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July 04, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-04

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V. No. 11




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Sensational Tales Suggested
By Coffin, In University Hall


I 11

anger of Congestion Lies in Attempt
To Detain Immigrants at
New York, July 3.-(By A. P.)-
ith the immigration quota of seven
.tions filled and four thousand ad-.
tional aliens expected to'arrived on
aers today, the Ellis island immi-
ation station is clogged as never
fore in its history.
It is indicated that if relief to ex-
dite the passing on appealed cases
not received from Washington, and
the unprecedented flow of'immi-
ants continues, the station faces a
raporary shut-down.
Four thousand more Europeans
me yesterday on 12 liners. Only
08 immigrants who had previously
rived were examined and of this
imber 1,500 were permitted to land.
Is in 'the task of caring for the
tained immigrants that the danger
clogging thet station lies. The ina-
lity of R. C. White, assistant secre-
ry of labor, who is ill to come to
e island to act on appeals, has held
P such cases.
Henry H. Curran, new commission-
of immigration, is optimistic over
e situation.
(By Special Correspondent)
Alma, June 3.-iWayne B. Wheeler,
neral counsel of the Anti-Saloon
ague of America, from Washing-
n, vigorously denounced Senator
uzens' a per cent beer proposal at
e State Synod pof the Presbyterian
Lurch held here yesterday, That
e average alcoholic content of beer
fore prohibition was only three or
ur per cent and that men became
toxicated on such liquor was the
gument upheld by Mr. Wheeler. He
ated that it is possible for a man
become intoxicated on 2.75 per cent
er and even 2 per cent beer.
"In the enactment of prohibition
forcement codes it °is not a ques-
n as to whether liquor is actually
toxicating, but what is necessary in
-der to bring about an honest en-
rcement of the law. This is the
ason why practically every state
>ids the alcoholic standard to about
Ie-half of one per cent. The evident
tent of the 5 per cent beer chain-
ons is to try and enact a law pro-
biting beer of a certain alcoholic
intent and then leave the govern-
ent with no machinery for dealing
ith certain liquors of lower alco-
>ie contpnt, which clearly are in-
xicating," Mr, Wheeler declared
at if the 5 per cent berer proposal
are accepted it is estimated that 90
r cent of the political corruptions
id evils of the former wet regime
ould be prevalent.
Weddings Announced
On June 23 Mr. Gilbert H. Doane,
e assistant librarian of the Univer-
ty, was married at Elliot, Connecti-
tt, to Miss Susan H. Sherman, of
.e Vassar College Library staff.
Miss Hael Giddings, who resigned
r position as assistant in the main
ading room on June 16, was mar-
ed on June 21, in Lawton, Michigan,
Mr. Lewi Williams. Mr. and Mrs.
'illiams will. be at home after Sept.
at 409 North Niles street, Paw Paw,

. E
Today we celebrate the 147th an-
niversary of the signing of the Declar-
ation of Independence in which the
struggling colonies banded together
against the autocratic policies of
George III and set up a single ideal of
equality for all mankind in "life, lib-
erty, and the pursuit of happiness."
When the thirteen colonies set forth
their intentions in 1776 it was an act
of seltf-preservaltion against British
oppression that held them together.
When the Revolutionary war had ceas-
ed a unified ideal was formulated and
served to hold the provinces togeth-
er. Finally in the Constitution a defin-
ite program of government for the
child-nation was set forth and it is
this which has since maintained the
strength of our Union.
No longer held together in self
defense, apparently ,without one com-
mon ideal, and challenging the valid-
ity of the definite system of govern-
ment which has evolved through al-
most a century and a half, the United
States while still able to maintain its
independence, 0s apparently losing Its
unity. Our system of governmental
organization has been perfected, that
is true. It has almost overstepped
its limit in the way of regulations but
still goes on.
_ In maintaining national Independ-
ence, this country has held the policy
of avoiding all European alliances of
a permanent nature inviolate. To-
day when Europe is in such deep dis-
tress, when international peace as an
ideal seems doomed to failure unless
the United States accepts either a
World Courttplansorjoinstthe League
of Nations, our natural and uninter-
fered independence must not give way
to sentimental feelings of pity for
poor little Europe.
We should do all within our power
to 'help establish the world on a
basis of arbitrary settlements, of mu-
tual understanding. We should not,
however, sacrifice our independence
to the detriment of our own prin-
Young fellows leave their homes to
spend four years or more at college
and expect to return to their moth-
ers' loving arms, well rounded and
worldly men. They spend half of
their time at a university like Mich-
igan before finding out just what an
education means, and the latter pr-
tion of their intellectual sojourn is
then necessarily occupied with the
task of finding out how to make the
best of that education,
There are many worn-out reasons
given for the failure of colleges to
accomplish their purpose but one In
particllar is responsible for more In-
nocent disappointments than any oth-
er. Self-assurance, confidence in word
aifd act, are uncultivated in almost
every boy who comes to college. Even
after several years of academic train-
ing many lack that self-reliance which
Emerson puts as a keystone to suc-
It is not a difficult thing to impress
the student with the value of. this
trait. In fact with the present sys-
em of class recitations he would be
forced to cultivate his confidence if
failure in quizzes was made sufficient-
ly humiliating. We do not want to
force students to their work but they
toUld none the less be made to feel
their lack of self-reliance through em-
The man who goes out into the
world, knowing what he can do and
confident in himself through all of
his trials has the advantage on the
uncertain fellow who never quite
catches up to him.

