoun and Allen Robinett
Raisin township farmers, were i
stantly killed late tonight at a rat



Captain Lowell I. Smith
Capt. Lowell H. Smith! is one of the
daring airmen who in company with
Lieut. John B. Richter is attempting
to break all non-stop flying records.
Tour Will Include Visit-. to Gorge.
Goat Island, Cave of Winds
and Other Points

claring that nothing has been
by the United States to assert in
solution of European problems,
tor Underwood insisted that this
try could not escape its obliga-
If there is not war, he asserted,
vill, be solely bec'ause Europe is
cially and economically ex-
claring that government abroad'
most as uncertain and insecure
nance, Senator Underwood said
rarious governments wereexist-
;o save their faces without definite
ur governmental are seemed par-
d so far as help in that direc-
is concerned. We seem to be sil-
n respect to the affairs of Europe
ut a policy, without courage of
iction, without anything that goes
ake a man a man, or government
rernment. We seem to be just ob-
ng and addressing, at least so far
e public is allowed to know."

As in former years the plays will be
given on an open-air stage to be
erected on the campus between the
Library and Museum. Natural scen-
ery of green boughs will be used. The
benches, seating 1,000, will be brought
over from Tappan hall and the thea-
ter will be enclosed with canvas walls.
In th event of inclement weather in-
door arrangements will have been
Tickets on Sale Monday
The McEntee company comes to Ann
Arbor with virtually the same coterie
of players whose work won so much
commendation here last year. The
company includes, Elsie H. Kearns,
Charles Webster, Harry Noville, Fran-
ces Homer, P. J. Kelly, Edwin Cush-
mai, Gertrude Linnell, Leroi Operti,
and Henry Buckler, all of whom have
gained considerable recognition in his-
tronic cirples.
Tickets ?will be placed on sale Mon-
day, July 9, at Wahr's bookstore. Re-
served seats are 75 cents, and general
admission is 50 cents. Four tickets
may be purchased for $2.50, if bought
The Princetonian, Princeton uni-
versity newspaper, made the follow-


vely interest has been manifested
ng doctors all over the state in
course in the treatment of diabetes
ugh the use of insulin drug which
Bing offered by the Medical school
summer. The course is primarily
practitioners, and so many com--
ications have, been received in the
e of the secretary of the Medical
ol that authorities believe that
special- course will be filled to
ie course is made possible through
ft from John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
use of insulin as a cure for' dia-
s is still in its infancy and this
to the University is one of the
t important contributions that the
tution has received. The course
nder the direction of the depart-
t if internal medicine, Dr. Phil
4arsh having charge. It will be
n in two two week sessions the
beginning next Monday, and last-
until July 23, when repetition of
course will be offered.
Demonstrates Ditto Machine
r. Willis Thompson, Superintend-
of Schools in Woodstock, Ill., is
demonstrating in Tappan hall the
o machine put out by the Ditto
pany of Chicago. Mr. Thompson
nterested in introducing this ma-
e which has previously been used
commercial work only to schools
L.use he has found it valuable in
own work. This machine makes
many as 100 copies of work of pen,
cil or typewiter and in addition
produces drawing in five different
rs: red, purple, blue, black and

Complete arrangements for the Ni-
agara Falls Excursion were announc-
ed yesterday by Prof. J. P. Rowe of
the department of Geology. At 2:05
P. M. Friday, Tuly 13, the excursion-
ists will leave Ann Arbor on a spe-
cial interrurban car Detroit-bound.
At 5:30 P. M. the chartered steainer
is scheduled to leave the Detroit dock'
for Buffalo. Arriving in Buffalo early
Saturday morning, a street car will
be on hand.eto conduct the party to
the falls.
In the afternoon the excursionists
will take the Gorge trip, following the
Gorge at its water's edge, almost the
entire length, and stopping at the
Whirlpool, Wintergreen Flats, and
Brock's monument. That same even-
ing the party will view the falls il-
luminated from Goat island. The fol-
lowing day a visit to Horseshoe falls
will be made and those who desire
may go under the American falls, vis-
it the "Cave of the Winds", and the
"Maid of the Mist". At' 6 P. M. Sun-
day evening the steamer leaves But-
falo for Detroit, arriving at its desitn-
ation at 9 o'clock the following morn-
There will be no special car for
the return trip from Detroit to Ann
Arbor, Monday, July 16. Those who
desire to reach Ann Arbor Monday
forenoon may take a 9:50 A. M. ex-
press from the Detroit Interrurban
station ahd arrive in Ann Arbor at
11:50 A. M. Those going on the ex-
cursion must make final arrangements
with Professor Rowe before 4 o'clock
Women's Educational Club Meets
'The first meeting of the Women's
Educational club was held at Helen
Newberry residence on July 2. Thirty-
eight girls were present and elected
the committee for the Summer session,
which consists of Miss Elsie Toles,
Miss Rhea Coverdale and Miss Blanche
Howell, who is chairma not the pub-
licity. The club has been formed
largely for social antI recreational
purposes. The membership is open
to all women in the School of Educa-
tion, to all teachers, and to anyone
who is interested in education.
Hines Asks Aid in Directing
Tuskegee, Ala., July 6.-(By A.P.)-
Declaring that he would not be a
party to any movement that might
bring disorder to the Tuskegee com-
munity, Director Frank E. Hines, of
the War Veterans bureau, today ask-
ed an assembly of Tuskegee citizens
to appoint a committee of three to
meet with him to help solve the prob-
lem relative to the control of the hos-
pital for disabled negroes here.

