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August 02, 1923 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1923-08-02

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To Overcome Illness


* b

State Prison And Pov
Objects Of
(By Carlton F. Wells)
The State Prison' and the properties
of the Consumers' Power company in
Jackson will .be the double-objective
df the final excursion of the Summer
session next Saturday morning, Aug.
4. The afternoon will be entirely de-
voted to inspecting the State prison
proper, and also the 4,000 acre farms
three miles from the city, at which
there is located a newly established
textile plant.
Officers of the prison will conduct
the men in the group inside the high
prison walls, while the women for this
part of the journey will remain in the
guard room, as, prison rules .forbid
women inside the main enclosure.
While the men are being .taken
through, the women will have explain-
ed to them the various features of the


ver Company accommodate only 900 innmats.
"+ , 2T -slit Powe r Plant
Week-End Excursion The morning will be devotd (to vis-,
----- its to the electrical station of the con-
prison, and the methods employed by sumer PoW-t coyny, Vhich sup-
the administration. plies Jackson and many. neighblrnig
lten to be Shown Inside power-consuming communitk , a d to
Inside the walls the men will first the gas plant. Luncheon will be
be shown the large cell block where furnished the party either at theJack-
the prisoners sleep at night, the dorm- son club or St. Paul's parish house',
itory of larger rooms, the main dining depending on the size of the party.
room, the playground, and then The students will be the guests of the
through the granite (monument) Consumers' company at Ja.,2son.w
works. Careful prepartitions have been made
From then on the whole party will by the company to assure a profi able
enjoy equal rights; the women as well and an enjoyable morning for the
as the men seeing the farms; the wag- visitors. At 1:15 -o'clock the party
on factory and repair shop, and the will meet at the prison offices for the
textile plant, all located at the An- afternoon's program at the prison.
Nineteen hundred prisoners are now
cared for at the Jackson prison, eith-
er inside the walls all the time, or atof va
one of the several prison farms. Or-
i'glnally the~ prison wvas intended to

Because of transportation ar
iments on the D. U. R. anl fro
prison to the Annex, and of lu
artangements, it is parictlular)
portant that the students plann
take the trip should leave their
in the Summer session box, Uni
hall, not later than Friday afte
Aug. 3.
A very direct and cheap fo
14th Annual Season Nights 25-5
° In Richard Walton Tully's
"The Bird of Paradise



i ,.s.I


E {
Ihubert Work
Foremost among the attending phy
present illness are Brig--Gen. Cha
h have attained much fame in the
ted Rtoosevelt, Taft and Wilson.
Gr and is a former president of the
atistics compiled by the Michigan
>artment oaf Health show that mea-
was the most prevalent of com-
nicable diseases during the year
2. According to the table, 12,107
es were reported to the public
lth officers during the year. Co-
wing the number of cases report-
during the month of May last year,
.3, s compared with the 8,237
es brought to the attention of pub-
healt1i authorities. during the cor-
ponding month, 1923, the spread
the disease seems to be steadily
the increase'
.ccordiig to the table of preval-
diseases there were reportedi in
26,948 pnuemonia cases, 5,573 t~
cUosis ases, 1,108 cases of ty-
dii fever, 8,513 diphtheria cases,
}L eases of whooping cough, 9,687
rlet fever gases, and 1,231 cases
, College Inn has' reopened and
s eve you as usual.-Adv.
S as'1i8e1 Ad eflISiog
Rates: Two cents per word
per day, , paid In advance; fif-
tera cents per reading line per
d ay, charged.°
;ewriters of standard makes
ought, sold, rented, exchanged
1ened and repaired-
Nicklels Arcade Phone x718
tNTED-A good second hand bi-
ycye. -Call 283-M after 5. 35-p
LNTED-To cook fior fraternity for
ozing shool year- experienced.
a1_ 1479-J evenings. 35-p
USE FOR RENT--On East Kings-
sy St., one section of double house
a five rooms and garage, $50.00
er month by the year. Phone 1564-
kNTED---Unfurnished suite for fall
Sithin access of University Hospit-
1. Write in care Box G. T., Daily
>Ace. 34-p-2
ZNTED-An insurance solicitor.
eply stating qualifications and
hone nu:4er for appointment. Box
j.q. care of Michigan Daily. 34-c-3
NG promptly and neatly done.
[ypewriters cleaned and repaired.
). D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. tfr

