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July 22, 1923 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1923-07-22

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British Control In India
And The Reforms Of 1919
Mustapha Syed is a student in tie Summer esicon, a native of India
and a former student in Patna univer-isty, Patna, India, and the University
of Illinots. , In the following article expresses the Indian attitude toward
British control in India and especially the Reforms Act of 1919.




By Mustaplia Syel

Varns Against Lack of Sense of Pro-
portion in Undergraduate "Ac-
tivites' and Work
Cambridge, Mass., July 21.-(By A.
')-Co-operation between national
ocieties representing cpllege teachers
n the one hand and college admins-
rative officers on the other as a
teans of arriving at a better under-
tanding and better methods in Am-
rican colleges and universities was
uggested by Prof. Harry W. Tyler,
ead of the mathematics department
it the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
ology and secretary of the Amer-
an Association of University Pro-
,Referring to the recent enforced re-
ignation of Pres. Alexander Meikel-
ohn of Amherst college and the resig-
ation of several Clark university pro-
essors accompanied by statements7
rofesting against the methods of
'res. Wallace W. Atwood, he says:
Amherst Case Not Merely Local
"These events cannot be regarded
s merely local in their significanpe
,uite regardless of the faults or mer-
.$ of individuals is there not reason
o infer that the events are merely7
ymptoms of some more fundamental
efecf in the organization of our high-
r institutions?"
The four groups involved in unit
ersity management. Prof. Tyler says
re the trustees, the faculty, the alum-I
i and the undergraduates. The trus-1
es are usually "somewhat averse
o innovation." Members of the fc-
Ity "may have, become critical rath-
r than constructivev or co-operative."
'o a certain faction of the ahmni1
athletic victries are the chief aim.
;d glory of alma mater." The un-1
ergraduates are "eager for new ideas
nd leadership, not always just in<
heir sense of proportion as to "activ-
Ges" and scholarship and liable to be'
ploited by those most interested in
>mmercial athletics.
Business and Education Mix
Remarking that the college pres-
lent is expected to make more or less'
accessful appeal to all these groups,
rofessor Tyler says
"There are probably such super-
len (if not in presidentil captivity)<
ut the chance of discovering one for
iven place is well nigh negligible.
ie difficplties which arise are maml'
lac to the fact that the business n-
gement and the educational conduct
an institution continually qverlap.
( numberless matters of great im-
ortance best results require co-op-
ration of trustees and faculty or of
oth with alumni.
"Under present conditions in this
ountry each institution is a law unto
self. Interesting and valuable ex-
eriments are easily tried here and
here but with no certainty of perm-
nence or imitation.
l'ational1 Movenen Necessary
"T The way out to a better unde-
tanding and better ethd t ees-s
arily lies ultimately with the indiv-
dual college but mnucm will depend
n organized and concerted action.
'le possibility of this now rests in
uch national societies as the Amer-
can Association of University Profe-
ors on the one hand, representing the
glleg teachers, and the Association
f American Colleges, the Association
f State Colleges, et., on the other,
(Continued to Page Four)

When Great Britain was engaged in
the ;World war and every able man in
the empire was called upon to take
up arms, India responded, to the de-
mand of the "mother country" in ev-
ety respect. Agitation for independ-
ence and freedom from the shackles of
law which had held her for the pre-f
ceeding 60 years, was forgotten. I
During the Ave years of war 1,200,-
000 native Indians were enlisted and
the provincial government conrtribut-
ed $740,000,000 towards the cost of
carrying on the cqnflict. In apprecia-
tion of the aid in men and money,
which the province furnished, the
British parliament, upon recommend-
aton of a special commission, passed
the Reforms Act of 1919. India had'
been promised complete'independence
"by and by" dring the war and the,
newly made act way expected by the
Indians to fjl~jl the promise to
some extent as least. Not only'has
the Indian pegple failed to gain in-
dependence but absolutely no gain
in control of its own government has'
been made as a result of the meas-
The Reforms Act was expected to
give rights to India which might be
psed to repeal mesures which had
been passed dprIng the preceding de-
cage and which had been the seat of
the agitation aroused among the peo-
ple. Foremost among these measures
were the Sediious Meeting Act of 1907,
the Newspaper Incitement Act of 1908,
the Tpdian Defense Act of 1917, and
the Rowlatt Act which followed the
Indian Defense Act in 1919. All of
these acts wlichlhad checked the na-
tives from any demonstration of free
will or any tteoppt at expression of
individuality had been passed by the
Imperial Council of he province at a
time when the peqgpe were represent-
ed by a mingrity i tle national legis-
lative body. Most of the acts were op-
posed by the Uldian members of the
council and the Rowlatt Act was un-
animously opposed by the native rep-