" Is education too costly? This is a
question that more and more is be-
coming a bugbear of discussion and
comment among city and state gov-
ernments that are obliged to maintain
schools on a progressive basis.
This is a time when cities and states,
as well as individuals, feel economic
pressure and financial stress. It is
a time when everybody preaches and.
few practice economy. At such a
time it is but natural that the ques-
tion is raised as to whether too much
public money is going for educational
innovations, for fads and frills and
non-essentials. Such charges must be
first of all faced by school authorities
themselves; they must be able to just-
ify every expenditure.
Extravagance, waste, and graft
should not be tolerated at any time,
and least of all during these hard
times. But it is safe to say that the
funds for education are the most con-
scientiously administered of all those
raised by public taxation.
And yet there always are, and there
always Nwill be a few critics who raise
the cry that schools cost too much.
These critics are apt to forget that'
the price of everything else we have
has increased proportionately. Food,
elothes, light, land, ernt; transporta-
tion, and salaries have become more
and more expensive during the last
decade; and the cost of school build-:
ings, school equipment, janitors' ser-
vices, and everything else that must
be provided for in connection with an
educational institution has obeyed the
same law.
But what of the charge that educa-
tion is too expensive for the state to
afford? The only answer is that
education 'cannot cost too much.
The only reply is that education at any
prize, as any sane-minded and right
thinking person will realize, is much
less expensive than ignorance and
her playmates, immorality and crime.
Our Government is founded upon the
principle of intelligent and virtuous
citizenship. And the only means of in-
suring intelligent and virtuous cit-
izenship is by educaton-educaton at
any price.
Herbert Kauffman again shouts a
warning against traitors whom he
says are within our borders. The
people along the Atlantic coast have
the worst bolshevik scare that this
country has ever seen.
John Bernard, present whereabouts
unknown, sold the people of Detroit a
goldbrick in the way of a Fourth of
July pageant that never materialized.
We middle-westerners are still a lit-
tle provincial.

"If a foreign ship enters our ports,
it is exempt from local regulations
and rules so far as local conditions
permit," declared Prof. E. D. Dickinson a
in an address on "International Out-
laws, Mexico and Russia," yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science audi-
torium. "The same rule holds true
with foreign ambassadors and con-
suls," he continued, "if they ciolate
laws, they are not held liable, so that
friendly relations may be maintained
with the government they represent.
Provided, of course, that 'we have rec-
ognized that government.
U. S. Sets Standard
"Up to the 18th century, England
and France recognized a foreign gov-
ernment, only when it was in the con-
trol of a legitimate dynasty. How-
ever, after the Revoluntionary war,
the United tSates set a new standard
when they began to recognize any
government that was in control in its
own country. This policy continued
until 1914, when President Wilson re-
fused to recognize the Huerta govern-
ment in Mexico, on thq ground that it
was not representing the choice of
the Mexican people, and we have con-
tinued this policy to the present time.
Russia and Mexico Outlaws
"When a government is not recog-
nized, as in the case of Russia and
Mexico, it has no social status or
legal position among nations and it;
is a sort of outlaw. Society among
nations is still unorganized and mem-
bership can only be obtained when the
government is recognized."
Professor Dickinson discussed the
various legal complications that are
caused by the refusal of the Unitedt
States to recognize neither Russia nor
Mechanic Delays Maughan's Flight
Mineola, July 5.-(By A.P.)-Lieut.,
Russel L. Maughan, army aviator, to-
day postponed until Satum'lay his dawn
to dusk flight to the Pacific coast be-
cause a mechanic sent to Salduro,
Utah, a fueling station, would not ar-
rive there before tomorrow night.

