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June 28, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-06-28

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. A

In the wake of a deluge of editorial
approval for the stand taken by form-
er President Meiklejohn of Amherst,;
the Institute of Public Service is en-
deavoring to unite the five thousand or
more university trustees of the coun-
try through a national conference
which would fortitfy the trustee class
against the volley of disapproval
which has been so rencently \directed
at it.
According to the 'sponsors of this'
conference the current theory is that
"the only good trustee is the blind
trustee." While deploring this popu-
lar notion from their own point oil
view, they have failed to recognize

Dem Chieftains Plan Strategy
To Control Party Convention


Crews Ready For
National Regatta

Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,. June 27.-(By
A.P.)-The U. S. naval academy, for
the past two years victors, set out to-
night on their tour for the annual re-
getta tomorrow on the Hudson. ' One
far western and four eastern crews
will contest the middies claim for
superiority for anoither season.
Washington, the holder of the Paci-
fic coast championship, are to com-
pete. The confidence of the navy was
restored today bg the return of John
Andrews, brilliant oarsman, after an
absenge of several days with an infect-
ed knee.
Two Aviators Plan to Remain Aloft
Four Days; May Prove Pacific
Flight Practical

ed States Com.

291 Placed on Probation, 193 Warr
to Improve Scholarship or
Leave University
Two hundred and fourteen stude:
have been asked not to retuirn to t
University next fall, and 291 ha
been placed on probation for next
mester by act of the Administrat:
board because of poor work done
the literary college i during the p
semester, according to the statemei
made yesterday in the office of I
153 Warned
In addition 193 have been warn
that their work is in precarious con
tion, and that immediate improi

ssioner of Education is
Principle Speakier -
ig its session here tomorrow
irday, the American Classical
will hold its fourth annual
on. All sessions will be held
atural Science auditorium and
on has been designated as
rters for the delegates. The
.as for its purpose the stimu-
the study of the classics in
ools, academies, colleges and
Kelseli. to Welcome
dresses are scheduled to fol-
usiness meeting of the league
morning, including a writ-
ess of welcoma by President-
[. Burton, and other address-
, read by Prof. Francis W.
Prof. Stephen Colvin of Cl-
niversity, and John T. Tigert,
states Commissioner of Edu-
regular sessions will not be-
l Saturday morning commit-
ings are to be held all day
v. At 10 o'clock a meeting
idvisory committee and the
tof the 'regional committees
fd, a. session continuing':
out the afternoons and fol-
8 o'clock by a meeting of
41l of the league.
Tigert to Speak
npulse which led to the for-
f the league had its origin
he world war at the Classi-
erence at Princeton In 1917.
ary steps to organize clas-
estigation were taken at the
ual convention of the league
as held at Cincinnati. This
ii Arbor has secured the
inual convention with United
ommissioner John J. Tigert.
idrew F. West of Princeton
.y is president of the league.
OCrat BosseS
ready Parleying
By 'George M .Hell,
Lick, Ind., June 27,-An
cordale" which may wield
rice of power in the next
tic national convention is
in the making as a result of
t continuous series of politi-
wows now being held at
Pick, Ind. ;
rse no formal statements{
n issued for the enlighten-
the public. They. wouldn't
ered good form at this stage
ame in the best political,
vertiheless the veteran stra-
sometimes termed "bosses",
the ways of things political,'
busily engaged in building
), hold a baance of power1
a be loosed on the Democrat-
atfon at the moment deemedj
ro-thirds rule which governs
ic conventions makes it pos-
any combination that can
66 votes-based on the rep-,
on of 1920-to deadlock the
1 political observers believe
alignmegt process to insure,
Isary 366 last ditch delegates
-way, but the exact shape of
tment isn't apparent at this,
reports have it that Tamn-
arlie Murphy, represented at
pck by Gov. Al Smith of New

ks with favor on a political
with. Senator Oscar Under-
his would unite the delegates
lid south and the thirsty east.
olid bloc, nearly 500 strong.

that the seed of the- conflict between
faculties and trustees lies in the blind-,
ness of overly conscientious board
members to thoroughly examine their
opponents points. and 4rguments.
While trustees should be more than
mere money-raisers, their part in the-
administration of progressive institu-
tions cannot exceed that capacity if
conservatism.and dogmatic principles
are to guide their policies as di-
rectors of the great educational cent-
ers of the country It is nonsense to
suppose that trustees could be done
away with, but their value depends
not upon official checking up on the'
executives and faculties in the per-.
formance of their various duties r4th.-
er upon the extent of cooperation and
active participation in the curre~t ac-
tivities of their institutions.
A great service could be done
through the proposed conference if
its purpose were to secure greater
efficiency and unity in the' relations
between trustees and th active admin-
istrators of the universities. Banding
together to buck the attacks of pro-
gressive educators will 'only aggrevate
the conflict still'.further




Left, presidential possibilities, top. S enator Samuel M. Ralston, Indiana;
below, Senator Oscar Underwood, Alabama; right, president makers,
top, George Brennan, Illinois - Dem boss; center, Tom Taggart, Indi-
ana boss; below, "Tamnany" Charlie Murphy.