l A first glance, the Reforms Act
which provided for a majority of na-
tive representatives in both-the pro-
vincial legislatie bodies, seemed to
give the native members of the coun-
cils power to repeal th eoppressive
measures, and to give the Indian
people a certain amount of real in-
dependence. A thorough examination
of the document howeer, showed such
a vast Lumber of reservations that
the majorities of native members in
the legislative bodies were as help-
less as they would have been in a min-
Reservations which bind the Indian
majorities made by the British goy-
ernment, are contained in three see-
tions of the Reform bill. In explain-
ing the true meaning of these reser-
.vations and the power which they give
to the representatives of Great Brit-
ain it is necessary to outline the pol-
itical organization of the province.
The entire country is divided up in-
to provinces, each of which has a sep-
arate privincial council under the su.
pervision of a governor appointed by
the British pariament. The majorityy
of the members of the provincial coun-
cils are elected by the people while
the remaining members are appointed
by the governor and compose a dis-'
tinct body. The national assembly,
known as the Imperial council, is
made up of representatives from the
various provincial councils, together
with a group of men appointed mem-
bers who are in minority and who
Qompose the Council of State.
In further provisions of the Re-
forms bill, the Copncil of State, the
provincial governors, and the gov-
ernor general hold what amounts to
absolute power. The following pass-,
age from4 the Iteforms Act is uninis-l
takble in it§ significence,
,,Bills require the sent of both chain-
berg, exceput that bills essential to 1
the interest o fpeace and order or
good government which the assembly
refuses to pass, certified by the gov-
ernor-general in council, may be en-1
(Continued on Page Four)



Mystery Stories
Biggest Sellers
In Local Stores
"Two-gun Dick paused at the en-
trance of the cave, his steel gray eyes
penetrating the blackness * * *"
This same Two-Gun Dick as well as
Deadwood Harry, DetectiveJack Dal-
ton and all the other heroes of mys-
tery and detective story fame are very
widely read during the *summer
months, according to Ann Arbor book
And it is not a juvenile trait, eith-
er. In fact, the bookmen say that
the majority of the detective stories
sold during the the summer months
are purchased by adults. It was also
intimated that many of the grown-
ups are high in faculty circles.
The books are mainly bought by
members of camping parties before
they start on their trips, although




Many Members of Faculty Included as
Advisory Council for Ann
Arbor Branch
Believing that the isssue of the'
league of nations is not as "dead as1

Ranks as One of Greatest Schola
'English Literature in
One of the most important, arn
many ways, the most interesting
ture scheduled on the Summer s'
program will take pliace tomo:
evening when Prof. Frederick S. I
of London, will speak at 8 o'cloc]