Brig.-4en. Charles E. Sawyer
rsicians treating President llarding in
les E. Sawyer and Dr. Hubert Work.
medical profession. Dr. Sawyer has
Dyr. Work is now secretary of the in-
American Mbedical Association. .
of small pox, The statstc~l average
from 1913-1922 shows that the pre-'
Sharon innkeeper, has been hed to
alence of typhoid fever and small pox
has decreased considerably.'
The vital 'statistics' table for the
fist four months, 1923, shows that
19,335 deaths occurred within the
State, 30,620 births. According .to the -
table, the- birth rate has been 8.9
higher than the death rate,
To organize the world for peace; to
make a world wide reduction of arm-
aments to police status, and to edu-
cate the world for peace, is the aim
of the National Council for Preven-
tion of War as stated in a bulletin
recently published, Their idea is to
substitute law and arbitration for-
war, In an address 'before the the
students in the Teachers' College,
Iowa, Monday, Mr. Frederick J. Libby,
Executive Secretary of 'the Council
"The organization of the world for
peace must provide the machinery for
the peaceful settlement of adl disputes
that can arise between nations. There
must then be a court for the settle-
*ent of legal' disputes and an associ-
ation or league of nations for the dis-
cussion and mediation of ecopAnmic
and political disputes,"
Nineteen at 0. A. R. Reunion
Lansing, Mich, Aug. 1.- Nineteen
members of the eighth Michigan in-
fantry are in Lansing today for their
53rd annual reunion.. There are only
d0 men living of the 1,200 who enlist-
ed for the Civil war in 1861. The av-
ergge age of thse attending the re-
Union is 80 1-2 years. The oldest is
William R. Collier, of Hart, who is
Baseballers to Pray For IJiyrding
Memphis, Aug. 1.-By order of Pres-
ident John D. Martin of the Southern
League, all baseball games in the
league will be stopped for five min-
utes, at the end of the third inning
today, for silent prayer for the recov-
ery of President Warren G. Warding.
The College Inn has reopened and
will serve you as usual -Adv.
Find that lost pin through the clas-
sified Ad" will find it for you.-Adv.
No Written Work
At Babson Institute they make a
business of teaching business to
' college trained men who wish to
fill positions of responsibility and
and trust without spending years at
routine work.
Standard office equipment throu g.
u , Nc classes or lectures bi t a
Isiess scheule of work from :0
t 5eo'clock, including daily coe
terences directed by men with years
of business experience, and discus-
sons with active factory and office
executives at their plants. This re
move the instructionfrom the hyp-
thetical stage and helps the student
to 1ook at things in the same light as
a man actually engaged in business.
Ijabson Institute, an educational in -
stituton endowed for the purpose of
fitting men for executive responsi-
bilities, invites you to send for the
booklet, "Training for Business
Leadership." Write today.
Babson Institute
Wellesley Hills, (S"°® "nf)'mass.

VISIT histori
Wake 'Cven

I '
r s

An Auto-Camp Trailer
will add greatly to your comforts. It
attaches to your auto-very little trou-
ble-and carries all your equipment
neatly and compactly.
Before you buy any of yrur equipment
let us show you this trailer and all the
equipment that comes with it.

with Mabel Ballin
Joe Rock Comedy
Fri. -Sat..-
Tom Mix in
Stan Laurel in 160fFS and COLLARS"
Johnnie Walker in
By H. C. witwer
Snnb Pollard in "JACK FRoST"

William Faversham in
Bert Roach in "WON'T YOU WORRY?"
Fri. -Sat.
Constance Talmadge in
Jack Cooper in "SWEET AND PRETTY"
Edward (Hcot) Gibson in
Bull Montana in "GLAD RAGS"


113-115 South Ashley Street
Dealer in Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup
Tires and Tubes.

{;. I


0 .

h < .




Real Service SMt Be Engineered

Many of the men whose names are writ large
in engineering history are design engineers; men
like Westinghouse, Lamme, Stanley, Hodgkin-
son, Tesla, Shallenberger. Their inventions
have the quality of usefulness, of reliability, of
productability; which is an involved way, per-
haps; of saying that they have the primary
requisite of all really great inventions:
Engineering history abqunds in instances of
near-genius that produced no product, and of.
great developments that never reached comple-
tion; and most of these instances are explained
by the lack, somewhere in the system, of that
ability to give real Service.,
Service, in a machine or a system, or wherever
you find it, is not there by accident but because
it was incorporated by men who understood
what was required and knew how to provide it.
Much more is required of the designer than
facility in calculation and mastery of theory.
He must have first hand and thorough familiarity
with manufacturing operations and with com-
mercial and operating conditions. It takes more
than mere ingenuity and inventiveness to design
apparatus that will be really serviceable and
will "stay put."

The design engineer, in the Westinghouse
plan, is responsible for the performan'ce of the
finished product. He cannot possibly have' the
properunderstanding df operation unless he oper-
ates and tests, unless he spends time and thought
in investigation and study, not in the laborator
or drawingroom, but right on the operating
job. Here, most of his ideas will develop; and
here he will see and prepare for all the different
things which the product will later have to
encounter. Then when he comes to put his
creations on paper, - his calculations will be
necessary and helpful to check the conclusions
which he has reached, and this right use of them
requires training and a high degree of under-
standing. This proper balance of the physical
and mathematical conception of thingsis what
constitutes engineering judgement.
It should be thoroughly understood that the
primary function of the design engineer is the
conception and the production ,of new' of im-
proved apparatus, and familiarity. with the
practical is essential to the proper discharge of
this duty.
It is this view of designing that makes this
branch of Westinghouse engineering so impor-
tant, so effective, and so productive of real


CE SALE-Correspondence
y. All clean stock at less
t. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels'
Open evenings. tfr

i WEestinghouse


Gatdlvay to Irish Hills

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