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the wri
in theco ,
r. Te1
lephones 2414 and 276-M
or ..............William Stoneman
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he could, and facrificwd his strength in
the fulfillment a his duties..
With the all important part the Un-
ited States'has played in internation-
al affairs, the strenuous dutes inci-
dental to the reorganizatiou of a great
gevernmental machine after a long
period of war-time disruption, and the
many duties which the President' vol-
untarily .assumed as the leader of the
nation, it is 'little wonder that' when
illness seized him, he was not able to
withstand the strain. At the time of
his inauguration, President Harding
was in perfect health, strong, active,
and always in the best of humor.
The duties and worries of his office
'made it impossible for him to get the
leisure necessary to every man's well-
being. While he retained his health, his
vitality was necessarily weakened,
and all his courage and faith could
not. have saved him from the fatal end
which brought profound grief to his
'President Wilson too gave his health
in the service of his country. Long
before his term of service was over,
the war President. felt the strain of
over work and today he is a national
-hero deprived of the strength which
.he. sacrificed in office.
Is the.Presidency an office to require-
the life of one who' fills it? With the
present duties, required and assum-
ed, the task is one for super-men
alone. Unfortunately 'super-men are
but seldom available for this great'
task. Inasmuch as man cannnot be
fitted to a task greater than his capac-
ty, it is time the task: be made to fit
teh 'man. Great; big, and capacble
men can be selected to. head the na-
tion but their leadership must re-
quire less'than. in the past. The
Presidency; should be a one man job.
As it stands today, it is a five man
job in the performance of which one
man must sacrifice his life.
be to send them to Germany with a
few dollars in their pocket. They'd
soon be millionaires, but it wouldn't,
mean anything.
;GRAHAM'S-Both Eftds of the Diagonal
. ,,
(Chicago Tribune)
When Warren G, Harding was nom-
inated for the presidency it was re-
narked that the American people have
a habit of turning away from time to'
time from men of outstanding force
and brilliance and of renewing the
tes of government with the source of
its being, the people themselves.
A great deal was known of General
Wood and of Herbert Hoover, and in
an aristocratic form of government
either one might have been preferred
to Warren Harding, of whom little was
known by the people except that he
was from Ohio and was a United
States senator. In Woodrow Wilson
we had a distator, needed by war, and
we recall that the very modesty of Mr.
Harding was considered a desirable
His plurality of 7,000,000 was proof
that his party had the popular instinct.
It might have be said that. Mr. Hard-
ing as a United States senator, sup-
ported by a group of them, was not a
man of the people, but his growth, his
traditions, his antecedents, and in a
true sense his whole nature had all
the elements in which the American
sees the democracy-of his country and
its possibilities in government.
President Harding well upheld the
traditions of this renewal at the source
of being begun with the election o;
Andrew Jackson. We cannot risk a
challenge of history by assigning him
a place in it. We think his devotion
to what he regarded as the best inter-
ests of America was unqualified. He
toook responsibility for administration
when the country, although not ex-
hausted' or .prostrate' after war, was
suffering from the consequences of it
and with governmental mistakes might
suffeer much more.
Wethink Mr. Harding was admir-
ably qualified for the presidency in
such a time. He may never receive all
the credit he deserves for the budget
system and the part it had in deflating
government and in reforming waste-
ful conduct of government business.
He may not be remembered many
decades for his achievement for the
peace of the United States. There al-
ready are two opinions as to the re-
sults of the arms conference. We be-
lieve that he may have averted, for
this generation at least, what would
not soon have been forgotten, a war,
with Japan.
His death is a loss to the nation.
The sympathetic American people feel
it as such. It is the loss of a man they
admired and liked genuinely for his
fine personal qualities and his gener-
ous nature, quickly and untimely tak-
en in what wa sthe prime and happi-
ness of his life.
tinged with apprehension. The lesson
of Mr. Harding's career would not
rightly be taken to heart if it did not
help us to feel that the foundations
of out government are laid too deep
and broad to be shaken by even such
a shock as that caused by his passing
from the earthly scene.
A very direct, and cheap form of
Find that lost pin through the clas-
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Electric Hair Dryer, $25
By concentrating a steady cur-
rent of cool or well warmed
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your hair is completely dried in
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little to use.
The Detrolt 1Edison
ie of the most exemplary mau-
ations of fairness and'good sports-
,ship which has ever arisen in a
a'of student discipline in an Amer-f
college came to light .yesterday
aling with the public apology of 11.t
Lents for conduct -"not becomingt
alemen." /
henever student, gets into dif-a
lties, he lnediately begins to
¢late sUpoil his chances of "get-
out" of the afair as easily as pos-e
e. The apology which 'is printed
.y on page.one of this issue, is the
and only case. in' the history of
Dean of Student' office, where a
Tp of men displayed teh honor and
re to "face the music" voluntar-
his - exceptional behaviour was
ehed by theDean of Students with
irit of fairness which is above re-
ach from the most prejudiced op-
ents of -interference with student
rty. Both parties to this astonish-
coup deserve nothing but open-t
ded praise from the student body,
whom their apology is directed.
those who give more than passing
ight to their infraction of the "n-
tten law" which. binds Michigan
tlemen, no other word than
due' can fittingly attach, in view
.heirisubsequet conduct.
heyh wr s-notsummoned by the
6 of Students. They were not
ized" by the Dean of Students.,
y came of their own volition to
o lce and told their own story and
ed .that the matter be "cleared
'. The Dean did not put to them a
le question, until requested to do
by a member of the group.
hey then proceeded to -draw up
r own document, signed it and aft-
having it approved by the Dean,
mitted it to the managing editor
the Daily- with the request that it
published in this issue.