the slavery issue", as President Har-
ding in one of his western speeches
asserted and that sentiment in the un-
iversities of the country is very large-
ly pro-league, the League of Nations
Non-Partisan association has estab-
lished a branch association here for
the purpose of organizing the adher-
ents of the league into one body
whose voice can be heard throughout
the country.
The University of Michigan joined
the movement largely through the in-
terest of Ralph M. Carson, '23L, who
as Rhodes scholar in Oxford held the
position of president of the Oxford
Union, and took very active 'part in
international student assembly that
has been formed recently after the
model of the league of nations assem-
bly. The local group is headed l y
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
school as honorary chairman, while
the faculty advisory council includes
such names as H. B. Hutchins, presi-
dent emeritus of the University, F.
W. Kelsey of the Latin department, C.
H. VanTyne of the history depart-
ment, C. H. Cooley of the sociology
department, J. S. Reeves of the po-
'litical science department, C. T. John-
son of the Surveying department, E.
D. Dickinson of the political science
department and O. J. Campbell of the
English department,
The avowed purpose of the 'local
group as expressed in a circular sentI
out, is to."'obtain in the University as
large a Rumber as possible a mem-
bership whose names shall appear on
the rolls of the national organization
as supporters of the league of na-
tions;" and (2) to spread information
about the league of nations by means
of speakers, student speakers, and a
study group in which the content and
application of the Covenant shall be,
developed and international poblems
shall be discussed.
The national grganization is a,
large one. Headed- by forwey. Jtstice
John R. harke. who resigned his seat
on the bench of the Suprme court to
assume the headship of the associa-
tion. Such men as presidents Eliot
and Lowell of Harvard, Fjuley of New
York university, Wotley of Mount
Holyoke, Hbbn of Princeton, Faunce
of Brawn,, and- McKracken of Vassar
are active, members of the orgapiza-
The G'irls' bdicatonal club will
meet at T ooek Moday evening at
Betsy Barbour house, Si tging will
be led by Mr. oen, Clarence King-
sley high cahool inspector for the
state of Massachusetts will speak. The
club will discuss plans for the even-
ing picnic that it is to have soon.

-they are purchased by students and
townspeople with regularity through
the year..
Danger of Suspending or Curtailing
Activities of S. C. A. Outing
A tag day will be held Wednesday,
for the benefit of the University Fresh
Air camp now in session on the new
camp site at Patterson lake. With
the third section of the camp now half
through, those in charge see danger
of suspending, or at least curtailing
the activities of the fourth session
which will start soon, unless more
funds are obtained.
The camp this year, which has al-
ready afforded an outing for close to
400 poor boys from various cities
throughout the state, is in need of
$400 to carry on the work. This
amount will be aimed at in the com-
ing tag day,
Camp Expenses Heavy
Expenses at the Fresh Air camp
have been heavy, according to a state-
ment yesterday. Every advantage fort
the boys to enjoy themselves and
learn as much of the out-of-doors as
possible has been given. Managers
at the camp estimate the Bost of run-
ning at one dollar per day per boy,
which cost inolvd'es everything from
transport tioa to the camp to the
small incidentals which arise when
l;e youngsters are at their place of
Tle' fourth section of the camp,
w hiek will start next week, will be,
greatly curtailed in activities, it was
declaredl yesterday, if 'a! sum was
not raised to care for the 120 boys
who will attend that session,- For
this reason, a tag day has been set,
and University stucdents and friends,
who have maintained the camp under
the directing auspices of the Students
Mwristian association, will be solicited
for contributions for the carrying on
of the work.
Kazoo Pioneer Dead
Kalamazoo;, July 21-(By A.P.)-
Latham Cross, 98, oldest pioneer in
Xalamazoo county, is dead after a
lingering illness. He lived practical-
ly all his life on a farm near Alamo.
DeValera Out f" Irish Peace
London, July 21- (By A.P.)-Eam-
on DeValera: in a statement to an
claed "it is not the Republican gov-
ermen or armies' intention to renew;


