lt1! ]lN L
orning except Monday
ciated Press. The As-
lusively entitled to the
of all news dispatches
t otherwise credited in
:al news published Jacre-
an Arbor.
r or snail, $.so.
ess Building.
:ed as evidence of
hed in The Summer
of the Editor. Un-
Nill receive no con-
may beomitted in
y the writer. The
necessarily endorse
in the commnunica-
Telephones 2414 and i76-M
r ditor ..............William Stoneman
itorials............... Paul I,. Einstein
ht Editors...............Nathan Davis
Robert s tRamsay.
hard Ieidemann Ada Phelps
rgaret Geddes Andrew E. Propper
C. Heraper Regina Reichman
othy Mitts Margaret Stuart
ena M~oran Lucy Tolhurst
K. Boyer Matilda Rosenfeld
Telephone 960
ertising..............Hiel M. Rockwell
Aication............... ..D. L. Pierce
:ounts .............. ...A. S. Morton
:uiation .................John C. Haskin
abeth Bartholomew George Stracke
herine S. Griffiths John A. Barrett
vantage of the lectures, at least a
few of the tours, and who have not
participated in any of the many rec-
reations for which Ann Arbor has
adequate facilities, can at least con-
sole themselves with the studies they
have undertaken and successfully ac-
complished. But those who have not
only studied but have taken in the
other attractions may now enjoy a
well earned period of vacation n
more pleasing by the realization that
a wholesome, healthy, and instructive
summer has been spent and well
So- ong
The campus will look different
next fall. Several new buildings fin-
ished'and ready for use, many others
started, and other improvements on
the way. But it will still be good
old Michigan.
The all-A student can sit back and
take it easy until next Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, but 'the others
cannot C how that is done.
- The air is rather blue just now and
a shower of books of that variety is
(lue shortly.
By next Saturday we will have a
chance to take the dust off the seats
in the Ann Arbor day coaches.
AND we can transfer the dust to
school books.
Watch for the first issue of the
Daily this fall-a 20 page paper.
ONE OF our esteemed contribs has
dun the impossible, yessir! He has
located humor in the University cata-
log. Were it possible? He gives his
evidence as follows
After mentioning the Zoology Mus-
eum on page 71, the catalog says
"The University affords a secure de-
pository of objects of value....."
On the in speaking of the
contents of the museums, it says:
"The Fish Collection is composed
almost entirely of Michigan forms.
There are about 12,000 speciments."
(Which is also approximate number
of students in winter school!)
*A few courses which deserve men-
"Newspaper Ethics," "Problems of
Poverty," "Psychology of Salesman-
Dear Tarik: I saw at the top of
page one, of the Wastenaw Post, Aug.
9, the usual legend, "The Washtenaw
Post is the Most Widely Read Ann
Arbor Newspaper in Washtenaw Coun-
ty," and I would add, "if you can read
it." A monkey wrench or something
got between the press and the paper
when they were making my copy. A
good deal was missing.
What a moment, what a doubt!
All my nose is inside out,
All my thrilling, tickling caustic,
Pyramid rhinocerostic,
Wants to sneeze and cannot do it!
How yearns me, thrills me, stings me,
How with rapturous torment fills me!
Now says, "Sneeze you fool-get thru
Shee-she-oooo! 'tis most del-ishi
Ishi-ishi-most del-ishi!
When I shay-shee-oooo!
Remember "Jimmie the adtaker's"
I.. - 1
GRAHAM'S-Both Ends of the Diagonal
i ,
Eastern Standard Time
(Effective July 10, 1923)
Limited and Express Cars to Detroit
-6:0o a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.n., 9:o5
a.m. and hourly until 9:05 p.m1.
Limited Cars to Jackson-8:47 a.m.,
10:47 a.m., 12:47 P.m., 2:47 p.m., 4:47
p.m., 6:47 p.m., 8:47 p.m.
Express Cars to Jackson (Local stops
west of Ann Arbor)- :47 a.m. and
every two hours until 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars to Detrit-7:oo a.m.,
855 ~a.m, and every two hours until
855 sP.m., x x :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti
Onmy-x1:40 P.m., 1.15 a.m.
Local Cars to Jackson-7 :50 a.m.
and then x2:ro a.m.