To those who were not here during
the past year, the black coffin in the
entrance to 207 U. H. is a mysterious
object. Its somber appearance sug-
gests black thoughts and sensational
tales. To the uninitiated who gaze
upon that coffin could come only won-
der and conjectures as to its pur-
pose. However it has had its use,
even if for the time being it is dead.
That black box, hung papoose like on
the wall, contrary to most coffins has
held not the dead but the living, real
live stories of the most secret and sen-
sational type. This coffin differs in
another way from other coffins. Its
contents are en route for the morgue
instead of vice versa.
Journalists, and would-be journal-
ists, and those interested had last year
a student publication called "The
Morgue." Contributions to this were
made through the "coffin" and the pa-
per was read at the lunches which the
Press club held every two weeks.
Editor and contributors exercised
all freedom of speech when writing/
for the paper; it was for the consump-
62,000 NAMES IN
First Edition Since 1911 to Contain
20,000 More Names Than Last
July 15 has been set as the date of
publication of the new University
Alumni catalogue, which will contain
the names of 62,000 alumni. The cat-
alogue Is printed every 10 years, this
being the first edition since 1911. The
new edition will contain 20,000 more
names than the edition of 1911.
Data will be included concerning
the war records, marriages and deaths
of alumni as well as records of their
academic degrees. Editors of the cat-
alogue estimate that 12,000 alumni
served in the. World war and that 247
were killed in action.
Michigan has enrolled its first Kor-
ean student in the person of Miss Pok
Sing Song from Pungyang, Korea. She
has been a medical student at Tokio,
Japan, for the past five years, After
she had received her degree in,med-
cine, her father decided to send his
daughter to the University of Michi-
gan for grauate work. Miss Song is
very much interested in her profes-
sion and shows very marked ability
along medical lines. She expresses
the desire to return to Korea after
having completed her course here and
exert her influence on the improve-
ment of sanitation and the increase
in the number of hospitals in Korea.
During her stay in America Pok Sing
Song has adopted an Americanized
name, Grace Song.
During the past week Miss Song
has been the guest of Prof. Carl W.
Rufus of the department of astr'ono-
my and Mrs. Rufus She 1s now liv-
ing at Betsy Barbour house,
Yost Gives Talk
With 'Slow' Movie

Students taking courses in the Sum-
mer Coaching school were given an
opportunity to see theory put into
practice when they witnessed films
showing the Ohio State and Wisconsin
football games at the Majestic thea-
ter, yesterday noon..,
While the films were being shown
Coach Fielding H. Yost made remarks
upon the various plays, criticizing the
actions of the various players when
they showed lack of form and show-
ing the audience in what ways they
could improve their playing. Intric-
ate plays were shown to advantage
by the slow motion pictures, and al-
though the films were not clear at all
times the game could be followed
-from beginning to end, every play of
consequence being shown,




Prof. K. Gauss
Prof. K. Gauss of Freiberg, Ger-
many, has discovered and perfected
a new general anaesthetic, known as
narcylene. It consists of a combina-
tion of gasses and already has been
used in more than five hundred oper-

tion of Press club members only.
Because of these facts "The Morgue"
always aroused keen interest. Only
the "few" knew its secrets.

