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August 05, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-08-05

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Xiv. No. 38




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UIILIIII [li~ilDeed Says Radical(
SIV U VURIJL "" ""Adminisi
TO LI EIt is impossible at this time to
I make any predictions with certainity
SDRas. to what policies, new or old, Presi-
dent Calvin Coolidge is likely topur-
use," said Prof. Thomas H.. Reed, of
the political science department, in an
N urses Na ?'s interview yesterday. "With the end
of the present Harding administration
Chief Executive less than two years distant, and the
nominating conventions so near' at
hand, it is not probable that any rad-
j ical changes will take place as re-
gards any of the great national issues
which have faced the late President
and which will face President Coolidge
C uring his short term in office. -
I"President Coolidge comes into of-
fice as somewhat of an unknown

ration Improbable
quantity outside of the state of Mass-
achusetts, and the' eyes of the nation
will beupon him as he takes the Pres- - m DD
idental chair," stated Professor Reed
further, "and things will go along dur-I 1
ing the remainder of the present .ad- U
ministration as then have in the a-t"

f of Nation Exemplified by
bute Along Route; Depots
from ded as Train Ptasses


On Board Harding Funeral Train,
Roseville, Calif., Aug. 4-(By A.P.)-
The sorrow in the hearts, of the
American people over the death -of
their leader was exemplified today by
silent groups along the railroad side
as the special train bearing the body
of Warren G. Hargling traversed wes-
tern California and the wide reaches
of Nevada.
With bared heads they stood, some-
times in groups of hundreds, some-
times only a score and sometimes
singly. There was none too poor,
none too rich, none teo mighty or
none too humble to pay his mark of
respect to the memory of Mr. Har-
ding. They were conscious only of
showing their sorrow, but to those
on the funeral train they typified the
American people as a whole.
Saddest Journey
It was the same from early morn-
ing on through the day. It has been
the same since the train left San
Francisco at 7:15 last evening. It
will be -the same, throughout the
three-thousand-mile journey to Wash-
ington and, after that, the trip to
Marion, . The nation mourns as
the saddest transcontinental journey
in its historyhis atbing made.
T o 4*,ea ny Cortege
Mr. Coolidge exects to accompany
the funerad party to Marion. Until
his return to Washington he is not
expected to devote much attention to
matters otherĀ° than those pertaining
to therfuneral and burial of his pre-
decesor in office.
A mass of maail having acumulated
during his absence from Washington,
the new president devoted some time
today to disposal of pressing corres-
pondence, but had little of general
importance on his program for the
Washington, Aug. (4-($' A.IR)-
President Calvin Coolidge today is-
sued the following proclamation:
"By the President of the United
States of America, a Proclamation.
"In the inscrutable wisdom of di-
vine providence, Warren Gamaliel
Harding, twenty-ninth president of
the United States, has been taken
from us. The nation has lost a wise
and enlightened statesman and the
American people a true friend and
counsellor whose whole public life,
was inspired with the desire to pro-
mote the best interests of the United
citizens.' His private life was mark-
ed by gentleness and brotherly sym-
pathy and by the charm of his per-
sonality he made friends of all who
came in contact with him.
"It is meet that the deep grief
which fills the hearts of the Ameri-
can people, should find expression.
"Now therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge,
president of the United. States of
America, do appoint Friday next,
Aug. 10, the day on which the body
of the dead president will be laid
to his last earthly resting place, as
a -day - of mourning and prayer
throughout the United States.
"I earnestly recommend the peo-
ple to assemble on that day in their
respective places of divine worship
there to bow down in submission to
the will of Almighty God and to pay
out of full hearts the homage and
love and reverence to the memory of
the great and good president, whose
death has so sorely smitten the na-
"Calvin Coolidge."
In addition to the proclamation See-
retary Hughes made, public an or-
der directing that by order of Presi-
dent Coolidge "all executive depart-
ment wil be losed on Tuesday
Az-ia' '7 a+- at-iA of+ . I ,'i ' n nnr tn

