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August 12, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-08-12

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t l





Officials Of Session Praise
Results Of Summer 's Work



' U

E, '24, WILL

Officials of the Summer session, yes-
terday expressed themselves as be-
ing highly pleased with the work of
the summer, and spoke with apprecia-
tion of the student body as a whole
Dean Kraus, who has been directing
the Summer sessions for many years,.
and upon whom the work of organiza-
tion and administration of the summer
work largely falls, in reviewing the
results of the term said: "The re-
sults of the session have been more
gratifying than ever before. In the
matter of attendance alone, the ses-
sion has been a success, for our in-
crease has been an increase of more
than ten percent, and in 23 other in-

Face Schedule of Eight
Flank Positions Are
Left Vacant
nembers of last year's Con-I
ampion Varsity football
the list of gridiron candi-
he coming season who will
Coach Yost September 15
ening of practice for the
n 50 men have been invit-
rn to Ann Arbor early in
the Wolverines may get;
fast start in their prepar-
hat promises to be as hard
as any Maize and Blue
ever faced. With the in-
in eight game card Michi-
play football every Satur-
o months and the coaches
t with such a program in
hey should have every man
ential Varsity material on
rly as possible.
pke to Head Squad
Harry Kipke, all-American
last year, of course will
the rest of the squad and
bers of last year's Varsity
Uteritz, Herb Steger, Jack
d Steele, Ed VanderVoort,
ghter, Stan Murhead, Don
old White, Louie Curran I


stitutions, the increase has been lit-
te more than three percent. Mich-
igan is fast becoming known for its
summer work. The students that have
come here are usually recognized to
be of superior type since so many car-
ry degrees. Out of the 3,054 students
who have attended the session, 948
have been the holders of degrees.
This tends to make a student body
that is above average."
Excursions Popular
In speaking of the various elements
besides the purely academic that have
gone to make the session a success,
Dean Kraus spoke of the work of the
excursions which were taken every
week. There are 12 excursions in all,,
with two main excursions, one to Ni-
agara Falls, the other to Put-in-Bay,
both under the direction of Prof. Jesse
Rowe, of the University of Montana.
It is estimated that fully 500 people
availed themselves of the opportunity;
to visit the places of interest about
the city while they spent their sum-a
mer here. Excursionists toured the
Ford plant in Detroit, and other fac-
tories and industries of special inter-t
est, they visited Jackson, with its pris-
on, the Consumers' power plant. Allj
the excursions were supervised and
planned by Carleton F. Wells. These
have become an important part of the
summer course. Started last year as
a new thing, they have so increased in
popularity that their reception among
the student body has warranted their
being placed on the regular list of
events for the summer program.
Special Courses Attract
Beside sthe excursions the special'
courses that were offered by the Un-
iversity have proved an especial at-
traction. The courses In Insulin for
practitioners have been so popular
and profitable that their success may
(Continued on Page Three) f

Classes for Year 1923-1924
on September

will Start

Registration of members of the
University for the current year 1923-
1924 will begin on Tuesday, Septem-


ber 18 and will last for the usual per- Food


Official Conference of Cabinet
Is Set For Tues-


iod of one week, according to an-
nouncement from the office of Regis-
trar Arthur G. Hall yesterday. Classes
will start one week after registra-
tion period, on Tuesday, Soptember 25.
This date is only one day before the
beginning last year.
The outlook' for the possible num-
ber of students next year is problem-
atical now, but there is certain to be
an increase of 10 per cent over the
totals for last year. This figure is
not abnormal, but shows a steady and
healthy increase in enrollment. Close
to one thousand have been admitted
already into the freshman classes for
next year.

