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July 04, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1923-07-04

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than occur in a Michigan town of1
I r 41 g z ti aI t 1 50,000 in six months. Saftey cam-
UFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE paigns could be extended to our
ishe summer session except Monday A woman osteopath states that 50
per cent of college freshmen have
nber of the Associated Press. The As curvature of the spine from sitting in
ed Press is exclusively entitled to the
or republication of all news dispatches faulty seats. We may expect our sen-
:ed to it or not otherwise credited in in ob rvligo l or ih
apr and the local news published here- ios to be travelling on all fours with-
in a /decade.
ered. at the postoffice, Ann - Arbor,
gan, tas second class matter. Senator Copeland is spending a
scription by carrier or mail, $t.5o- quiet vacation out in Dexter cam-
ces: Ann Arbor Press Building. paigning in Detroit for his friend Al
nmunications, if signed as evidence of Smith.
faith, will be published in The Summer
at the discretion of the Editor. Un- Mr. Harding-"I'm dry"
i comm~unications will receive no con- Miiliig-1mdy
tion. The signature may be omitted in Mr. Bryan-"l'm dry."
ation if desired by the writer. The Senator Copeland-"'m dry-am I
rer Daily does not necessarily endorse intrCaead r"dya
ntiments expressed in the comniunica- not?"
Telephones 2414 and LL76-M
ditor ..............William StonemanR
editors............Edward J. Higgins PRIZE IGITING IS
Robert G, Ramsay. .A KNOCK-OUT
n's Editor.........Rosalie L. Frenger
ials ................ Paul I-.Einstein
Assistants Following is report of a court case
a Davis Ada Phelps covered by the Coulmn Court report-
ret Geddes Andrew :. Propper
Heraper Regina Reichman er, yesterday:
by Mitts Margaret Stuart Abdage
SMoran ucy Tolhurst A bedraggled specimen of human-
ity was led up to the magistrate
BUSINESS STAFF charged with vagrancy. The judge
Telephone 96o gave him a glance and demanded what
BUSINESS MANAGER he had to say for himself. He said:
1,. BEAUMONT PARKS "Yor Honor, 'Man's inhumanity to
ising...............Hiel M. Rockwell man makes countless thousands
ation........ ....D. L. Pierce'
nts ..................A. S. Morton mourn.' I am not as debased as By-
tion .................John C. Haskin ron, as profligate as Swift, as dissip-
Assistants ated as Poe,
ehBartholomew Hlelen Firestone ae"a oor' as-
George Stracke "That will do," thundered the mag-
istrate. "Thirty days, and officer, take
a list of them names and run 'em in;
they're as bad as he is."
VEDNESDA'Y, JULY 4, 1923 ,

memer or te 600 all set for the
Charge, an' the next we are all set for
an expedition to have another look at
that there North Poal. TARIK
Editor, The Summer Daily:
"The slipshod style of our modern
literature in all domains of thought,
particularly in the up to date novel is
apparent to all scholars. A thorough
grounding in the classics makes for
elegance of expression, for literary
style and diction, . . " I quote from
a report from an address by John J.
Tigert before the American Classical
league. Another quotation from a
certain well known professor on this
campus who is not only a scholar-
but, I believe, has also something of
the artist in his, "The catchword of
the present neo-romantic phase in the
arts is, 'If you have something to say,
say it-,-no matter how finished the ex-
pression, and damn the consequ-
ences'." -
One might dismiss with some pithy
epigram this brain wearying spect-
acle of the eternal conflict of the
academic and the artistic. The epi-
gram is for those who have a back-
ground from which to supply the com-
plete thought. But in order to be un-
derstood by the uninitiated-and in
this case, I mean the academic-one
must elaborate.
At the present time in America, a
democratic literature, a literature of
the proletariat, is springing up. That
this is regretable will be recognized
by those of us who are inclined to
entertain a certain belief in the arist-
ocracy of the intellect.
Sudh a literature-a literature for
te mob, will demand simple things.
They will demand art which is easy
for them to understand. And they
will get it, too. If you do not think
so, witness the horrible mess in Russ-
ia. The inertia of simplicity, once
kinetic, is irresistable. Subtlety, art-
ifice-beauty metamorphosed into
terms meaningful only, to the intellig-
entsia-will have to give way before
simplicity, plainness, banality. In fic-
tion "elegance of expression, literary
style and diction," will be replaced by
phrases which are easily translated by
uneducated minds.
The above mentioned tendency in
the development of the arts, save in
a few cases, is not decernable to the
academic mind. As ever, this mind
is not cognizant of what is going on
in the outer world. But, on the other
hand, the artist observes his world
and feels instinctively what is happen-
ing and going to happen. Today, the
artist in America realizes the state of
affairs and, much as he may dislike
succumbing to what is inevitable,
must curb his pen-if he would be
popular. But the academic mind keeps
on murmuring, "Classicism" - even
though he must keep his eyes closed
to do it.
However, when the proletarait has
had its swig at the bottle-the class-
icists may form in line. J. M.