San Diego, Calif., June 27.-(By A.
P.)-Capt. Lowell H. Smith, American
premier forestry patrol flyer, and his
noted wingmate, Lieut. John B. Rich-
ter, took off from Rockwell field, at 4:
43:43 2-5 this morning in a De Hay-
land plane in which they hope to re-
main aloft for four days and four;
nights and to break or establish 12
aerial records, among them being the
endurance record, which they hope to
attain by refueling in mid-air.
The plane is equipped with a 400
horespower Liberty motor. Aviators
say that if Captain Smith and Lieuten-
ant Rchter are successful it means
that a fast airplane of limited =fuel
capacity can take off at New York and,
by refueling in mid-air reach the Paci-
fic coast in less than 18 hours.
Should Smit~h and, Richter remain
aloft 60 hours, they probably-will have
traveled 2,00 Omiles farther than did
Lieutenants Kelley and MacReady in
their non-stop transcontinental flight,
or nearly three-fourth the distance
from San Diego to Hongkong.
The records sought are those for
distance, for duration and for speed
over 2;000, 3,000, 3,500 and 4,000 kilo-
meters. No airmen has been on the
wing long enough to establish a speed
record for 4,500 kilometers for no
airplane has sufficient gasoline capac-
ity to carry it such a distance.
Smith and Richter flew over a 50-
kilometer triangular airway. The big
thrill is expected when Lieutenants
Haines and Silfert make their first
cofitact with Smith and Richter's planeI
to supply gasoline. Two minutes only
will the two racing planes be required
to be within 40 feet of each other, but
these two minutes will be fraught with
the greatest danger.

Another school year has ended.
Once more a long list of failures
graces the records of the office. There
is no doubt that many an undergrad-'
uate is sorely handicapped by his lack.
of systematic application. It is tak-
en for granted that he knows how
best to use his time, how best to take
notes, to read, and to review. As he
frequently knows none of these
things, he wastes much time and ef-
fort, and the result in many cases is
failure as the records at the close of
any semester will show.
A 'step in the right direction would
be a course in "How to Study" which
would be made compulsory for all
freshmen. It is true that no defin-
ite system could be prescribed which
will meet the needs of every type of
student. Still any student will profit
by instruction in such elementary
things as the merits 'of a loose leaf
or card system for lecture notes, the
advantages of classifying notes from
assigned readings, making outlines
for review, the use of diagrams, and
the general distribution of time.
No mere teaching how to study will
enable the dullards to get through
but it ought to go a long way in dim-
inishing the number of E's and D's
that students try to "explain away"
at home every February and June.
Almost everything that the young-
sters of yesterday learned was at the
knees of their mothers' ',occasionaly
over the laps of their fathers. Today
they don't learn much at either of
these traditional localities. Mother's
feet are never still and father never
sits down.
Henry Ford's latest venture is rap-
idly taking shape in the form of a
distillery. No, he isn't going to do
any 'illegal operating for the product
which he is putting out is merely ben-
zol, derived from the distillation of
coal. l
The many special events which are
conducted in connection with the sum-
mer session are worth attending and
the interesting nature of the summer
will be greatly enhanced if you bene-
fit by these opportunities.
If a few of the exchange professors
would learn to curb their eloquence
at the conclusion of the hour, some
students would be saved the embar-
assment of continually coming to

ment is the only condition upon which
they will be allowed to remain in col
lege. Fifteen students out of the ap
proximate total of 5,00 in the literar:
college had their hours credit for the
semester reduced'because of exces
sivo absence, of these,: three being de
prived of twohours of credit and 1
of one hour.
Eighty-five students who were on
the warned list last year have been
notified that their warning has been
raised and their names are no longer
on the warned list, while "169 have been
taken off probation. This record ac-
cording to Registrar Arthur G. Hal i
very encouraging. Decisions on the
records of 9 members of the college
have been deferred until fall. Five
have been notified that they must ap-
pear before the dean 'to give reasons
'why they should be allowed to remain
in college.
Conditions Not Alarming
These deficiencies, according to Reg-
istrar Hall are not alarming, in com-
parison with the. figures of other
years. The enrollment of the, literary
college is about 5,000, making the
"home list" about 4 per cent of the
student body of tha tcollege.

