visualize what is only suggested in
the works, act can mean nothing, and
it is doubtful whether any group, YESTE+RJAYB
FICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE whatever their likes and dislikes, will YTeXt
JNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN pass over masterpieces, without sup-__
SUMMER SESSION plying the necessary elements to1 com-
she sumermorng except Monday plete the effective impression. Port Arthur'ls Opportunity
The lack of appreciation of things Never again will Port Arthur, Tex-
:d Press is elusively entitled to te autiful which is more evident among as, have such an opportunity. Twenty
republication of all news dispatches the average group of A4mericans than thousand I. W. W.s have started for
t ito not otherwise credited in people of similar circumstances in that city to protest against the al- GRA H AM S°
any other nation, can be traced direct- leged kidnapping of three of their
red at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, ly to lack of experience in using the members. They plan to mobilize in
an, as second class matter. power of Imagination. All it requires Port Arthur and begin a passive re-
cription by carrier or mail, $.o, is a bit of practice and we shall find sistance to law, order and all forms airforces from one coast to another
es: Asta Arbor Press Building. the American cultivating as fine a of -work. They expect to be arrested as a wartime maneuver.
mNunications, if signed as qyidence of sense of the aesthetic as his rival on for vagaency and thus wreck the town
axth will be published in The summer the other side of the Atlantic. which will have to pay for the upkeep The Historian Should Know
at the ,disretion of the E+ditor. Un.
communications will receive no con- of twenty thousand prisoners. We re- H. G. Wells, the optomistic histor-
on. The signature may be omitted in Old "Alfred" of Toasted Rolls fame peat, never again will Port Arthur
tion if A'O'ired by the writer. ThelIao.rentfmadricueha
r Daily does not neeessaly rendorse has long disappeared from his orig- have such a golden opportunity. The ian of recent fame and ridicule, has
itiments expressed in the communica. inal stand in front of "U" hall but we streets in the town and vicinity can venteured forth with the pessimistic
find his two twin brothers working 'be paved, tracks can be relaid, and view of the present situation in Eu-
EDITORIAL STAFF around here now. Alfred Lexis work- water pipes installed. If there are rope. "The situation in Europe today
Telephones 244 and 176-M ing on the Law club and Alfred Long enough jobs in the town, the Indus- is comparable with the situation in
MANAGING 'EDITOR on the heating tunnel. - trial Workers of the World may have ,,i
"HUWARD l A.° DONAUE...... the chance to live up to their name. the first days or August, 1914. We
ditor ............Wiliam Stoneman They say Magnus Johnson Is trying Round them up and put them on the thank Mr. Wells. for his bright out-
Aitora ."......os r lo 'teprsn rss'u ihhs
Robert G Ramsay. to arouse support for his Farmer-Lab- city labor gangs as soon as they ar- look on the present crisis, but with his
Assistants - or party in Michigan too. It appears rive. If the visitors stay long enough intensive history completed, it now
et des Adrew.:Prpperthat the old Northwest Territory is you will see one of the cleanest and appears that he will have to pub-
Heraper Regina Reichman bound to be the pet section for radic- best paved towns in the Union. lish another revised edition, including
y Mitt Margaet Stuart _____p__iat__n._the tales of the Great war which he
Morant Lucy Tolhurst al exploitation.
Alaska and Hospitality is afraid may soon ensue. As Ameri-
3USINESS ^ STAFF It might be a food thing to try that Some' of the smaller Alaska com- cans we begrudge Mr. Wells any furth-
Telephone 96 new "truth telling" dru on the munities have found the' entertainment er work on this volume with the hope
BUSINESS MANAGER and reception of a'distinguished guest that the situation will be cleared up
elcts1. FAUMONT PARKSke President 'Harding a rather x- soon wihout any great breaches
giel M. Rockwell pensive undertaking. Juding fr between the allies.
ton .. ............ L. iercepesvunetkg.Jdng-fo
.. . S. Mrtone reports now -coming in, the Alaskan
.. .John C. Haskinpocket has been amply squeezed and
th Bartholomew George Stracke ;flattened by the visit of the chief exe-. DETROIT UNITED LINES
ne' S. Grifliths"; John A. Barrett -cutiveANN ARBOR TIME TABLE
_EADLINS___ANInoterdayand__ountcitvtheEastern Standard Time
HEADLINES AND In other days and countries, the (Effective July 0o, 1923)
HEADLINES, progress of a King or an Eamperor' Limited 'and Express Cars to Detroit
left a wake of poverty and ruin. Fav- 6:oo a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:0.
ATURDAY, JULY 21, 1923 1am. and hourly until 9:o p.m.
_UNSCONCIOUS H'HUMOR IN THE ors, special taxes, and levies for shelt- Limited Cars to Jackson-8:47 am.,
;ht Editor-H. A DONAHUE' HEADLINES QF THE WORLD'S er and lodging of the huge train of 10:47 a.m., 12:47 p.m., 2:47 Pn.", 4:47
;ht dito-I3 A' ONAi1Ep.m., 6:47 P.m., 8:47 p.m.