Text Books and Supj


I GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagon,


Patnonize The Daily advertisers.
Ann Arbor and Jackson
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Detroit Limited andaExpress Cars--
6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8.oo a.m., 9:os
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every two hours to 9:47 P.M.
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.mT..
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Local Cars West Bound-7:So a.m.,
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Going Canoeing?
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Pack Your Lunch





Canoe Lunches

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_ .)

ht Editor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE WE HEARD that Colgate and Wil-
h___Edit__-H___ARDA.___NAHUE liams tried to pull off a swimming
meet yesterday but they made so
much fome on the water they had to
YESTERDAY call it off.
A Serious Joke"
lenry Ford as a presidential "pos-
ility" is monopolizing considerable ,
ce in the news of the day. Mr. C.
Hilles,' former Republican nation- -
chairman, issues a solemh warning
, his candidacy "must be taken ser-
sly," and Mr. Hilles is in a position'
know. In a political sense, Ford This is a picture of Mr. John Demp-
i ludicrous figure, but when such sey which our photographer snapped
hoiityias Mr. Hilles begins to take just as he was coming' out of Shelby
a seriously, he ceases to become a Creek today after his morning dip.
e. Mr. Dempsey told our interviewer'
that he is behind the "Safe and sane
sr, Ford is an ignorant man and'Fourth of July" movement, body and
ists of it. The best recent example soul. "Gunpowder is dangerous," said
ts .s his remark about the non-es Mr. Dempsey. "What could be finer'
ttiaity of history. If Ford were than watching the boys go a few fast
ninated, he would have to come out rounds on the glorious Fourth? I, for
te ,open and .talk. and expose his one, am against all, sorts of violence
Id to scrutiny and examination. and I support whole-eartedly the
Ies national intelligence and hum- safe and sane Fourth movement," con-
are at a very low ebb, Mr. Ford's luded Mr. Dempsey.
gbition would be fatal to his chanc-
But the 'very fact that here areA JOURNEY IN POETRY
Bge numbers of persons who r I walked down the street and wished
ge halrF o rsons make . a oadI could ride. So seeing some cars, I
re that ,Ford would make a good tried to decide. But just as I found
ident, reveals how wide-spread is
'lack of understanding of the qual- one I liked pretty well, and got in
s necessary in a chief executive, the seat. I heard a loud yell.
s another example of the state to I shoved her in first, then gave a
ich money-worship has carried this quick look: it was only friend Ducky,
intry. the restaurant's cook! So I took him
along, and out westward we sped.
But a cow gave a moo! and our en-'
The Tottering Tione o w gine went dead.
Or. Jack Kearns does not know how We got out and cranked, but we'd
sely the Dempsey-Kearns Co. has left her in gear; so off did she start
rei to being a national failure. and left us-oh dar! But just as the
arcs has just managed to keep the adlf so er u uta h
ust aninopagrtykagp 'car passed a barn painted red, Old
mpion's waning. popularity aglow Duck yelled out "moo!" and the en-
the eyes of the public during the gine went dead.
it three years. Dempsey is one of 'gine went dead.
most unpopular champions that Eftsoons we were going once more
r stepped in an American ring and on our way; we missed the road once
near fiasco of yesterday has again
luce th nuberof answhoareand laid up for a' date. But we got
sued the number of fans who are started early the next dewy dawn, and
>fessedly his friends. ' ate a scant lunch on a farmer's front
Wr. Kearns has saved Dempsey's lawn.
tering popularity by agreeingi to But just as we finished on their
lit him without the $100,000 "cashs
advance. The days of national doo saw a sign: "SMAL P
° advansce nhe dayshfDnatisny, were the words and we made a bee-
!g heroes vanished with Dempsey, line. We came to a crossing and
did baseball's nation-wide popular- cosefW ee.t a rsingtrid
when two clubs "fixed" the world's rossed at full speed. But a tran tried
to' beat us! A sad day indeed.
des. Old Duck wasn't lucky. He lit in a
tree, But I flew a mile, tilla haystack
Atstopped me. While looking for Ducky
Wilhelm Hohenzollern, through his I came to a lake; a lady was drown-
retary, sent a letter to a humble ing. I jumpedin a shake.
cksmith in this country recently, I saved her-but lordy, the thing was
nking him for a souvenir that the a fake. They were making a movie:
artisan had forged for him. "The Maid of the Lake." Two mdn
The letter began: "His majesty, punched my face for spoiling Ithe
kaiser and king, has very gladly, play; I threw her back in and then
.." How tenaciously doth ran far away. E. C. M.
oold order cling to its trappings and r *
w reluctantly "the old order chang- Today's Song Hit
" giving place to the new" "When You and I Were Young, Mag-
aJilhelm mho once held the Germans gie," by the same author as "Long,
a grip of mail still poses as "kais- Long Ago."
and king"-of what? The last of A * *
Hoohenzollerns cannot safely ans- There seems to be a permanent wave
r this question. He is a royal fic- in the whether this year: first a hot
wave, then a cold wave, gosh its tur-
"' ° rible.'
wenty-six 'bathers have been s*8
wned In the state in three weeks. One day we dress like a wandering