Shortage Riots, and Strike Ds.
orders Are Problems for
Cuno Government


Barlin, Aug. 11-(By A.P.)-Unrest
on the increase in German food short-
age, riots, strike disorders and agita-
tors, fostered by the Communists are
among the troubles of the government
which Chancellor Cuno is confronted
and to make the position worse the
government's tenure tenure of of-
fice by reason of the "no confidence'
decision of the United Socialists, ap-
pears soon to be over, for there is
every indication tonight that the gov-
ernment would announce its retire-
ment at almost any moment.
The most disastrous disturbance of
the day occurred at Aix La Cahapelle
where strikers who were trying to
seize the crops from the peasants were
confronted by self-protection squads
organized by the peasants. Eleven

Worthlessness of Marks I
Upheaval; Overthrow
ernment Imminei
London, Aug. 11-(By A
cellor Cuno handed Presi
his resignaton today, says
News dispatch from Beri
President refused to accep


predictions as to the
23 Varsity would be
at this time it seems
he Wolverines should
east as good and pro-
i the one which won
last fall.
d Michigan will have
ack in the fold in Ut-
quarter, Captain Kip-
ger. Steger has com-
I from the illness
ed him considerably
hould prove one of
in the approaching
ss of Cappon fromf
naturally will be feltI
re are several men
reshman squad who
ly prospects for this
son is a young soph-
:m great things are
iller, fullback on the
two years ago, will
Other backfield men
is among the best of
s year include Hes-
Kunowm, Dewey, and
ter was quarter on
g aggregation. With
E backfield candidates
hes have considerable
which to pick their
Well Fitted
not present the diffi-
it did a year ago. In
dan football mentors
iding a man for prac-
dtion on the line be-
. This year practic-
iop on the lipe will
o has ha4 some ex-
ference football. At
3ek Blott. Blott, who
d into the shoes left
Vick proved one of
Big Ten and showed
against every center
e played during the
Yost has two letter
n Steele and Slaugh-
saw a lot of service
ast year,'and should
y in the Big Ten this
among the hardest
>tball field that Mich-

Washington, Aug. 11-(By A.P.)-
President Coolidge returned to the
capitol today from Marion where
he had attended the funeral of Pres-
ident Harding. He summoned the cab-
inet officers to his temporary execu-
tive offices and expressid to them that
his desire for the administration was
to "close up and march ahead".
He reiterated his wish that all pres-
ent cabinet members continue in offi-
ce and some of his callers are of the
opinion that there will be no changes
in the executive official family for
some months, at least.
Confers With Heads
Singly, or in groups, the heads of
seven of the government departments
conferred with Mr. Coolidge, placing
before him details of the more im-
portant matters pending in their
sphere of government. They were
Secretaries Hughes, Weeks,Hover,
Work, and Wallace Postmaster Gen-
eral New, and Attorney General
Secretaries Melon and Davis are
out of the country and Secretary Den-
by has resumed his vacation on his
Michigan farm.
Mr. Coolidge will confer with them
when they come to Washington.
Meetings o Tuesday
Announcements made that regular
meetings of the cabinet will-be held
on Tuesdays and Fridays as has been
the custom, with the New President
presiding at his first meeting next
Tuesday. This meeting will be held
in the White House executive offices.
whiph will be taken over by the Pres-
ident on Monday..
He and Mrs. Coolidge will continue
to live at the New Willard Hotel.
however, until Mrs. Harding has left
the White House.
Rail Road Jack A
Loyal Supporter
Of University
Railroad Jack, who answers .all
questions, is very loyal to Michigan,
and is fond of the campus and its
students. This is the first time the
memory expert has been here in the
summer, usually coming here in the
winter tem. Jack makes friends with
everybody, and everybody likes him
and because of the good time that
Jack has had here this summer he
sends this communication to The
Daily. "As a result of the very glad
hand given me' by the student body
of the summer school during the past
three weeks, I wish to say that as the
years roll on, I shall 'ever cherish
the fondest recollections concerning
the University of Michigan, and that
I shall do my part in boosting evey-
thing that has to do with the Univer-
sity." Signed, Rail Road Jack.