PRESS parasites that followed in the train of Fxpress Cars to Jackson (Local stops
#_majesty were destructive to the coun- west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m.t and
WHEN SUNSHINE DIMS every two hours until 9:47 p.m
(Selected by Toasted Rolls) try. But in this case there was no Local Cars to Detroit-7:oo a.m.
''bright morning and you march pomp, no royal cortage, and no need :sp.m., and every two houYsilnti
an eight o'clock lecture with a FIRE? FIRE? for excessive luxury. It is a mistake Only- :4 P.m., :5 a.m. a
Feling of interest and a noble To Dump 700 Tons of Fireproof to confuse lavish spending and hos- and then 12:10 a.m.
gsitalitConnection made at Ypsilanti to
e to get, the most out of the 'Coal in Harbor.-Boston Transcript. pitty, 'Saline and at Wayne to Plymouth and
The "prof" looks good-natured___
nterestingandyou 'take,"anad-HELP? HELPTry Agai
Nurresinnthendey.u-taLandon d-i*y Lieut, Russel Maughan has failed in
Nurse in the Sea.-London Daily hsscn tep osa h ot
eous seat where you can catch his second attempt to span the North
word. As you sit down, you Mail. American continent between dawn and Conbenient Gas and'Odil
pleasant good morning to Smith dusk. He had travelled more than two Get your Gasoline and Oil
ir right and Jones on your left NA sItR H N G Hthirds of the United Statee, a distance at the new station
VIifliams acrss the aisle. Then W A of 1,925 miles, before an oil leak ne-
ake' out your pen, open your is Searched.-The New York World. cessitated the concehlation of the East Unikursity at
book and wait with ambitious flight. Prospect and Vaughn
;ancy. The lecture is about to A H lEW WAY OF DYING it. sgd 7cCrumb,
It was estimated that Maughan H rl
but a few late arrivals cause Driven to Suicide by "Poison" Tele- made an average speed of about 155 Hours:7:30-12: 1:00-6:45
lion and you chafe at the delay, phone CAlls.-Boston Transcript. miles per hour for 13 hours. If the FREE AR
y the "prof" starts speaking. . air service officials permit it, the air- All Staebler Products
are scibbling notes fuiously SAD FRUIT main will make a third attempt. If the
you feel -Adams in back of you Friends of Deceased Were Pallbear air service officials are wise they will
is: foot on the bench in which ies.-Litton .Mail Despatch permit it. It is important to find
re sitting and you get a mental T AND PLENTY OF IT out whether it is possible to move
e of dusty shoes rubbing against
o .'shirt. Your wriggle in your The Prime Ministers Air Statement. Saturday
ut Adams refuses to take the .ondon Daily.Mail.
ad, somewhat aggravated, you, I.EDITORIAL COMMENT SpeCia
. to your work. DOCTOR
th on your right begins to chew . Butter Trading in Nervous Condi-*
with loud smacking relish and -tion.--Chicago ournal of Comnwerce. TRASH
(Harvard Crimson)~
nt disagreeable odor of spear- ______
floats across the room. Jones DIVVYING, EHI 5 J
left as ut completed a dis- Republicans Split with Dry Boss- In 1854, the librarian of the Astor
rtooof a mant ridingd a horse es,-New York Times. . Library, in New York City, writing to
cartoon of a man riding a horse an officer of the Boston Public Library
>w he jogs your elbow and askstastes of the day, be-
reciation. Resolved to keep WHOLLY SMOKE!'o ok n tse ftet ab- -~(
rood natured disposition, you try Premature Burial.- London Daily wailed the fact that "Our young read
lail. rers want nothing but trash-such as
le but the jerk at yourelbow has'Dickens and Thackeray. "Vanity Fair," each
d A bhots of ink from your AW, GWAN! "Pendennis," "The Newcomes," and
intion ofhe .days snotes. i- Reads Paper by Firefly. - Boston "Esmond," had already been publish-
comes a rathedafnotes job. - Transcript., ed; "Oliver Twist," "David Copper-
odsenm inurthes Istill eft ob. field," and "Nicholas Nickleby," to
our an te lcture Ist st fGOOD WOR? mention but a few of the illustrious
into an te treing finish, Killing of Children in Streets Re- list, had appeared some time before.