the Ride

109 N.

Wolf Lake Michigan's
most delightful Summer
An Ideal Place'
To spend a day or week-end
or to get a
Frog and Chicken



i diddle diddle. When flat in the middle,
rOur 1kiddties all start in to .moan,
Then 'phone for some Connor's before they
are goners,
Or sooth each one's moan with a cone.



A pleasant motor trip of 28 miles from
Ann Arbor. Take highway M-17 to
Grass Lake, passing thru. turn left 41-2
miles (following signs) to Mack Island.
lathing, Boating, Fish-
ing, Dancing
New Dinner-dance room may be
engaged by private parties, Reserva-
tions for dinners may be made by tele-

Do you Want a really
novel dessertl Then
'phone your dealer
for this.

Tryouts for the editorial and
business staffs of the summer
Daily are wanted. Students de-
siring to do any work of this
kind are requested to consult
with the managing editor be-
tween 7 and 8 o'clock any night
this week at the publication of-
fices in the, Press Building.
The Daily affords practical
training in newspaper work both
in the editorial and business de-

You thoughtful mothers knc
you cannot be too careful ab
children's food dturing the hot
Connor's Ice Cream helps
to solve the problem. It con
fresh whole milk, rich cres
pure cane sugar-just the
children need and can digest
Connor's is always as
pure as science and
care can make it.
Demand it by name.



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Careful Finishing
that Protects your
We feel a real respon-
sibility for film left
with us for development.
Negatives cannot be re-
placed, and there, are
often several exposures in
each roll that are inval-
uable to the owner. Care-
ful methods and scientific
formulae bring results
that justify your entrust-'
ing .your films to our
finishing department.
Of course we are
equipped for enlarging-
let us show you some
samples of our work.

Daily Excursion to
PumT-I -
C One Round Trip $1 .25 Sndays
Way (Return Same Day) Holidays
Leave. Detroit Daily 9 a.m. (E. T.)
The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing-
groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
historic monument.
Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside.
Daily to Sandusky
The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky every-day. Fare- $1.50
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world--large summer hotels,
groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
hours at Put-in-Bayl Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. m.;
arrive back in Detroit 10.30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in-
Bay, 80 cents.

should express his virile, vigorous;
personality and therefore differ from
the daintier and more feminine aspect
of tinted note paper. We have just
the kind a man would want to use in
writing to business associates or
17 Nekels Arcade
The Typewriter and Stationery Store

Dancing Moonlights
Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m.
Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60cSat.,
Sun. and Holidays, 75c.

Write for Map Folder
Ashley & Dustin
Steamer Line
Foot of First Street
Detrcit, Mich.


Kodak Film in all sizes

719 N. University


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