1,000 Citizens
tioq of

Take Part in Presenta-
(Dances of Last
Century .

Daniel L. Quirl, ,r. and his cast of
more than 1,000 people presented the
"Pageant of Ypsilanti" at 8:30 o'clock
last night, bringing the centennial
elebration to a climax in Ypsilanti.
Monday's activities included a "hold-
up" of ian old stage coach which was
carrying letters from officials of De-
troit, The coach was first attacked
by banditti under the leadership of R.
Clyde Ford, president of the Ypsilanti
Rotary club, at Dearborn, who forced
the occupants to remain to lunch.
The coach was again held up at Ypsi-
lanti by masked ruffians, who looted
the mail sack and all valuables be-
longing to the occupants of the coach.
All then proceeded to Gilbert Park
where all were officially received by
Dr. E. S. George, president of the
Kiwanis club.
The day's activities concluded with
a costume ball. The dancers were at-
tired in costumes of 100 years ago,
presenting a brilliant spectacle. There
were old Southern gentlemen, stately
dowagers, dashing young cavaliers
and others in powdered wigs and satin
coats and breeches,
Meacham, Oregon, July 3.-(By A.
P.) -Carrying, back more than half
century, President and Mrs. Harding
reached here today, viewing a scene
of pioneer days and travels over the
old Oregon trail. The little town of
Meacham, Oregon, were reconnected
to the nation by the executive and
his wife. Events that brought about
the innovation of the Oregon c'oun-
try into the American Union were
celebrated. The town of Meacham has
only 50 inhabitants but it reached the
proportion of a fair sized city today
as automobiles, special trains, and
wagons and carts forced through in-
to the little valley which lies between

Dempsey's Manager Agrees to Gamble
On Last $100,000; Will Take
First Receipts
Great Falls, July 3.-The Jack
Dempsey-Tom Gibbons heavyweight
chapipionship fight suddenly called off
at midnight last night, was put back
on its feet again and will be decided
in the big pine bowl at Shelby to-
morrow as scheduled. Jack Kearns,
manager of the world heavyweight
champion, at a conference which
broke up at 2:45 a. m., today agreed
to send Dempsey into the ring against
the St. Paul challenger tomorrow and
gamble for the final $100,000 install-
ment due Dempsey on his $300,000
The promoters guaranteed the pre-
liminary expenses of the show which
includes the payment of the boxers
of the preliminary bouts, $5,000 to
Jimmy Dougherty, the referee and
other incidental expenses, which pro-
bably will amount to $30,000.
Lane Still In
Maj. J. E. Lane, of Lewistown,
Mont., who resigned as trustee for
the promoters yesterday, after fail-
ing to raise Dempsey's $100,000 de-
cided to continue as trustee and as-
sist the promoters in untangling the
muddled finances. Kearns will have
jurisdiction over all gate receipts un-
til the champion's $100,000 is obtain-
ed. The gate receipts will then revert
to the promoters.
The fight was actually called off at
12:30 o'clock this morning after an
angry argument between Jack Kearns
the champion's manager, and Stan-
ton in a room crowded with newspa-
per correspondents . Stanton appear-
ed to tell Kearns that the $100,000
which the champion's manager had
demanded was not available and he
saw no prospect of raising it.
Kearns offered to agree to a post-
ponement to July 25 to 'enable the
finances to be completely reorganized
and a new drive started for the sale
of tickets. This, however, did not
meet with the approval of the promot-
ers and Kearns went into a room with'
the newspaper correspondents for .a
discussion of the situation.
Asks Newspapermen
Kearns asked the newspapermen
just what they thought of the situa-
tion and they unanimously were of
the opinion that the fight should be
held. They counseled with the man-
ager to go back and make the "pro-
posal to "gamble" with the- gate re-
ceipts for his final $100,000 guaran-
tee provided the preliminary ex-
penses of the show were absolutely
The champion's manager hesitated,
studied for a few moments ,and then
hurriedly left the room. He proceed-
ed immediately to the room where
the promoters were conferring and
made the "gambling" proposition. The
proposal was not immediately ac-'
cepted, however and Lane, Molum-
by and former Judge Roy E. Ayers
asked for a few minutes by them-
selves to talk it over. They discussed
the proposition and came back in 20
minutes with the announcement that
they would accept.
The first announcement-or the last
-to the newspapermen came from
Lane, who opened the door of the
conference room and shouted:
"Boys the fight is on."