llgiam acInteresting finish, duced.-The New York World. A hungry myriadd of readers was
Wilias across the aislecsclamoring for mere "trash."' 224 South State
ok, puts away his fountain pen,(I
s for his hat, and starts to shuf-NOT EALLYY! Today Thackeray's position is com-
Sfeet. hAt, lengthrt the iu- -Law in the United States.-London paratively secures and Dickens is still r
s feet. At length the lecture Times, required by English courses-the final
test of true greatness; but of contem-
sun is still shining but not quite 'DIGNITY AT ANY COST poraries one never can tel. The
ghtly asbefore. Your ambition Majestic Surgeons Perform Opera- sage Dr. Johnson refused to give a
s seem long and dull. "Another tion, While Liner Maintains Its Speed. line of Richardson for all Fielding's
-New York Times. novels. Posterity disagrees, although
lay wated." you say to your- * * * O. Henry is far more widely read at
iat evening. Riters of headlines had better took present than Stevenson in complete
heed for the Colymn will not stand contradiction to the views of critics
for sech foolishness from law-abidin' of their day, it is still impossible to '-
matter-of-fact Americans, inter- papers sech as the.above. forecast which will be required in
only in the drab existence of * * ' English 104 in z021 A. D.
onplace ideas and experiences, "That bane, a yoke on me," as Mag- No doubt if it was difficult to decide
pulace of this country has long gie Yonson said when he dropped a in 1770 whether "Humphrey Clinker"
accusedI by its Eulropeap broth- hen froot into his senatorial lap. was a greater masterpiece than "Pa- COMPLEXION POWDER
an utter lack of imagination.. a mela" and whether "the Sentimental
a great continental critic has maginus rites - to know whether Journey" would outlive "Roderick E L E CT the shade best
hat in order to be a true Am- 'Mr. Call-Jimmy has run out of knim- Random," but today matters are infin- ksuited to -your skin-there
one must lose whatever vest- ble sayings for his front page ad daily. itely more .complicated by the hund- is certai be one ta esxad
f hazy uncertainty he possesses. He volunteers the following if such reds of best ,sellers advertised thepply it precisely as directed.
is to achieve the ,great "Amer- be the case , book supplements and the far greater Then go on your way without
deal," realism. "If You Want a Man to Tend Your number of others each termed by some another thought for your -ap-
lism has long dominated in our Furnace Every Morning, let Mr. Call- one the book of the hour. pearance. You.,are assured of
f art. Music has been lacking Jimmy make it hot for you. 960." Perhaps some critic of the next cen- looking your lovely best through
ggestion'which motivated mast- TARIH. tury investigating the dusty, worn vol- hours andou of strenuous
mposers of France and Russia, umes of today will discover a master- ing, o r sots anc-
nposer tic.Itin, working or what you will.
ng has had little signs of the in- Professor Nelson -In England piece which has escaped unsuspected. It needs but one thorough test
ion of a Corot.or a Hale. In lit- Prof. J.. Raleigh Nelson, who is "Tales of the Jazz Age" may turn out to convince you.
e, realistic descriptions have spending the summer abroad, is now to be a second "Decameron" or "Con- A rxm an d Cold Cream
the authors greatest clain to in England, according to word re- tes Droliques;" "Java Head" another Powder in dainty pink
nent fame, in sculpture likewise. ceived here yesterday. " He' is plan- "Moby Dick." , and white box, exqui-
-, however, the trend to futur- ning to spend a short time in Corn- Unfortunately--or perhaps fortun- sitely perfumed, $1.00.
I painting and music in particu- wall, which is his family's old home. ately-there is no time to wait and Other Armand Powders, .
romises to instill a bit of im- Professor Nelson will return to this see, Choose at random and then en- 50 cents to $10.00-white,
ion into the very soul of the country in the fall, so as. to be back joy yourself. At any. rate the book pink, creme, brunette,
can. Without this ability to for the opening of the fall semester. will serve as something to talk about. } and tint natural,
and Supplies for All Colleges
-Both Ends of the Diagonal
' IiYif9s 3149g B tISi6If
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Do you know why Mary's little lamb
Follows her everywhere?
He knows she can't resist the lure
Ofi annor's Ice Cream-rich and pure,
And he wants to get his share!
. .rAs
Better; 'plhon.e
your dealer now
to make sure of
Eat more ice cream during t
hot months. It's more dige
ible than heavier foods - a
fully as nourishing.
But always look for the "Cc
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your guarantee of quality a
Daily Excursion to
:PU =I ,.A
S One Round'Trip
Way (Return Same Day)
$1.25 Sundays
Leaves Detroit Daily 9 (E. T.)
The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for
its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and
dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard.
Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing-
groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's
historic monument.
Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside.
Daily to Sandusky
The Put-in-Bay makes the run through to Sandusky everyday. Fare-$1.50
one way.
Special Friday Excursions to Cedar Point
Aspecial excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival
to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large summer hotels,
groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven
hours at Put-in-Bay!.Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put-in-Bay at 7 p. m.;,
arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point, $1.50 round trip; Put-in-
Bay, $0 cents.
Dancing Moonlights
Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. in.
Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat.,
Sun. and Holidays, 75c.
p -
Write for Map Folder
Ashley & Dustin
Steamer Line
Foot of First Street
Detroit, Mich.
, a C e av
=x .:
"--------s.._. -
B -