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July 11, 1922 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1922-07-11

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No. 16,




Hic ""igan " en" aking"Harks At IAGE DELEGATES
U. S.HAilitary Training Camps



lares College Men Must Uive Best
,of Their Abilties to World's
mphasizing particularly the im-
ance of the railroad in the growth
the United States and in making
country unified, Prof. R. E. Riggs,
the- civil engineering department,
ke yesterday in the Natural
nce auditorium on "Public Utility
blems." tn considering public util-
problems, Professor Riggs brought
the fundamentals that deserve spe-
?ublic utilities," he said, "are of
r recent origin, conseuently the
,tionships with which we are deal-
are very new relationships entire-
nknown in their present form to
fathers. The growth of transport-
a systems, of manufacturing, of
applications of various forms of
er, antL of the development of new
has been absolutely phenomen-
!n the 'last 20 or 30 years; con-
aently we are dealing with amounts
noney, and with properties cover-
an extent of territory and 0 a
nitude undreamed of in the last
Stresses Importance;
the things with which we are
only abgolutely essential .to our
ent civilization, but they make
dible the continued existence of
great cities and the continued ac-
r of the American continent. These
-ices are rendered iy men-just
nary human beings, and the great
orations reflect in their manage-
.t, .the kind of. men in control.
Y, are well run or badly run, pub-
spirited or selfish, distinctly good,
iocre or bad, just depending upon
t sort of human nature is directing
ofessor Riggs indicated the .rail-
is as the oldest public utilities,
x their origin almost 100 years
the telephone, the telegraph, elec-
light, electric traction, the appli-
on of electric power, the improve-
ts and the extensions of the use
kas and water are developments
ef have come within the last 50
s.; The growth of the automobile
come within the last 20 years.
)utlines Utilities Development
ofessor Riggs went on to show
developments of commissions to
late and control railroads and
r public utilities. Ne pointed out
these measures were based on
lish common law decisions "which
upon the principle that where
ness is of such a nature that it
ssential, and of such a character
the individual can not eigage in
r himself, the government has the
t to regulate when competition
5 to do so. In other words when
approach a condition of monopoly
government controls and regu-
speaking of the work of Univer-
men in relation to these prob-
, Professor Riggs stated, "It seems
ne absolutely essential that' col-
men bring to this task their best
ties, as it is only through the
peration of disinterested students
iffairs such are are to be found
hie universities that we may hope
each that middle ground to which
ferred as our goal." In this con-
ion he spoke of the work of such
ligan men as Judge Thomas M.
ey, Hency C. Adams, and Morti-

Michigan men are "making their
marks" in the summer camps at Fort
Monroe, Va., Aberdeen, Md., and Camp
Custer, Mich., says Prof. Robert Ar-
thur, of the department of military
science 'and tactics. Michigan has a
total of 44 men attending these camps,
which have been in session since June
15 and will close July 27.
With 26 men in the C. A. C. at Fort
Monroe, Michigan has the third larg-
est attendance among the schools rep-
resented there. The work at this camp
consists of atrillery drill and artillery
targ-et practice. The men are trained
in the use of eight inch railroad how-
itzers, 155 mm. tractor rifles, and 12
inch fixed rifles and mortars. Rifle
Acts of Violence Numerous in South
and Middle West; -Exra
Deputies Appointed
(By Associated Press)
Washington, July 10.-Attorey Gen-
eral Daugherty announced after a
conference with President Harding
that he had within the last few days
authorized the appointment of a num-
ber of deputy marshals in the Middle
West, where disorders arising from
the strike have occurred and he add-
ed that "tis- policy will be continued
wherever .justified and required."
Chicago, July 10.-A crucial stage of
the railroad strike was reached to-
day-the tenth since shopmen's na-
tion-wide walkout.
National guardsmen were on duty
in Illinois and under arms in four
other states, United States marshals
were in charge of law enforcement at
various points, the Michigan state po-
lice were ordered prepdred for duty
while at other rail centers the roads
relied upon federal injunctions and
local authorties for protection and
attempts to operate shops.
Roundhouse whistles shrieked the
final railroad ultimatums cancelling
seniority and pension rights of strik-
ers who refused to return to the shops
The day brought ominpus forecasts
of impending crisis at many points as
trouble bewed among the workers.
New acts of violence occurred at scat-
tei-ed points and others were feared
as the situation grew tense.
Authority Collapses
Stat troops patrolled the Illinois
Central yards and shops. at Clinton,
Ill., while at Bloomington, Ill., city
and county officials, admitting the
collapse of civil authority and ex-
pecting further trouble in the Chica-
go and Alton shops, awaited action by
Lieutenant Governor Sterling on thedr
appeal for troops.
A new appeal to the acting govern-
or was made by Mayor Jones and
Sheriff Morrison late last night. They
declared the strike situation was out
of their control. National Guard
companies were mobilied in Missouri,
Kansas, California and Indiana.
Officials of the Missouri Pacific an-
nounced the annuliment of 30 passen-
ger trains on the cosipany's eastern
divisions, stating that trains on other
divisions probably would be discon,
tinued at the same time.
Two workmen for the Missouri Pa-
cific at Monroe, La., were fired upon
and wounded. A former employe was