the auditorium of the Natural Scie
building on "Shakespeare Toda
Following so closely upon the rec
presentation of Shakespearean pl
in the campus theater, the lecti
will be of double interest to those w
had the opportunity of viewing
plays. The lecture is being sponso
by the English department althou
the speaker is coming here at the
vitation of the Summer session admi
Professor Boas is in every way
ted to discuss the topics of, Shah
speare as he ranks as one 'of t
greatest scholars in the world on t
English language and literature. Sin
1905, he has been inspector of En
lish language and literature in t
department of education in Lond
he is a fellow and a member of I
council of the Royal Society of Lit
ature, and one of the vice-presidei
of the English associations.
Educated at Clifton
The famous English scholar w
educated in Clifton college, and
Balliol college of Oxford Universi
He has been a lecturer to the Oxfo
University Extension delegacy, a If
low of the Royal University of I
land, Clark lecturer of English I
erature in Trinity college,' Cambridg
and professor of English in Queen
college, Belfast.
He came to this country in June
attend the meeting of the internatio
all association of English teach
which was held in Columbia unive
sity. At present he is engaged in
fering courses in literature in t
Summer session of the University
Chicago, where it is understood
courses are very well thought of.
In addition to these activities, Pr
Boas is the author of many works
Shakespeare and the English la:
cage. He has edited several volum
of plays of the great Elizabeth
dramatist. He has also contribu
several articles' to the Cambridge h
tory of English literature.
Bomb Hurdel in Chicago
Chicago, July 21-(By A.P.)-
soft drink stand was partly wreck
by a bomb here early today. W
dows in the neighberhood were' sh,
tered by the blast, which, howev
caused only small property dama
John McDevit, proprietor of the sta
could give no reason for the atta
Soviets Seize German Ship
Ioscow, July 21-(By A.P.)-'
Soviet government has seized the G
man steamer Petersburg on
grounds that the boat is Russian p
perty, having been sold to Germany
the entente./'
Baptists Meet at Stockholm
Stockholm, July 21-(By A.P.
Baptists from every continent w

Excursionists To

Visit Detroit
School And Hotel


By Urt~ 9RUg
Cass Technical Higb scboo and Ha -
$jL Statler, two i stitutions equal y
;niqg nd t }oroughly nodern
their specific fielfs, VII both 30 vi
itetl by Sipn3n1; sessip gudeuat tie
afternoon Wednesday, ,ily W. A
hur will be Oevoted to the iuspe'ctlon
of the old and new Cass Technical
High school building. The printing
department, the automobile and other
mechanical departments, the domestic
science and commercial rooms and
laboratories, the scientific equipment
for physics and chemistry and rmdio,
as well as the large and well equip-
ped class and lecture rooms, will all
be visited by. the excursionists.
Among the many features of this
fireproof, six story stucture, that will
be of- especl inter.est to ihe party are
the large elevator.s, the, moo a fe-
teria an ltitchin, the roof promen-
ades for r.eless periods,, and the huge
auditorium, with a capacity 'f 3100.
Will Iispect Sit~ler
At 4:15 c'clo lg the vlsitors, will ar-
rive 4t the Hotel Statler. Special
guides will conduct the delegation
thrdugh this mQdern hotel, from the
electrically drtveu laundry In the'
basement, to the top floor whera the
last guest rooms are located, The

building contains 1l000 rooms, has a
convention auditorium for more than
1000, and can aerye in its 4ining
rooms and cafeteria at one timnA more
than three thousand persons. Not
only will the guide point out the us-
ual features that a hotel guest would
observe, but will take the party be-
hind the scenes, as for example in the
scrupulously clean kitchen, the wa-
ter purification plant, and the me-
chanical equipment used to keep the,
elevators, ventilation syste liqghts,
and similar electriclky. uinsuming fa-
cilities running smoothly.
Dinner at Statler
At the close of the trip through the
Hotel Statler dinner will be obtineA,
either in the main dining roou o','in
the unusually attractive, cafeteria.
The siz fiity P.'U. R. car willbring
the, excuraionists back to Ann Arbor.
it is important that the Hotel Statler.
know the numberin the arty.ah ead
of time; all persons plaiin-ug to take.
this afternoon t ur should. be sire,
therefore, to leave their names in tie
box fn the Summer session ofie.
Harding's Aunt oead
Columbus, 0,, July 21-(By A.P.)
-Mrs. Clara VanKirk Mitchell, 95,
aunt of President Harding, died at
Worthington, a suburb yesterday.

warfare in the

autumn after the


The meeting will end promptly , 8' election.
o'clock. the war

So far as we are
is fAlished."


assembled last
today of the
Baptist World.

night for the ope
third congress of

, . {

See the





u ......::. .. A.,,...:. ..._ .
-- '

' 4

'Y, JULY 26,



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