F. J. Youngson, of Aberdeen, Scot-
land, will be the visiting preacher at
the 10:30 o'clock service in the First
Presbyterian church. Intermediate
and primary Sunday schools will be
held at the same hour and Bible class
for young people at noon. The mem-
bers of the Young Peoples' society
will gather at 6 o'clock to enjoy a'
social half hour which will be fol-
lowed by ,a regular business meeting,
at 6:30 o'clock.
The sermon at St. Andrew's Epis-
copal church will be given by the Rev,
George Backhurst of St. Mark's
church of Marine City at 10:30 o'clock.
Holy Communion will be offered up at:
8 o'clock. Services will be held in
William's Memorial chapel in Harris
hall at 7:15' o'clock on Thursday
Dr. Charles Fries will be the preach-
er at the First Baptist church at the,
10:30 o'clock morning worship. At
11:45 o'clock the Bible school will
meetand at the same hour Mr. George
B~igge will direct the Student' Guild
"Ideals and Idols" will be the text
of Dr. P. V. Roberts sermon at the
First Methodist church at the 10:30
o'clock service. Dr. Roberts is from
Evanston, Ill. At 11:45 the Student
Discussion group will meet at Wesley
hall and at 6:30 Miss Genevieve
Koehn will direct the Wesleyan guild
devotional meeting.
The\ Ch'urchi of Christ will hold
Bible school at 9:30 o'clock followed'
by regular church services at 10:30
i o'clock. The Men's Service club and
the Students' class will meet at noon
and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30

The class in Shakespearean Read- persons w
ing will give a recital at 8 o'clock on ed. Cres
Monday evening in Sarah Caswell An- streets o
gell hall. This will be the last dent Rhenish7
on the entertainment program of the moil for
Summer session. The recital will fol-
low certain themes from "Hamlet". London
The entire first act will be presented, tral News
and certain scenes will be selected "Repori
fom the remaining acts. All of the Germany
scenes in which the Ghost appears among th
will be given, also the scene in which armingly,
Hamlet first introduces the players, circles th
the famous closet scene between Ham- cealed th
let and his mother, and the scene in out sudd
which the King persuades Ljaertes to 1918 did."
fight Hamlet. There will be no pro- Accordi
perties or scenery used. messagef
The object of the class is to give ation n t
an opportunity for self-expression come wor
and for the members of the class to that of th
use their own powers of dramatic tinuing,
expression. The aim is to familiarize ers of the
the class with Shakespeare through ed a. thre
acting the plays. The emphasis has The Co
been placed on the interpretation of Chancello
the lines and the identification with messagea
the characters. The players are all stuffs for
amateurs and the cast will be chang- creased w
ed each scene so that the longer parts and perm
will not burden any one person. strations.
Forest Fires In California En
Santa Barbara, Cal., Aug. 11--(By Carlsba
A.P.)-The fire in the Santa Barbara ministrat
forest which died down Friday night, denounced
revived with a rush yesterday when a delegab
a brisk wind sprang up. congress.

were killed and others wound-
seld, one of the principal
of German manufacture) in
Prussia has been in a tur-
several hours.
,Aug. 11-(By A.P,)-A Cen-
s dispatch from Berlin says:
ts to hand from all parts of
today show that unrest
he workers is increasing al-,
so much so that in political
his morning were not con-
at a revolution may break
enly as that in November
ing to another Central News
from Berlin, the labor situ-
the German capital has be-
rse. All the strikes except
e bank note printers are con-
it declares, and the lead-
Communists have proclaim-
e day general strike. .
ommunists are demandingl
r Cuno's resignation, theI
adds, confiscation of all food
the benefit of workers, in-
wages, on the gold standard,
ission to hold public demon-
nglish Rule Attacked
d, Aug. 11-The British ad-
ion in Palestine was rigidly
d yesterday by Dr. Glickson,
te to the thirteenth Zionisf

Although the reichsta
of the Socialists' votes
government's emergenc
ions, including revenue
ing on paper in the tri
ceptance is viewed as
empbasizing the failur
ernment to come 'forwa
measures at an earlier
This is the crux' of
leveled at Chancellor Cu
ited Socialists, who, late
session, assumed an ati
sition to the governm
into which they were I
the clamor of their rad
which is being goaded c
munistic agitation.
With the Socialists thi
their attitude of neutral:
ment is considered har
ing a parliamentary opp
Left which commands
though it could couni
support from the Midd
the Nationalists. Bu
Cuno is aware that the
without the neutrality
ists constitute a preci
n the reichstag and
stances. This situatio
likely to prove decisive
ing the retirement of 1

also received the reic
the conference lasting
midnight hour. Then
are commonly heralde
the retirement of the
within the next 48 hou
bable Dr. Gustav Strese
people's party, leader,
lition including the Un
and the three bourgeoi
clericals-the Peoples