Connection made at Ypsilanti to
Saline and at Wayne to Plymouth and
Y ""v LLN RSX iC
Text Books and Supplies for All Colleg
Chevrolet Speedster.... $150
1917 Ford Roadster..... $60
1917 Cadillac Touring
1920 Ford Sedan......'$250 I
I,. "
F0 o D always tastes
much better if the
surroundings are right.
There is no pleasanter
place in Ann Arbor in
which to eat than
Authorized Ford Sales and Service
316-20 E. Huron St.
here are moments in the life of
ry man when it is his earnest wish
t tomorrow would not come and allm
future would be yesterdays. He
uld rather renew the past than set
;h on the road toward the sun.
'his pleasant backward look, to-
her with the satisfaction of having
ved the Summer session of 1923 to
best of its ability is a source of
highest gratification to the Sum-
r Michigan Daily staff. They have
led the news of one of America's
est universities, as its official journ-
its; a distinction which may come
y to those who are willing to serve
failingly in its best interests.
they have been progressive in ad-
,ating new local and foreign polic-
and in bolstering the old and
rthy ones. Controversy which was
tain to appear with the advent of
w ideas was treated with fairness,
those who were intimately con-
rned with subjects discussed have
tified. There was no smothering of
inion. Nor was there any move "to
rear" at the challenge of criticism.
e Daily stood "pat" on its editor-.
s because they were written in the
d light of truth.
Satisfaction is the eminent sensa-
ni which prevails in thee minds of
staff members. They have found
spaper work in a University in-
sely interesting because a college
nmunity is truly; enthusiastic over
units of its institution. The Sum-
r Daily thanks its patrons for their
endid support during this partic-'
,rly happy summer.
Patience, Judgment, and Manr
They're all set to call Herr Cuno's
bluff in the reichstag now, but the
hot headed Reds and Socialists don't
know what they're calling when they
do it. Several days ago the chancellor
stated that he would not continue at
the head of the government unless
he had the support of the legislative
body. He hasn't, and is reluctant to
concede the fact, realizing that to do
;o, he would place Germany in a state
of turmoil. If he refuses, a general
strike will be called today. What is
Ihe to do?
Even the sincerest patriot could not
drag his country from the trouble
which is imminent. The nation has
an able man at the helm and just as
there is some chance that he may
solve the problems which have en-
grossed him for months or years, the
people rise against him. Man's judg-
ment of other men is sadly undevelop-
ed, and his patience-, what is that?
Ini The Moonlit Hills of Kentucky
An old fashioned feud is on in the
backwoods hills o Kentucky along the
shores of 'Lost Creek. It is not a
family hatred of long standing, how-
ever, that caused the trouble, but
just the universal antipathy for fed-
eral prohibition agents. A little clan
of moonshiners was found busily en-
gaged up in the mysterious Kentucky
hills and four daring agents started
out to break up the still and "get"
the law-breakers. Wise and quick
acting men as they are, the moon-
shiners got the jump and before any-
one knew it, three federal prohibition
agents were the prisoners of a "bunch
oferiminal muckers."
Twlce-Told Tales
ONCE UPON a time there was a
wise but poor old man who drove an
old wagon and a sorry mare to peo-
ple's back doors and bought old
clothing and the like. Very often he
would get off his wagon and walk
along the roadside beside it.
ONE DAY when he was doing this
three small, naughty boys saw him
and began to tease him after their
fashion. He paid no attention to them
and kept going along until they came
into a dense forest, thru which a nar-
row trail wound. It was very darkish
on account of the overhanging trees
and when the old beggar suddenly be-
gan to speak the little boys were a lit-
tle frightened.
"If you tease me any more I will
blow a blast on my little whistle,"
said the old man, at the same time
holding up his whistle, "and' four
starving bears will come out of yon
woods and eat you up."
The boys whispered among them-
selves whether to tease the old man
any more after that ornot. .They did
and he did and the bears did.
E. C. M.
Today's Little Puzzler
What is it that never flies except
when its wings are broken?
Ans: An army.
You Can't Go Wrong
i 4,
By taking out an insurance
policy to protect your bag-
gage while you are away
from home from loss by
fire, theft or other risks of
209 First Nat. Bk. Bldc.-Phone 441-M
- +.
Electric Curling Irons
$575 -65
Users of electric curling irons
find it a simple matter to keep
coiffures well dressed even in
hot sultry weather. They find
too that it pays to buy a good
iron. These are finest makes.