Miss Ruth Powderly
Nursing convalescent presidents
back to health is nothing new to Miss
Ruth Powderly, navy nurse, who was
in charge of President Harding's sick
room in the Palace Hotel at San Fran-
cisco. Miss Powderly acted in a sim-
ilar capacity for Woodrow Wilson.
Varsity Glee Clnb
To Attend.Musical
The University Glee club under the
direction of George Oscar Bowen is
planning to attend the annual musical
of the Big Ten Conference at Chicago
this fall.
This - will be the first time that
Michigan has put music on a com-
petitive basis. At the Conference the
best Glee club of the tight Big Ten
schools which have entered the com-
petition up to this time is chosen to
go to the annual National conference
at New York. Last year one of the
Big Ten clubs took fourth place there.
In order to make it possible to send
a Michigan representation to Chicago
there must be high grade material to
work with and Mr. Bowen hopes to
have enough of the right kind of try
outs to increase this year's member-a
ship to 80. Mr.. Bowen has just re-
cently taken the directing of the club
his first work wit hit being last se-r
There are under consideration two
tours for next year- If it is for any
reason impossible to carry out the
present plans for a trip during Christ-k
mas vacation to the western coast

Special services in honorof the late
President Warren G. Harding will be
held in Ann Arbor churches today.
Owing to the fact that the majority of
churches have out-of-town speakers,
the-sermon texts have been unable to
be changed, however, special prayers
and music have been arranged for.
The morning service at the First
Presbyterian church will be conduct-
ed at 1030 o'clock under the- direction
of the Rev. Robet 'Brown, of Bad Axe.
At the same hour intermediate and
primary Sunday Schools will meet, fol-
lowed at noon- by the Bible class for
young people. Students desiring to
go the University of Michigan Fresh
Air camp will gather at the church
parlors at 2:30 o'clock.
Morning worship at the First Bapt-
ist church will be held at 10:30 o'clock.
The sermon, "Mountains and Valleys,".
will be delivered by the Rev. R.- Ed-
ward Sayler. The guild Bible class
for students W0ll be conducted by
GeorgeBiggesat 11:45 o'clock. Sum-
mer school students and all other
Ann Arbor people are cordially invit-
ed to attend the community vesper
services on the plaza in front of the
University Library at 7 o'clock this
St. Andrew's Episcopal church, too,
will hold special services this morn-
ing. The sermon will be delivered at
10:30 o'clock by Rev. George Back-
hurst, of St, Mark's church in Marine
City. Holy Communion will be offered
as usual at 8 o'clock.
Dr. P. V. Roberts will speak on the
"Tradegy of Change" at 1030 o'clock'
in the First Methodist church. The
topic of discussion in the Student Bible
class to be held at noon will be "Chris-
tianity and Science." The Wesleyan
guild will meet at 6:30 o'clock at Wes-
ley hall. Edward T. Ramsdell will
speak on the "Test of Love."
i "Christ Our High Priest" will be the
subject of Rev. Carl A. Brauer's ser-
mon. to be delivered at 9 o'clock at
S1. Pauis Lutheran church,' Holy
Communion services will be held at
the same hour !in German followed -by
Bible school at 10:30 o'clock and Eng-
lislH service and Holy Communion at
11:30 o'clock.
The Church of Christ will hold its
Bible school at 9:30 o'clock; the ser-
mon "The Progress of the Kingdom,"
will be given by Rev. F. P. Arthur at
10:30 o'clock, the Men's Service club
will meet at 12 o'clock noon and the

Even though Persident Coolidge may
have some new and different ideas as
to policy which he has kept discreet,
it is not to be expected that he will
disclose them at this time. His work
will consist of carrying out the pro-
gram of work and administration
which the late President began.
In regard to _a'ny cabinet changes,
Professor Reed expressed the pinson
that they are extremely unlikely at
this time,. "Mr. Coolidge' will simply
take the Presidential chair, leaving a
vacancy in the vice-presidency, and
things will carry on about the same,
until after the next presidential elec-
tion which will be in November, 19':4.
It is to be expected, however, that
President Coolidge's name will be
added to the already long list of pos-
sibilities for the Republican nomina-
tion next year.
"The earliest documents touchingI
mathematics which emanate from the
new world do not come, as some
might suspect from Harvard nor
from Boston," stated Prof. Louis C.
Karpinski, of the mathematics de-

Gustav Streseman -
Rumors to the effect that a cabinet
shakeup is near in Germany are com-
ing out of Berlin. Gustav Streseman,
moderate industrial leader is being
groomed to succeed Chancellor Cuno.
He is a leader of the People's Party'
and will head a coalition government'
if he forms' a new cabinet.