arrested, charged with the shooting.
In most places where appeals for
troops were made the strikers said all
possible efforts would be made to pre-
serve order and they denounce the
calls for troops.
At Knoxville, Tenn. ,a policeman
and a Negro striker exchanged 30
shots in a running pistol fight which
resulted in no casualties. The Negro
surrendered when his ammunition ran

practice is being completed now. Mich- WILL ST ND FIRM
igan holds second place in marksman-
ship, 15 per cent of those shooting I'IH
. having qualified. Major Shippam and BEanIP.LuRUSSIANS
Captain H. P. Faust are on the staff
Only two men are at the Aberdeen, LEAST TEMPORARILY
Md., proving grounds. Work herd con-
sists chiefly of shop work in the ars- ~N FROM CONCLAVE
enal, and proof-firing new guns at the
proving grounds. The men at Aber- SUCCESS DEPENDS ON
deen this summer will have the op- ATTITUDE OF SOVIET
portunity of testing the new 16 inch
cost defense gun and carriage which
has just been completed. This gun British Leader. Declares Settlement
has a normal range of 30 miles, and Will Be Made or Reason Given
is said to exceed the famous German for Failure
"Big Berthas" in power. Major J. A.
Brooks represents Michigan on the
staff. (ByAssociated Press)
Infantry manoeuvers and marks- The Hague, July 10.-The European
manship are the chief courses of in- delegates, under instructions from
struction. at Camp Custer \vhere 16 their governments, decided this after-
men are enrolled. Specialist instruc- noon to adopt a united front on all
tion is given in the use of infantry questions before the Russian confer-
weapons, machine guns, automatic ence, or particularly on the treatment
rifles, trench mortars and grenades. of confiscated property.
Two men have qualified in pistol A definite plan of action has been
marksmanship, .which is particularly agreed upon and includes the putting
difficult. of specific questions to the Russian
Signalling and communication engi- delegates relative to the restitution of
neering, under which are included property, on which their attitude is
wire laying and radio, are also im- declared to be unsatisfactory. Upon
portant divisions of the work, the answer depends whether the con-
Capt. F. E. Collins, Capt. Y. W. ference can continue.
Hoorn, and Capt. W. C. Lousell are The French delegates say there is
in charge at Camp Custer. Captain no question about their withdrawing
Collins will return to Ann Arbor at for the present. Sir Philip Lloyd-
the termination of the R. 0. T. C. Greane, head of the British delega-
camp July 27, but Captains Hoor tion, said tonight: "We must bring
and Louisell will remain to give in- about a settlement, or, failing that,
struction at the Citizens' Military must obtain a complete exposition of
Training camp from Aug. 2 to Sept. the facts as to why a settlement Is
2. L. S. Selling, '22, is in the hospital impossible. Obviously wehcannot con-
with a broken arm. He will also be tinue indefinitely and there are is-
retained as instructor in the C. M. T. sues on which we cannot proscrasti-
camp after his release from the hos- nate."
Second Faculty
E.W, PENDLE1TON, 72, D IES Concert To Se
Funeral services for Edward\ Waldo. William. Wheeler, tenor, and Mrs.
Pendleton, '72, of Detroit, who died in George B. Rhead, pianist, both the
Ann Arbor at 5 o'clock Sunday morn- cuo f th ool of nus have
chosen.,the following numbers for
ing after a prolonged illness of sev- their appearances at the compliment-
eral months, will be held at the res- ary recital in Hill auditorium, at 8
idence of Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge, 1523 o'clock Wednesday evening. Both of
Washtenaw avenue, at 10 o'clock these artists have appeared so many
Wednesday morning. .times in Ann Arbor and have made
Bedesd being one of the leading such pleasing impressions that it is
Besids eingDtrd one of the gunnecessary to comment upon their
lawyers in Detroit and one of theariry
most prominent attorneys in ~"the T .
state, Mr. Pendleton has always been' The generalcpubih is cordially in--
active'in Michigan's alumni affairs it to attend, except that small chil-
actie ins ichgany'sth alumni affa| dren, for obvious reasons, cannot be
mittee which made the Alumni Me- admittd. Children who are studying
morial hallmbuilding possible music, however, may upon application
Mr. Plendleton came to Michigan at the offie of the School of Music
from Bowdoin college and entered the The proa
University in 1870, graduating from The program:
the Literary college two years later. An ante and Varations, F minor
After leaving here he went to Owosso, ...........................Haydn
where he was superintendent of Mrs. George B. Rhead......
schools for the next two years, and Folk Songs from the Hebrides..r
then returned to Michigan to take a (Collected and Arranged by Mar-
course in the Law school, from jory Kennedy-Fraser)
which he graduated four years after. Kishmul's Galley
Mr. Pendleton was born in Camden, Milking Croon
Me. He is survived by his widow Pirate Song
and three sisters. The Seagull of the Land-under-
Bottachan (the little old man)
CABOT WILL NWillia~Wheeler
Prelude, G major ....Rachmaninoff
ErdeD ...fat ...............Liszt
' ia d n . ...... .... Raff
Mrs. Rhead
By the Pool.............Burleig
"The Safety of Surgical Operations" A Slumber Song .........Hartmann
will be the subject of the lecture Love is a Bubble...........Allitsen