A this the ideal situation in stu-
t discipline? The only answer to
'question is.the suggestion of a
ter plan. The student body must
lize now,' if never before, that it
es nerve and backbone "to face
music" openly and that there are
1 in the University willing to sac-
Ce: their dignity that the public
,ce of mind may not be outraged.
'he case at hand proves that st-
ts can discipline' themesves and
t a Dean of Students may be an
isor and counsellor without being
oliceman. If this affair is take
a precedent, a new life, has been
en to the moral status of University
Michigan students.
lince the' time when this country
umed its rightful leadership in
rld affairs 25 years ago, the duties
uraly devolving upon the Pres-
it have rapidly multiplied until to-
r they are more than five-fold those
ich occupied McKinley at the time
- his misfo''unate assassination.
e country feel " the strain of a sav-
0 grief but these setiments . are
' The Russiongeducational system hasa
ltefer- com nded thie attntion oft
learned men who always considered itt
inferior to those of all other northern
European countries. Since the fall of
the Czarist regime, the few- great un-
iversities of the g'r'eat expanse ofs
far stretching lands have gone through
a perpetual state of reorganization
until today they reflect nothing of the
scholarly teachings of learned profes- .
sors, teaching only the principlest
which will prcmote socialism accord-
ing to the desires of the bureaucratic
hoodlums thaat theink they know all
about putting Russia on her feet.
Almost all of the former professors
have been deprived of their positions,1
and many of their' lives, while ignor-
ant Reds sit in the chairs of learning
with their minds as devoid of any
scholarly thoughts as the sea of fresht
water. Their students, invariably more
fit to hold professorships than the in-
structors, are gaining little from the
training which is now available to all,
after centuries of oppression from
tyranical monarchs who believed in
education for the educated. A great
deal they profit by such a system!
According to the 'monarchicl or-
ganization, only holders of a doctorate
or master's degree could have the pri-
vilege of teaching, but since it suited
the new administrators to have others
in office, they willfully abolished the
system of degrees in its entirety. Mey
who have even less culture an'd
knowledge than that . whici accom-
panies a modest education have re-
placed the scholars of former tines.
Men, who, narrow in their way, were
none the less great students. The
Soviet is in ultimate control, giving
only those men who can present rec-
ommendatio s from' organizations,
friendly /to the present regime, posi-
tions on the "teaching", staffs.
Aside from the inefficient persons
who have the universities in charge
there has, been a radical 'departure
from accepte dpoliciesdin the subjects
offered for instruction. Teaching in
law, political science, economics, phil-
osophy, philology, .and the sciences
have been greatly restricted. Only
courses dealing with the social aspects
have been taught without limitation,
and these from the natur'al point of
view of the existing Soviet regime.
The trend of thought in Russia is
indeed toward liherty of the. masses
but restrictions such as these cannot
ever help to strengthen the people,
either into a trong nationalist group,
or an ambitious element who believe
in the establishment of a ninterna-
tionalistic state. Whatever may be
the purpose of auch an educatiosal
system, it can never accomplish any-
thing constuctive.
Th eeditor of the New Standard
Dictionary says that a basic knowl-
edge of 1,500 words will enable one
to 'acquire a vocabulary without limit.
s There are some people in this world
.'who have a basic knowledge of about
- 50 words but their vocabulary is in-
finitely large. Their content on the
other band is about as small as tha -
Telephone 2300
Main at William
A $2.50
Electric Try one Curling Iron,
for only $1.59
Grids and Camp Stoves
For the pleasure it
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Prices Right
Service. Prompt
(New York Times)
The first onrush of a great national
grief is no time to make nice esti-
mates. The American people are not
thinking at this hour of the place
which higtory will assign President
Harding. They are cast down by the
sense of a personal liss and of a
calamity to the country. They have
seen Mr. Harding step out from
among themselves as one of their own
kind and take up the duties of what
is. perhaps the highest office in the
world with the utmost simplicity, yet
with dignity;'undazzled by power, and
always ready to respond to human
appeals which he niever regarded as
alien to himself. Whatever his fel-
low-citizens may have thought of his
public policies, they fell under' the
spell of his private charm. Now that
he has gone men will be uttering
variations on the old theme, "'What
shadows we are and what shadows
we, pursue." People will recall the
4th of March, 1921, when the Pres-
ident, radiant in abounding health,
rode to the capitol with the outgoing:
President, gray and shrunken and
taken while the invalid is left. Surely
there are tears in mortal things.
If President Harding could speak to
his countrymen today he would bid
them be of good cheer for the future
of their government. He never set
himself pup as a super-man, Indis-
pensable to the national well-being.
His favorite conception of the Amer-
ican government was of a great in-
stitution less dependent upon any in-
dividual than upon the drive behind
it 'of an intelligent and honest de-
moacrcy. As Garfield said in Wall
Street in 1865, that government lives
even though its chief at the moment
is stricken down. The sorrow which
the nation feels at the death of a
The iUp-to-Date Hardware
we have re-
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ceived a shipment of
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