Students taking Professor Wood's
course in Criminology 28s will visit
the Detroit School of Correction to-
morrow afternoon. The class will
study actual cases of crime, the so-
cial factors involved, and the means

Says Condition Never Better "Bul
Anything May Happen to
a Champion"
Great Falls, Mont., July 3.-(By A
P.)-Jack Dempsey rolled into 'bed al
his training camp here tonight for .hi
lIst sleep before he crawls into the
ring to defend his world's heav
weight championship against Tomm
Gibbons. Dempsey declared that h
expected Gibbons to prove to be out
of the toughest opponents he has eve
Challenger Dangerous
"I am not one who regards him
fightly," said Dempsey. "I regard ev-
ery challenger as dangerous; they art
all dangerous until they are on tht
floor. I am not going to take an
chances with Gibbons. I will mak
every effort to beat him in the flrst
round if possible.
"Anything is liable to happen to a
champion any time he goes into th
ring. So I am going to do my best
and should I fail, I shall be among
the first to welcome Gibbons as the
new °champion.
Dempsey Feel, Fine
"It is my coifident feeling that I
never was in better shape. I feel
better than I have in many years o
the day before a fight. My training
period has been handled with suc
perfection that I have greatly benefited
by, it."
®Dempsey looks to be everything that
his manager, Jack Kearns, has said
about him.
Rowe Lectures On
F a its Formation
Prof. J. P. Rowe, of the University
of Montana, who is instructor in the
geology department during the sum-
mer, d elivered an exceedingly inter+
esting illustrated lecture to a large
audience at the Natural Science audi-,
torium yesterday afternoon on "The
Geology of Niagara Falls.
Professor Rowe began with the
earliest formations of the Falls and
the Niagara river and traced their de-
velopment to the present day. He stat-
ed that the sea at one time covered
all this region and that the river was
eventually made by the rains form-
ing streams which in turn cut the
deep gorges.
Professor Rowe traced the develop.
ment of the Great Lakes and of the
great gorge of the Niagara rive
which he said were developed at the
same time. The most recent change
in the gorge is believed to have oc
curred before the birth of Christ. Ev-
ery year the Falls recede a little, the
Canadian Falls receding two and a
half feet annually while the Americar
Falls recede only two inches. The
river can not cut through the har
limestone so that it wears the earth
away under it and the big rocks breal
The University was without elec
tricity during the greater part of yes
terday afternoon. If it had not bee
for the fact that the sun was shining
brightly classes would have been hek
in Stygian blackness.
One of the mains of the power plan
burned out early in the afternoo0n
and for a time it was thought that it

would be necessary to postpone the
illustrated lecture on Niagara Falls
which was scheduled for 5 o'clock.
Union Will Give Dances
Featured on the Semester program
of the Union this summer a series o
dances will be given every Friday
night throughout the session. The
dances will all be given at the Union
Tickets for the dances will go on
sale at the Union the preceding Wed
nesday before the dance. The price
will be $1.00 per couple.

Clements Library Opens Monday j
3eginning July 9, the Clements Li-
ary will be open to the public from
to J o'clock: on week days. Miss
sie Stewart, of Bay City, and a
imber of the 1921 class in Library,
Athods, has been appointed chief
sistant on the staff. She will be1
aporarily in charge of the Library

There are 20 lines of sidewalk laid
on the Michigan campus. During the
past years this has been thought ade-
quate to accommodate the pedestrain
trafic, but recently students have tak-
en to marking out their own paths
across the green of the campus. Ce-
ment sidewalks are an important part
of the development of civilization:
but how futile Is the genius of man.
Grant Hudson calls James Couzens
a "traitor to his party." Here are
two antagonistic schools of "philos-
ophy." Mr. Couzens the individualist
and Mr. Hudson the traditionialist,
but both are poiltical viewpoints,
which adds complication to contro-

Oregon pine forests. of punishment resorted to in each in-
An old conquered coach with leath- dividual case. Throughout the course
er seats, drawn by a team of six visits will be made to prisons, re-
horses awaited beside the train and formatories, and other institutions
the President and his wife were tak- within the state which deal with
(Continued to Page Four) problems of delinquency.

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