which is to be given by Dean Hugh Lillacs........ ......Kernochan
Cabot, of the Medical school, at 8 The Foggy Dew .............Loomis
o'clock this evening in the Natural Mr. Wheeler
Science auditorium. Mrs. George B. Rhead, Accompanist.
In speaking on this topic yesterday
afternoon, Dean Cabot declared that 9
he would speak on the progressive Yesterday' eGames
safety of surgical operations during -
the last 2 years. He staes that "as a American League
rule it is possible to decide in advance
with great accuracy in regard to the
risk of operations." It is Dean Ca-, St. Louis 3, Boston 4.
bot's opinion that the trouble with Chicago 2, Philadelphia 5.
most persons wren thinking of oper-
ations is that they are too apt to be National League

E{ .

All records were broken by the en-
rollment at the summer session of the
University of Wisconsi'n which open-
ed last week.
Up to the fourth day of the session,
4,610 students had enrolled, as com-
pared with 4,400 at the middle of the
second week last summer, and the
number was increasing each day.
As the early enrollment is almost
250 more than that of last year, it is7
expected that the final enrollment
will exceed by several hundred the
final total of 4,557 last summer.
The Wisconsin, summer session
ranked third in enrollment among the
universities of the country last sum-
mer, exceeded only by Collumbia and
European Nations Anxiously Watb1
for Outcome of Financial f
(By Associated Press)
Paris, July 10.-A proposal provid-
ing for the payment of all the re-
maining cash installmens due this
year, provided Germany is granted at
moratorium of at least two years, was
brought to Paris today by German
representatives, according to unoffi-
cial information which reached the
reparation commission.
London, July 10.-'Germany's finan-
cial crisis continues t be a subject
of paramount concern in the Britist
press which today discusses the ques-
tion exhaustively, stressing the dan-
ger confronting the w'hole -of i Eu-
According to the Daily T~elranh's1
diplomatic l7' t .e alies may de-
cide to invite an immediate reassem
bling of the international bankers'
.committee, which met recently int
Paris, granting it the fullest powersl
of recommendation on all aspects ofE
the reparations problem.
Varying the program from visiting v
Detroit industries, summer school:
students will take a pleasure trip to.
Belle Isle and. Windsor tomorrow.
Belle Isle will undergo an inspection
of its important details suchas the
outdoor zoo, the casino, the acquar-s
ium,. and the botanical gardens. a
In addition to visiting the Detroits
playground park, the party will seer
the new Detroit-to-Canada bridges
which is now under construction and
will be able to see how a structureP
:of this size is put up. Before the boatE
ride fron-lower Woodward to BelleI
Isle, the tourists will take a short
.trip to Windsor.-
Foreign students are requested to
bring their passports to facilitate
-identification and passage to Canada.
The excrefion will leave the Pack-
ard and Sate street station at 1
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, July 12.
.On the return trip cars will leave
at 7:30 o'clock the same day to arrive