To Succeed Cuno
In German Shift

For the first time since the in
tion of the office of the Dean 01
dents, a number of students have
untarily confessed to infractioi
the unwritten rules which g
"conduct be-fitting a gentlemai
the University and asked that
be permitted to "square" thems
with the administration and the
The 'students who have carried
this exceptional program are, mer
of the cast-.which executed the
cus Side-show" act as a part o
Summer Spotlight program, on
26, which caused considerable
ment because certain members
cast - were said to be under the i
ence of liquor. They appeared
Monday in the office of Dean Jo
A. Bursley voluntarily, after ha
requeste dan appointment with
through their spokesman. The
tails of this'meeting were not pub
ed at its close because the Dean s
that he wished to make a special
position to the boys because of
exceptional conduct in voluntaril
fering to see ktheir own punish
for the sake of adjusting the a
He offered them the following
position: they should make a pu
apology to be published in the Mi
igan Daily over their signat
Further punishment, such as proba
or suspension from college w
would ordinarily follow convictio
such cases, will not be administe
because of the straightforward
duct of the boys in presenting I
The apology, which carries the
natures of 11 members of the act,
Aug. 1,:

l Participants V oluntariy Seek A
entyof Preiscontiaet

partment, Friday afternoon in his 'A T T lE T EA TERS
illustrated lecture on the "Develop-
ment of Mathematics in America". .MAJESTIC
' The reason for this statement, he
said, was that the Aztecs and M.y-
ans of Mexico had a system of arith- With Marguerite de la Motte and
metic and computation which were Marjorie Daw playing the leading
written on tablets in hierogliphic form roles, upheld by an efficient cast,
three or four centuries before the "Wandering Daughters" will begin a
American discoveries. He went on to four day run today at the Majestic-
trace the development of mathemat- Under the direction of James Younk,
ics in Mexico, and said that the first director of "The Masquerader" and
textbooks were made on printing "Omar the Tentmaker!' the story with
presses set up in the 16th century. an old theme has been ably portrayed
During the talk slides aided in the in a new and interesting way.
explanation of the different types of It tells of two girls who become
books used in the early part of the infatuated with the same -man of the
18th century, showing how Arithme-. male vamp type and how each one was
tic, Algebra and Geometry were often affedted. The one upheld by her fath-
combined in one book, which was stu- er, showing her ability to build her
died by seniors in the 'higher insti- own future wisely, the other restricted
tutions of learning. by he rfather becoming more determ-
ined to gain forbidden joys holds the
Golf Loses Great interest of the audience to the end.
An added attraction will be Reg-
Enthusiast , With inald Denny in "The Leather Push-
~~er1 "


there will beta tour through five states
of the middle west in the spring.

Christian Endeavor at
this evening.

6:30 o'clock

1,116 Degrees Held By 948 Students
In Summer Session; 324 In 1916

One thuosand, one hundred and six-
teen degrees are held by 948 students
in the University this summer, ac-
cording to statistics given out by
Dean E. H. Kraus yesterday after-
noon. This is a notable increase .over
previous years. The figures for 1920
show a total number of 546 degeres
held by 455 students; in 1918 there
were 273 students holding 324 de-
grees- .
The A. B. degree claims the greatest
number every year out of the 56 dif-
ferent kinds of degrees held by stu-
dents. This summer, 675 students in-
cluding 441 in the Graduate ,school
and 64 in the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts hold degrees.
Four Hold Ph.D. Degree
The B.S. degree comes next in fre-
'quency. One hundred and forty-eight
students in the University this'sum-

iner haye this degree. There are
three holding the degree of Associate
Arts; four with Ph.D. degrees; one
with PhM.; and one having an M.F.
diegree. The degree of Doctor of Pub-
ilc Health was held by one student
in '18 and '19, but no one having one
has enrolled since that time.
A student holding a B.C. degree
registered this year-the first one in
five years, and only three holding the
degree of Bachelor of Letters have en-
rolled in the University since 1918.
Records show that most of the stu-
dents with degrees enter the Grad-
uate school. They have 441 degrees
among their students this summer.
The total number in the literary col-
lege dropped considerably in 1921, due
to the fact that the School of Educa-
tion became an independent unit in
(Continued on Page Three)