National Intercollegiates go to Semi-
Finals; Anderson, Fisher, Em-
erson, Ingram Left
Philadelphia, Pa., June 27-(By A.
P.)--Four eastern racquet wielders
reached" the semi-final round of the
National Intercollegiate tournament
today. They ,are, Frank P. Anderson
and Gerald Emerson, of Columbia;
W., W. Ingram of Harvard, and Carl
Fisher of the Philadelphia College of
Dividing interest with intercolleg-
iate matches was the final round of
the National Inters.cholastic tourna-
ment, in which John S. Witbeck of the
Loomis School. Windsor, Cond., won,
from Charles Watson, of Phillips Aca-

Former Varsity First Baseman Signs
Contract With American
League Club
Bob Knode, '23, first baseman on
the Varsity nine for the past two sea-
sons has signed a contract with the
Cleveland American league club ac-
cording to information received here
yesterday. During his career at
Michigan, Knode was considered one
of the most reliable first basemen in
Conference baseball and was one of
the leading batters of the Big Ten un-
til the time when he was declared in-
elegible for further competition in
the middle of the 1923 season.
Knode has been in demand. among
the big league clubs since the open-
ing of the season this year and has
received numerous offers to sign con-
tracts. Less than a month ago he is
(Continued on Page Four)
Joins Cleveland
American Club



demy, Andover, Mass.
In the Intercollegiate.
the two Cambridge teams

doubles of
Capt. J. M.

Lpwry and J. H. Lecard were elim-
inated by Andrew Morgan and Wil-
liam Pingeldeh, of Pennsylvania,
while L. R1amashi, the Hindu player
and M. D. Horne were beaten by
White and Melhirer of Princeton.
One other English team still remain-
ed the. competition.
Lucian Williams, last years single
champion, and A. W. Jones, National
junior champion, playing for Yale,
also won their second round match
from o. P. Dailey, Jr., and R. Lewis
of Princeton'

7- 7

East Lansing, June 27-(By A.P.)
-Athletic authorities of the Michigan;
Agricultural college already are lay-
ing plans for the better athletic con-
ditions they hope to inaugurate with
the completion of the stadium now
under construction here. Their first
effort will be to build up a series of
home and home games in football with
some of the schools of the Big Ten,
as well as with natural rivals in the
surrounding states. They hope that
with the new conditions it may be
possible for the University of Michi-
gan to occasionally present its foot-
ball team in East Lansing. It last
-aoppeared here in 1914.
With the 1923 schedule completed,
attention is being turned to the 1924
schedule as the time in which the new
relations can be initiated, and every
effort will be made to build up one
of the strongest home schedules in
years. This fall, the local team will
be largely a road team, showing on
the campus here but three times.
While the trips of the team are not
extensive, the longest being about 300
miles, only that against the Univer-
sity of Michigan at Ann Arbor is like-
ly to find a large number of M. A.
C. supporters in the stands cheering


The present material expansion of
the University of Michigan is not the
dominating influence of th eschool,
President Burton declared in a recent
report to the Board of Regents. Ma-
terial expansion has been taken as a
challenge to intellectual .achieve-
ments, he said.
"A 'period of 'physical expansion
such as that through which the
University now is passing," President
Burton said, "is liable to create the
impression that. the institution is
chiefly, if not solely, interested in ma-
terial things, that the administration
is concerned primarily with the things
of sense, and that the finer things of
culture and science are buried under
piles of brick, steel and cement. A
casual look at the campus for some
might confirm this impression. A
thoughtful reader of this report might
naturally begin to fear that the Uni-
versity of Michigan had forgotten its
real mission as an institution of
higher learning and, fallen a victim
to the disease of megalomania and
the malady of materialism. That
these first impressions are quite un-
founded I believe can be affirmed
with confidence. Anyone who takes
occasion to acquaint himself with the
facts which are not so outwardly in-
sistent as buildings and lands will
find that the spirit and life of the
University is moving at full tide. Ma-
terial expansion has been taken as a
challenge to intellectual achievement

Tryouts for the editorial and I
business staffs of the summer {
Daily are wanted. Students de- I
siring to do any work of this I
kind are requested tod consult
with the managing editor be- E
tween 7 and 8 o'clock any night I
this week at the publication of- t
fices in the Press Building.'
The Daily affords practical I
training in newspaper work both I
in the editorial and business de- I


Robert knode, '23
The Cleveland Americans
signed Knode for the season.
was one of the most reliable
basemen seen on the Michigan


in recent seasons. He was also a


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