at Ann Arbor at 9:30 o'clock. Those1
who expect to take the trip should
drop their names in the box in Room
.'8, University Hall, before 6 o'clock
Tuesday evening, July 11, in order
to make arrangements for the special
Meetings of the Choral Union are
being held every Tuesday and Thurs-
day evening at 7 o'clock at the School
of Music.
These meetings are open to the
campus, and the cast fro "The Banner
of Saint George," by Elgar, to be giv-
en Aug. 2 in Hill auditorium will be
chosen from those who are most re-

Union'Leaders and Mine Heads I
All-Day Conferences at the
White House "
(By Associated Press
Washington, July 10. - Presi
Harding today placed before lea
of employees and employers of
anthractite and bituminous mine fil
a government plan for settling
coal strike. It called for immed
resumption of work by miners now
at wage rates of March 31, last,
fixing a permanent wage level by
bitration, and for an investigatio
recommend a solution of permat
problems in the coal industry.
Delegates Delay Answers
All representatives of the gro
concerned have tonight delayed
finite answers to the proposal.
ion officials informed the Presic
they had no power to givesaccept
or, refusal, and would summon
general policy committee of the Un
Mine Workers of America here fa-
day to consider the matter.
A day of conferences at the W
House and at other offices wth- s
retary Hoover, Davis,- and Attor
General Daugherty participating,
taken to bring matters to this st:
Men Favor Own Plan
-Alfred M. Ogle, chairman of
bitration plan they had offered
that his associates considered an
bitartion plan they had offered
week, for the settlements, "the h
and nearest way" to get the mines
ened, but John L. Lewis, presiden
the union, left this "as obsolete in
light of the President's propos
Anthractie operators, although
committee was three times at
White. House, maintained silence.'
Both'the bituminous and anhra
sections of the general conference
the coal industries had indicate
d4adlock today before President H
ing br~ought forard the arbitral
plan. "The government, concer
with coal production sufficient to m
the industrial and trnsportatin
quirements of the country," he s
"desired to have production resum
Harding Proposes Settlement
He proposed that mine wor
should return on the old wage p
and that a commission of five re
sentatives of the people, three of
miners, and three of the operat
should fix before Aug. 10 a tempor
wage scale to be held in effect u
March 3, 1923. If its deliberati
should not result in a scale by 1
10, he Prsident suggested that
wage level at the time work was s
ped should continue until a new s
was ready.
"In addition, the commission p
posed," the President said, "should
vestigate exactly the every phase
the coal industry and reveal e
cost of production and transpo

tion." Congress would be asked,
was added, to make appropriat
to finance and authorize its work.
"I have taken this short cut to
prevention of operations because I
lieve it is in the interest of the p
lic welfare," the President conc
ed. "When two great forces do
agree, there must be a peaceful
to adjustment, and such arbitra
opens the way."


ds Potent Factors
on Professor Riggs said,
States, as a nation owes
its freedom from clan
o the fact that just as the
gan to move back from



More acts are neede(
Summer Spotlight, wl
be heldJuly 27 in Hil
ium. Anyone whQ ha
or an idea for one is

r Floyd, a Baltimore
echanic, was in a hospit

and ,satisfied with vague
al as the subject instead of
by six curate scientific knowl

seeking the
edge which


Boston 0, Chicago 4.
Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 11.
Brooklyn 1, St. Louis 4.
New York 4, 19, Pittsburg 5, 2.

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