Players' Triumph In Oscar Wilde's
"The Importance Of Being Earnest"
By Margaret Geddes who is, entirely absorbed in society.
"The Importance of Being Earnest", Gwendolyn claims that she can love
Oscar Wilde's amusing comedy, was only a man named Earnest. She be-
presented to a large audience Priday lieves John to be Earnest. To solve3
night in University hall by the class the difficulty John resolves to dispose
in Play Production. The 'cast was of his ficticious brother and -be chris-
exceptionally good and was well train- tened Earnest. Lady Brocknell, learn-
ed under the instruction of Prof. R. ing that Worthing's origin is unknown
D. T. Hollister, assisted by Mr. Alex- refuses to give her consent to the
ander Dean, who is connected with match. Algernon Moncrief visits
the Community Theater of Dallas, John's country home in his absence
Texas, and Mr. R. C. Hunter. Nearly and falls in love with Worthing'sf
all of the actors have had consider- ward, Cecily Cordew. - She believes1
able experience in amateur play-act- Algernon to be John's wicked broth-
ing before. Their familiarity to the er Earnest and tells him that Ear-
stage made the production noticeably nest must be the name of the man1
smoother. she loves. Algernon decides to be
The players were well cast and the christened Earnest. When the two
roles given an excellent interpretation, girls meet they find that both are en-
Mary 0, Gray's Lady Brocknell was gaged to an Earnest Worthing. Con-E
tn artistic character portrayal. Fran- fronted with their deceit the men are
ces Cordesman and Glenn Omans, Vir- forced to admit that neither are Ear-
ginia Gibbons and G. Stanley Gray nest. Miss Prism, Cecily's governess
did admirable work in the juvenile is discovered to have been the nurse
leads. Emma Leonard's charpiteriza- who lost the baby of Lady Brock-
tion of the governess Miss Prism was nell's sister. John Worthing is that
given with the usual excellence that baby and it is found that his name
has made her a tfvorite with Ann was Earnest. Happiness results for;
Arbor audiences. both couples as Gwendolyn does notl
The plot arises from the fabrica- ;have to change her principles and Ce-
tions of two friends. John Worthing cily yields.
invents a brother Earnest and Alger- Between the acts Miss Donna Ess-
non Moncrief creates Mr. Bunberry.' elsyn and Miss Beatrice Omans en-
John is in love with Gwendolyn Fair- tertained the audience with charm-
fax, the daughter of Lady Brocknell. ing niano selections.

Berlin, Aug. 11-(By A.P.)-
talk of panic and a "putsch" fllinj
air in Berlin and in the great i
trial centers of the reich, the pi
coalition leaders believe that e
uation demands early retireme
Herr Cuno's non-partisan cabine
the appointment of successors
will be able to command the
dence of the socialists generally,
Berlin, Aug. 11-(By A.P.)-Al
Berlin banks closed at noon' Y
because of the lack of currency
which to continue operations.
reichsbank announced it had nc
rency on hand and none was in
for the immediate future. , The
printing presses which have
turning out billions of marks
ed operations Friday morning o
to strikes in the printers' trade
Premiums of 100 per cent were
freely on the bourse yesterda;
paper marks.
Lydon, Aug 11-(ByA.P..)-
Communists were killed and 40
ers were wounded in Ratibor in
per Silesia while the police this n
ing were attempting to -clear
streets in which the communists
demonstrating, says a central
dispatch from Berlin.
Director of Villa Slayers Tak
Mexico City, Aug. 11-(By A
Monterey police yesterday arres
suspect believed to be Jesus Sala

of expe
,ms and


is a Daily Suspends Publication
n line I
won- With this issue the Summer
a long Michigan Daily will suspend pub-
of the lication. The first issue of the
Michigan Daily for the fall sem-


Museum Staff Members Return
Mina L. Winslow, curator of mol-
lusks in the Museum of Zoology, re-
turned yesterday from a three weeks'
collecting trip in Charlevoix county.
Theodore Hubbell, a former member
of the museum staff, and now profes-
sor of zoology at the University of
Florida, also returned yesterday fromf
a four weeks' trip in Northern Mich-
igan. He has been studying grass-
hoppers for the state conservation de-

r 24.

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