Detroit Edison
Main at William Telephone 2300_
'he Summer session is almost over.
ast few feverish days of finalexam-
tions, and then you close your
>ks, pack your grip, and hop a
in for home and rest. Perhaps as
z sit in a day coach next Friday
Saturday, homeward bound, ybu
1 want to take an inventory of
t what the Summer session has of-
ed and just what you have gained
these eight weeks.
L survey of the lecture program of
Summer session cannot cbut cause
eeling of satisfaction to those who
re takenradvantage of it,:and a feel-
;of regret to those who have not
te so The program has been well
rked out both in variety and inter-
of subjects and the excellence of
ir presentation. The subjects have
ered the field of education, music,
)lution, literature, politics, sociol-
, and the drama.
"he excursions to Detroit and vicin-
Put-in-Bay, Jackson, and Niagara
Is have been an important feature
the program. The itinerary ha
:en students into the realmo prac-
ality and human interest whi 'Ah is
al and noteworthy in an educa-
nal program. The dramatic pro-
tions offered by both amateur and
fessional players were of a high
The wise boy got away without be-
ing seen and now the other three are
waiting patiently under the nose of a
bearded backwoods man and his load-
ed rifle, waiting for their comrade
and reinforcements. These are the
joys of a federal agent.
The Royal Rub
Royality still clings to the formal-
ities of regal marital bonds even
though they} have long since given up
the idea of compulsory marriages.
The 15 year old Princess of Rouman-
ia is on a visit to her "coz," the King
of England, hoping to impress the
Prince of Wales with her charm and
win the hand of the most coveted
member of the royal families of Eu-
A LETTER came yesterday from a
young lady requesting a remidy for
lovesickness. She is a student in the
summer school and says she can't do
a thing strait. We gave her the old
cure, time and fire tried, it never fales
* * *
We note that a contemporary riter
heads a story, "Why Do Men Go
Mad?" and devotes a collum and a half
to the discussion. That certainly ans-
wers the question.
THEY had been
Crops, WEATHER, income
Taxes, and PEOPLE
They didn't LIKE
For an HOUR.
HER little brother
Was in the Room.
Finally the LATTER
I know what'd happen
I' I left the room.
SHE cnade him leave.
S* **
Faculty Baseball Game Monday
The faculty baseball game of which
Dr.. Clifford Woody, of the School of
Education, is captain, has won three
out of the four games played with
the superintendents this summer. The
two teams will play a final game at
Ferry field Monday afternoon at 5
Careful Finishing
that Protects your
We feel a real respon-
sibility for film left
with us for development.
Negatives cannot be re-
placed, and there are
often several exposures in
each roll that are inval-
uable to the owner. Care-
ful methods and scientific
formulae bring results
that justify your entrust-
ing your films to our
finishing department.
Of course we are
equipped for enlarging-
let us show you some
samplesof our work.
Kodak Film in all sizes
119 N. University
Daily Excursion to
One Round Trip $ .25.sundays
Way (Return Same Day) Holidays
Leaves etroitDaiy 9 a. m. (-F.-)
The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makgs this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing.- dancing-
gves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
Connections at Pat-in-Say with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakesida.
Daily to Sandusky
The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky Fare-3$.0
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
Aspcs excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
to Atatic Cit -the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels.
groveandail outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point ad seven
hoursaat Put-in-Bayt Leaving Cedar Pointuat5 p.m. and Put-in-Ba at 7 p.m.;
arriveback in Detroit 10:30p. in. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip;Put-in-
Bay, 80 cents.-
As democracy succeeds monarchy,
the princely heir has tfound it an
even more difficult matter to find ,a
wife who would both satisfy the form-
al requirements of such a bond, and
answer his requirements of a com-
panion in love. Today there are but
ten families who would be eligible
for consideration in such a combina-
tion while only ten years ago, the
Prince of Wales could have had his
choice from almost three times that
number of royal blue-bloods. With
the extermination of. kingships, the
elimination of "royal marriages" may
he a matter of compulsion.
D onlaNg Moowflghts
Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m.
Fare, Wl, T"us. 75c. Sat.,
Sun. and ito5Gy.7c
Write for Map Folder
Ashley & Dustin
Steomer Line
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mi l.
be de-
* -