Deam Ou Harding
President Harding was one of the
foremost golf enthusiats in the coun-
try and to his enthusiasm for the
game the sport owes- much of its re-
cent popularity in the United States.
When on his trip to the South last
spring and on his journey across the
continent and to Alaska the nation's
chief executive was carerul to see
that his golf bags were included in
the luggage which accompanied the
presidential party.
In his enthusiasm for golf the pres-
ident was encouraged by his physi-
cians who realized the necessity for
exercise of the sort by the President
whose official life was such as to tax
his physical and nervous energies.
During his recent trip to Florida he
played quite frequently 36 holes in
an afternoon tramping at least 10
miles over the hot sandy courses and
showing no signs of fatigue.
Singing Frogs Go Up
Tokio, Aug. 4.-(By A.P.)-Prices
for singing frogs (the kajika) have
reached $5 per frog; they used to sell
for a quarter; they sing for hours a
quaint little tune and only need two
flies per day as nourishment.
- Conference Suspends Claims
Sinia, Rumania, Aug. 4.-(By A-P.)
The Little Eentente conference has
agreed temporarily to suspend en-
forcement of claims against Hungary;
details are withheld, but the League
of Nations has been notified.

"Soul of the Beast." a story of three-
ring love is the feature to be present-
ed at the Majestic from Thursday to
the end of the week in which Madge
Bellamy, Cullen Landis and "Oscar,"
the elephant, take the leading roles.
The story is about a young girl,
Ruth, who at the death of her mother
was left in the care of a harsh step-
father. The father also inherited a
small circus including the -elephant,
"Oscar;" who i sthe means of Ruth's
escape from the circus and also aids
in bringing about a happy conclusion
to a picture which is filled with in-
teresting and exciting moments
Johnnie Walker and Eileen Percy,
the petite actress who appeared in
Booth Tarkington's recent play, "The
Flirt," are starred together in a
breezy, speedy, humorous story, "The
Fourth Musketeer," which will be
shown for the- first four days of this
week at the Wuerth. It is the story1

To the Student Body:
We, participants in the Sumr
Spotlight held July 26, 1923, here
wish to express our most sincere
gret that such irregularities as w
manifest-at this performace which
any ' way may have brought disrep
upon the good name of our Univers
should have occurred; and furthi
more, those of- us who were particul,
ly responsible for, such objectiona
incidences as incurred the displeasu
of anyone .whosoever, desire, throi
our student publication, to make si
amends as are possible by our
care apology.
Not Summoned by Dean
"None of the boys who came
my office were summoned by my
ders," Dean Bursley in a statem(
given out yesterday "They asked
an oppointment and I told them t
I would be glad to hear their sto
This is the first time that a group
voluntarily come to my office to s
adjlustment of their difficulties,
though individual cases of this nat
are -numerous."
When the men were ushered i
the Dean's office, he made it CE
that they were there by their o
wishes and that he did not want
question them. I-e adhered clos
to this policy permitting the stude
to tell their own story until the m
ologues gradually died to silence,
then offered to ask them some qu
tions if they wished, stating, how

of a prize fighter who because
wife has a hankering for high
(Continued on Page Three)


Loss Big in Resort Fire
Franconia, N. H., Aug. 4.-(Dy A.
P.)-T'he profile house, one of the
largest summer resorts in the White
mountains and 20 cottages, were des-
troyed by fire Thursday. The loss is
estimated at more than $1,000,000.
Guests of the hotel numbering be-
tween 200 and 250 were forced to fleea
and few of them saved their belong.

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