Squad of 44 Will Begin PractIce on
Sept. 15; Five Sophomores on,
Twelve letter men from last year's
championship football squad will be
eligible to play on the Michigan team,
next fall, and in all probability, will
form the nucleus for the Varsity elev-
en. In addition, almost the entire
freshman squad of last year will be
back in harness.
Letter men back include Ca'ttain-
elect Kipke, Uteritz and Steger, back-
field; Vander Vort, Steele, 'Slaught-
er, Blott, Muirhead, Rosatti, and White,
linemen; Neisch and Curran, ends.
Promising members of the 1922
yearling squad who will be back are:
Heston, Grube, Dewey, Merriam, and
Herrnstein. Besides these others will
be back 'in the fold.
A squad of forty-four will be comb-
ed from the entire ranks of the foot-
ball men. First practice will start on
Sept. 15, with Coach Yost in charge.
Eight men have been lost from the
squad of last year. Captain Goebel,t
Cappon, Roby, Knode, Garfield, VanI
Orden, Dunleavy and Keefer will not
be back.
Prof. Henry C. Sadler of the Ma-
rine engineering department will givet
the second of the talks on the tran-
portation problem at 5 o'clock this af-t
ternoon 14 the auditorium of the Na-
tural Science building. He will take
as his subject, "Our Transportation
Problem from the Waterway View-
This is the second of a series of
talks on the transportation problems
which aregiven on consecutive Fri-
days. Last Friday, Professor Riggs
of the civil engineering departmentn
spoke on "Our Transportation Prob-
lem from the Railway Viewpoint". Onc
next Friday, Prof. A. H. Blianchard ofr
the Highway engineering departmentd
will discuss "Our Transportation
Problem from the Highway View-a
point". .
German Deprecate Resistance
Berlin, July 6.-(By A.P.)- The.
German government is expected to is-c
sue forthwith a statement, deprecat-r
ing sabotage and all forms of active1
resistance in the Franco-Belgian oc-

road crossing at Sutton, eight ml:
southeast of here 'when the autos
bile in whic hthey were riding '
struck by a New York Central freig
Lyle, three-year-old son of .Ci
houn, was thrown 50 feet when t
train hit the automobile, but escap
with a few scratches and a ct.
Members of the train crew found t
bodies of the two men side by sIde
few feet from the wrecked automobi
Search was made for the child wi
a score of villagers joining. It w
several minutes before a faint cry
tracted their attention to a spot
feet from the crossing where the chi
was found, buried under a foot
Calhoun and Robinette are about
years of age. Mr. Calhoun is survi
ed by a widow and two children, Ro
inette by a widow and five children.
94 students are'pursuing the wo
in Libriary Methods according to fi
ures given out yesterday from ti
office of the summer session. Th
figure shows a dec.ded increase ov<
the total last year -which was 81. T]
number of those availing themselvi
of the opportunity to study the met
ods of library administration have i
creased steradily from year to yes
The 'courses offered by the depar
ment have been extended in the
scope from year to year, until now tJ
course is considered the best of I
kind offered in summer sessions
the, whole country. Regular Unive
sity credit is given under certain co:
ditions to those who have studied :
this field.
Of this number 11 are members
the library staff and 3 are 'part tin
assistants in the library.
Students Succumb
To Dread Diseas
This is the malady which has Sun
mer session students at Michigan:
a death, grip with fatalities likely
occur at any moment. Every day fin
new numbers contracting the insidiom
Garage men and car dealers repo
an unprecedented demand for used al
tomobiles of the "fiivver" type. An
thing that will 'run on gasolh c
be disposed of, dealers say.
The streets of Ann Arbor are coi
tinually cluttered with "lizzies" of a
cient vintage, and until long into t
night the town's tranquility is rude
broken by the raucous roars of Ot
aged vehicles.
Undoubtedly the most novel pha
of the situation is the nicknames b
stowed upon their means of locomoti
by the owners. "Second Hand Rose
"Coffee Grinder," "Detroit Chariot
"Galloping Buggy," "Henry's Rattle
-these are some of the unique titi

cupied areas.

- -

Unveil Statue in France on July 4
Paris, July 5.-(By A.P.)-Thous-
ands joined in the celebration in
France yesterday of' American Inde-
pendence day. Unveiling of a statue
to American volunteers was a fea-
ture of the day.

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